Midweek 22nd January 2025

The BBC is in deep shock over the actions of a new US president . And the Labour Regime in the UK does its usual whitewash of Islamic terrorism ……

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641 Responses to Midweek 22nd January 2025

  1. Up2snuff says:

    Goal hanging pays off! Thought I was going to be sabotaged by an internet drop out.

    The BBC are displaying their Trump Derangement Syndrome for all to see or hear. JustRemainIn Webb was commenting at last on TWatO but fairly disparagingly on the crowds gathered outdoors in the cold on Pennsylvania Avenue for the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

    It is time to get those letters in to Lisa Nandy, SoState for Culture, Media & Sport, to let her know your views on the BBC TV Licence Fee. It is time to defund the BBC!


  2. BRISSLES says:

    Our man at the top again !! 😉


  3. Northern Voter says:

    I know it’s not the bbc, but Mrs Voter was watching Last of the Summer Wine on U, satellite channel. Up pops an advert for Sensodyne toothpaste. Black dentist saying her clients wanted a whiter smile. Do they not look at these things before they foist them on the unsuspecting public, I nearly lost my cup of tea down my jumper.


    • Fedup2 says:

      X reports that the Trump government is to put ‘restrictions’ on mandelson as UK ambo as to make him useless…but milliband senior is trying to get TTK to give him the gig .. just a popcorn overdose now ..

      John bolton – a bbc ‘ go to ‘ to bad mouth president trump has been fired from some DC job and had his security removed, expect him on ‘today ‘ pretty soon


    • Up2snuff says:

      NV, Last of Summer Wine is excellent viewing. I recommend ‘Getting on Sidney’s Wire’ from, I think, Series 4.


  4. digg says:

    Five posts in front of me!….Closest I have ever been to a podium position I think!

    Meanwhile we head to another day when we begin to reflect on what distortion of truth the BBC will spew out today to satisfy its coterie of lefty juvenile staff.


  5. Lucy Pevensey says:

    A Palestinian terrorist carried out a terror attack in the heart of Tel Aviv today, stabbing several Israeli civilians.
    The Palestinian terrorist was eliminated.

    Maybe it was a new kind of indeterminate terrorism.


  6. StewGreen says:

    I don’t know if it’s always disinformation or not, but so often MSM report things in a completely different way to the way the man in the street would.
    Like you would always try to mention big context info first, whereas MSM often hide it.

    ITV local new tonight
    “A mother from Huddersfield who was forced to throw her children from a window to escape a fire says councils need to take neighbour complaints more seriously.”
    The video showed a woman of brown skin in a hijab
    presenter began “after suffering months of RACIST abuse”

    My brain said “the way this is presented leads you believe the perp is a Tommy Robinson, but it will turn out to be another foreigner”
    And sure enough the name of the perp didn’t come until near the end, and the report never mentioned his nationality but it is a Polish surname, The report does mention that the perp and his flatmate were druggies and that that Polish named guy started a fire apparently aimed at the Muslim family, but whereas they got out it was one of the guys 2 flatmates that died, the name was given, but not that it was Lithuanian
    Furthermore despite the framing of a woman struggling to get out with her two children, her husband was in the room too.
    Furthermore despite it being a topical news show .. its not new news The guy was convicted 5 months ago in September.
    Furthermore the guy was not convicted of trying to kill anyone
    so the court didn’t think he was targeting the Muslim woman
    rather Marcin Kramarski, “was cleared of another charge of arson with intent to endanger life” He was charged with murder of his friend , but that was reduced to manslaughter and the arson ruled as “reckless”.

    So the true story was there were 3 foreign druggies living in a flat, they were about to get evicted and were often awful to their upstairs neighbours as druggies often are. These neighbours happened to be Muslim. They’d complained many times previously, but nothing was done
    One of the foreign druggies the perp was outside the flat and went and fetched a wheelie bin put it in the flats doorway and set it alight, for an unknown reason. He blocked attempts to help people inside including his own partner and host.
    In September the perp has been found to be reckless and guilty of manslaughter against his foreign friend
    He was not found guilty of anything directly towards the Muslim family
    ITV tonight ran with the Muslim are the victims 5 days after his sentencing
    ITV had run exactly the same story in September when he was convicted


  7. digg says:

    As an aside, we are all aware of the tendency in TV commercials to portray normal British families with a white wife and black African origin partner for reasons of diversity so why is it apparently not the done thing to show for instance the reverse of the above or maybe an oriental bloke with an African wife or vice-versa if you get my drift….

