“She highlighted the MHRA’s historical failings in investigating harmful drugs, its abysmal record regulating covid vaccines, its lack of transparency, fatal conflicts of interest, its failed Yellow Card early warning system and its intimidation of journalists.
She then lambasted the organisation, established in 2003, for ignoring covid vaccine safety signals which she said caused unnecessary injury and death, and for taking four years to publish minutes from a meeting with the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) that discussed covid vaccine benefits versus risk. ‘Full of redactions’, it left readers with ‘more questions than answers’. The MHRA had removed the CHM minutes from its website by the weekend. One can only hope to reinstate the redactions.”
Indeed Atlas. I worked in this area for over 30 years. It is no surprise to me that the MHRA is at last being recognised for its absolutely abysmal performance over the years. Raine was totally unqualified to be in charge of the pharmacovigilance group and then bizzarely appointed to the head of the agency and subsequent gong. Just like in politics rewarding useless individuals for being useless.
More gloom for the BBC – Kennedy to become secretary of health and Patel confirmed at the FBI … and then the Epstein flight lists to be published – all maybes – but Gates is now saying he was stupid to go on the lolita express …. A real paedo ring …
Sorry Chris Packham. It was close , but not this time.
This country – very nearly last Friday – nearly voted for societal meltdown.
It was called the ‘Climate and Nature Bill’. The BBC would have been in their element, painting every weather break as a disaster. Evey map boiling, the sun falling from the sky, the oceans boiling dry…
All bollocks of course. But the fact that they even tried to debate it and force it through as a new Climate law, based on BBC coverage and claims. All false, and it very nearly worked….
“Climate and Nature Bill that failed to make progress last Friday in Parliament. This bill sought to reduce hydrocarbon use in the UK by about 90% in around a decade – a disaster that would have led to almost certain societal collapse and a return to brutal primitivism. In the line of duty, your correspondent was forced to watch over three hours of a ‘debate’ that would have shamed a sixth form full of Gretas. Almost every scare imaginable was on display without a scintilla of evidence presented to back them up. The entire clown show could keep any investigating and debunking journalist gainfully employed for months.
But of course to take the validity of these claims seriously is to slightly miss the point. They are the product of opinions and rigged climate models but it does not matter that they are mostly risible nonsense. The most important thing is that they are believed. They are broadcast to push a political agenda – to scare and brainwash. The science is ‘settled’ and beyond debate. Questioning the Ministry of Truth dogma is unacceptable because the future of the planet and generations to come poses an existential risk.
Philip, I heard just this morning, that LBC ‘s early morning prog with Ian Payne is going to look at ‘climate change’, with various commentators, and probably a phone-in, this coming Friday.
I quite like the bloke, he certainly knows his sport, especially football, which I always ignore, but he has a good touch for us early-risers, and he never gets too deeply involved like some of the other manics LBC pays for! This programme might be fun, as it’s not tainted with Beeboid malignancy!
I expect that’ll be the one morning I don’t wake up on the dot, so it may mean a call to Alexa…
It happens all the time now that the BBC write an article accusing Trump of political bias with statements from selected ‘experts in their fields’ like this:
‘”Firing prosecutors because of cases they were assigned to work on is just unacceptable,” former US Attorney Joyce Vance told NBC News. “It’s anti-rule of law; it’s anti-democracy.”
Perhaps the BBC should have told us that – as in every one of these examples they choose – was appointed by a Democrat. In this case she was the ‘first female Attorney’ and was appointed by Obama. I wonder if her sex got her the job or her ability. A subject the BBC never, ever goes near.
Considering the context, another massive lie by omission. It seems ‘bias’ is only wrong when Trump does it.
Good Morning John – perhaps this continuing ‘blah blah blah bias blah blah’ etc. being spouted by the unbalanced Beeboid bunch is becoming a good thing for the general public to hear, as the case for real prosperity certainly lies with ‘doers’, and ‘movers and shakers’ rather than the time-wasting lefties who just want to dogmatise’ and administer the wealth created by real business people!
Luckily – IMHO – the gap between the two groups is widening quite satisfactorily!!
Judging by what the so called ‘department of justice ‘ did to victims / hostages / political prisoners of J6 im surprised the whole thing hasn’t been fired and some of those ‘lawyers ‘ subject to criminal investigations themselves . Some of the J6 treatment is just awful – it reminded me of the UK…
I for one am sick of all this fake virtue-signalling grief about Auschwitz by the BBC.
When they reduce the terrorist slaughter of 1200 innocent Jewish men, women and children in the most brutal manner possible to the phrase ‘On 7 October 2023 it attacked Israel, killing about 1,200 people’ so they don’t upset the Muslims shows their true colours.
Like Hitler, they are so sure that they are ideologically superior to everyone else that it doesn’t occur to them what they actually are.
‘The government is set to reject internal advice to widen the definition of extremism to include potentially violent environmentalists, the far left, conspiracy theorists and men prejudiced against women.’
‘Yvette Cooper does not agree with the central findings of a rapid “sprint” report she commissioned last year, and will order the government to continue to focus on Islamist and far-right extremism.’
She commisions a report to appease the voters, doesn’t like the result so throws it in the bin. How the hell did we end up with this awful woman being in a position to make decisions like this ?.
As I just posted above, the UK has new Nazis are in charge of the government and state broadcaster.
I was looking for the ‘leaked report ‘ which apparently was got by an outfit called ‘policy exchange ‘,I’ve looked there but there’s no trace of it …..
I wanted to see if the Far Left Anti British Home Office has finally come up with a definition of ‘far right ‘ so often kicked about here ….
But no luck so far .
Reports on msm says the main thrust for ‘countering terrorism ‘ remains Islam and ‘far right ‘ and yesterday some commemorations – took swipes at the ‘far right ‘ associating it with nazism .
The fact is that people who believe in the values of their western nations are fed up with them being undermined by Islam – calls for sharia law – and of course regular murderous terrorist attacks – and want to defend Jewish people from attacks in the name Islam .
‘Far right ‘ – now – is a term used by TTK by anyone or anything he doesn’t like . And with US federal authorities now following through on deportations im sure President Trump would easily be described as ‘far right ‘ – again by TTK – lammy-cooper – in fact the whole rotten cabinet – and the emir of course …
France has won before any shots fired! HA HA HA!
