Weekend 25th January 2025

The BBC is now getting over the shock of President Trump doing what the voters elected him to do and is reverting to the institutional hate . Its’ favourite political Marxist party is still biting its’ lip -but it can only be a matter of time before is joins the BBC choir of hate .

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350 Responses to Weekend 25th January 2025

  1. Zephir says:



    • vlad says:

      Oh, they’re plenty EMPOWERED ok, no doubt about that!

      (I can’t help noticing the gormless grinning vicar. Is he there to empower them too? Meanwhile church attendance is collapsing.)


    • pugnazious says:

      Vicars should understand they are wasting their time…delaying the inevitable…he and his religion are hated and will be crushed when the time comes.

      Look at the government advice to travel to friendly Morocco…

      ‘It is illegal to attempt to convert any Muslim to another faith and to distribute evangelical literature (such as Arabic-language bibles). Attempting to convert a Muslim to another faith is punishable by small fines and up to 3 years’ imprisonment.

      Criticism of Islam on public platforms, in print or online media, or in public speeches is punishable by heavy fines and up 2 years’ imprisonment.

      Sexual activity between unmarried people and adultery are illegal for Moroccan nationals – this includes sharing a hotel room, particularly with foreign nationals.

      Avoid showing affection in public, particularly in tourist areas and near religious sites.

      Same-sex sexual relations are illegal in Morocco. Avoid showing affection in public – complaints can lead to prosecution.

      Women may receive unwanted attention in Morocco, especially when travelling alone.

      And it is far worse in other Muslim countries.

      Maybe we should apply such measures here…and reinforce the idea that this is a christian country and people from other cultures need to adhere to our laws and customs.


  2. Zephir says:



  3. Zephir says:

    “Quite shocking’ lack of government contact during UK riots, says MCB head”‘



  4. Zephir says:

    NO commet from the MCB



  5. Zephir says:

    No comment from the MCB



  6. Zephir says:

    No comment from the MCB



  7. Zephir says:

    Smnelled chicked fore u Scrobs

    whare woiuld I be without spillin chickens

    12 years with that was a difficulty, having a decent grasp of the English lanuage yet reduced to pidgding English, , try to find an alternative word for “laddetr or umbrella..

    Unbrella was OK ladder invoilved a trip to A and E


    • Zephir says:

      It might be a theory but I’m with Eiintsien about gravity
      and the nurese’s agreed


  8. vlad says:

    Douglas Murray makes the point that muslims don’t really give a damn about the plight of fellow muslims in various parts of the world. Only in Gaza, because they just hate Jews.
    Same for the rest of the world. No demos against muslims being massacred in Syria or Yemen, or mass deportations in Pakistan. Only Gaza, because they hate Israel.


  9. pugnazious says:

    The BBC moves to counter Badenoch’s uncomfortable truth….

    ‘The Conservative leader is pressed by Kuenssberg, who asks her to provide evidence that a lack of integration into society was the reason behind Rudakabana’a crimes.’

    Badenoch points out another truth…the likes of the BBC try to suppress those uncomfortable truths…when it suits of course…

    ‘Badenoch says that every time a politician tries to talk about issues of integration, there’s a pushback about the language they use. ‘

    Oddly the BBC didn’t ‘press Starmer to provide any evidence’ when he said the same thing….

    ‘People will say this is all because of immigration, or all because of funding cuts.

    But in truth, neither tells us anything like the full story or explains this case properly.

    No – this goes deeper.

    A growing sense that the rights and responsibilities that we owe to one another. The set of unwritten rules that hold a nation together, have, in recent years, been ripped apart.

    More and more people retreating into parallel lives, whether through failures of integration or just a country slowly turning away from itself. ‘

    Naturally the BBC has played a huge part in ripping the fabric of our nation apart….and continues to do so as it works to silence those who point out those ‘uncomfortable truths’.


  10. Sluff says:

    This morning I listened to as much of Toady on Sunday as I could stand.
    The left wing anti Trump BBC bias was up to its usual standard.

    First up, the brazen left wing diatribe by the bishop at the Trump inauguration cathedral service was described as ‘evocative’. Unbelievable, even for the BBC.