    I could go on but won’t ……

    I rather suspect it is to do with a very juvenile view of the ad agency diversity department trying to impose their view on society and going for the easy target.


    • BRISSLES says:

      I remember reading about ad agencies a few years ago receiving dictats that told them to “up” their quota on using minorities.

      A friend, whose young son was a regular on the modelling circuit, found the auditions stopped overnight and non white kids suddenly got all available jobs. Clearly the same applied to all adult models – they didn’t have the right skin colour.


      • JonathanR says:

        Wasn’t this down to Teresa May?


      • Deborah says:

        I heard that ad agencies didn’t win awards if their ads didn’t have a full quota of DEI hence why you might get someone in a wheelchair or the stylish Tia Maria ad of some years ago. It included trans women (or do I mean trans men, anyway men dressed as women) as well as someone with an artificial leg (the sort that sprinters wear).


        • Lefty Wright says:

          I’ve got 2 artificial knees. Perhaps I could get a lucrative job in TV ads. Not.
          I am a white, Conservative, heterosexual male. i.e. a loser.


      • Loobyloo says:

        Male models used to be handsome – now they look like crime watch mugshots. As the Don would say, shame!


    • StewGreen says:

      Spiked in 2023 : The rise of hyper-tokenism
      Why do TV shows insist on presenting Britain as far more ‘diverse’ than it actually is?


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Images are a very powerful weapon in the brainwasher’s armoury.
      Your example is primarily aimed at white females who the ad men seem to think are more susceptible to the treatment.
      Come on girls get yourself a darkie. You know it makes sense.


  8. tomo says:



    • JonathanR says:

      Well no surprise there The Sun backed the useless Labour Party during the elction


    • Deborah says:

      The trouble is that these sort of adverts makes it easy for the Labour government to blame everyone bar their local councillors. What I expect is that the government will ban buying knives on line. The murderous thugs will still find a way to buy theirs and I will have difficulty buying a new kitchen knife.


  9. JonathanR says:


    • Lefty Wright says:

      For me, John Kennedy always speaks a lot of truth. I view his videos regularly and have done for quite a long time.


  10. Zephir says:

    Note to bbc :

    ‘Stop interrupting’: Trump slams ‘one-sided horrible’ journalist at press conference.


    • vlad says:

      That’s the way to treat cocky liberal journos, who spent 4+ years never asking Biden a tougher question that what his favourite ice-cream was.
      Give ’em hell, Don – especially the BBC.


    • G says:

      Not, “……another beauty……”?


  11. Zephir says:

    Biden’s comment is quoted here:

    “Dangerous concentration of power in the hands of wealthy people….”

    BREAKING: Kennedy Claims Something ‘Weird’ Happened To Expedite George Soros Radio Stations Purchase.

    On the Senate floor, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) sounded off on the purchase on over 200 radio stations by George Soros.


  12. JohnC says:

    I notice the BBC are not giving much coverage to the anti-Trump protests in Washington. Maybe this is why:

    You can be sure that many of the BBC staff are more like those people than they are like us.

    Trump has exceeded expectations already. The Left have been knocked for six : I’m interested to see what the backlash is going to be once they realise the magnitude of what has happened.
    The best part of course is that Trump is the product of Democracy. Even a free but unfair election was not enough to stop the people comprehensively rejecting their politics. They have no argument against it – so they will switch to other tactics.


  13. Zephir says:

    Note to all the above:

    The left, including Biden’s, crowning achievement, they have run San Francisco, a once beautiful city, for 20 years into the ground.

    They decriminalised drugs and shoplifting and actively prevented new housing :



    • Sluff says:

      Are you sure that’s San Fran and not Londonistan?
      Traffic seems to be driving on the left.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:


        They aren’t very clear but they look like American plates on the cars. It might be a one-way street.


        • Lefty Wright says:

          I guess the location doesn’t matter much. One shit hole looks much like another.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Well spotted sir. You should be a detective.


  14. Zephir says:



  15. Zephir says:



  16. andyjsnape says:

    Two IDs plan to stop under-age online knife sales

    Maybe just use the knife from the kitchen, its available without waiting and no delivery charges either


    • tomo says:

      We’re paying taxes to employ dangerous morons with an appetite for (WFH?) intimidatory busybodyness targeting everybody for the antics of a few – sack them all ….


    • Zephir says:

      papering over the cracks of a failed immigration / asylum system.

      The real questions : what was his family doing in the UK in the first place, why and how and who ?

      We know of one with a track record of fighting to let these into the UK.