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Classic BBC article. It has no news content whatsoever. It’s pure empathy in favour of an agenda.
Sure it’s absolutely tragic these people got killed. But considering what is going on, it’s utterly insignificant.
I can’t imagine what hell all those men on the front lines go through every day. Death or being horribly maimed could come at any second and they are being literally wiped out one by one as Russia win this grinding war of attrition.
But the vile female extreme misandrist ‘journalists’ who work for the BBC and Guardian don’t care one bit. They hate the kind of white males who would not fit in at their dinner parties. They just want their victims to fuel their own egos.
This one has stood out several times already:
At the BBC and Guardian, wome like her are the rule, not the exception.
Not quite as awful as deliberately targeting the youngest and oldest, killing some, raping others, holding the rest hostage and letting them die slowly, but moody headshots rule.
Your Mr AsI makes no secret of the fact that he reckoned all this media fuss over so-called A.I. was overblown, verging on a hoax.
He scoffed at Two Tier Keir’s supposed pie-in-the-sky AI-induced economic growth piffle: Prime Minister sets out blueprint to turbocharge AI… Artificial intelligence will deliver a decade of national renewal, as part of a new plan announced today (Gov.UK, 13 January 2025).
Starmer says he has ‘full confidence’ in chancellor as he’s pushed on economy at AI launch (BBC, 13 January 2025)
Two Tier Keir… is it still legally permissible to say that?
Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded… Claims of two-tier policing would be seen as ‘extremist’ under new guidelines (Telegraph)
But I digress. Our media go big on the Chinese apparently pricking the AI bubble. The jokey blokey Daily Star puts it best: War of the psycho scumbag chatbots… Billionaire tech bros in turmoil as cheap new Chinese AI makes rivals look like proper thickos… A Poundland new AI from China
Who asked for AI anyway? And precisely what problem is it supposed to solve? Just Jane Our agony aunt solves your problems (Daily Star)
Self-driving cars have a data problem (FT)
In Naval news
Navy submarine name change is woke nonsense, says Shapps… The Royal Navy has announced it is changing the name of a new submarine from HMS Agincourt to HMS Achilles… It follows reports of concern within the Ministry of Defence that the original name for the vessel – which is being built in Barrow, Cumbria – may have offended the French. (BBC)
Might not the name HMS Achilles offend the Trojans?
Why not go the whole hog and name the sub HMS Windrush? Go on, you know you want to!
A friend of mine said he couldn’t watch movies with sub titles – there’s two reasons for him not bother with Das Boot
I don’t like to say I told you so but – predictably, just as soon as those intermittently released Hamas-held hostages were dead ones – the story gets relegated to fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth most important headline at BBC news online: Israel says eight hostages due to be freed in first phase are dead (BBC) – down there with tripe about gay football referees – plus that typically BBC disparaging “Israel says” caveat.
So what, BBC, you expect these eight to be raised from the dead like Lazerus, just to show the Israelis were fibbing?
And while we’re complaining about tedious media-driven memes… no offence to Catholics, but if I see a photo of another celebrity, politician or Royal holding a candle in tribute to something or other… grrrrrrr!!
The Sun provides the awkward juxtaposition of the day with adjacent false equivalence pics of King Charles apparently mopping away a tear over 6 million Holocaust deaths beside: Sacked referee David Coote – doing likewise with his hanky: I was too scared to come out as gay
Today watch
1 minute of ‘today ‘ – comrade Robinson at 0810 – doing one of those Hamas propaganda pieces where he says the BBC isn’t allowed into Gaza … doesn’t say ‘why’ of course . .. that they’d land up as sausages – with orla being beheaded on a live stream because the IDF wouldn’t pull out …… off switch – I know the anti Israel tune to well – holocaust ? Yesterdays’ news – forget it ….
Mini rant over …
HMS mothball …. … you do wonder about the mindset of the committee of admirals who dun dis … I wonder – too – what the French think of it … they must name their stuff after the French wins against Britain … like … er … er … World Cup semi final 1970 ? ( made that up) …
Elsewhere ‘I don’t really care Margaret ‘ is still kicking in the US – Jds response to some hideous lefty journo who challenged him on deportations – whether they’ve been vetted or not …..
But I think the UK media don’t want to report of what president trump is doing … too depressing to a politician ( not really ) delivering on campaign promises – unlike a certain TTK …
ChatGPT … “Yes, a man can have a cervix in certain contexts, depending on how “man” is defined. Here’s the breakdown:
1. Transgender Men
A transgender man is someone assigned female at birth (AFAB) but identifies and lives as male.
If they have not undergone certain surgeries like a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix), they may still have a cervix.
In this case, regular cervical health screenings (like Pap smears) are still important.
2. Cisgender Men
Cisgender men (those assigned male at birth and identify as male) do not naturally have a cervix because they do not have a uterus or other components of female reproductive anatomy.
3. Intersex Individuals
Some intersex individuals (those born with a mix of male and female biological traits) may have a cervix if they have certain reproductive anatomy. However, their gender identity may vary.
Importance of Language
When discussing anatomy and gender, it’s crucial to acknowledge and respect a person’s gender identity while considering their unique anatomy. Gender is different from biological sex, and health care should focus on individualized care.
If you’d like, I can expand further on this or related topics like cervical health for trans men or how to approach these conversations! ”
Yes CERTAINTY, a man can have a cervix in certain contexts, depending on how “man” is defined. UNCERTAINTY
Greetings, Far Right Extremists!
How so?
Because according to Yvette Cooper’s fast track report after the Southport murderer’s work, fears over two-tier policing are ‘an extreme Right wing narrative’.
And grooming gangs, aka ‘alleged group-based sexual abuse’ are an issue exploited by the Far Right to stir hatred against Muslims.
I would suggest you can’t make it up. But as you can see, you can.
Oops. Kudos to JohnC at 0556 and Fedup at 0636. Bit early for me.
‘The rejection of the review by several Home Office ministers does not seem an ideal state of affairs – and the government will need to work out a way, whether based on the report or not, to deal with violent individuals and ideologies.
Starmer says his glasses are FREE at point of ACCESS (access to Labour) from Lord Alli were just gifts for work well done – his wife’s free knickers were a bonus.
