Start the Week 20th January 2025

Just how much hatred will the BBC show for President Trump inauguration ? On the same day the Stockport Trial begins – along with that of a Labour councillor allegedly threatening death to non Muslims .. a good day to bury bad news …?

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431 Responses to Start the Week 20th January 2025

  1. tomo says:

    I am not responsible for any toenail ripping consequent from viewing this.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Tyranny – Davos or Westminister?

      “Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”

      “Rachel Reeves SNUBBED At Davos World Economic Forum”


  2. pugnazious says:

    Lol…Brendan O’Neill….obviously isn’t listening to the BBC or Times Radio where TDS is alive and kicking still….

    ‘ There’s one part of the Trump phenomenon that hasn’t quite managed a comeback. It was notable by its absence as The Donald was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States today.

    It’s TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump might be back on top but the wailing haters who followed him around like a bad stink in 2016 are nowhere to be seen.

    Anti-Trump hysteria was such a central feature of his first presidency that it feels weird to see him retake the White House without thousands of woke weirdos fainting in the streets.’

    Just had to listen to Nicky Campbell as a Pakistani heritage man told him he’d vote Trump especially as his treatment had been the same as Imran Khan with every dirty trick in the book used to try and bring them down. Campbell said he fully understood and sympathised with Khan’s situation but then went on the attack about Trump….Campbell denying there was a campaign against him when blatantly there was a massive orchestrated campaign [which included the BBC] to depose him….Campbell also insisted a Trump supporting woman caller ‘can’t say that’ trying to suggest what she’d said wasn’t true…but she stuck to her guns and didn’t back down….after all what she said was true.

    They’ll never get over Trump just as they’ll never get over Brexit.


  3. tomo says:

    I found it !

    An original Rotherham cartoon that I’ve been looking for for ages….



  4. tomo says:



  5. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC has blocked comments on this.

    “UK Home Secretary Yvette Cooper announces public inquiry into Southport attack so families of victims “can get answers””


    • Zephir says:

      For a start, it’s YOU and your OWN mob we want many of the bloody answers from Cooper .


    • MarkyMark says:

      5 reports later — 0 action ….

      “Prof Jay said the first of these reports was “effectively suppressed” because senior officers did not believe the data. The other two were ignored, she said.

      The inquiry team found that in the early-2000s when a group of professionals attempted to monitor a number of children believed to be at risk, “managers gave little help or support to their efforts”.

      The report revealed some people at a senior level in the police and children’s social care thought the extent of the problem was being “exaggerated”.”


      ** from above.


  6. Zephir says:

    Verhofstadt is upset;

    “America, as a liberal empire, is no more.
    Welcome to a new era of US governance by oligarchy, where billionaire members of Mar-a-Lago decide US policy. ”

    Erm, WEF Davos:

    World Economic Forum founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, explores the answers to these questions in his latest book, “Stakeholder Capitalism”.

    And, he finds new ways of doing things that can help build the future and put us on a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable path. What these solutions share, is their adherence to the “stakeholder model”. In it, various stakeholders of an economy don’t only look after their own interests, but that of society as whole, leading to a system of “stakeholder capitalism”. It contrasts to present systems where the interests of a single stakeholder prevail, such as shareholder capitalism, or state capitalism.”


  7. Zephir says:

    Video of orders signed here.

    (Spoiler alert, a Whitehouse first in four years: He knows what he is signing and is compos mentis) :

    “Trump pardons ALL Jan 6 rioters and declares Mexican drug cartels ‘terrorists’ in first White House press conference”


  8. Zephir says:



  9. Zephir says:

    The stunning hidden messages in Trump’s inauguration speech that left Biden humiliated… and proved America has finally woken from its wintry slumber.



  10. Zephir says:



  11. Zephir says:

    “Never mind whether or not he actually touched that Bible. At 12.01pm Eastern Standard Time, the invisible pulse of power surged from the battered volume into those five frankly normal-sized digits of the right hand of Donald John Trump.