      There should be years of monitoring before a final decision is made on this and a passport issued, any criminal or suspicious activity should require forensic examination, and I don’t give a damn that this one was born here, as Trump has also acted upon. That is the first thing the wrong uns will try…


    • MarkyMark says:

      The act of action with net zero effect.


  17. Scroblene says:

    It’s all such a far cry from the sixties, when some kids used to think it was ‘the big thing’ to ‘drop out’, and make the word ‘hippie’ synonymous with ‘freedom’, and a careless lifestyle!

    Before that, they were called ‘beatniks’, and God know what they were called before that, but it looks as though the examinations all got so much easier, so they all pass anowdays, or fail and just get ignored; even by the sad lefties in ‘control’!


  18. atlas_shrugged says:

    Ding dong. One corrupt researcher down, many more to go:

    UK zoologist barred for covid-era research



  19. AsISeeIt says:

    Peace will come when the arabs will love their children more than they hate us (Golda Meir, 1957)

    Love their children more, eh? Perhaps that’s when British politicians may call a halt to mass immigration?

    You’ll recall yesterday’s line…

    ‘I’m pleased they don’t have to relive the attack’… A man who sheltered children as they fled the Southport attack has said he is relieved parents are being spared having to relive the trauma in a trial following the killer’s guilty pleas. (BBC)

    Labour MP Patrick Hurley expresses relief that the victims’ families are spared a lengthy trial as Rudakubana faces life behind bars. (BBC)

    Not half as relieved as Keir Starmer was… but I’m guessing the former boss of the CPS had at least an inkling of the impending – supposedly sudden – guilty pleas.

    Speaking of the CPS…

    Police claim they were gagged over Southport terrorist – kudos to the mildly conservative Telegraph for calling a spade… a spade.

    The police were gagged from releasing vital information… Merseyside detectives wanted to provide details about the killer’s background, including his religion and his crimes, but were warned not to do so by the Crime Prosecution Service (Telegraph)

    I see the cops are getting their excuses in quick prior to the buck-passing that will characterise the coming inquiry.

    The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff – extraordinarily – like the Sun for their top pick for the online print press line-up this morning.

    Today’s line…

    The Amazon Killer – yells the banner headline in the king of the red tops: Southport murderer… Bought knife in seconds on web… age 17… Starmer vows to change law on blades (Sun)

    Infamous for their repeats… our BBC picks the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror to reflect this same news line as their second top choice of the morning’s newspapers: Total disgrace he was able to buy knife on Amazon… Home Secretary’s blast

    And, just in case you might have imagined that this was simply some random tabloid obsession – the regime-central mouthpiece that is the Times reiterates the line as their top headline: Southport killer got knife on Amazon

    To one of Mr AsI’s favourite awkward little happenstance juxtapositions of newslines… you know the ones, those that hint at some glitch in the matrix, as they say…

    Ministers put Amazon man in charge of CMA… The chairman of Britain’s competition regulator has been ousted and replaced with a veteran Amazon executive… Ministers last night appointed Doug Gurr, who ran Amazon’s UK arm for nine years (Telegraph)

    Another regular feature now – the millionaire female celebrity angst feature…

    Interview Katie Melua… ‘It was like living in a horror film’ Singer on the ‘gift’ of surviving a breakdown (i news)

    Moving quickly on, as they say…

    And as we turn the page on the Southport murderous terror attack – in terms of media interest – and the entire sorry incident is about to become literally a Sideshow Bob…

    And the Yvette Cooper-backed inquiry into Southport will no doubt eventually recommend we should have gone into Lockdown ‘sooner harder and for longer’ and it was all Boris Johnson’s and Matt Hancock’s fault anyway and the NHS and mass immigration are brilliant and if only we’d rejoin the EU and the TV tax should be £300 a year – sorry, have I confused my official inquiry outcomes there?

    Meanwhile to the real business of government… Tony Blair’s patent digital ID Chinese Communist-style social credit system begins to take shape: Benefit cheats could be stripped of driving licences (BBC)

    Yes! I hear you say. But wait until they take away your driving licence for criticising the Today Programme online hearabouts.


    • MarkyMark says:

      What about expenses cheats like Yvette Cooper and Ed Balls?
      Remove their driving licenses?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Total disgrace he was able to buy knife on Amazon… Home Secretary’s blast” – charity shops? knife shops? Asda? Ebay? Carboot sales?


      • Guest Who says:

        Luckily, no Swedish ones at least.

        Not that IKEA ever sold machetes.


        • MarkyMark says:

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        • Guest Who says:

          Beyond farcical.

          Like the USA now… well, until recently.