Call me old-fashioned but it seems to me that the extra £40M that Mzzz Vince is chasing as a result of her divorce settlement is one hell of an uplift payment for spending time on your back. So much so that I might question that this is just another manifestation of the oldest profession in the world.
A cartel of sandal-wearing hippies sets a sky-high strike price for wind energy which gets funded by meee via my electricity bill. Then an extra guberment CfD is paid to the Don-Vinces and this comes from my taxes (currently £2.4B in 2024).
We have established what these Jezibels are, we are just trying to work out the price.
“In Austria, women are permitted to retire on a full pension earlier than men. Possibly with that fact in mind, a 62-year-old man in Vienna has become a woman just by saying so — which is now the law of the land — and then proceeded to claim his retirement pension.”
“Grooming gangs are an “alleged” problem “frequently exploit[ed]” by the far-right “to promote anti-Muslim sentiment as well as anti-government and anti-‘political correctness’ narratives.” ‘Alleged’…” https://order-order.com/
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics..’
White man, jailed for entering the Capitol building jan 6 and then released by Trump is killed by police in a traffic stop when an ‘altercation’ arose….they say he ‘had a gun’ but was he waving it around or was in it the glove box….big difference. No video yet.
And no BBC report…hysterical or otherwise. I guess white lives don’t matter…if he’d been black you know this would already be police racism and murder and there’d be huge protests on the streets….and even if the police officer was cleared and the killing was ‘justified’ it would still be racism and murder for the BBC ala Michael Brown.
“Over the weekend, the CIA concluded the Covid pandemic was “more likely” to have leaked from a Wuhan lab than emerged naturally – something long labelled as a “conspiracy theory” by Chinese officials. And by left-wing media outlets…”
BBC to apologise to everyone it dismissed?
“A British organization that focuses on bringing more transparency to ties between China and the United Kingdom says one of the country’s biggest China institutes at a top university, King’s College London, received almost all of its funds from one single donor — a wealthy Hong Kong businessman who has ties to the …1 Aug 2024” https://www.voanews.com/a/critics-question-beijing-friendly-donor-s-ties-to-uk-china-institute/7725999.html
A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities: Sources of Arabic and Islamic funding available on public record {pdf page21}
“What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China, however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.” {page163}
– BBC can investigate further the monies and influence from foreign investors in our Universities, with BBCs £3.5bn news machine and top presenters like Chris ‘£2.3million + CarFest’ Evans might have some time to complete a proper news investigation.
We have seen very strong demand for the Sukuk, resulting in a price that delivers good value for money for the taxpayer. I hope that the success of this government issuance will encourage further private sector issuances of Sukuk in the UK.
““Dear women, dear mothers of little pashas, dear migrants who are taking our doctor’s appointments away from us…”
Easy to miss: the line displayed at the bottom of the phone screen: “WARNING: SATIRE CREATED WITH AI,” along with the source “Women against Merz.” Then the voice-over again: “Merz has actually spoken out against gender parity in the Bundestag, which is not doing women any favors…”
“With everyone pushing and using AI nowadays, and with AI getting better day by day, it will only be a matter of time, probably a short time, before we cannot trust any news at all, no matter where it comes from. “
“London remained the region with the greatest proportion of births to parents where either one or both were born outside of the UK (67.4% of live births).”
The MSM BBC still havent a negative to hang on the true president. The most likely seems to be a shooting incident during a deportation. There have already been reports of drug gangs shooting at federal officers on the border .
Then the far left can get back on the horse over some coloured criminal killed by police – like the animal from the BLM fraud .
China’s DeepSeek AI shakes industry and dents America’s swagger https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd643wx888qo
While ChatGPT-maker OpenAI has been haemorrhaging money – spending $5bn last year alone – DeepSeek’s developers say it built this latest model for a mere $5.6m.
Note – bbc do not mention censorship of real world events.
It’s all very well Charles weeping over antisemitism at Auschwitz.
Indeed, antisemitism is a terrible thing.
But the antisemitism we see today is all coming from Islam (and its leftist fellow-travellers) and is evident on our streets every weekend, as well as in our universities and our media (BBC).
Starmer on extremism (it’s the way he tells them)…
“… it’s very important that we are focused on the threats so we can deploy our resource properly […] that’s now informed with what I said last week in the aftermath of the Southport murders, where we’ve got the additional challenge, I think, of a cohort of loners who are extreme and they need to be factored in.”
For 20+ years the UK has been bludgeoned with behavioural programmes designed to treat any minority where n>1 as a “community” — with strong roots, a unified history and wholesome support between members. Now Starmer calls fed up Brits a cohort of loners. No community ties for us… we’re just dangerous weirdos without any friends or morals.
One good thing about this new intake of Swindon Regional Managers (h/t As I See It) is that the agenda is clear as day.
The Rusholme district of Manchester has a large Shite community around the famous ‘Curry Mile’. Devotees show their solidarity with the martyr Hussein by beating themselves and in some cases drawing their own blood.
Frank Furedi in the DM highlights the dangerous insanity of the latest Home Office review into terrorism, which deliberately downplays the islamic threat (the only real terrorism) and warns instead of the ‘far-right’ threat and ‘conspiracy theories’ like 2-tier policing.
A main focus of the department’s approach to diversity and inclusion is to make sure the Home Office workforce is representative of the communities it serves, while also focusing on accountability and inclusion to support this aim.
US First Lady Melania Trump’s new official portrait has just been released. Here’s part of the Beeb’s insightful observations on the photograph: “Mrs. Trump is extraordinarily comfortable in front of the camera, and this probably has a lot to do with her past as a model.”
You can certainly see why they’re worth every penny of that £3.66 Billion of annual license fee income!!
‘Nearly £12,000 of public money for portrait of Diane Abbott’… but what is MP’s view on art row?
Ms Abbott replied: “The subjects of the portraits commissioned by Parliament are chosen by the Speaker’s Advisory Committee on Works of Art. Many people seem to believe that these pictures are commissioned at the request of the individuals depicted, which is not the case. In the case of my own picture, when it was commissioned 11 years ago I had no knowledge of the portrait’s cost.”