    We then, to be fair, had an interview with the pro Trump pastor who was actually at the inauguration ceremony. Unfairly it was the expected combative hectoring style interview with someone whose opinion the BBC hates. He gave the BBC a pretty good schooling in the scriptures however.
    Then it was over to a cleric who supported the leftie bishop. Surprise surprise. The interview tone suddenly becomes quiet, reverential, friendly. But why the difference given the ‘impartiality’ of the BBC?

    Absolutely textbook bias.


    • vlad says:

      The service was indeed evocative. It was evocative of woke, left wing ideology masquerading as religion. It evoked feelings of nausea in many people, and it clearly evoked anger in Trump, as was clear from his response.
      Yes, a very evocative sermon.


  11. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Trump says TTK is doing a very good job.
    Didn’t he say something similar about Kim Jong Un.


    • vlad says:

      Whatever he says, we know that deep down he detests Starmer, Mandy, the Milibands, Khunt and everything they stand for.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Watch Obama roast Trump

      “The very moment in history that you can watch a man decide that he is going to be president.”


  12. MarkyMark says:

    BLM riots – it’s ok they need to show us what they want.
    UK riots – it’s not ok, the jails need to be emptied and they need to be arrested.


  13. MarkyMark says:

    Integration ….

    The Islamophobia Awards are our not-so-annual fundraising gala event. The event has run periodically from 2003, with the adage, “Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.”

    In his letter, he states:

    “I would like to take this opportunity to say what a good idea these awards are. There is a very compelling case for using humour to deal with difficult and serious issues such as Islamaphobia[sic]. The rise in anti-Muslim incidents is indeed alarming and I completely agree with you that there should be legislation to rule both this and and discrimination on the grounds of any religion. If you have any research on this issue which helps build the case in favour of legislation, I would be very interested in seeing it.” He ends the letter, “I hope we will have the opportunity to work together in the future.”


    The hosts mocked actress Roseanne Barr’s fondness for Israel; the nonsensical Raheem Kassam; a white non-Muslim woman having to ‘dress up’ in order for Islamophobia to be taken seriously and also sand ‘I’m a Jihaadi girl’ to the tune of ‘Barbie Girl’ in memory of Bodyguard. The BBC drama was eventually crowned the winner for its attempts at being subversive that only further perpetuated tired racist stereotypes that are peddled so often in the media.

    WINNER: Bodyguard (BBC)


    Phillips was appointed head of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) by Prime Minister Tony Blair in 2003 and was the chairman of its successor, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), from 2007 to 2012. He has been a television presenter and executive.



  14. MarkyMark says:


    – Tommy Robinson
    – Conservatives (special mention: Boris Johnson)
    – Sadiq Khan
    – Katie Hopkins


    Conservatives (special mention: Boris Johnson)


    – Roseanne
    – No Go Zones by Raheem Kassam
    – Bodyguard
    – My Week As A Muslim


    Bodyguard (BBC)


    – LBC
    – Daily Mail
    – The Sun
    – Melanie Philips


    Daily Mail


    – Aung Sang Suu Kyi
    – Benjamin Netanyahu
    – Donald Trump
    – Saudi Arabia


    Benjamin Netanyahu

    Before the nominees were announced the audience was treated to a video showcasing the ‘Islamophobia Cruise.’ The video mocked the various Islamophobic politicians that are spread across the globe. From the horrors of Israel and the ISIS territories to government officials in Australia calling for the extinction of Muslims. Bejamin Netanyahu was finally awarded as the ultimate Islamophobe in the category.



  15. MarkyMark says:

    “Let’s get one thing straight, it’s the private sector that grows wealth and jobs not the public sector. It’s simple economics, sadly reeves and starmer are nothing more than unqualified student politic types who have weaseled their way into government.”

    response “It’s the public sector that run roads, the NHS and policing etc
    You need to be more grateful.
    Without them, your life would be a mess.”

    ‘Costs just keep rising’ – jump in firms in trouble


  16. MarkyMark says:

    The “anti-white” Southport attacker is ideologically aligned with the “decolonising” state

    The Southport attack and the rape gang scandal expose a broken social contract in Britain, where the state no longer protects its people but instead prioritizes ideological goals. Historically, Britain’s large, centralised state functioned effectively because we had a homogenous, high-trust society.

