Start the Week 20th January 2025

Just how much hatred will the BBC show for President Trump inauguration ? On the same day the Stockport Trial begins – along with that of a Labour councillor allegedly threatening death to non Muslims .. a good day to bury bad news …?

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431 Responses to Start the Week 20th January 2025

  1. Zephir says:

    “Judge Ahmed Nadim said the girl’s mother went to Keighley police station on a number of occasions to report her missing, but officers “did not do anything about it”.

    Judge Nadim said: “To differing degrees, the social services and police response to the situation the girls found themselves in was that they were the authoresses of their own misfortune”.

    He described how the girls were plied with drugs and alcohol as they were passed between numerous men, “virtually all of whom were of Asian heritage”, in the town in the 1990s, when they were in their early teens.”


  2. digg says:

    The Southport terrorist child murderer had been reported to prevent three times before he butchered those little girls to death. Surely this says quite a bit about the effectiveness of prevent?

    Starmer’s response today comes across to me as a dribbling queue of rapidly assembled random PR platitudes by a somewhat desperate man.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Bombastic Boris meets his match in forensic Starmer at PMQs

      “I understand why people wonder what the word terrorism means – if we need a new law…. ” HERE WE GO.


      • non-licence payer says:

        If Crace had the grace to retrospectively review his article he would find out that he was wrong when relying on the ‘actual’ death rate rather the more reliable excess deaths which is retrospective. The ultimate UK results were badly hampered by the Scottish, Welsh and NI excess death rates which were all higher than England, albeit that England had the highest ‘actual’ death rate. Despite the useless regional governments in the UK, Germany’s excess deaths were still materially worse.
        Starmer was gifted a victory by NHS managers who I suspect were determined to deliver a narrative upon which Boris could be kebabed. I will not be holding my breath on the covid inquiry.


  3. MarkyMark says:

    Home secretary to make Southport statement after Starmer says UK faces ‘new threat’

    ‘new threat’ – 1400 raped kids
    ‘new threat’ – 22 murdered at a concert
    ‘new threat’ – 7/7 killing 52 people and injuring over 770 others
    ‘new threat’ – 22 murdered at a concert

    ‘new threat’

    Labour councillor Aftab Hussain stood up in open court and gave a positive character reference for Abdul Qayyum, who was later convicted of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.
    abdul qayyum was one of the 9 rochdale paedophiles convicted of grooming and raping young girls.
    councillor Aftab Hussain has now been promoted to a top job on rochdale council this is an outrage and hussain must be sacked immediately
    40 signatures


  4. Fedup2 says:

    I think that the next time a non terrorist boy from cardiff kills some kids there will be news and internet blackouts – particularly X …. We are getting there pretty quick ..all for ‘ community cohesion of course

    … now back to strictly or meghan or molly ?


  5. harry142857 says:

    Here’s an easy solution. Ban that retarded medieval death cult that masquerades as a religion, ban all their “associated scriptures” and “buildings” and their hateful rhetoric.


  6. Johnda says:

    BBC News quote “we must remember that Donald Trump got less than 50% of the popular vote ” Humm what was the % of the popular vote that Stammers Government got?


  7. andyjsnape says:

    bbc reports..

    ‘A total disgrace’ that Southport killer could buy a knife on Amazon aged 17 – Cooper

    I guess other outlets were available


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      The knife dunnit. Or was it Amazon?


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        The knife definitely done it. It jumped out of the Amazon delivery box and immediately went on a stabbing spree, in much the same way as cars drive themselves into Christmas markets or New Year revellers. No human agency involved whatsoever, just one of these things.


    • MarkyMark says:

      All UK citizens to us SPOONS from now on!


      The first duty of government is to keep British citizens safe and our country secure. Reducing the threat to the UK from terrorism is a crucial part of that duty, and I take it extremely seriously.

      Prevent is one of the four pillars of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy which was refreshed in July 2023. Prevent is vital in stopping people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism in the first place. Early intervention prevents individuals from committing acts of terrorism and reduces the chances of radicalisers spreading their insidious, extremist ideologies.

      The Independent Review of Prevent, led by Sir William Shawcross, was critical in ensuring that Prevent is fit for purpose and agile enough to meet the threat we face. I would like to reiterate my thanks to Sir William and his team for their unflinching commitment in completing such a thorough review. In implementing the recommendations made by the review, we have delivered a renewed Prevent programme that has tackling terrorist ideologies at its core, recognises that Islamist terrorism is the greatest threat, and can respond confidently to all threats facing the UK.