FULLY COSTED “I had no knowledge of the portrait’s cost.”£
C19 Inquiry — Sajid Javid, banker and occasional Secretary of State for Health, didn’t know people were reporting problems with the experimental biotech the gov were forcing on them (2 min video)
“As Anna Morris KC acerbically points out, whilst Ministers and @DHSCgovuk held daily meetings for the purpose of driving the vaccine project forward, the Health Minister was oblivious about the existence centre-piece system for reporting adverse reactions.”
“While the natural disposition of many may be to dismiss Islamic finance options, as they are not of the Islamic faith, the alignment of ethical values with shari’ah principles is changing those perceptions.”
DeepSeek AI (above): “Helpful and harmless”? More like helpless and harmful.
The very name DeepSeek is unintentionally sinister.
Deep evokes ‘Deep State’ and Seek sounds somewhat inquisitorial.
So, highly apt for the CCP.
Every day that passes and every new initiative by the Labour party makes more obvious the desperate need for a Trump to clean out the Augean Stables that is our government and the deep state.
(And what are uncleaned stables full of? Yep, that’s right!)
Seems they are having an inquiry into the omagh bombing. 28 dead ?
Why ? What will it achieve ? Apart from a good income for the months it will last for the lawyers involved .
It surely can’t be a ‘ lessons will be learnt ‘ job – because if I recall it was an IRA terrorist bomb where a warning was given for the wrong place and people were evacuated toward the car bomb .
So what’s the point ? What is the cost ?
A bigger issue is the republics’ president support for Islamic terrorists – Hamas – now …
Excellent news – it seems that TTK has said that he ain’t gonna change anything to ‘stimulate growth ‘ -. Great eh ? With 2 months until the NI increases kick in …
Roll on that recession ……
Maybe President Trump can end the enemy Marxist regime ( makes me far ? Far Right Right ?)
DeepSeek: How China’s ‘AI heroes’ overcame US curbs to stun Silicon Valley
She asked it for “four pillars of [her] destiny”, or ba-zi – like a personalised horoscope that is based on the date and time of birth.
But to her disappointment, Deepseek was wrong. While she was given a thorough explanation about its “thinking process”, it was not the “four pillars” from her real ba-zi.
She says she will still give it another go at work, as it will probably be more useful for such tasks.
New newspeak – a kid described as ‘ neurologically challenged’… wonder what that means ..?
Elsewhere – world at one – the bbc undertaker – fergal Keene – sounding so perky – the first western journo into Gaza with a Hamas resupply helicopter … he can see the press award coming at him ….
Message to Farage: Please tell Trump not to give in to Starmer and his gang of moronic thugs’ wooing too quickly.
After all the foul insults they threw at you, make ’em beg, make ’em grovel, rub their noses in it, make ’em take the knee.
What an ignorant moron, as was amply demonstrated on Mastermind.
And this race-baiting, DEI oaf with chips on both shoulders is our representative to the world ?!
BBC blasted for ‘incredible misinformation’ about Brexit after broadcaster ‘IGNORED’ facts shared by expert.
A Brexit expert has launched a scathing attack on the BBC, accusing the broadcaster of publishing “incredible misinformation” about leaving the EU on its website.
Catherine McBride OBE, a fellow at the Centre for Brexit Policy, claimed the broadcaster ignored detailed information provided by her working group when approached by BBC Verify for help with an article.
The criticism comes as Britain marks five years since leaving the European Union.
McBride told GB News: “The BBC today had the most incredible list of misinformation about Brexit on their website.
“Even though BBC Verify had contacted a group I work with asking them for all of the details and we all sent in stuff, all of that was ignored.
“Some people don’t know that most of what the Labour Party is now doing couldn’t be done if we were still in the EU.
“They doesn’t even recognise that because they like to hang on to this rubbish that Brexit is bad.”
Former Labour advisor Stella Tsantekidou responded: “I know that not everything about the concept of Brexit is bad. I do not think that the EU is a saintly organisation.
“Catherine, I am from Greece and the EU has massively damaged my country.
“What are you telling to the tens of thousands of small and medium sized businesses who can no longer trade with the EU?
“They were promised free trade agreements. The bonfire of red tape. What they got in return is a lot more red tape, a lot more bureaucracy.
“Because the reality is that for a lot of small and medium sized businesses, the first partners that they can trade with is the countries that are right next to us.”
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
tomoMar 3, 17:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I re-watched some of the Oval Office stuff – high as a kite, involuntarily sniffling – seen it before….
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Just think – if the US pulls out of NATO those RAF bases they lease can become the third /…
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:37 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 One of those ‘Russia propaganda ?’ Pieces – a footage of Zelenski going into number 10 Mohammed street responding to…
Richard PinderMar 3, 17:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 CENSORED by the BBC: Trump compares Sir Keir Stalin to Communist-China and Satanic-Biden for arresting people for praying for dead…
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes – clock is a bit of a clue really – and they’re be lefty politicians popping up to chunder…
Up2snuffMar 3, 17:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – The BBC don’t really understand Gaza The BBC would complain that Israel does not allow journalists…
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 17:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The sins of the wicked will be visited upon the innocent: https://gettr.com/post/p3i8cev1935
MarkyMarkMar 3, 17:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Send in Lady Gaga! [img]https://newsfeed.time.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2010/09/2010-09-13t033918z_01_loa46.jpg?w=753[/img]
Well done to Esther McVey and Rupert Lowe
‘The most disgraceful period of recent history’ – MPs savage the MHRA
How bad were the ministers and shadow ministers? The UK needs some serious help!
All under the Conservatives with Labour watching!
“She highlighted the MHRA’s historical failings in investigating harmful drugs, its abysmal record regulating covid vaccines, its lack of transparency, fatal conflicts of interest, its failed Yellow Card early warning system and its intimidation of journalists.
She then lambasted the organisation, established in 2003, for ignoring covid vaccine safety signals which she said caused unnecessary injury and death, and for taking four years to publish minutes from a meeting with the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) that discussed covid vaccine benefits versus risk. ‘Full of redactions’, it left readers with ‘more questions than answers’. The MHRA had removed the CHM minutes from its website by the weekend. One can only hope to reinstate the redactions.”
Indeed Atlas. I worked in this area for over 30 years. It is no surprise to me that the MHRA is at last being recognised for its absolutely abysmal performance over the years. Raine was totally unqualified to be in charge of the pharmacovigilance group and then bizzarely appointed to the head of the agency and subsequent gong. Just like in politics rewarding useless individuals for being useless.