          Post war the U.K. public had had enough of violence and so when the amnesty came in, most servicemen turned in ‘souvenirs’. Getting back to limited stock… barrel and lock in farms and clubs.

          Not so land of the second amendment. Place was, is, and always will be dripping with guns. Try to remove from the public now and those left with them will be governments prone to change and those who like to change them using media and other covert means. Plus crims. Who have stashes not at home in the locked case.

          I have next to me my breakfast knife that I use to butter my toast. It is around 200mm long, Sheffield steel. In my man cave is a grinder and a whet stone. I reckon about 5’ tops for a pretty lethal 150mm shiv.

          I turned an old mild steel rusty fence post of 3ft into a broad sword for the boys to cleave wood in around 2hrs.

          Now, if I had a hammer this morning…

          All governments of late have been equally inept, but the poop deck of the legislative U.K. Titanic must be rammed with rearranged deckchairs by now.


    • Siempre Recht says:

      This is what the “expert” said this morning on BBC Scotland. Notice how they’re ALL trying to pin this on the “Tech Giants”.

      Who knows, tomorrow they’ll all be blaming Elon Musk.


  20. Siempre Recht says:

    As someone who’s marooned north of the border for some time, I’m forced to listen to the cack that BBC Scotland puts out, the morning show was unbearable this morning.

    Apparently, it’s not a problem with Welsh choirboys, who look up Al-Qaeda training material, and attempt to use Ricin (in a “non-terrorist” manner!), who have infiltrated the UK with their 7th century attitudes, but the fault of these tragedies lies with “Tech Giants” and “misinformation” that caused Southport.

    I kid you not!

    This was naturally stated by some English, female, expert; who thought she knows it all, and simply never listened to the host.

    You know the type, a combination of your kid’s Modern Studies teacher / friend of a couple that you know, who they just “can’t believe that she’s not taken”.
    It took me 15 seconds to find my remote to the radio, where I switched it to Classic FM.

    It seemed like an eternity.


    • Zephir says:

      You can’t beat good Scottish TV:

      At breakfast:

      “Oh..Dr Finlay, I think I’ve got heartburn”

      “Och no Janet, you’ve got your tit hanging in your porridge”


      • Scroblene says:

        “Aye, so it is, Doctor; it’s gruesome”…

        “Aye, Janet, and seeing tha’ – it’s grew some more…”!


      • Charlie Farley says:

        Zephir ,
        “Do you want it noooo Doctor Finlay ? ”
        “Aye Janet ! “


        • Zephir says:

          I never really noticed Dr Finlay was a post watershed morass of carnal excess..

          I must have been distracted at the time.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    UK Gov 5 reports and zero action – USA billionaire 1 tweet and everyone says he is full of hate.

    UK Gov watch postal officers die in prison with zero action – 1 ITV drama and everyone wants justice.

    We live in a world where the Gov do nothing and expect you to pay taxes.


  22. MarkyMark says:

    SMASH THE GANGS = 0 boats stopped, jails emptied and legitimate protestors locked up


  23. MarkyMark says:

    UK Gov – cannot stop one boat
    UK Gov – can stop future stabbings by removing knives from Amazon.


  24. atlas_shrugged says:

    The family of the terrorist child-murderer have been moved for THEIR PROTECTION!

    I think they should be moved to Rwanda for OUR PROTECTION.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Remember the Rwanda deal by the Conservatives – it was reciprocal – the UK would take unwanted people from Rwanda – HA HA HA HAH A H


      • G says:

        Not just unwanted. I remember at the time that UK government agreed to take in Rwandans seeking the medical help they could not get in Rwanda, such as youngster’s with mental health issues…………..


    • Charlie Farley says:

      Was the Father of the EVIL STABBER involved in the Genocide Atrocities in Rwanda ? ……..Starmer involved in this right from the start ?
      This once Great Britain 🇬🇧 …….I fear for my Grandchildrens Future’s 😔


  25. Guest Who says:

    Getty models pay their taxes.



  26. MarkyMark says:

    Breakdown of Home Office costs associated with the MEDP with Rwanda and the Illegal Migration Act 2023

    1. Payments to the Economic Transformation and Integration Fund (ETIF), which were designed to support economic growth in Rwanda. These are fixed cash payments and were due while the agreement was in force. A further £100 million of ETIF payments would have been due under the Treaty, £50 million in each of the next two financial years 2025 to 2026 and 2026 to 2027. In addition, the Home Office was liable to pay ‘volume trigger’ ETIF payment of £120 million upon the transfer of 300 people to Rwanda. A per person ETIF payment would also have been made at £20,000 per person.