      Recommendation 24
      Training for Prevent, Channel, and public sector staff subject to the duty should include clear guidance on how and when to make appropriate referral decisions.

      Status: In progress

      Recommendation 2


    • Flotsam says:

      Knives, as we all know, are available everywhere. It’s easy to make an effective one from any piece of steel. As he seems to have been in with the Muslim brotherhood, one could have been sourced for him by a friend. The naivety of these stupid politicians makes me laugh.


  8. MarkyMark says:

    “Prevent-funded civil society organisations and counter-narrative projects should take on extremism-linked activists who seek to demonise the scheme.”



  9. MarkyMark says:

    Case study: Prevent-funded Civil Society Organisations
    Kikit Pathways is a Prevent-funded Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) specialist drug and
    alcohol support service that provides a range of services to meet the needs of vulnerable people.
    Based in the West Midlands, Kikit work with mosques and communities to provide mentoring and
    support for individuals who are vulnerable to terrorist recruiters,
    particularly those suffering problems
    with drug and alcohol abuse – who can be targeted by recruiters. Kikit then help to establish referral
    pathways to the relevant safeguarding services, including Channel early intervention support where
    appropriate, so that individuals can get the assistance that they need.
    The project provides specialist practitioner support and tailored mentoring for those exhibiting signs
    of radicalisation and grievance and, once assessed, beneficiaries are provided
    with holistic support to reduce their vulnerabilities. Kikit have a strong track record,
    including in preventing people travelling to Syria to fight for Daesh.

    Click to access Prevent%20Elected%20Members%20Handbook%20(002).pdf


  10. vlad says:

    Even Trump supporters are hoping he doesn’t go into full revenge mode. I say, bring it on!


    • MarkyMark says:

      Important to keep them busy thinking they are next – LOCK HER UP – she is still free!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes he needs to find a few who didn’t get pardons and go full ‘Obama ‘ on them dragging them through expensive courts for years …

      I suppose Jill Biden got a pardon – otherwise she’d be top of the list if she took presidential powers …


  11. Zephir says:

    Not just this lot, I am pretty sure the bbc and others as well:

    “Good Morning Britain viewers have called for presenter Susanna Reid to apologise to Nigel Farage after it was revealed that Axel Rudakubana repeatedly came on the radar of counter-terrorism officials three times before killing the innocent schoolgirls who were at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport last summer.

    On Monday, Rudakubana pleaded guilty to the killings of Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, Bebe King, six, and the attempted murder of eight other people on the first day of his trial.

    At the time, Farage was berated by Susanna for calling the murders “a cover-up,” however, as it’s been revealed that the teen was referred to the counter-extremism programme three times, it’s unlikely that Prime Minister Keir Starmer and the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper were unaware of Rudakubana.

    Taking to social media, one ITV viewer said: “Remember when Susanna called out Farage about the main story, I do, I wonder of she does? Joke show.”

    Another echoed: “So Susanna Reid remember when you berated Nigel Farage for saying Keir Starmer was covering up, well I think you might owe Nigel an apology.”


  12. Fedup2 says:

    If you have time – look look on X about what Andrew Neil says of the arrival of Trump . He reckons the TTK regime doesn’t get what ( might ) be about to happen to it as Trump puts the America First doctrine into action – for instance requiring every NATO country to pay 4% GDP into defence – meaning Rachel will have to find another few billion …

    .. I don’t always agree with Neil – he’s a bit too left and ‘bought ‘ for me … but I really hope the Trump doctrine really kicks the UK – and might – if we are lucky – cause enough pain to destroy the Marxists here .

    I hope Trump stays away from the UK as long as possible as it is now a toxic land of foreigners and wokes and Marxists …

    Rant done ..


    • Zephir says:

      If he decides to visit the UK he has indicated it will be to the Royal Family.

      That would be fantastic and completely appropriate if he chooses to by pass and ignore Starmer and his mob and the race baiting dwarf who have slandered and vilified him repeatedly.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Would truly be a difficult one for TTK – which is a good thing . But could we imagine Trump addressing both sets of vipers in Westminster ? No chance . They’d be doing ‘ sit downs ‘ and hissy fits in parliament square …


  13. Fedup2 says:

    Trump Day 1 -2

    Head of US coast guard fired … she’s DEI gone …. Next ….


    • Zephir says:

      Bring back the one with the big jugs…

      Oh, it was Baywatch now I think about it.

      Still, bring her back.


      • Fedup2 says:

        And it looks like the head of the federal prison service might be gone if they don’t release the J6 hostages today …


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Fed, you are going to love this one.
      President Trump signed an order mandating federal workers show up in-person for work.