    And it happened. Sitting feet away in the rotunda of the Capitol building I saw the moment the world’s wokerati had worked so hard to prevent.

    I saw the resurrection of the man they despised and reviled – the second inauguration that so many believed was morally, politically, legally, perhaps even biologically, impossible.

    In taking that oath – with Melania by his side in her blue boater – Donald Trump became not just the 45th but also the 47th president and completed the most spectacular political comeback of all time.

    ‘The impossible is what we do best,’ he said, and to prove the point he cited, naturally, his own career – his astonishing political revival. Looking at the facts, it is hard to disagree.

    This is a 78-year-old man who has beaten umpteen legal cases against him, most of them vexatious and all of them purely designed to keep him off the ballot. He has fought day in, day out for four years to reclaim the presidency.

    He has spoken at hundreds of rallies and public events, weaving his monologues until he is hoarse with the effort. He has tweeted inexhaustibly in his own inimitable voice.

    He has reached out to groups that distrusted him – and gradually won them round.
    By dint of a phenomenal work ethic, and a refusal to give up, he has become only the second man in history to serve two non-consecutive terms as president.

    In November he became the first Republican in 20 years to win the popular vote.

    Above all, he showed his mettle when he missed death by a millimetre, as a high-velocity bullet hit his ear at a rally in Pennsylvania.

    Which of us would have the guts to get up – as he did – and with blood-streaked face urge his supporters to ‘fight, fight, fight’?

    But it isn’t just the rich who are turning to Trump – and it certainly wasn’t the rich who turned out in their droves yesterday in the vicinity of the Capitol, in temperatures of minus three, to wave their red Maga flags and to catch a glimpse of their hero.

    For hundreds of millions of Americans, the orange-quiffed billionaire is a man who sees things as they do – and who shares their pain and their anxieties. He is also a man who can truly get things done.
    They believe he can defeat the drugs cartels, and fix the problem of illegal immigration.

    They believe him when he says he can make America respected around the world.”


    • vlad says:

      Is the above by BoJo?

      He was once as rude, sniffy and patronising towards Trump as the rest of our snobbish elites.


  12. andyjsnape says:

    its the FAR RIGHT again

    Far-right group exposed in undercover BBC investigation

    bbc quotes, Dame Sara Khan – who is an activist and writes for the Guardian but the bbc doens’t tell you this

    And also quotes Barrister Ramya Nagesh, nice English sounding names, the country is lost to foreigners


  13. JohnC says:

    It seem my latest early morning game of reading the BBC front page and seeing how it would take to find something negative about Trump is going to be very short lived. It’s just too easy.
    Today on the ‘live feed’, third paragraph down – they ran the headline :
    ‘Despite a rocky relationship, Pence showed up for Trump’s inauguration’
    That should be it. It’s nothing whatsoever about Pence. But of course the BBC can’t resist re-hashing an old story when it suits their agenda and insist on te-telling us what he said:
    ‘Pence said Trump’s words “endangered [his] family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know history will hold [him] accountable.”’
    The astute reader will realise this was SEVEN YEARS after the actual riots and when Pence was launching his own Presidential campaign. Hardly ‘from the heart’ was it BBC ?.


    • Zephir says:

      Anything about what Clinton said when running against Obama ? or what Harris said about Biden when running against him ?????

      “The battle for the Democratic nomination became increasingly bitter last night as frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama engaged in the most vicious exchanges yet seen in a televised debate.

      The two traded personal attacks after a brief discussion of US economic woes. Obama said he had been working in the slums of Chicago while Clinton “was a corporate lawyer sitting on the board of WalMart”. Clinton retaliated that Obama had represented a slum landlord.

      Obama repeatedly claimed he had been a victim of a campaign of dishonest tactics by the Clinton campaign over the past month. The audience booed Clinton when she said Obama never gave a straight answer.”

      “Hillary Clinton apologised to Barack Obama last night after one of her advisers attempted to highlight the past drug use of her main rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.”