    2. Payments to cover asylum processing and operational costs for individuals relocated to Rwanda. The Home Office agreed to pay a five-year integration package for each relocated person, which covers accommodation, essential items such as food, medical services, education and other integration programmes. These payments can potentially last for five years and total £150,874 per individual, with the total annual payment decreasing over the five-year period:

    Year 1: £45,262 (this includes £11,000 for the asylum assessment)
    Year 2: £37,718
    Year 3: £30,175
    Year 4: £22,632
    Year 5: £15,087
    Under the agreement, if a relocated individual decided to leave Rwanda, the UK would stop payments for that individual but would pay the Government of Rwanda a one-off £10,000 per individual to help facilitate their voluntary departure. 



    • JohnC says:

      I thought the whole Rwanda affair was a joke from start to finish.

      There’s only one solution : if a boat leaves the French shore and enters our waters without permission, we take the boat straight back, dump them on the beach then sink the boat.

      It would solve the problem overnight. The fact that solution is never discussed smells bad to me. BBC Verify even told me it would be an act of war if we did it without asking the French if we could.

      I’m quite sure the French would not care about doing it if it were the other way round. Instead we keep giving them more and more money to stop them but they still keep coming. French police have been told not to put one foot into the water when going after them !. They just stand and watch.


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        I never noticed the French asking for permission when they cut the fishing nets of the Channel Islander fishermen in their own waters. In fact a Royal Navy patrol boat sat watching and twiddling their thumbs.

        This was all when EU/UK wanted the Channel Islands to release details on offshore bank accounts.

        I never noticed UK permission when a French exocet missile slammed into the side of HMS Sheffield during the Falklands war. In fact I noticed a Frenchman singing ‘Don’t cry for me Argentina’ on a London coach.


      • Guest Who says:

        It was. Still not laughing.

        Tories initiated this under the Blob, Ed is making it idiotic.

        I commend this post and thread. Many actual data shares that surely anyone not bought and paid for or in need of sectioning can appreciate.



        • Zephir says:

          Love to see where Scotland would come if treated separately.

          Someone once said to me they had been to Scotland three times but only really saw it once for an hour or two.


        • MarkyMark says:

          “Fascinating study by the World Bank into solar power potential of different countries, taking into account hours of sunlight, seasonality, land use, cost, etc. Guess which country comes second last, at 249th? Only Ireland is less suitable for solar than UK.”



      • Charlie Farley says:

        Why haven’t they stopped the RNLI Taxi Service and Border Farce bringing illegal invaders here 😠 😡


        • MarkyMark says:

          Because they don’t want to!
          BREXIT = control borders
          UK GOV = ignore BREXIT and say it’s all too hard.


        • JohnC says:

          It’s so they don’t drown and make the headlines – thus drawing our attention to the problem Charlie.
          It’s for one reason only : to stop us knowing what is going on.


      • MarkyMark says:

        SAS! That’s what they are there for – to do what cannot be done!

        The motto of the British Special Air Service (SAS) is “Who Dares Wins”. The motto was chosen by David Stirling, who believed it captured the ethos of the SAS.


      • moggiemoo says:

        I wouldn’t bother taking them back, just sink the boat where I found it, then piss off, the French can rescue them. Wait! They won’t? Oh dear, how sad, never mind. The boats would stop overnight.


  27. Fedup2 says:


    Amol – an immigrant – interviews a former Trump employee over – immigration …

    The usual lefty liberal lines ‘- won’t it be terrible when people are thrown out ‘ sez amol – ‘they broke the law getting into the US – so off they go sez American ‘… on and on it went …. No wonder the dinghies keep coming here …


  28. Guest Who says:

    The UN is upset that America won’t be helping finance their trillion dollar money laundering operations any more.

    Bit of real estate on the shore of The Hudson that could release a pretty penny.

    Maybe Trump could OK it being relocated to the Chagos Islands. Good air links, etc. Bit of pose value for Lame and Two Tier until the U.K. oust them too.


  29. JohnC says:

    Police were ‘gagged’ by CPS over Southport killer
    ‘Merseyside detectives had wanted to provide details about the killer’s background, including his religion and his crimes, but were warned not to do so by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).’

    Headline news at the Telegraph and very significant considering current events.

    Nowhere to be seen at the BBC.

    It all has the stench of Starmer and his far-left cronies.


  30. JohnC says:

    Teen arrested after boy, 12, dies in stabbing

    A 14-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder, following the death of a 12-year-old boy who was stabbed in Birmingham on Tuesday.

    FFS: A 14 year old stabbing at 12 year old !!! – and it gets another brief, basic facts only report by the BBC.