      No more work from home


      • Fedup2 says:

        Lucy – yes – thanks – X seems to be the place where this stuff is announced … for all those Biden parasites it’s gonna be a long week .

        Imagine having a mindset where you find out your country is paying some international failed organisation $500 000 000 a year … of course you’d pull out – the WHO is still in shock – crying all over X ….

        As for the Green crap … well ….


        • Scroblene says:

          Has he started on the Pelosi mob yet?

          Looking forward to all that…!


          • Fedup2 says:

            Hello Scroblene – I don’t know if she got one of the 5000 pardons the Obama gang threw out – but President Trump did single her out for the insider dealing in his first speech – I recall …

            I reckon he needs to find a way to flush the toilet that is the ‘department of democrat injustice ‘ before he can get going ….


    • Guest Who says:

      She off to NZ to head up the Sub Fleet?


  14. Guest Who says:

    The subject of Katty, Lurch, Muslim and Saz doing another Ton of Days came up earlier.

    Maybe the BBC is hoping this from The Reeves Economist will serve and they can reference it on a one degree of separation basis:

    How popular is Donald Trump?
    Tracking the first 100 days of his second term

    I wonder if they ‘tracked’ Sleepy?


  15. pugnazious says:

    Starmer made his speech this morning…

    ‘In pursuit of that, we must of course ask and answer difficult questions.

    Questions that should be far-reaching, unburdened by cultural or institutional sensitivities and driven only by the pursuit of justice. ‘

    The BBC clearly did not hear the speech as it went into overdrive to fabricate a particular narrative that steered us away from race or religion…you have to ask if the BBC is one of those institutions that should be asking questions of itself.

    Starmer went on…surely making immigration and the consequent social divisons one of the issues and causes of the attack….

    ‘This goes deeper.

    A growing sense that the rights and responsibilities that we owe to one another. The set of unwritten rules that hold a nation together, have, in recent years, been ripped apart….More and more people retreating into parallel lives, whether through failures of integration or just a country slowly turning away from itself. ‘

    Yvette Cooper slipped in a demand that Prevent target Islamist extremism more…having let that slide…no doubt in the search for the mostly phantom Far-Right terrorists.

    Why would she mention that? What is there about Southport that merits such a mention?

    However immigration, race and religion didn’t get a mention on the Nicky Campbell show which worked hard to set the narrative the BBC wants, one that pre-empts the inquiry….it was definitely a mental health issue….what is more it was due to cuts in mental health services…by the Tories….who have the blood of those 3 dead girls on their hands.

    Hang on…didn’t Rudakubana get investigated by Prevent three times and they said there was nothing of concern? Thus….it’s nothing to do with availability of mental health services[presuming, as the BBC has, that Rudakubana had serious issues]…it’s the failure of Prevent to tackle him that allowed the attack to go ahead.

    It’s just as likely that this was a race issue….Rudakubana spent his major formative years witnessing the BLM storm after the death of George Floyd as well as Brexit…he would have absorbed the torrent of messaging from the likes of the BBC that white people were racists and no Black could prosper or be safe in a racist Britain…a Britain made more ‘nasty and racist’ by Brexit as BBC presenters were keen to tell us….along with the message that ‘whiteness’ must be eliminated from Britain and that maybe we should #KillWhitey….just a joke…not.

    The attack could quite easily be the result of anger whipped up by the BBC and others….blood on their hands….but we’ll probably never know because they’ll do their best to suppress any attempt to establish a motive and the government have the BBC already working on that with programmes that state unequivocably that the only issue was mental health….note the first line of Starmer’s speech today…

    ‘The senseless, barbaric murder of three young girls in Southport is a devastating moment in our history. ‘

    ‘Senseless’….you get the message.


  16. pugnazious says:

    Trump Derangement Syndrome given full rein on the BBC…as always…

    ‘”For people on the fringes of the white supremacist movement, that was a nod and wink”

    Gabriel Gatehouse tells #Newsnight of his surprise at President Trump’s use of “manifest destiny” in his inauguration speech, which he says was a historic ideology of colonisation.’

    Yep….those Black Martians better stand-by….the Starship Storm Troopers are coming.