More gloom for the BBC – Kennedy to become secretary of health and Patel confirmed at the FBI … and then the Epstein flight lists to be published – all maybes – but Gates is now saying he was stupid to go on the lolita express …. A real paedo ring …
Data revealed that in some London boroughs, 76% of social housing goes to foreign nationals
Sorry Chris Packham. It was close , but not this time.
This country – very nearly last Friday – nearly voted for societal meltdown.
It was called the ‘Climate and Nature Bill’. The BBC would have been in their element, painting every weather break as a disaster. Evey map boiling, the sun falling from the sky, the oceans boiling dry…
All bollocks of course. But the fact that they even tried to debate it and force it through as a new Climate law, based on BBC coverage and claims. All false, and it very nearly worked….
“Climate and Nature Bill that failed to make progress last Friday in Parliament. This bill sought to reduce hydrocarbon use in the UK by about 90% in around a decade – a disaster that would have led to almost certain societal collapse and a return to brutal primitivism. In the line of duty, your correspondent was forced to watch over three hours of a ‘debate’ that would have shamed a sixth form full of Gretas. Almost every scare imaginable was on display without a scintilla of evidence presented to back them up. The entire clown show could keep any investigating and debunking journalist gainfully employed for months.
But of course to take the validity of these claims seriously is to slightly miss the point. They are the product of opinions and rigged climate models but it does not matter that they are mostly risible nonsense. The most important thing is that they are believed. They are broadcast to push a political agenda – to scare and brainwash. The science is ‘settled’ and beyond debate. Questioning the Ministry of Truth dogma is unacceptable because the future of the planet and generations to come poses an existential risk.
That is why the BBC publishes rubbish ‘climate change’ stories about sightings of bumblebees in winter when the temperature in Scotland briefly rises to 10°C (popping out briefly for a wee, according to Britannica). That is why many people believe that the Gulf Stream will collapse the day after tomorrow.”
Philip, I heard just this morning, that LBC ‘s early morning prog with Ian Payne is going to look at ‘climate change’, with various commentators, and probably a phone-in, this coming Friday.
I quite like the bloke, he certainly knows his sport, especially football, which I always ignore, but he has a good touch for us early-risers, and he never gets too deeply involved like some of the other manics LBC pays for! This programme might be fun, as it’s not tainted with Beeboid malignancy!
I expect that’ll be the one morning I don’t wake up on the dot, so it may mean a call to Alexa…
(Or get licked to death by the dog)!
Trump administration fires justice department lawyers who investigated him
It happens all the time now that the BBC write an article accusing Trump of political bias with statements from selected ‘experts in their fields’ like this:
‘”Firing prosecutors because of cases they were assigned to work on is just unacceptable,” former US Attorney Joyce Vance told NBC News. “It’s anti-rule of law; it’s anti-democracy.”
Perhaps the BBC should have told us that – as in every one of these examples they choose – was appointed by a Democrat. In this case she was the ‘first female Attorney’ and was appointed by Obama. I wonder if her sex got her the job or her ability. A subject the BBC never, ever goes near.
Considering the context, another massive lie by omission. It seems ‘bias’ is only wrong when Trump does it.
Good Morning John – perhaps this continuing ‘blah blah blah bias blah blah’ etc. being spouted by the unbalanced Beeboid bunch is becoming a good thing for the general public to hear, as the case for real prosperity certainly lies with ‘doers’, and ‘movers and shakers’ rather than the time-wasting lefties who just want to dogmatise’ and administer the wealth created by real business people!
Luckily – IMHO – the gap between the two groups is widening quite satisfactorily!!
Judging by what the so called ‘department of justice ‘ did to victims / hostages / political prisoners of J6 im surprised the whole thing hasn’t been fired and some of those ‘lawyers ‘ subject to criminal investigations themselves . Some of the J6 treatment is just awful – it reminded me of the UK…
Biden kept all those who hated him in office? HA HA HAHA HAHHA!
I for one am sick of all this fake virtue-signalling grief about Auschwitz by the BBC.
When they reduce the terrorist slaughter of 1200 innocent Jewish men, women and children in the most brutal manner possible to the phrase ‘On 7 October 2023 it attacked Israel, killing about 1,200 people’ so they don’t upset the Muslims shows their true colours.
Like Hitler, they are so sure that they are ideologically superior to everyone else that it doesn’t occur to them what they actually are.
Cooper to reject call to widen extremism definition
‘The government is set to reject internal advice to widen the definition of extremism to include potentially violent environmentalists, the far left, conspiracy theorists and men prejudiced against women.’
‘Yvette Cooper does not agree with the central findings of a rapid “sprint” report she commissioned last year, and will order the government to continue to focus on Islamist and far-right extremism.’
She commisions a report to appease the voters, doesn’t like the result so throws it in the bin. How the hell did we end up with this awful woman being in a position to make decisions like this ?.
As I just posted above, the UK has new Nazis are in charge of the government and state broadcaster.
I was looking for the ‘leaked report ‘ which apparently was got by an outfit called ‘policy exchange ‘,I’ve looked there but there’s no trace of it …..
I wanted to see if the Far Left Anti British Home Office has finally come up with a definition of ‘far right ‘ so often kicked about here ….
But no luck so far .
Reports on msm says the main thrust for ‘countering terrorism ‘ remains Islam and ‘far right ‘ and yesterday some commemorations – took swipes at the ‘far right ‘ associating it with nazism .
The fact is that people who believe in the values of their western nations are fed up with them being undermined by Islam – calls for sharia law – and of course regular murderous terrorist attacks – and want to defend Jewish people from attacks in the name Islam .
‘Far right ‘ – now – is a term used by TTK by anyone or anything he doesn’t like . And with US federal authorities now following through on deportations im sure President Trump would easily be described as ‘far right ‘ – again by TTK – lammy-cooper – in fact the whole rotten cabinet – and the emir of course …
‘pparently Times Radio has read the report and anyone who believes that our justice system is two-tier is part of a “Right-wing extremist narrative”
A report written by the home-office or some other traitor group possibly?
Multiple tears?
US President Donald Trump to sign executive order eliminating DEI from military
No riff raff.