    But this foundation has eroded under decades of unchecked multiculturalism and mass immigration, driven by a left-leaning establishment that values “diversity” over cohesion.

    The state, deologically aligned with narratives of “decolonisation” and “abolishing whiteness,” shields favoured communities while suppressing dissent through censorship and smear campaigns. Social structures that once protected society—chivalry, community spirit, and accountability—have been replaced by an overreaching state that uses its power to protect itself and its ideology, not its citizens.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes the white hating race bit was played down …. Standard state propaganda – concentrate on the horror to cloud the motive …
      Same next time ….


  17. MarkyMark says:

    BBC to help students identify ‘fake news’ 2017
    “From March, up to 1,000 schools will be offered mentoring in class and online to help them spot so-called fake news.
    BBC journalists including Kamal Ahmed, Tina Daheley, Amol Rajan and
    **Huw Edwards **
    will also take part in events aimed at helping students.”

    1,000 schools will be offered …. **Huw Edwards **


    • Fedup2 says:

      X reporting that milliband senior has been turned down as potential Ambassador – and Mandelson is ‘unlikely ‘.

      I reckon most of the first telephone chats between the true president and TTK will be about the ambo … any ideas ? I suppose it will turn out to be a ‘donor ‘…


  18. MarkyMark says:

    HA AH AH…..

    “The BBC proudly displays Trump’s endorsement of Starmer on its website. Now Trump is well known for his trolling, but is he trolling here? Possibly he is, because…
    Keir Starmer


    Jun 1, 2019

    An endorsement from Donald Trump tells you everything you need to know about what is wrong with Boris Johnson’s politics and why he isn’t fit to be Prime Minister. https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-48478706

    from order-order.com comments


  19. wwfc says:

    Mosques, community centres and school vandalised with anti-Muslim graffiti in ‘shocking’ hate crime do you think this headline is on the BBC ? or Sky ? or ITV ? no its on GB news they are all the same scum



    • MarkyMark says:

      No report on what was written???


      “Islamophobia will not be tolerated in our borough and there is no place for hate in Newham.”

      Police are urging anyone with information about the incidents to contact them on 101.

      Buildings targeted by Islamophobic graffiti in January so far:

      January 6: West Norwood Mosque, SE27
      January 6: South Norwood Islamic Community Centre, Croydon, SE25 5JJ
      January 16: Thornton Health Islamic Centre, CR7
      January 23: Stratford Mosque, Newham, E15
      January 23: Leyton JAMAI MASJID, E10
      January 23: AL-BIRR Mosque, E10
      January 25: Noor Ul Islam Primary School, E10


  20. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Trump is suggesting that the “Palestinians” be re-located to Jordan & Egypt. It’s about time someone seriously proposed the idea that Joradanian Arabs take their own people in.
    BBC sounds a bit miffed. “far right” blah blah blah


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes – Lucy – poor Eddie sturton on world at 1 unsure of the BBC approved stance . The option of turning Gaza into an Israeli theme park seems ideal – with 3 million? Hamas Terrorist supporters shipped off to peaceful Egypt … cue picture of Egyptian border wall ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Mecca means they can be closed to God.

      “To accommodate the pilgrims who stay in Mina over multiple nights in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents have been built in the area, giving Mina the nickname “City of Tents.” With a capacity of up to 3 million people, Mina has been called the largest tent city in the world.”



    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Well done to The Donald for picking up the idea from BiasedBBC (from months ago) to Make the Sinai Peninsula Great Again.

      Loads of room there and it is beside the seaside.

      I don’t think the Jordanians will want them though. They have had them before and it did not go well.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    An endorsement from Donald Trump tells you everything you need to know about what is wrong with Boris Johnson’s politics and why he isn’t fit to be Prime Minister.”


    Keir Starmer

    Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

    Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras and Leader of the Labour Party. Former Director of Public Prosecutions.
    United Kingdomlabour.org.ukJoined April 2014
    407 Following


    Trump says Keir Starmer doing ‘very good job’

    “He’s liberal, which is a bit different from me, but I think he’s a very good person and I think he’s done a very good job thus far.