    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC, deranged?
      BBC – even during Donald Trump’s inauguration – suggests Kamala Harris lost because she’s a woman. No, she lost because she wasn’t good enough to win. Nothing to do with gender and everything to do with competence


      • Guest Who says:

        Ok, maybe a bit.
        “It was a shocking display,” Ava Santina Evans says
        The PoliticsJOE correspondent tells #PoliticsLive Elon Musk is “very good at grabbing the attention economy” after the billionaire gave a one-armed gesture following Donald Trump’s inauguration

        A row…. In the head of the BBC, and… PoliticsJoe


    • Zephir says:

      We can now take the opportunity to watch the absolutely biased bbc in full flow for the next 4 years.

      Any lingering doubts (laugh) and we can immediately compare and contrast with how they treated the demented Biden, drunk rambling Harris, and his crack smoking, tax evading, prostitute consorting, corrupt crime family…

      And we can all look back with fond memories of how they treated the Clinton sex criminal and his wife’s slandering of the victims of his assaults.

      “RNC co-chair: Clinton ‘viciously attacked’ women her husband ‘sexually abused’”


      • Zephir says:

        Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden) pleaded guilty in federal court in Los Angeles this afternoon to all counts in a nine-count indictment, including three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanor tax offenses. There was no plea agreement.

        Judge Scarsi accepted the defendant’s guilty plea and scheduled sentencing for December 16, 2024.

        According to the indictment, Hunter Biden engaged in a four-year scheme in which he chose not to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019 and to evade the assessment of taxes for tax year 2018 when he filed false returns. As alleged in the indictment, to further this scheme, Hunter Biden:

        subverted the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company by withdrawing millions outside of the payroll and tax withholding process;

        spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills;

        in 2018, stopped paying his outstanding and overdue taxes for tax year 2015;

        willfully failed to pay his 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 taxes on time, despite having access to funds to pay some or all of these taxes;

        willfully failed to file his 2017 and 2018 tax returns, on time; and

        when he did finally file his 2018 returns, included false business deductions in order to reduce the very substantial tax liability he faced as of February 2020.

        At sentencing, Hunter Biden faces a maximum penalty of 17 years in prison. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.


        • Zephir says:

          Hunter, 54, was convicted of three firearm charges in June, marking the first criminal prosecution of a sitting US president’s child.

          Then, two months later, he pleaded guilty to federal tax charges. He was due to be sentenced later in December.


          • Fedup2 says:

            I don’t think it will be long before Hunter gets in trouble again – without the protection of daddy and his pardons …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Manifest Destiny …. EU enlargement

      During the enlargement process, the Commission helps countries wishing to join the EU to meet the necessary criteria for membership, and supports them in implementing the related economic and democratic reforms.

      Results of reforms must be solid, sustainable and irreversible.


  17. JohnC says:

    Prevent programme has been criticised before

    ‘Those placed on the programme have included individuals supporting the far-right and Islamist terrorism.’

    F*ck you and your false equivalence lies BBC.

    Muslims had 913 referrals from 10% of the population. ‘Far-right’ had 1314 referrals from 80% of the population.

    Ignoring the related fact that our police go after the far-Right with much greater ‘enthusiasm’ ( the Southport convictions prove that), it still means that a Muslim is 6 times more likely to be referred than someone from the ‘far-right’.

    And as Wiki shows:
    Since 2010, a total of 3 people have been murdered by the far-right (1 by a Ukranian immigrant) and 42 by Muslims. Also you can see for yourself how the vast majority of the attacks are by Muslims.

    And I see Yvette Cooper jumping on the bandwagon and making excuses saying ‘it’s a total disgrace that he could buy a knife’ : I wonder how she thinks it can be stopped ?. By bringing in more and more laws to give the government more control ?. Will every family have to have a lock on the knife drawer in the kitchen Yvette ?. You can buy carving knives at Asda and the good Muslim terrorist tapes it to his hand so he doesn’t drop it when it is slippery with the blood of infidels.
    The problem is not the knives, it’s the ideology and how many of them people like her have allowed in. She’s just trying to deflect the blame.


  18. vlad says:

    Good to see Hamas have been defeated… NOT.



  19. pugnazious says:

    ‘Elon Musk has caused outrage over a one-armed gesture he gave during a speech celebrating the inauguration of Donald Trump.

    Musk thanked the crowd for “making it happen”, before placing his right hand over his heart and then thrusting the same arm out into air straight ahead of him. He then turned and repeated the action for those sitting behind him.

    Many on X, the social medial platform he owns, have likened the gesture to a Nazi salute.’

    Oddly they miss out that he said ‘My heart goes out to you’….this is only mentioned a way down…and attempts to separate gesture from words….though they are clearly linked…

    ‘”My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilisation is assured,” the 53-year-old said, after giving the second one-armed salute.’