      ““I do not believe you are a racist,” Harris said, looking directly at the former vice-president. “But, it is personal and it was actually hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country.” Biden labelled the accusation “a mischaracterisation of my position”.

      “The standout moment in either of the first two Democratic primary debates was unquestionably the showdown between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden over school desegregation. Harris came prepared with her own story being bused to an integrated school as a young girl and attacked Biden over his fond recollections of being friendly with the vicious racist James Eastland.

      Naturally, this has the Biden camp on the defensive. “We can be proud of her nonetheless, but her ambition got it wrong about Joe,” former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (D-Il.) told Politico. But this is an absolute crock — on the contrary, Harris barely scratched the surface of Biden’s awful civil rights record.”


  14. Doublethinker says:

    I have greatly enjoyed watching and reading the reaction of the woke globalist commentariat and the comments of some readers of the Telegraph and Spectator.
    I had expected that some new ways of attacking or rubbishing Trump and his MAGA agenda might be on display but this wasn’t the case. Instead we got the same old stuff that we have had for eight years.
    They don’t seem to have read Einstein’s definition of insanity and just keep on repeating their tired old mantra of Orange Man Bad .
    I did particularly enjoy the reaction of the Globalist Wokerati to Trump when he announced binning the Net Zero stuff, returning the US to the sanity of just the two biological genders, burying DEI , gearing up for mass deportations and pulling out of the WHO .
    Their crazy little world has been reduced to a smoking pile of rubble , rather like Gaza, in just a thirty minute speech. Not bad going and there is more to come.
    Well done Donald . Please don’t forget us in the UK.


  15. Zephir says:

    RE Gaza

    Anyone else notice how cameras caught them all emerging from near to hospitals ?

    And, note to the Met and other police forces, it seems muslims are in favour of the shooting and torture of starving food looters…

    “The barbarity of Hamas: Terror group celebrates ceasefire ‘victory’ amid the rubble… while Gazans living under their brutal rule are shot for stealing flour and tortured in prison.”


    • Guest Who says:

      In crisp, laundered uniforms and a/c black balaclavas and shiny RPGs?

      Yes, it was noted.

      Not by the same MSM that missed Katushyas launching from hotel foyers back in the day, though.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Is Syria free now? No news is good news!


  16. vlad says:

    No doubt it’s pure coincidence that the trial of Southport killer Axel Rudakubana was on the same day as Trump’s inauguration, which dwarfed all other news.

    And how convenient that his sudden guilty plea means there’ll be no further inquiry into the case, or revelations which threatened to be highly embarrassing to certain people in high places.

    Lucky old Starmer, eh?


  17. tomo says:

    David Beckham awarded prize by WEF

    I shit ye not


  18. Zephir says:

    And here please, we seem to lead the world in this:

    “Trump plans with ‘broad investigation’ into Biden admin’s censorship of free speech and ‘weaponization’ of the law.

    Donald Trump issued two executive orders launching investigations into Joe Biden’s White House over institutional censorship and weaponization of law enforcement.

    The president signed at least 78 bills on Monday overturning various declarations and orders given out by his predecessor.

    Trump ordered that no federal officer, employee or agent may unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen, an early step toward his campaign promise to dismantle what he called government ‘censorship’ of U.S. citizens.

    The president´s executive order, issued just hours after he was sworn in to a second term, comes after Trump and his supporters have accused the federal government of pressuring social media companies to take down lawful posts over concerns around misinformation.

    The order also instructs the attorney general, in consultation with other executive agency heads, to investigate how federal government actions over the four years of the Biden administration could have infringed on free speech and propose ‘remedial actions’ based on the findings.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Why not just lock Mark Zuckerberg up – lead of censorship?

      “Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.

      The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.

      Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.

      Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wonder how many federal swamp dwellers retired on 20 january ?

      Drain the swamp .

      I wonder when the first white house press conference is ? I bet the donald turns up ..