  22. StewGreen says:

    “I don’t see that immigration has to do with Southport the killer was born here”
    @MatthewTorbitt on the Matt Goodwin show on GBnews

    means “I don’t DON’T WANT TO see that immigration has to do with Southport the killer”

    Everyone else can see that if his parents had stayed in Rwanda the atrocity would NOT have happened.

    Sure in a parallel universe an indigenous Brit could have gone on a school child knifing spree , but it is almost unheard of.
    Dunblane was a gun attack.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “It has emerged that the Manchester Arena bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from Libya’s civil war – three years before he killed 22 people at a pop concert in the city and months after he first came onto MI5’s radar.”


  23. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Hopefully Trump is playing 3D Chess regarding Starmer.

    A Journalist on Air Force One asked Him “why did you release the 2,000-pound bomb shipment to Israel?”
    It seems Israel made the bomb purchase when Biden was in office but the shipment was held back.

    “why did you release the 2,000-pound bomb shipment to Israel?”

    Pr Trump – “Because they bought them.”


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Very strange – 1pm radio news – Eddie sturton sez they are going to make sense of the 5 days of executive orders by the true president – then doesn’t do it goes off on Gaza …

    I don’t think the BBC can ‘process ‘ what Donald Trump has done so far … and I don’t think it will ever be able to . It cannot conceive that all those Americans voted for him despite the years of media onslaught and Obama lawfare …

    … but I go back to the first term and why I was so shocked about the loss – the theft . Trump delivered on his ‘manifesto’ promises during those years despite the snakes inside his regime . So ordinarily he’d have been re elected …

    I started doing the ‘what ifs ‘ of trump winning in 2020 . I think the world would have been a far safer place – and Britain would have been a far better place too ….


  25. Fedup2 says:

    Jack Harris has died – 104 years old He was a Lancaster pilot in WW2 – aged about 24 .The telegraph obituary describes ‘the infamous Dresden raid ‘ – which he was in .

    It’s very sad that the comments concentrate on that word ‘infamous ‘… quite rightly – there’s no mention of the onslaught of V2 attacks on England in the days before Dresden ….

    .. I find it distasteful to paint the Dresden raid the way the woke do now . If I’d been that age – I’d have been honoured to be on it ….

    Dresden took place in mid February 1945 so we will be hearing a lot more BBC handwringing in the next couple of weeks on the 80th anniversary …pity jack harris isn’t here for it . But rest in peace jack ..


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Wasn’t Dresden bombing criticism a thing at the time too?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “A new installation in the heart of the east German city, unveiled on Tuesday and entitled Monument, recreates one of the most surreal images to have emerged from the Syrian civil war: three buses propped up vertically in an Aleppo street to build a barricade against sniper fire.

      Devised by Syrian-German artist Manaf Halbouni, 32, the sculpture has been installed in front of the famous Frauenkirche church just a week before the 72nd anniversary of the start of the 1945 Allied air raids, which unleashed a firestorm on the city, killing approximately 25,000 people, most of them civilians.”


      Syrian (99%)-German(1%)


  26. taffman says:

    Like The Home Office, the Telegraph has also gone ‘woke’. Hence our open borders.


    • MarkyMark says:

      We are committed to recruiting public appointees that reflect the diverse communities we serve.
      To do this we need your help in filling out a short monitoring form. The information you provide will
      help support us ensure that our recruitment processes are fair to all and allow us to attract diverse and
      talented candidates. You can select “prefer not to say” if you would rather not answer any question.

      Click to access Diversity_Monitoring_Form.pdf

      OCPA collects diversity information in order to produce management information
      about the public appointments process, and the diversity of the field of applicants.