    ….and then steamrollered the truth with lots of ‘evidence’ that it was in fact a Nazi salute…

    ‘Claire Aubin, a historian who specializes in Nazism within the United States, said Musk’s gesture was a “sieg heil”, or Nazi salute.

    “My professional opinion is that you’re all right, you should believe your eyes,” she posted on X, in reference to those who believed the gesture to be an overt reference to Nazis.

    Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University, said: “Historian of fascism here. It was a Nazi salute and a very belligerent one too.”‘

    Total nonsense…he was ‘giving’ his heart to the audience…and nothing in the speech linked to anything nazi or ‘white supremacist.

    The BBC clearly making the most of this and trying hard to fling a bit of mud in the hope some of it sticks.


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC verify find that Merkel grew a moustache and then invaded Poland.



    • vlad says:

      @pugnazious: Any HONEST observer – therefore not the lying SCUM at the BBC – would immediately understand the gesture: first he touches his heart, then with the same hand he sends out the love to the audience.
      Clear as day, no ifs or buts. (Only the BBC butts, up which they have their heads.)

      This is a new disgusting low, even for the reptiles at the BBC (apologies to reptiles).

      Musk’s response on X: “Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired.”

      Indeed, Elon: tired, boring, predictable and despicable – just like the odious BBC who should be defunded immediately.


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Maybe the PREVENT team can arrest the whole of the USA for voting Trump – arrest them at the border! (porous border)


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Rachel from accounts promising another runway at heathrow and gatwick – yeah right – desperate to find ‘ growth ‘ – clueless ..,


  22. JohnC says:

    BBC Verify analyses Hamas hostage handover video

    Just when you think ‘BBC Verify’ cannot get more ridiculous, they come out with this.

    They add precisely nothing. They only thing they do is get on google earth and ‘verify’ that it took place where everyone said it did. Which we already knew as it was 100% prearranged and one of the vans had to drive from Israel to get there.

    It seems that they are trying to smear themselves with the names of big stories in some kind of child-like attempt to make themselves into the ‘authoratitive truth’ – ready to use that reputation for pushing the agenda when it matters.

    Sorry BBC verify : I still think you are the dregs of all the other departments who jumped at the chance to offload you.


  23. Fedup2 says:

    For those interested – 10pm ? UK time president trump to speak to the White House press corps – big announcement apparently – let’s hope the BBC rep is in the car park ….


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Fedup2 says:

        And all those years of vitriol poured on Presidenr Trump achieved what – bbc ?


        • MarkyMark says:

          Funny quotes by the whole of the Labour Government – free speech is essential – “When he was a backbench MP in 2018, David Lammy described Trump as a “tyrant” and “a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath”.

          But in his first interview since Trump’s victory, he told the BBC’s Newscast podcast the president-elect was “someone that we can build a relationship with in our national interest”.”


      • vlad says:

        I would love it if Trump NEVER gave the mic to the BBC scum, only to the likes of Peter Doocy of Fox News and other sympathetic journos – or at least impartial ones.
        Sadly, he’s too magnanimous for petty vengeance and will forgive and forget what should be unforgivable and unforgettable.


  24. JohnC says:

    Eight Palestinians killed as Israeli forces launch major operation in Jenin

    Forget the article : it’s the usual ‘evil IDF’ claptrap.

    What did make me laugh was:
    A far-right Israeli minister welcomed the reversal in US policy, while Palestinian officials said it would encourage further violence.
    So the member of Israels democratic government is the extremist at the BBC !!!.
    Perhaps ‘Palestinian members of the HAMAS terrorist group’ would have provided better balance.


  25. Zephir says:

    A petty, vindictive little man:

    “Keir Starmer’s spends £80,000 of taxpayer money for ‘politically neutral’ briefing room.

    The Prime Minister stripped all traces of blue from Downing Street’s room used for televised briefings, which did not match Labour’s colour scheme.”


  26. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC deception method. They hope the majority will only skim the headline, see the images of the girls and associate their murders with the “far right”. It’s deliberately misleading.

    But Starmer is the good guy, he has orderd an inquiry and condemned the murders.



  27. Fedup2 says:

    BBC 5pm news – the usual deceit – ‘radicalisation ‘ – euphemisms to avoid the use of the word ‘Islam ‘ ‘or Muslim ‘— and when is terrorism terrorism ….? More deceit ….

    Ifyou had no idea that Islam is the biggest threat to us you’d never know …. And ‘far right terrorism ‘ ? What the hell is that- and where is the real threat -where are the attacks ? 77 brigade to comments boys and girls …

    Next non Islamic non terrorist attack not too far away … president trump will get the blame of course ….