  19. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC demonstrating its very own Trump Derangement Syndrome

    First review of the papers and JustRemainIn Webb got his papers, iirc, wrong ascribing the the Daily Star’s front page to the i instead. The Daily Star appears to believe in God taking a phrase from the inauguration ceremony: “so help me God”.


  20. Sluff says:

    On Toady this morning, JustRemInin talked about ‘handing the Chagos islands BACK to Mauritius’.
    I can’t see that these islands ever were part of Mauritius, and you’d have to go back an awful long way, pre 1814, to show the UK was not entitled to them, whatever the twerps at the U.N. might say.
    So what we have is the BBC as anti British anti colonialists. They’ll be having documentaries on £ billions of reparations any time soon.


  21. atlas_shrugged says:

    We hear that the child slaughterer was referred to the Prevent program 3 times. This showing how useless the program is and a waste of public money.

    A single report to a prevent type agency needs to trigger instant re migration.

    Here is an accurate description of what is going on up and down the country:

    And as I type some robot dylek is speaking on the radio

    … 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1



    • Fedup2 says:

      Atlas – sounds like the ‘prevent ‘ programme is 8-4 – weekends off – work from home – work life balance DEI and is infiltrated by Muslim ‘extremists ‘ …. Like the rest of the system …

      TTK is blah blah ing about why the state lied – concealed – subverted the truth in the name of protecting Islam ….


  22. Fedup2 says:


    I could have almost felt sorry for our Justin … but didn’t – he’s as much an enemy of freedom as his bbc … anyway – he sounded punch drunk over what the true president has already done …..
    They don’t know where to start on the criticism – the release of 1500 political j6 prisoners seems an easy one for them ..
    But not so much what Biden did on his last day – what is fauchi and milley and the others pardoned for ? A news broadcaster would explain … but not the far left bbc of course …

    I think they are shocked that president trump is looking at sissy things like saving taxpayer money or expecting fairness to America –
    I really hope he stops overseas aid – unless there is a benefit to the US …

    But think of the difference to what the US voters have done versus the misery of Britain


  23. MarkyMark says:

    “Rudakubana had been referred not once, but three times to the Prevent anti-extremism programme, with social services and police all aware of his ‘deep and dark’ interest with extreme violence. ”

    Labour to change the PREVENT to ENABLE – problem solved.


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Here are the recommendations of the inquiry into Southport – published / kept secret – in 2030 …..

    1 it was terrible – thoughts prayers
    2 it was a one off
    3 although the kid was evil nothing could be done
    4 something needs censoring
    5 some freedom must be removed
    6 no one was responsible
    7 court rules are more important that the truth
    8 the CPS is more important than the public
    9 … lessons .. will be …er … forgotten

    The recommendations of a real public inquiry would probably render me liable to inciting something …. So I can’t write them ..but a clue – a Somalian Islamic terrorist is not a kid from Cardiff

    And as I write – another teenage Islamic terrorist is reading his AQ handbook in order to produce more – and better -ricin – maybe for use in a school or church or synagogue …


    • MarkyMark says:

      £117m to protect UK mosques and Muslim schools from hate attacks
      11 March 2024


      £10 million to look into mass rape of children! MASS RAPE!


    • Zephir says:

      No. 10 :

      Never forget, the real threat to the UK is the far right.

      That 14 year old sitting in his bedroom with a copy of Mein Kampff on his bookshelf.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “That 14 year old sitting in his bedroom with a copy of Mein Kampff on his bookshelf.”

        Mein Kampf sales soar in Turkey

        “Obviously we’re very concerned,” Ivo Molinas, one of Turkey’s 25,000 Jews, said in Istanbul. “This is a democratic country and the book can’t be banned, but it would be good if the Turkish government openly said they don’t like it being sold. Unfortunately, there has been no such approach.”