RAF diversity targets discriminated against white men
BBC holds firm in support.
BBC defends BAME-only internship as ‘right thing to do’.
Natch. When they do it. A phrase one sees a lot.
Army’s first female infantry officer blasts lower standards for women
Luckily the silent service has a PR dept as loud as its military meddling wing.
Renaming a boat? Brave.
France has won before any shots fired! HA HA HA!
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
In a split second, Russia wipes out three generations of a Ukrainian family
Classic BBC article. It has no news content whatsoever. It’s pure empathy in favour of an agenda.
Sure it’s absolutely tragic these people got killed. But considering what is going on, it’s utterly insignificant.
I can’t imagine what hell all those men on the front lines go through every day. Death or being horribly maimed could come at any second and they are being literally wiped out one by one as Russia win this grinding war of attrition.
But the vile female extreme misandrist ‘journalists’ who work for the BBC and Guardian don’t care one bit. They hate the kind of white males who would not fit in at their dinner parties. They just want their victims to fuel their own egos.
This one has stood out several times already:

At the BBC and Guardian, wome like her are the rule, not the exception.
Not quite as awful as deliberately targeting the youngest and oldest, killing some, raping others, holding the rest hostage and letting them die slowly, but moody headshots rule.
She is no Melania mind.
Trump says DeepSeek a ‘wake-up call’ for US tech firms
But bbc what about all the money Starmer was talking about wasting the other week on AI ? You don’t choose to mention that
Children joined riots for the ‘thrill’, report says
I wonder why all these people rioted and why so many are angry? Just ignore that, and call everyone Far Right
Kids got to Mosque for treats.
Your Mr AsI makes no secret of the fact that he reckoned all this media fuss over so-called A.I. was overblown, verging on a hoax.
He scoffed at Two Tier Keir’s supposed pie-in-the-sky AI-induced economic growth piffle: Prime Minister sets out blueprint to turbocharge AI… Artificial intelligence will deliver a decade of national renewal, as part of a new plan announced today (Gov.UK, 13 January 2025).
Starmer says he has ‘full confidence’ in chancellor as he’s pushed on economy at AI launch (BBC, 13 January 2025)
Two Tier Keir… is it still legally permissible to say that?
Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded… Claims of two-tier policing would be seen as ‘extremist’ under new guidelines (Telegraph)
But I digress. Our media go big on the Chinese apparently pricking the AI bubble. The jokey blokey Daily Star puts it best: War of the psycho scumbag chatbots… Billionaire tech bros in turmoil as cheap new Chinese AI makes rivals look like proper thickos… A Poundland new AI from China
Who asked for AI anyway? And precisely what problem is it supposed to solve? Just Jane Our agony aunt solves your problems (Daily Star)
Self-driving cars have a data problem (FT)
In Naval news
Navy submarine name change is woke nonsense, says Shapps… The Royal Navy has announced it is changing the name of a new submarine from HMS Agincourt to HMS Achilles… It follows reports of concern within the Ministry of Defence that the original name for the vessel – which is being built in Barrow, Cumbria – may have offended the French. (BBC)
Might not the name HMS Achilles offend the Trojans?
Why not go the whole hog and name the sub HMS Windrush? Go on, you know you want to!
A friend of mine said he couldn’t watch movies with sub titles – there’s two reasons for him not bother with Das Boot
I don’t like to say I told you so but – predictably, just as soon as those intermittently released Hamas-held hostages were dead ones – the story gets relegated to fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth most important headline at BBC news online: Israel says eight hostages due to be freed in first phase are dead (BBC) – down there with tripe about gay football referees – plus that typically BBC disparaging “Israel says” caveat.
So what, BBC, you expect these eight to be raised from the dead like Lazerus, just to show the Israelis were fibbing?
And while we’re complaining about tedious media-driven memes… no offence to Catholics, but if I see a photo of another celebrity, politician or Royal holding a candle in tribute to something or other… grrrrrrr!!
The Sun provides the awkward juxtaposition of the day with adjacent false equivalence pics of King Charles apparently mopping away a tear over 6 million Holocaust deaths beside: Sacked referee David Coote – doing likewise with his hanky: I was too scared to come out as gay
All together now… Who asked, anyway?
Today watch
1 minute of ‘today ‘ – comrade Robinson at 0810 – doing one of those Hamas propaganda pieces where he says the BBC isn’t allowed into Gaza … doesn’t say ‘why’ of course . .. that they’d land up as sausages – with orla being beheaded on a live stream because the IDF wouldn’t pull out …… off switch – I know the anti Israel tune to well – holocaust ? Yesterdays’ news – forget it ….
Mini rant over …
HMS mothball …. … you do wonder about the mindset of the committee of admirals who dun dis … I wonder – too – what the French think of it … they must name their stuff after the French wins against Britain … like … er … er … World Cup semi final 1970 ? ( made that up) …
Elsewhere ‘I don’t really care Margaret ‘ is still kicking in the US – Jds response to some hideous lefty journo who challenged him on deportations – whether they’ve been vetted or not …..
But I think the UK media don’t want to report of what president trump is doing … too depressing to a politician ( not really ) delivering on campaign promises – unlike a certain TTK …
Aircraft carriers face being mothballed in Treasury cost-cutting plan
Move is unsurprising, says Royal Navy source, as ‘they are big expensive pieces of kit that attract a lot of attention’
And some of the Selena Gomez sobbing videos are just …. Brutal … but fun …
ChatGPT … “Yes, a man can have a cervix in certain contexts, depending on how “man” is defined. Here’s the breakdown:
1. Transgender Men
A transgender man is someone assigned female at birth (AFAB) but identifies and lives as male.
If they have not undergone certain surgeries like a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix), they may still have a cervix.
In this case, regular cervical health screenings (like Pap smears) are still important.
2. Cisgender Men
Cisgender men (those assigned male at birth and identify as male) do not naturally have a cervix because they do not have a uterus or other components of female reproductive anatomy.
3. Intersex Individuals
Some intersex individuals (those born with a mix of male and female biological traits) may have a cervix if they have certain reproductive anatomy. However, their gender identity may vary.
Importance of Language
When discussing anatomy and gender, it’s crucial to acknowledge and respect a person’s gender identity while considering their unique anatomy. Gender is different from biological sex, and health care should focus on individualized care.