      2.2 Ethnicity
      Year Percentage of staff from an ethnic minority background
      2021 23.9%
      2022 23.9%
      2023 23.9%
      2025 Target 24.0%

      Home Office workforce diversity statistics: 2022 to 2023


    • Fedup2 says:

      Taffman – i get the feeling there are more and more kidults at the Telegraph – many of whom are first or second generation foreigners – imports – so off they go wiki to look up – say ‘ Dresden’ …. Which apparently happened in some war thing …


  27. Zephir says:

    Tolerance, and humour is lost within some “koomunhies”


  28. vlad says:

    Ross Clark in the MoS:

    BBC newsreaders are traumatised about the return of Donald Trump. They need to get over themselves – now that their liberal worldview is going out of fashion…


  29. Althepalerp says:

    Not mentioned on the BBC
    Small boat crossings
    First 3 weeks of 2023: 24
    First 3 weeks of 2024: 621
    First 3 weeks of 2025: 890



  30. Zephir says:


  31. MarkyMark says:

    No baby oil?

    “The same Los Angeles mansion that hosted his birthday party was raided by police in March. There, officers seized supplies that they say were intended for use in orgies known as “freak offs”, including drugs and more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil.”



  32. MarkyMark says:

    The chancellor has hinted the government would support a third runway at Heathrow Airport, saying “sustainable aviation and economic growth go hand in hand”.


    “Several major UK airports, including Heathrow and Gatwick, are significantly owned by foreign entities, with the majority of ownership often held by international investment funds and companies from countries like France, Spain, Qatar, and Australia; for example, Gatwick is primarily owned by French company VINCI Airports, while Heathrow has a large stake held by the Qatar Investment Authority and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund. ”

    Selling Heathrow to the French and Saudis is just the latest sorry story of how some of Britain’s greatest assets are owned by foreign governments and firms



  33. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Executive Order entitled “Protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and other National Security and Public Safety Threats,”

    Visa holders, including student visa holders who support designated terrorists that undermine U.S. security will be found in violation of their visa requirements and could be deported.



    • MarkyMark says:

      “could be” those magic words where nothing happens.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Lucy – I saw that a number of Jewish student groups are forwarding lists of of foreign Hamas supporters to ICE – which is … nice ….

      … but the US is experiencing resistance for other countries – 2 deportation flights were denied access to Colombia …


      • Lucy Pevensey says:



        • Northern Voter says:

          Lucy, I thought that when I read about the refusals, if it were me I’d raffle the parachutes.


          • Fedup2 says:

            President trump has responded to the refusal to take back the rubbish – immediate 25% tariffs on all imports from Columbia – increasing to 50% in 7 days .

            No visas for anyone wanting to get into the US from tomorrow … looks like the true president works Sundays too ….


  34. MarkyMark says:

    “Reeves urges online sites to remove violent content”






  35. Zephir says:

    @ MM RE baby oil etc

    the truth shines through


    • MarkyMark says:

      Trouble with the truth is that the lies have a head start and people’s lives are left in the gutters.


      • Zephir says:

        oh yes MM

        One of the five charges I was arrested for was “threats to kill”

        Tooth pain. We made an appointment at the dentist, meawhile, to help, I gave her clove oil.

        ’12 years of not learning English, next day, blisters around her mouth I said “show me what you have been putting on your gums.

        It was nail polish remover

        Yes, I said “I could strangle you sometimes, its a Scottish term of phrase.

        I then explained it was a weekly phrase used by a Scottish mother, didn’t make a blind bit of diifernce


  36. wwfc says:

    This picture is why its to late now for the UK

    ‘Every pupil is cherished’: Wolverhampton school praised by Ofsted



  37. MarkyMark says:

    Britain was the World’s Powerhouse & Most Modern Nation. What Went Wrong? Prof. Jeremy Black

    Comment “Trump has managed to do in 1 day what the Tories failed to do in 14 years. We need strong leadership, someone like Trump and reverse the damage. It’s doable, England isn’t lost but we need people who are strong and not frightened to face the enemy and push back!”

    “Argentina’s prime minister is proof that it can be reversed if you have the will to reverse it .


    • Fedup2 says:

      Funny – I was thinking – today – about what Britain is good at … I came up with –
      Giving out parking tickets
      Public inquiries
      Self destruction
      Importing trash
      Throwing away freedoms
      Inventing things and giving them away

      And that’s about it …


  38. Up2snuff says:

    TWoTWeee Watch #1 – Ed Stourton bashing Israel but as an RC he should know better ….

