Midweek 22nd January 2025

The BBC is in deep shock over the actions of a new US president . And the Labour Regime in the UK does its usual whitewash of Islamic terrorism ……

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20 Responses to Midweek 22nd January 2025

  1. Up2snuff says:

    Goal hanging pays off! Thought I was going to be sabotaged by an internet drop out.

    The BBC are displaying their Trump Derangement Syndrome for all to see or hear. JustRemainIn Webb was commenting at last on TWatO but fairly disparagingly on the crowds gathered outdoors in the cold on Pennsylvania Avenue for the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

    It is time to get those letters in to Lisa Nandy, SoState for Culture, Media & Sport, to let her know your views on the BBC TV Licence Fee. It is time to defund the BBC!


  2. BRISSLES says:

    Our man at the top again !! 😉


  3. Northern Voter says:

    I know it’s not the bbc, but Mrs Voter was watching Last of the Summer Wine on U, satellite channel. Up pops an advert for Sensodyne toothpaste. Black dentist saying her clients wanted a whiter smile. Do they not look at these things before they foist them on the unsuspecting public, I nearly lost my cup of tea down my jumper.


    • Fedup2 says:

      X reports that the Trump government is to put ‘restrictions’ on mandelson as UK ambo as to make him useless…but milliband senior is trying to get TTK to give him the gig .. just a popcorn overdose now ..

      John bolton – a bbc ‘ go to ‘ to bad mouth president trump has been fired from some DC job and had his security removed, expect him on ‘today ‘ pretty soon


    • Up2snuff says:

      NV, Last of Summer Wine is excellent viewing. I recommend ‘Getting on Sidney’s Wire’ from, I think, Series 4.


  4. digg says:

    Five posts in front of me!….Closest I have ever been to a podium position I think!

    Meanwhile we head to another day when we begin to reflect on what distortion of truth the BBC will spew out today to satisfy its coterie of lefty juvenile staff.


  5. Lucy Pevensey says:

    A Palestinian terrorist carried out a terror attack in the heart of Tel Aviv today, stabbing several Israeli civilians.
    The Palestinian terrorist was eliminated.

    Maybe it was a new kind of indeterminate terrorism.


  6. StewGreen says:

    I don’t know if it’s always disinformation or not, but so often MSM report things in a completely different way to the way the man in the street would.
    Like you would always try to mention big context info first, whereas MSM often hide it.

    ITV local new tonight
    “A mother from Huddersfield who was forced to throw her children from a window to escape a fire says councils need to take neighbour complaints more seriously.”
    The video showed a woman of brown skin in a hijab
    presenter began “after suffering months of RACIST abuse”

    My brain said “the way this is presented leads you believe the perp is a Tommy Robinson, but it will turn out to be another foreigner”
    And sure enough the name of the perp didn’t come until near the end, and the report never mentioned his nationality but it is a Polish surname, The report does mention that the perp and his flatmate were druggies and that that Polish named guy started a fire apparently aimed at the Muslim family, but whereas they got out it was one of the guys 2 flatmates that died, the name was given, but not that it was Lithuanian
    Furthermore despite the framing of a woman struggling to get out with her two children, her husband was in the room too.
    Furthermore despite it being a topical news show .. its not new news The guy was convicted 5 months ago in September.
    Furthermore the guy was not convicted of trying to kill anyone
    so the court didn’t think he was targeting the Muslim woman
    rather Marcin Kramarski, “was cleared of another charge of arson with intent to endanger life” He was charged with murder of his friend , but that was reduced to manslaughter and the arson ruled as “reckless”.

    So the true story was there were 3 foreign druggies living in a flat, they were about to get evicted and were often awful to their upstairs neighbours as druggies often are. These neighbours happened to be Muslim. They’d complained many times previously, but nothing was done
    One of the foreign druggies the perp was outside the flat and went and fetched a wheelie bin put it in the flats doorway and set it alight, for an unknown reason. He blocked attempts to help people inside including his own partner and host.
    In September the perp has been found to be reckless and guilty of manslaughter against his foreign friend
    He was not found guilty of anything directly towards the Muslim family
    ITV tonight ran with the Muslim are the victims 5 days after his sentencing
    ITV had run exactly the same story in September when he was convicted


  7. digg says:

    As an aside, we are all aware of the tendency in TV commercials to portray normal British families with a white wife and black African origin partner for reasons of diversity so why is it apparently not the done thing to show for instance the reverse of the above or maybe an oriental bloke with an African wife or vice-versa if you get my drift….

    I could go on but won’t ……

    I rather suspect it is to do with a very juvenile view of the ad agency diversity department trying to impose their view on society and going for the easy target.


  8. JonathanR says:


  9. Zephir says:

    Note to bbc :

    ‘Stop interrupting’: Trump slams ‘one-sided horrible’ journalist at press conference.


    • vlad says:

      That’s the way to treat cocky liberal journos, who spent 4+ years never asking Biden a tougher question that what his favourite ice-cream was.
      Give ’em hell, Don – especially the BBC.


  10. Zephir says:

    Biden’s comment is quoted here:

    “Dangerous concentration of power in the hands of wealthy people….”

    BREAKING: Kennedy Claims Something ‘Weird’ Happened To Expedite George Soros Radio Stations Purchase.

    On the Senate floor, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) sounded off on the purchase on over 200 radio stations by George Soros.


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