  25. Deborah says:

    I tried listening to the heavily trailed 8.30 lecture by sanctimonious Starmer this morning. After a very short time I gave up. Of course it wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t tell us it was a terror attack because it would have prejudiced the trial. Does that mean that the press can never tell us what people are charged with for the same reason. Alison Pearson in the Telegraph this morning wrote that Starmer spent 19 SECONDS laying flowers at Southport. He spent several minutes this morning whining how he is better than the rest of us.


    • MarkyMark says:


      Starmer – “It’s wrong to say only women can have Cervix.”
      Starmer – “Davos or Westminister? Davos all the time, Westminister is too constrained.”
      Starmer – “New UK target for 81% emissions cut by 2035″
      Starmer – ” I will tread more lightly (WITH BIGGER BOOTS) on the lives of voters”


  26. Zephir says:

    Couldn’t have said it better myself:

    “The 45th and now 47th president took the oath of office Monday promising a ‘revolution of common sense.’ Predictably, the mainstream media punditry couldn’t contain their disgust.

    There’s nothing they hate more than sound judgment.

    ‘How is this happening in America?’ lamented MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, before Trump’s swearing-in.

    ‘It is very hard for me to look at this spectacle of the takeover of the United States by a base mentality of greed and corruption,’ ranted her colleague, Joy Reid.

    The subtext of their commentary: How could the American people be so dumb?

    That tells you everything you need to know about why the Left is in utter shambles – nothing more than a dejected bunch of backward-looking, narrow-minded scolds, perennially revolted by their fellow Americans. And obsessed with creating narratives that simply don’t exist.

    The unhinged effort to brand Musk a Nazi for expressing his gratitude to the crowd at Trump’s afternoon rally is evidence that these liberal loons haven’t learned a damn thing – always primed to condemn, censor, even smear.

    Meanwhile, the Republican Party, at Trump’s direction, has constructed a big tent – one large enough for RFK Jr and Elon Musk and the average shift worker. For the frat bros and the married women. For the young and old. For both genders and all races.

    Trump’s GOP represents the broad middle of America – and his hysterical enemies are the people you slowly inch away from at a cocktail party. The entire ethos of the modern Democratic Party is veiny red faces, bulging eyes and blood-pressure cuffs, obsessed with maligning Trump’s character while never bothering to examine the flaws in their own leadership.

    For years they’ve called Trump a corrupt grifter. They were delighted when a Manhattan kangaroo court convicted him of 34 felony counts in a case that should have (and would have) never been charged had the defendant’s name not been Trump.

    Well, they should – at long last – take a good hard look in the mirror.

    For just minutes before Trump’s inauguration as Biden slinked out of The White House for the last time, he of ‘no one is above the law’ and ‘restore the soul of the nation’ rhetoric dropped a bombshell for the ages by pre-emptively pardoning nearly his entire family.

    Up until the very end, Biden reminds us that everything he has said about Trump – that he’s a corrupt, self-interested liar who is only interested in the presidency to profit from it – was more of a confession than anything else.”


  27. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Heard on bbbc radio newcastle this morning, a commentator mentioning the pardons for those imprisoned for ambling into the building (rioters storming the building as bbbc reports it)

    “A convicted convict freeing other convicted convicts”


    • Zephir says:

      That would be the FBI ….

      “Twenty-six FBI CHSs were in Washington, D.C. on January 6 in connection with the events of January 6.

      The OIG determined that three of those CHSs had been tasked by FBI field offices to report on specific domestic terrorism case subjects who were possibly attending the events of January 6. One of these three CHSs entered the Capitol during the riot. The other two entered the restricted area around the Capitol.

      Twenty-three additional FBI CHSs were in Washington, D.C., and attended January 6 events, but we determined that these CHSs did so on their own initiative and were not tasked by FBI field offices to attend the events. Of these 23 CHSs, three CHSs entered the Capitol during the riot and an additional 11 entered the restricted area around the Capitol.”