    …. but maybe he doesn’t believe what God says in the Bible. TERRITORY. I believe God gave the territory of Canaan (the Land of Israel) to Abraham and his ‘seed’ (descendents) for ever. The return of the Jews to Israel has also been a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

    TWO STATE SOLUTION. A much trumpeted solution beloved of the UN who are blind to the reality that is if Hamas/Fatah/Palestinian Authority are given a state to call their own as ‘Palestine’ that sooner or later they will want to eliminate Israel and will start to attack it from their ‘State’.


    • Fedup2 says:

      He’s no RC – he sold himself to the BBC years ago ….


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, you could be right. “He’s no RC – he sold himself his soul to the BBC years ago ….”

        There, fixed it for you. 😉 🙂


  39. MarkyMark says:

    2016 … I will never forget the first time I clapped eyes on Anjem Choudary, who has been jailed after running rings round British justice for two decades. It was 2006, and we were dozing off in front of Newsnight when I noticed an absurd bearded man jabbing his finger at Jeremy Paxman.

    Choudary was on the show with the veteran Labour MP Ann Cryer, who had taken a courageous stand against forced marriage and other barbaric customs in her constituency of Keighley, West Yorkshire.

    The hate preacher was busy explaining how Islam could civilise people in the UK.
    The hate preacher was busy explaining how Islam could civilise people in the UK.
    The hate preacher was busy explaining how Islam could civilise people in the UK.


    Off you go, then, matey.” “Britain belongs to Allah,” Choudary replied.

    “Go and live somewhere else” was plain common sense (although it’s probably a hate crime by now).

    Try appearing on TV in Riyadh and saying “Saudi Arabia belongs to Jesus” and see how you get on


  40. Fedup2 says:

    Lawrence fox saying the Welsh choir boy has had his first beating . Doubtful . He is in a Cat A at belmarsh and likely to be on 24/7 suicide watch …


  41. tomo says:

    Electricity prices aren’t a problem if you’ve no electric


    I don’t see any BBC coverage


  42. wwfc says:


  43. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    So then.
    The government response to the latest multiple murder of schoolgirls is to blame Amazon because they sell knives and on line content which they say makes lads go out on murderous knifing sprees.

    Typical government deflection.

    Just like their previous ones. Rioting and crime could be stopped if we had more ping pong tables.

    They think we are completely stupid but more and more are seeing through the government deflection procedures.

    They are not used to MP’s like Rupert Lowe asking the kind of questions he does.
    It’s not like before when they knew it was rubbish but they all went along with it for an easy life, lots of “hear hears” and they think that’s enough.


    • Eddy Booth says:


      If only they’d been issued with a licence to lock their own front door


      • Lefty Wright says:

        I am surprised that the Leftists haven’t yet sent in a Jack Ruby to eliminate this embarrassment to their agenda.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Lock all doors and secure all borders? OH WAIT!


  44. pugnazious says:

    ‘Rudakubana declared that what Britain needed was a “white genocide”.’

    The Times reported this on Friday….

    ‘Axel Rudakubana was “absolutely obsessed” with genocide. One official who interviewed him noted “he could name every genocide in history and how many people were killed — Rwanda, Genghis Khan, Hitler. It’s all he wanted to talk about.” Playing in a school football match aged 15, Rudakubana declared that what Britain needed was a “white genocide”.’

    With all the talk of desperately seeking a motivation it’s odd that no-one is interested in the slightest in this comment from him as they declare there is absolutely no indication of an ideology that drove the killings.

    Other than the Times there seems to be not a single report of this comment anywhere else.

    Not important as a motivating comment or too important and too inflammatory for it to be widely known that this could have been a murder spree based on race?



  45. MarkyMark says:

    Trump is going Tariff everyone .. fec674e7-a49b-41c0-a3bb-efdfcef627ca-68533ce6-0c02-420a-827f-109df40f5b40



  46. MarkyMark says:

    “Almost 800,000 across Ireland remained without power on Saturday morning following Storm Eowyn. Irish premier Micheal Martin said every effort is being made to restore power and water supplies following Storm Eowyn. He described the destruction caused by some of the strongest winds on record as “unprecedented”.22 hours ago”

    “Ed Milliaband – more wind equals more power!”