If you’d like, I can expand further on this or related topics like cervical health for trans men or how to approach these conversations! ”
Yes CERTAINTY, a man can have a cervix in certain contexts, depending on how “man” is defined. UNCERTAINTY
Greetings, Far Right Extremists!
How so?
Because according to Yvette Cooper’s fast track report after the Southport murderer’s work, fears over two-tier policing are ‘an extreme Right wing narrative’.
And grooming gangs, aka ‘alleged group-based sexual abuse’ are an issue exploited by the Far Right to stir hatred against Muslims.
I would suggest you can’t make it up. But as you can see, you can.
Oops. Kudos to JohnC at 0556 and Fedup at 0636. Bit early for me.
To be fair, she did have some white ones before.
Briefly (Gary style).
But changing the locks on the spare room is estimated at another several years.
Ban knives for everyone.
BBC’s own response…
‘The rejection of the review by several Home Office ministers does not seem an ideal state of affairs – and the government will need to work out a way, whether based on the report or not, to deal with violent individuals and ideologies.
The BBC has not seen a full copy of the report.’
BBC thought that line through?
‘My home is no longer there’
Abramovich dodged millions in tax with superyachts-for-hire scheme
Did he bbc, or work within the rules
A bit like bbc studies, not that transparent
Starmer says his glasses are FREE at point of ACCESS (access to Labour) from Lord Alli were just gifts for work well done – his wife’s free knickers were a bonus.
Some BBC presenters are facing bills for thousands of pounds in backdated tax following the furore over the corporation paying on-screen talent through personal service companies.26 Feb 2015
Re Abramovich; Now do Gates, Soros and Saudi billionaires
Bill Gates says he shouldn’t have had dinners with Jeffrey Epstein
Is my electricity bill funding prostitution?
Call me old-fashioned but it seems to me that the extra £40M that Mzzz Vince is chasing as a result of her divorce settlement is one hell of an uplift payment for spending time on your back. So much so that I might question that this is just another manifestation of the oldest profession in the world.
A cartel of sandal-wearing hippies sets a sky-high strike price for wind energy which gets funded by meee via my electricity bill. Then an extra guberment CfD is paid to the Don-Vinces and this comes from my taxes (currently £2.4B in 2024).
We have established what these Jezibels are, we are just trying to work out the price.
When Gender Dysphoria Becomes Funny and Expensive
We are all Mzzzz Vince’s now.
“In Austria, women are permitted to retire on a full pension earlier than men. Possibly with that fact in mind, a 62-year-old man in Vienna has become a woman just by saying so — which is now the law of the land — and then proceeded to claim his retirement pension.”
Well I reckon he/she/it was a bit slow there because he/she/it should have identified as a trannie then he/she/it could have claimed TWO pensions
And bipolar – four payments!
Is my tax funding terrorism?
Muslim preacher urges followers to claim ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’
A Muslim preacher is secretly filmed urging followers to take benefits from the state to fund a holy war.
They see UK as occupied territory (they’re not wrong) from which they are owed a sort of Jizya (tax on non-believers) to fund their Jihad.
Labour Home Office to issue SPOONS to everyone in the UK to end all violence.
p.s. when the bbc say knives they mean machetes.
“Grooming gangs are an “alleged” problem “frequently exploit[ed]” by the far-right “to promote anti-Muslim sentiment as well as anti-government and anti-‘political correctness’ narratives.” ‘Alleged’…”
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics..’
* It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit
* The government are under a legal obligation to accommodate those who would be otherwise be destitute
* The vast majority are single adult males.
the sort of country one desires to inhabit
the sort of country one desires to inhabit
Yes but ONLY one>
White man, jailed for entering the Capitol building jan 6 and then released by Trump is killed by police in a traffic stop when an ‘altercation’ arose….they say he ‘had a gun’ but was he waving it around or was in it the glove box….big difference. No video yet.
And no BBC report…hysterical or otherwise. I guess white lives don’t matter…if he’d been black you know this would already be police racism and murder and there’d be huge protests on the streets….and even if the police officer was cleared and the killing was ‘justified’ it would still be racism and murder for the BBC ala Michael Brown.
“Over the weekend, the CIA concluded the Covid pandemic was “more likely” to have leaked from a Wuhan lab than emerged naturally – something long labelled as a “conspiracy theory” by Chinese officials. And by left-wing media outlets…”
BBC to apologise to everyone it dismissed?
“A British organization that focuses on bringing more transparency to ties between China and the United Kingdom says one of the country’s biggest China institutes at a top university, King’s College London, received almost all of its funds from one single donor — a wealthy Hong Kong businessman who has ties to the …1 Aug 2024”
More and more, China and the Arab States are funding our universities. They want something in return.
A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities: Sources of Arabic and Islamic funding available on public record {pdf page21}
“What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China, however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.” {page163}
– BBC can investigate further the monies and influence from foreign investors in our Universities, with BBCs £3.5bn news machine and top presenters like Chris ‘£2.3million + CarFest’ Evans might have some time to complete a proper news investigation.
More and more, China and the Arab States are
fundingBUYING our universities. They want something in return.………………….
Government issues first Islamic bond
Britain becomes the first country outside the Islamic world to issue sovereign Sukuk.
We have seen very strong demand for the Sukuk, resulting in a price that delivers good value for money for the taxpayer. I hope that the success of this government issuance will encourage further private sector issuances of Sukuk in the UK.
The LEFT are using FAKE VIDEOS…..
““Dear women, dear mothers of little pashas, dear migrants who are taking our doctor’s appointments away from us…”
Easy to miss: the line displayed at the bottom of the phone screen: “WARNING: SATIRE CREATED WITH AI,” along with the source “Women against Merz.” Then the voice-over again: “Merz has actually spoken out against gender parity in the Bundestag, which is not doing women any favors…”
It is not stated that it is a fake video”
“With everyone pushing and using AI nowadays, and with AI getting better day by day, it will only be a matter of time, probably a short time, before we cannot trust any news at all, no matter where it comes from. “
Are my taxes funding 3rd world births?
“London remained the region with the greatest proportion of births to parents where either one or both were born outside of the UK (67.4% of live births).”