  28. Fedup2 says:

    Zephir – I guess it is the nature of human belief / thinking that makes it weird to listen to the like of ‘our Justin ‘ talk about the J6 . They believe – want to believe – know – that 2020 was a fair election .
    So his explanation of J6 and everything afterwards is just false . The US voters knew the truth … they could smell that a wrong had been done . Otherwise they would not have given Trump a second go – particularly with the overwhelming media and lawfare onslaught . They knew that smelt too .
    I got it wrong . I really thought Obama would steal it again – but did not take in ‘too big to steal’.

    At the end of ‘today ‘ our Justin decided that the tech billionaires would fall out with trump because they are ‘not true Americans ‘ – they are globalists – how that desperate wishful thinking consumes the BBC …


    • MarkyMark says:

      “decided that the tech billionaires ” – cheap energy and a big work force plus a country that embraces tech.


  29. andyjsnape says:

    Starmer says ‘terrorism has changed’ and that UK faces ‘new threat’ after Southport murders

    Apparently its changed, or has he only just woke up


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘terrorism has changed’

      1400 raped kids?
      22 blown up?

      Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations–2

      MI5 had 40,000 jihadists on its terror watchlist. Sounds quite a lot…

      “As of July 2024, the British Army had 109,086 personnel, including regular full-time soldiers, Gurkhas, and reserve personnel. This makes the British Army the largest branch of the UK’s armed forces, which also includes the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force.”

      109,086 personnel, including regular full-time soldiers … 40,000 on terror watch list.


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:


        40,000 on terrorist watchlist.

        I seem to remember back when I was younger that if there had been just one terrorist on the loose in the UK there would have been a Nationwide manhunt for him.


        • MarkyMark says:

          HA HA in 2017 – “”There are names that are down as extremists and we’ve been told there are more than 20,000 of those in the UK, but they are not watched all the time.”

          but they are not watched all the time.
          but they are not watched all the time.
          but they are not watched all the time.

          2017 – 20K
          2025 – 40K

          Uk gov got a 50% increase!


          • atlas_shrugged says:

            To watch one single terrorist requires:

            Team of 20 with eyes on
            Team of 40 resting and on holiday
            Team of 60 working from home
            Team of 80 recovering from STRESS
            Team of 100 suing employer for discrimination

            Equals 300 civil serpants to watch one terrorist

            bBC Verified Fact (c) 2025


          • moggiemoo says:

            Isn’t that a 100% increase?


  30. Flotsam says:

    I’m hoping Trump pardons Derek Chauvin, the Police Officer convicted of killing George Floyd. Even Trump hasn’t dared to so far, the rioting would be off the scale. He might have to postpone doing it until he steps down.


    • vlad says:

      I had the same thought. Of course the left-wing media (which is all of them) would go ballistic. But what a sight to see that would be.
      Poor man, crucified for doing his job. The criminal Floyd died of an overdose, then the show trial, rigged from the start.



  31. Lucy Pevensey says:

    The hivemind has had their current update. They are all going with – ‘A different form of terrorism’ ‘a new kind of terrorism’

    “Indeterminate Terror”

    It’s the latest phase in Operation Shield Islam.
    And of course themselves.

    The cover up continues.


    • Zephir says:

      Blame the internet.. :

      ‘That is not just the laws on terrorism, the framework on terrorism, it’s also the laws on what we can access online.

      ‘We still have rules in place in this country about what you can see at a cinema and yet online you can access no end of material. We have to ensure that we can rise to this new challenge and that is what I’m determined to do.’


  32. Flotsam says:

    Today’s press conference re the Southport murders goes to prove my low opinion of Starmer falls short of how bad he really is. He must think we’re all stupid to think we’ll believe his insane crap.


  33. MarkyMark says:

    Wonder how many babies born and now have Islamic fathers?

    “One of the survivors of the Rotherham grooming scandal has asked the government to give children born from rape legal “victim” status so they can receive specialist help and potentially prosecute their fathers.