    Ireland Amazon power outage will stop knives being sold!
    The wind has stopped lives being lost!

    Amazon to launch dedicated website for Ireland next year


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Seems president trump has spoken with TTK in a phone call . It looks like The true president ticked off the State Department Brief and ended by saying they shouid meet sometime …..no sign of a visit ‘ either way or about the ambassador job …… or chagos … or freeing political prisoners like TR ……

    The BBC will describe it as a triumph for TTK …..


    • MarkyMark says:

      PM call with President Trump of the United States: 26 January 2025
      The Prime Minister spoke to President Trump today.

      The Prime Minister spoke to President Trump today.

      President Trump opened by sending his condolences to the Prime Minister on the loss of his brother. The Prime Minister thanked President Trump for his kind words and congratulated him on his inauguration.

      The Prime Minister paid tribute to President Trump’s role in securing the landmark ceasefire and hostages deal in Gaza. The President welcomed the release of Emily Damari and sent his best wishes to her family. They discussed the importance of working together for security in the Middle East.

      They also discussed trade and the economy, with the Prime Minister setting out how we are deregulating to boost growth.

      The two leaders stressed the importance of the close and warm ties between the UK and the US, and the President spoke of his respect and affection for the Royal Family.

      They agreed to meet soon and looked forward to further discussions then.


    • Scroblene says:

      Why would a real President like Donald Trump even bother meeting mental lightweights like Lammy, Reeves and Crayons?

      He’s got much more important business to attend to for his own American people, rather than fart around chatting to manic idiots like Millipede!

      Seems like a waste of time really…


      • MarkyMark says:

        “I have this tweet where you call me (Trump) a “tyrant” and “a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath” (2018) but are willing to shake hands with Xi Jinping and save all the bad words from him? Why?”


  48. Eddy Booth says:

    Trump retaliatory measures after Colombia blocks deportation flights from U.S.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Might is right!

      “The idea of “might is right” is a concept that has been expressed by several classical authors, including Thucydides, Plato, and Callicles. The idea is that the strong have the right to do what they want because they have the power to do so. ”


      Lockheed Martin, Raytheon hit as China slaps dual-use export ban on 28 US defence firms
      Ministry of Commerce announces move on Thursday, with 10 of the firms also placed on unreliable entities list over Taiwan arms sales

      EU slaps new tariffs of up to 35.3 percent on Chinese electric vehicles

      EU’s rule of law crisis shows no signs of abating
      This is despite the fact that Brussels has done a lot to strengthen the tools for protecting the rule of law. Proposals by the incoming European Commission, such as expanding rule-of-law conditionality to all EU funds



    • JohnC says:

      When the BBC report, any mention of what the Colombian’s are doing being illegal will not be mentioned.

      Just as they never describe illegal immigrants as illegal.


    • digg says:

      What Trump has done with Columbia takes common sense and a ruthless sense of purpose to decide what is in the best interests of your own Countrymen and the balls to do something about it.

      It’s called taking no shit!

      Hell will freeze over before we get a brave and firm enough head of government prepared to take this sort of action on behalf of citizens of the UK.


  49. JohnC says:

    Meanwhile at the BBC …

    I just started the first episode of father Brown series 12 (the latest) in the somewhat vain hope that they have finally given up forcing their agenda down our throats.

    The opening scene is a medieval battel re-enactment. First black ‘warrior’ appears on screen after 25 seconds. Immediately after that the ‘narrator’ for the battle on the microphone is an Indian. Dressed in classic 1950’s woolly-pully and everything.

    FFS BBC. Can’t you just have a day off once in a while ?. Your multicultural-agenda, racist lies are relentless and have been for about 20 years now.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.

      “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”


    • JohnC says:

      I managed to stick it for 4 minutes 11 seconds. Which included the opening titles.

      Father Brown’s fiesty assistant is a black girl with an attitude who takes on men and wins every time. She wanted to join the battle but the Indian would not let her because they didn’t have women in the army then.

      Inferring of course that everything else is historically accurate.

      I downloaded the first couple of series a while back to test if it was the program or just my attitude and they were extremely watchable : imaginative and witty. Now they are completely flat because they are written by the left-wing activists the BBC exclusively hire these days.