    It shows beyond doubt that the ‘live update’ for the machete-carrying, drug-gang black boy was murdered on the bus the other day was indeed just a ‘look, elephant’ distraction. The BBC don’t give a shit if they can’t blame whitey.

    No question whatsoever that both of these boys are enrichment.


  31. Sluff says:

    Many congratulations to Donald Trump for not exploding as he had to sit there and listen to the unadulterated Far Left tripe coming from the lady Bishop at the service. She clearly does not understand words like democracy or mandate.
    It did however exemplify the intolerance and entrenchment of the left and show what he is up against.


  32. davylars says:

    I realise I am a uk power generation bore,… but
    I must post this .

    GB Fuel type power generation production
    last update 2025-01-22 08:40:00 GMT

    0% wind…0%solar. 65% gas..

    I hope somebody in power takes this up.



    • Sluff says:

      Welcome back davylars.
      But that said, you are so pessimistic.
      Wind power has increased dramatically from your picture. It is now up from zero to….0.7%.
      Gas 67% which means of course we need that capacity of gas just in case. Most of the time it remains idle.

      Sadly I cannot get a screen grab.

      Strangely neither Ed Milliband nor Justin Rowlatt have anything to say on the matter.

      A storm is heading our way on Friday and the turbines will turn. Except maybe they won’t. Too much wind.

      Incidentally I read the other day that under ‘contract for difference’ arrangements, wind producers get paid at the highest spot price in the market for gas, and then the surplus over their own bid is given back to the government. Not sure this hidden cost to the public, akin to another energy tax, is ever mentioned.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Burgeoning capacity and blustery weather should have driven huge growth in output in 2024. But the grid can’t cope, forcing the operator to pay wind farms to turn off, a cost ultimately borne by consumers. It’s a situation that puts at risk plans to decarbonize the network by 2030 and makes it harder to cut bills.5 Dec 2024”

        “Wasted wind power adds £40 to household energy costs, says think tank
        19 December 2023”

        “Pay more if the wind doesnt blow, pay more if its too windy. Great energy security plan but hey lets just charge the customers more, they cant do anything about it.”


      • tomo says:

        The providers / collectors of UK green levy payments are forbidden ( on pain of “excommunication” ) from discussing their rancid pickpocketing antics.

        The renewables business is a putrid sump of larceny and lies.

        Gaslighting is the norm….


      • Lefty Wright says:

        I think leftists produce enough wind to power the whole planet.
        A bunch of windbags.


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      You are not boring at all.

      This stupidity of relying on unreliable energy e.g. wind needs to be rubbed into the noses of all the stupid politicians again and again.

      Dunkelflaute Dummkopfs.


      • G says:

        The so-called, “Politicians”? They’re just following orders. BTW, that’s not from the British public. Who is in command then? The UN/WEF Members/China.

        I’ll bet that when the numbers of illegal immigrants Europe + UK were allocated to take in, in the case of the UK, being a small island, it was left, “take what you can”. Until the island starts showing signs of sinking……….

        Since Bliar, successors simply handed the baton on to the next.


    • G says:

      What will be interesting is what those 10 bounded in mauve above do when their “European Friends” and the EU demand that any surplus is now redirected away from the UK and toward the starved and failing energy systems in the rest of Europe.


    • Up2snuff says:

      davy, I have just written to my MP about the Climate & Nature Bill’s second reading on Friday: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/challenge-your-mp-over-this-mad-climate-bill/

      You should do so too as you are on top of all the facts and figures.


  33. MarkyMark says:


    UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’
    The officer was filmed in a video, which was livestreamed on TikTok, addressing a crowd of men outside the Darul Falah mosque in Hanley, near Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday.


  34. MarkyMark says:

    OLD TIMES … The motto of the British Special Air Service (SAS) is “Who Dares Wins”. The motto was chosen by David Stirling, who believed it captured the ethos of the SAS.

    MODERN TIMES … run-hide-tell-campaign-banner.jpg


    • vlad says:


      If it’s a White Supremacist, Run – Hide – Tell.

      If it’s a Muslim Supremacist, Run – Hide – But don’t tell. That would be racist.


  35. Guest Who says:

    That’s enough internet for now.


    Still laughing so much I can barely ty…


  36. digg says:

    Another stormer from Starmer, ID and video checks before anyone under 18 can buy a knife on Amazon…


    What a signalling Knee-jerk reaction, someone needs to let him know that people over 18 also stab people and people get stabbed with kitchen knives, stolen knives, axes, hammers and probably a huge range of DIY tools.