    Sammy Woodhouse – who became pregnant with her first son aged 14 after being groomed and raped – says that despite being recognised herself as a victim of sexual exploitation, there was no support for her son in dealing with how he had been conceived.”


  34. MarkyMark says:

    Are we all far-right now? HA HA HA HAAHAH! Lifts hand to point to sun – Nazi!



  35. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Trump has revoked security clearance for the 51 intel agents who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop.



  36. MarkyMark says:

    “More and more people retreating into parallel lives, whether through failures of integration or just a country slowly turning away from itself.”

    “I am angry about it.”

    “Southport must be a line in the sand.”

    “Nothing will be off the table in this inquiry – nothing.”
    Keir Starmer 2025 Stockport

    Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’


    The wait is over and the time is now – Bradford 2025 is the new UK City of Culture. Explore our packed programme of events for 2025.


  37. Lucy Pevensey says:

    And the latest hivemind update………. Elon Musk gave a Nazi salute.
    (he was waving at the crowd)


  38. Lucy Pevensey says:

    God Bless The USA

    President Trump has officially withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization.


  39. MarkyMark says:

    “Cher has made no secret of her opposition to Mr Trump’s government, previously stating she’d even try to leave the planet if he became president.

    In 2023, the musician once again repeated her commitment to leaving the country if Mr Trump was re-elected, explaining that she developed health issues the first time around.”

    Whoopi Goldberg pledged to exile herself in 2016 but ultimately did not leave – leading to Mr Trump mocking her online.


  40. MarkyMark says:

    The victims will pay taxes for this sentence … free priority NHS access and free dental ….

    “He is due to be sentenced on Thursday and is expected to be given a life sentence. However, he cannot be sentenced to a whole-life term for his crimes because he was 17 when he committed the offences.”


  41. Zephir says:

    A very relevant comment I saw this morning:

    ” If Starmer was forced to keep what he knew secret from the public to protect the course of justice why did he pre-judge the demonstrators as far-right and order the courts to convene within 24 hours and send the demonstrators to prison? I suspect this is a question Starmer can’t answer without making himself appear to be in the wrong. The fact is that he should have made an announcement to the effect that social media reports circulating that led to the demonstrations were known to be false. That might just have stopped the demonstrations but I suspect it suited Starmer’s far-left agenda to let things rip.”


  42. MarkyMark says:

    The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the UK.


  43. Lunchtime Loather says:

    Oh look, they got it “about right” again:

    “we’re aware for the need to maintain value for money at all times with regards to the licence fee.” … who knew?


  44. Jeff says:

    You know, we’re still hearing the same media guff about “the far right” peddling misinformation after the murder of the little girls…

    I caught a little (I couldn’t take much more) of Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio today; she was talking to the editor of Spiked (sorry, his name escapes me).

    “The far right were coming out with clear misinformation” he told us with much nodding and agreement form JHB. But how?

    I mean, as far as I can see, the only thing “we” got wrong was assuming he was a recent illegal migrant…and that’s it…

    The government and the media…including the controlled media, like Spiked, were giving us the guff about this being a “Welsh lad”…then we discovered his family were from Rwanda. So, according to the media, that made him a Welsh Christian. Then is was, this wasn’t terrorism and had NOTHING to do with Islam. Oh dear…

    Now we know that this “”Welsh” boy was in fact a convert. He had a flat full of ricin, he was in contact with extremist groups and had been investigated THREE times by Prevent.
    We have also heard from Tommy Robinson that this Welsh Christian attends Islamic prayers three times a day…like any good chapel goer.

    Oh yes, the “Far Right” were so wrong…


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The LABOUR Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. APART FROM VOTING FOR MORE LABOUR AGAIN”


  45. andyjsnape says:

    bbc webshite search

    Try searching Far Right

    Then try searching Far Left

    biased bbc


    • MarkyMark says:


      Extreme Extreme

      Search results for “far right”
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right. Listen NowUnmasked: Extreme Far Right
      “Dan Jones” has spent nearly a year undercover investigating the far right.