    • Kaiser says:

      radio 5 were blaming the evil axe knife man on online and Misogyny go figure


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK Gov to create investigation into grooming gangs – please do not report or mention anything for 4 years so that the report will not be jeopardised! HA AH AH AHAHHA!


  28. Zephir says:

    “We’re getting rid of the cancer caused by the Biden administration”

    Cue bbc marxist luvvies apoplectic fits…

    “Donald Trump purges thousands of White House staff who are not aligned with MAGA and warns thousand more ‘you’re fired’ ”


    • Guest Who says:

      One is sure they will remain utterly professional.

      If not..
      We’ve finally had a response to our BBC FOI about vexatious complainants.
      Yes, you can be marked ‘Closed Correspondent’ and if you’ve been told this, they think you’ve submitted complaints that are ‘trivial, misconceived, hypothetical, repetitious of otherwise vexatious’.



  29. Zephir says:

    “Taking to his social media platform, Truth Social, the freshly inaugurated 47th president publicly fired several senior employees in an unprecedented shakeup.

    The post read: ‘Our first day in the White House is not over yet! My Presidential Personnel Office is actively in the process of identifying and removing over a thousand Presidential Appointees from the previous Administration, who are not aligned with our vision to Make America Great Again.

    ‘Let this serve as Official Notice of Dismissal for these 4 individuals, with many more, coming soon.

    ‘Jose Andres from the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition, Mark Milley from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, Brian Hook from the Wilson Center for Scholars, and Keisha Lance Bottoms from the President’s Export Council – YOU’RE FIRED!’

    General Milley’s firing comes after Joe Biden, 82, used his final moments in the Oval Office to give blanket protection to the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who Trump said deserved to be executed. “


  30. pugnazious says:

    Home Secretary admits focus was taken off the real threat by Prevent…given that MI5 says 75% of its own work is in regard to Islamic extremism…and yet Prevent was targeting those who support UKIP…and infamously Jacob Rees-Mogg…

    ‘I have also tasked my Department with conducting an end-to-end review of Prevent thresholds, including on Islamist extremism, where referrals have previously been too low.

    MI5 in September 2024…

    ‘The headline split of our counter terrorist work remains roughly 75% Islamist extremist, 25% extreme right-wing terrorism. ‘

    ‘Jacob Rees-Mogg has revealed he was once monitored by the government’s anti-terror programme Prevent for “tweeting something they didn’t like”.

    Speaking on GB News, the former cabinet minister said the Shawcross Report had exposed his inclusion on a watchlist as a “dangerous right-wing figure”.’


  31. Sluff says:

    TTK absolutely bigging up the threat of Axel Rudakana.
    After the event.
    Statement in parliament.
    Public enquiry.
    A new form of terrorism.

    Classic deflection tactics. Hide an issue by maxing out on another one.

    Not quite so much a priority over in Oldham was it?


  32. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – No mention of the elephant in the room

    Terrorism is on the increase apparently. Young teenage boys being radicalised in their bedrooms. “Oooh matron!” No mention of religion and motivation by the Montacutie. Better not ask too many questions either. But you have a former overseer of counter-terrorism operations in the UK, why not ask him, Sarah? Would it be that you do wish to offend certain communities with names beginning with M or I?


  33. pugnazious says:

    No examination of the government’s reaction and if the failure to provide information publicly led to the riots? They could easily and without prejudice to the court case have told us he was the son of immigrants but born in the UK…and this was a terrorism case….given speculation on line was instant after the killings the government should have acted quickly to stop the msinformation.

    Yvette Cooper today…

    ‘We have announced two important things today. The first is the inquiry, which needs to go to the heart of what went wrong in this case—why so many agencies knew about this incredibly dangerous perpetrator who committed this barbaric act. The second is establishing the new Prevent independent commissioner,’

    So no…no examination of Starmer’s role in this…..also note he was quick to label the ‘protesters’ Far-Right and to condemn in no uncertain terms….is that not prejudicial to any curt cases? Will those locked up be able to appeal based on the fact Starmer prejudiced their cases?

    As for terrorism…maybe we should have been told it was terrorism from the start… was denied because of the killer’s background and how this would look to people…hiding the truth in order not to add to the questions about mass immigration….

    ‘The point the Prime Minister made this morning was that this was clearly a case where someone attempted to terrorise the community. That was clearly their intention—to kill those children and to terrorise more widely…..this man has been charged under the Terrorism Act and has pleaded guilty to a terrorist offence, and I can confirm that he will be treated as a terrorist offender in prison.”