  37. digg says:

    A new word that we are all going to have to get used to on the BBC, Guardian and other left wing press…..



    We all have to learn to spit it out with disgust in Orwellian five minutes of hate fashion.

    Yep, it’s a childish playground level attack on Trump Musk etc. and will be used faithfully in numerous reports from here on in…


  38. MarkyMark says:

    Starmer to ban all beans and nail polish …. “Will they also arrest the supplier of castor beans and acetone (maybe stolen from school).” from order-order.com


  39. MarkyMark says:

    David Davis MP asks why the Southport stabbings have not been declared a terror incident

    sir David Davis I hope the Home
    Secretary will not take it as a
    discourtesy if I say to her that
    actually it should be the Prime Minister
    making this statement here today
    I say
    that because this morning he said on
    television that Singleton terrorist
    attacks were very new occurrence they’re
    not they’ve been going on for nearly a
    decade many in London one in the yard of
    This House of Commons uh and of course
    one killed s David Amos our colleague
    and in that attack on David Amos the
    police declared a det terrorist incident
    the same day without three prevent
    references without ring without an
    Al-Qaeda manual they declared it a
    terrorist event the same day
    so we all
    wonder why this is not the case here
    when there was such evidence this is a
    clear mistake is it not OB secretary so
    the decision about the application of
    the terrorism act 2000 is one for the
    police and ultimately the CPS when they
    lay charges based on the operational
    information that they have the
    prosecution will lay out more
    information what they put before
    sentencing that they would have put
    before the court on Tuesday had they uh
    uh had the information today so we had
    the uh offender not pleaded guilty
    initially and that is for them to decide
    but the point the Prime Minister made
    this morning was that this is clearly a
    case where someone attempted to
    terrorize the community that was clearly
    his intention to kill those children and
    also to terrorize more widely and that
    is why we have to ensure that even where
    there are cases where the police or the
    prosecutions say they have not been able
    to prove ideology that we still have the
    right Powers the right sentencing the
    right ability to respond with swiftness
    and seriousness to the kinds of cases we
    face and that is why he has said that
    this needs to be reviewed I referred to
    the independent reviewer of terrorism uh
    Powers looking at these issues uh and
    it’s also why we have this statement to
    the house and are making this inquiry
    because where I would disagree with him
    when he said well we’ve had these cases
    for a long time the thing we’ve seen in
    very recent years is this really big
    increase in youth violence and extremism
    on a really disturbing scale and I do
    think that needs to be part of the
    inquiry as well show”


  40. MarkyMark says:

    “This kind of stupid takes a plan”

    John Kennedy on Chagos Surrender and Ketamine

    “We need to stop this deal. President Trump and and Secretary Rubio need to pick up the phone and and call Prime Minister Starmer in the United Kingdom and say to to the Prime Minister: ‘Mr Prime Minister with all due respect stop dipping into your ketamine stash! Put down the bong. We need this military base to combat China. Don’t do it.”


    “Off topic. Trump has signed an order leaving the OECD. He wants American companies to pay their taxes in the US. Currently, nearly 1,000 US companies pay €28.1 billion in corporation tax in Ireland, a country that runs a surplus. If they leave, which now seems likely, Ireland will have a serious deficit” – order-order.com comment


  41. andyjsnape says:

    bbc has the answers:-

    Six Trump executive orders to watch

    Ticks and crosses – as if most people believe the bbc “news”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Declaring drug cartels as ‘foreign terrorist organisations’


      Pulling out of Paris climate accord

      Ending birthright citizenship

      Withdrawing from World Health Organization (WHO)

      Renaming Gulf of Mexico

      The US recognises two sexes, male and female


      Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer
      26 September 2021

      Five Troubling Signs That Your Baby Might Be A White Supremacist


  42. MarkyMark says:

    I am the captain now … ban all knives!


    • tomo says:

      That is pretty accurate…

      But let’s not forget that beyond being a Democrat campaign contrivance BLM is also a proven slush fund for some pretty rancid Marxists to accumulate sprawling property portfolios..


  43. Zephir says:

    Millions and millions potentially to be saved, with no downside, at a stroke of a pen:

    “Trump obliterates DEI with new demand to place every federal diversity program employee on paid leave by 5 pm Wednesday.

    All DEI offices in federal agencies are also being shuttered in the move, which comes after Trump signed an anti-DEI executive order in front of a cheering crowd at his inauguration on Monday.

    In a letter first obtained by CBS News, the agencies were ordered to ‘take prompt actions’ against all departments ‘focusing exclusively on DEI initiatives and programs.’