      BBC Radio Wales
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right
      Far-right group exposed in undercover BBC investigation
      Undercover reporter infiltrated far-right group and exposed group’s extreme views in secret filming.

      Far-right group exposed in undercover BBC investigation
      BBC Wales Investigates: Unmasked: Extreme Far Right. Watch NowBBC Wales Investigates: Unmasked: Extreme Far Right
      An investigation into the far right exposes how hate and misinformation is being spread.

      BBC One Wales
      BBC Wales Investigates: Unmasked: Extreme Far Right
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: Introducing… Unmasked: Extreme Far Right. Listen NowUnmasked: Extreme Far Right: Introducing… Unmasked: Extreme Far Right
      “Dan Jones” has spent nearly a year undercover investigating the far right

      BBC Radio Wales
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: Introducing… Unmasked: Extreme Far Right
      BBC reporter in far-right doorstep clash. Watch NowBBC reporter in far-right doorstep clash
      An undercover reporter infiltrated Patriotic Alternative and exposed their extreme views.

      Watch Now
      BBC reporter in far-right doorstep clash
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 6. Now they know. Listen NowUnmasked: Extreme Far Right: 6. Now they know
      “Dan Jones” has spent nearly a year undercover investigating the far right.

      BBC Radio Wales
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 6. Now they know
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 5. Riots and grand plans. Listen NowUnmasked: Extreme Far Right: 5. Riots and grand plans
      “Dan Jones” has spent nearly a year undercover investigating the far right.

      BBC Radio Wales
      Listen Now
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 5. Riots and grand plans
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 4. An unpleasant job. Listen NowUnmasked: Extreme Far Right: 4. An unpleasant job
      “Dan Jones” has spent nearly a year undercover investigating the far right.

      BBC Radio Wales
      Listen Now
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 4. An unpleasant job
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 3. Pushed to the limit. Listen NowUnmasked: Extreme Far Right: 3. Pushed to the limit
      “Dan Jones” has spent nearly a year undercover investigating the far right.

      BBC Radio Wales
      Listen Now
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 3. Pushed to the limit
      Unmasked: Extreme Far Right: 2. Where it all began. Listen NowUnmasked: Extreme Far Right: 2. Where it all began
      “Dan Jones” has spent nearly a year undercover investigating the far right


  46. Terminal Moraine says:

    So the UK Gov is facing “a new threat”…. which means they have to rewrite the definition of terrorism, just as the definition of pandemic was rewritten to fit the artificially constructed ‘new normal’.

    And R5 just now had the predictable discussion about the need to regulate online spaces.

    They really do think we’re stupid.



  47. MarkyMark says:



  48. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Re; Starmer’s smoke & mirrors speech. Many troubling ingredients but one aspect that stands out to me is his talk of changing the law. The claim is that he wants to change the law to make us safe from this new special kind of terror that has nothing to do with Islam or him.

    The serpent is in reality, threatening to change the law to keep the truth from getting out every time something like Southport happens. The blood-sucking-lawyer in him can’t resist. He made it quite clear that he regards the internet and social media as the real problem.

    His style of governance requires total control.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Lucy spot on. The BBC are pushing out propaganda that a trial would retraumatise the Southport community, so it’s good it’s no longer needed.

      Contrast that with their incessant campaigns for public inquiries and criminal investigations when the agenda suits.


  49. Fedup2 says:

    Is the BBC doing that ‘ first 100 days’ show with 30 minutes of katty and christian TDS . ?

    Theyd love the target of firing at least 1000 biden appointees by the end of the week .,.

    And the end of DEI


  50. Zephir says:

    “Three members of West Yorkshire grooming gang jailed for horrific abuse of young girls.

    Police and social services treated two young girls passed around for sex by a Yorkshire grooming gang as “authoresses of their own misfortune”, a judge said, as he jailed three of those involved.

    a judge who described how they raped one of the girls in Keighley, West Yorkshire, in the 1990s, when she was 13 or 14.”