  34. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    How pathetic some lefties are.

    Possibly the brainiest man on the planet makes a ‘give my heart to you gesture’ and all they see is a nazi salute.
    These are the people who see racism absolutely everywhere.

    When the great Denis Law scored a goal he raised his arm in a similar way. Do these snowflakes think he was giving a Nazi salute every time he scored a goal.


  35. Zephir says:

    This one goes from strength to strength, pissing off all and sundry:

    “Sadiq Khan is accused of waging ‘crusade’ against London’s parks after TfL called for more than 10,000 homes to be built on historic green belt land”


  36. Zephir says:

    “The attacks that show Southport could have been classed as terror.

    Police took different approaches in both the Liverpool Women’s Hospital incident and the petrol bombing of a Border Force centre in Dover.

    The police, prosecutors and the Government have repeatedly refused to declare the Southport attack a terrorist incident, saying that there was no clear ideological motive.

    They said that for an attack to be declared as terrorism under UK law, it must have been carried out “for the purpose of political, religious, racial or ideological cause”.

    In the Southport case, police and prosecutors have claimed that they have been unable to establish the motivation behind the stabbings beyond a desire to kill, which is why it was not classified as terrorism.

    However in previous cases, the police appear to have taken a different approach.”


    • moggiemoo says:

      I’m guessing the murdered girls were in a state of terror, so terrorism. It’s pretty easy really.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I know it’s meaningless semantics – but the problem the British state has is that when anyone mentions terrorism – they leave out ‘Islamic ‘ because they are captured by the Muslim mafia ….

        And we have that ridiculous ritual where whenever something bad happens someone has to say ‘it’s not terrorist related ‘ which in English translates into ‘Muslims didn’t do it ‘….
        Meanwhile all those axels and Mohammed’s getting off watching beheading videos ….


        • Lefty Wright says:

          Sorry to disagree with you but to me the phrase “it’s not terrorist related” translates into the exact opposite of your assertion.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Lefty – I think what I was trying to say is that in the real world – when people hear of a bad incident – eg the fire at notra dame – the msm tell people it wasn’t done by Islamic terrorists – even if it was … if you see what I mean – or not … 😎.. im on the unmarried malt …


  37. Zephir says:

    ” I’m not surprised the full horror of the Southport massacre won’t be heard in court

    Axel Rudakubana’s sudden decision to plead guilty means we don’t get to hear the truth about his possible ideological motives

    It would suit a lot of people, rather powerful people, if we could forget about those little girls entirely, I think. So I was not surprised when I heard yesterday that Axel Rudakubana had changed his plea to guilty. In fact, many of us, including Telegraph readers in the comments, had been speculating in recent days on which particular ruse the authorities would deploy to make sure the ghastly details of what happened in that dance studio on July 29 2024 never reached the public.

    Cover-up antennae twitched again on Sunday when it was revealed that Rudakubana’s lawyers were not intending to offer any defence against the 16 crimes of which he had been accused. This was, to say the least, highly unusual. Why did the defendant plead not guilty in the first place? In a situation where the crimes are as monstrous as these, there is little point in doing that, save the sheer perverse pleasure the monster can inflict on survivors and on the families of his victims.

    Unfortunately, witnesses will already have been forced to relive their gruesome, traumatic experiences in preparation for giving evidence. Surely an experienced KC would have said earlier that Rudakubana simply didn’t have a case. Why the last-minute switch? So many questions.

    Nor would I be fobbed off by the authorities’ feeble attempt to deflect attention from possible terrorist or ideological motives. “It is clear that this was a young man with a sickening and sustained interest in death and violence,” said Ursula Doyle, the deputy chief crown prosecutor of Mersey-Cheshire CPS. She was delivering the official line that many journalists would happily seize upon. Just a violent psycho – nothing more to see here.

    Except, oh, hang on, it has now emerged that Rudakubana had been referred three times to Prevent, the government’s counter-terrorism scheme. And then there was that awkward business with him cooking up ricin, a bio-weapon, in his family’s kitchen, while in possession of an al-Qaeda training manual. Still not enough evidence, apparently, to make the crimes “terror-related”, according to our nervous police.

    The implication, which I have heard parroted many times since on the airwaves, is that the Hart Space, where the Taylor Swift summer-holiday club took place, was just one of several potential venues Rudakubana could have happened upon. Rubbish. The tricky-to-find, first-floor dance studio could not be wandered into off the high street. It was deliberately scouted; the name Taylor Swift on flyers around the town was key.