    The letter also demands all public DEI focused webpages be taken offline, and orders employees within the departments to report ‘any efforts to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language.’

    Any employees that are aware of ‘coded or imprecise language’ intended to keep DEI programs alive but do not report them within 10 days are warned of ‘adverse consequences.’ ”



    • Zephir says:

      “Tuesday’s order concludes: ‘These programs divided Americans by race, wasted taxpayer dollars, and resulted in shameful discrimination.’ “


    • MarkyMark says:

      When Biden becomes the 48th president these will be called the “The witch hunts of 2025 “


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Zephir, same subject


  44. Fedup2 says:

    US politics
    Apparently one of the lefty supreme justices is not in good health . The Obama Biden gang tried to get her to step down before the election but she wouldn’t go . So if she pops it in the next 4 years the true president can get more sanity on the bench . Which is nice.

    I watched the `trump press conference … the lefty msm tried to revert to type over the J6 . You could feel them twitch when the true president said 2020 was stolen …. I don’t know if there was anyone there from the BBC …


    • JohnC says:

      Trump is the gift which keeps on giving.
      I’ve never seen such negativity and hate in my phone news-feed. The Left really are the most extreme of double-standard hypocrites. They hate more than anyone.
      As I said before : get some popcorn and prepare for the start of action to stop him. I wonder how many lawsuits are being prepared. What makes it sweet is that his election was so overwhelming, they don’t control any means to remove him.

      Finally we get to see democracy working like it should. And the fascist Left absolutely hate it. They created Trump and now they will suffer the consequences. I shudder to think how things would be now if he wasn’t there to stand up to them. The USA really has dodged a bullet.
      We – on the other hand – took ours right in the face. Thanks to people like the BBC.


    • G says:

      Heard on the 0600 news on R4: “……(Trump makes) the unsubstantiated claim that 11 million had crossed the Southern Border…….”

      How dim can the BBC reporting get?


  45. MarkyMark says:

    PMQs – not questions from any other parties? HA HA HAHA ! We live in a dictatorship!

    “David Reed (Con)
    Luke Taylor (LibDem)
    Markus Campbell-Savours (Lab)
    Chris Bloore (Lab)
    Darren Paffey (Lab)
    Will Stone (Lab)
    Jo Platt (Lab)
    Rosie Wrighting (Lab)
    Harpreet Uppal (Lab)
    Paul Davies (Lab)
    Sarah Owen (Lab)
    Sarah Edwards (Lab)
    Leigh Ingham (Lab)
    Matt Turmaine (Lab)”

    Comment “The Speaker is excelling himself by giving the Dear Leader batting practice again. Almost entirely Labour questions. This, is not democracy.


    14 million of leveling up funds – for what?


    • Fedup2 says:

      No one congratulating President Trump on the inauguration ….no one at all ….


      • MarkyMark says:

        Not one – can’t see Tulip in the benches – is she in Bangladesh?

        Tories failed in the fight against cancer – yet Labour won!


  46. Eddy Booth says:

    “Benefit cheats could be stripped of driving licences”


    Why single them out? Why not paedophile, tax cheats, shop lifters etc

    “The plans also include new powers to force banks to hand over account information about benefit claimants to help target investigations, echoing a scheme announced by the previous Conservative government.”

    What a suprise! the new red tie uniparty wants the same thing as the blue did.
    Just a slippery slope to the government getting everyone’s bank account access…


    • MarkyMark says:

      “650 MP Expense fraudsters Benefit cheats could be stripped of driving licences”


  47. JohnC says:

    BBC claims Donald Trump’s election victory fuelled by ‘fear’

    ‘The BBC is embroiled in a fresh row over bias after it reported that Donald Trump’s election was built on “fear” and a “misconception” over illegal migration.’

    ‘BBC viewers took to social media to complain that its reporters could not disguise their dislike of the president, which they said was typified in Mr Sudworth’s report broadcast during Monday night’s News at Ten on BBC1.’

    Nothing new whatsoever here – but just logging it for the record.


  48. Fedup2 says:

    Marxists borrowed nearly 18 billion in December – 12 billion the month before . The 18 was meant to be 14 – according to the OBR . the Marxists paid over £8 billion in interest in December …
    And gonna get worse . Rachel will be asking the IMF for a credit limit increase soon ….


  49. MarkyMark says:

    Scotland to use Chinese to build net zero wind turbines… ha ha ha haha

    “Mingyang poised for 6GW UK wind turbine deal as developers warm to Chinese
    Scale of Cerulean Winds project could provide ‘anchor’ amid growing support for Chinese factory”