    I believe that the 28 little girls in that class, who were making friendship bracelets when the savage came through the door, were deliberately targeted because the killer viewed them as decadent, crop-top-wearing Western girls who loved to dance to Satan’s tunes.

    Hard to believe? On the contrary. A fortnight after Bebe, Elsie and Alice were murdered in Southport, three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria were cancelled because of a “terror threat”. (Shades of Islamist terrorist Salman Abedi’s attack on the Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena in 2017, killing 22 people. Grande’s fan base is mainly young girls and teenagers.) Do you think a radicalised young man, one who had been watching extreme jihadi videos, might have thought little girls were a legitimate target?”


  38. Zephir says:

    “It’s a safe bet that an entire quarry of stones will be used to obstruct the path to answers of any value, answers which might upset Labour’s treasured multiculturalism, which has taken such a knock of late. I’m sure all of you will have questions for the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, who announced a public inquiry yesterday. Here are a few from me to get her started:

    1. At what time were you and the PM made aware that Axel Rudakubana possessed ricin, which posed a lethal threat to the community, and a terrorist training manual? What was your reaction when Merseyside Police told the public the murders of Bebe, Alice and Elsie were not “terror-related”. Was that a lie? If so, whose interest did the lie serve?

    2. In an email sent by police to victims’ and survivors’ families from Operation Greenbook – the name of the police investigation into Southport – it says that the attacker possessed a PDF file entitled, Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants: the Al Qaeda Training Manual, of a kind likely to be of use to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism. Further, it says, Rudakubana possessed that file “between 29 August 2021 and 30 July 2024”. Clearly, the murderer had terrorist-related information from the age of 15. How did police conclude the murders of the little girl were “not terror-related”?

    3. We have seen political interference in this case from Day One. How quickly trials were streamlined for those who made comments on social media, some of them pointing out things which were called “conspiracy theories” but are now proven to be true. Are there questions to be asked about the guilt of such people, many of previously good character? Do you believe the law should be used to shut down legitimate concerns about mass immigration?

    4. On which subject, is there any British history of an individual running riot with a machete among a group of little girls? Would it be fair to describe that as an imported and barbarous crime? If so, what policy changes might improve the safety of young girls?

    5. Is is true that Rudakubana said, “UK needs a genocide like Rwanda’s?”

    6. Would he now call himself a Muslim (allegedly practising that faith in prison) and, if he was radicalised, how did that happen?

    7. In the aftermath of the massacre, a photo of the accused as a cherubic young boy who was described only as “Cardiff-born” appeared in the media. Yesterday, a photo of his actual appearance – looking like a deranged fiend recently escaped from Alcatraz – was finally released. Do you think the public has the right to see a likeness of the face Elsie, Bebe and Alice saw before they died – or one designed to anaesthetise public concerns?

    8. With hundreds of men from extremely misogynist cultures crossing the Channel in small boats every week, how does the Government plan to protect little girls like Elsie, Bebe and Alice from attacks by men who despise Western girls?”


  39. Fedup2 says:

    The governor ? Mayor ? Of DC is dragging her feet on releasing J6 hostages – it seems US marshalls have been sent in to get them out .
    I cant imagine such an early challenge to presidential authority going down too well … a story which i dont think will feature on the BBC


  40. micknotmike says:

    One thing I noticed on the bbc :-

    When the savage attacked and killed three fine folk in Nottingham, they took every opportunity to have his mugshot front and centre in reports. I don’t know whether they find bad boys attractive, but it was wall-to-wall for weeks.

    I did read that the yorkshire ripper received hundreds of letters and photos from (Mostly female) superfans right up to his last days, so it’s a known phenomenon.

    Now, every time I go near the bbc, I’ve got some bozz-eyed beachball grinning at me. I know what he looks like, bbc, enough.

    At least it’s not stephen bloody lawrence, although he at least did look sort of human.


  41. Lucy Pevensey says:

    It’s horrific! This member of The Village People is doing two Nazi salutes at the same time!



  42. Zephir says:

    White House teases ‘massive’ infrastructure announcement from Trump on his first full day in office.

    Trump will hold event at 4 p.m. ET to detail the initiative.


  43. harry142857 says:

    Just remember, Starmer went to Southport, spent 17 seconds laying a wreath in silence, wouldn’t engage with the crowd, some of whom had been in situ for several hours, escorted by some of the usual thug security and disappeared with some haste. No wonder locals were enraged. He has zero EQ (empathy quotient) or self awareness. It wouldn’t have hurt to speak to the anxious and concerned local folk who were in attendance.