The MSM BBC still havent a negative to hang on the true president. The most likely seems to be a shooting incident during a deportation. There have already been reports of drug gangs shooting at federal officers on the border .
Then the far left can get back on the horse over some coloured criminal killed by police – like the animal from the BLM fraud .
China’s DeepSeek AI shakes industry and dents America’s swagger
While ChatGPT-maker OpenAI has been haemorrhaging money – spending $5bn last year alone – DeepSeek’s developers say it built this latest model for a mere $5.6m.
Note – bbc do not mention censorship of real world events.
We tried out DeepSeek. It worked well, until we asked it about Tiananmen Square and Taiwan
“Linwei Ding had been working at Google’s California headquarters for four years when he booked a one-way ticket to Beijing and, on Boxing Day, handed in his notice.
It’s all very well Charles weeping over antisemitism at Auschwitz.
Indeed, antisemitism is a terrible thing.
But the antisemitism we see today is all coming from Islam (and its leftist fellow-travellers) and is evident on our streets every weekend, as well as in our universities and our media (BBC).
How about addressing that, your Maj?
What To Wear As A Business Woman Visiting Saudi Arabia
We’ve set out a guideline of what to wear as a female when visiting Saudi Arabia.
Starmer on extremism (it’s the way he tells them)…
“… it’s very important that we are focused on the threats so we can deploy our resource properly […] that’s now informed with what I said last week in the aftermath of the Southport murders, where we’ve got the additional challenge, I think, of a cohort of loners who are extreme and they need to be factored in.”
For 20+ years the UK has been bludgeoned with behavioural programmes designed to treat any minority where n>1 as a “community” — with strong roots, a unified history and wholesome support between members. Now Starmer calls fed up Brits a cohort of loners. No community ties for us… we’re just dangerous weirdos without any friends or morals.
One good thing about this new intake of Swindon Regional Managers (h/t As I See It) is that the agenda is clear as day.
“cohort of loners”
Shi’ite Muslims in Kabul cut themselves with swords at Shia festival after Taliban takes control
Shia Muslims Of Manchester Perform Shura
The Rusholme district of Manchester has a large Shite community around the famous ‘Curry Mile’. Devotees show their solidarity with the martyr Hussein by beating themselves and in some cases drawing their own blood.
MM such togetherness, social planning thinktanks are in admiration
Maybe they need more woman to join in?
Might need some if they get bored beating themselves?
Frank Furedi in the DM highlights the dangerous insanity of the latest Home Office review into terrorism, which deliberately downplays the islamic threat (the only real terrorism) and warns instead of the ‘far-right’ threat and ‘conspiracy theories’ like 2-tier policing.
A main focus of the department’s approach to diversity and inclusion is to make sure the Home Office workforce is representative of the communities it serves, while also focusing on accountability and inclusion to support this aim.
US First Lady Melania Trump’s new official portrait has just been released. Here’s part of the Beeb’s insightful observations on the photograph: “Mrs. Trump is extraordinarily comfortable in front of the camera, and this probably has a lot to do with her past as a model.”
You can certainly see why they’re worth every penny of that £3.66 Billion of annual license fee income!!
‘Nearly £12,000 of public money for portrait of Diane Abbott’… but what is MP’s view on art row?
Ms Abbott replied: “The subjects of the portraits commissioned by Parliament are chosen by the Speaker’s Advisory Committee on Works of Art. Many people seem to believe that these pictures are commissioned at the request of the individuals depicted, which is not the case. In the case of my own picture, when it was commissioned 11 years ago I had no knowledge of the portrait’s cost.”
FULLY COSTED “I had no knowledge of the portrait’s cost.”£
C19 Inquiry — Sajid Javid, banker and occasional Secretary of State for Health, didn’t know people were reporting problems with the experimental biotech the gov were forcing on them (2 min video)
“As Anna Morris KC acerbically points out, whilst Ministers and @DHSCgovuk held daily meetings for the purpose of driving the vaccine project forward, the Health Minister was oblivious about the existence centre-piece system for reporting adverse reactions.”
Lisa Shaw death: Legal action ‘only option’ for husband
Published 5 April 2023
2023 … UK property development has been given an ethical boost with the launch of Autarky Sukuk, a programme of asset-backed securities that comply with Sharia principles.
“While the natural disposition of many may be to dismiss Islamic finance options, as they are not of the Islamic faith, the alignment of ethical values with shari’ah principles is changing those perceptions.”
Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Is China’s AI tool DeepSeek as good as it seems?

BBC starts removing Huw Edwards from archives
DeepSeek AI (above): “Helpful and harmless”? More like helpless and harmful.
The very name DeepSeek is unintentionally sinister.
Deep evokes ‘Deep State’ and Seek sounds somewhat inquisitorial.
So, highly apt for the CCP.
Sorry if this has already been posted, but well worth the read, as usual Matt Goodwin hits the nail firmly on the head
Every day that passes and every new initiative by the Labour party makes more obvious the desperate need for a Trump to clean out the Augean Stables that is our government and the deep state.
(And what are uncleaned stables full of? Yep, that’s right!)
Seems they are having an inquiry into the omagh bombing. 28 dead ?
Why ? What will it achieve ? Apart from a good income for the months it will last for the lawyers involved .
It surely can’t be a ‘ lessons will be learnt ‘ job – because if I recall it was an IRA terrorist bomb where a warning was given for the wrong place and people were evacuated toward the car bomb .
So what’s the point ? What is the cost ?
A bigger issue is the republics’ president support for Islamic terrorists – Hamas – now …
Excellent news – it seems that TTK has said that he ain’t gonna change anything to ‘stimulate growth ‘ -. Great eh ? With 2 months until the NI increases kick in …
Roll on that recession ……
Maybe President Trump can end the enemy Marxist regime ( makes me far ? Far Right Right ?)
Oh thanks BBC now I know
Jews in Auschwitz – good people , victims
Jews in Israel – bad people , oppressors
Jews in London or other European cities – OK so long as they don`t show themselves and upset Islamofascists .
“Reports Say Dossier on Mandelson’s China Connections Handed to FBI”
Christine Lee: Labour MP Barry Gardiner says Chinese agent ‘gained no political advantage’ from him
DeepSeek: How China’s ‘AI heroes’ overcame US curbs to stun Silicon Valley
She asked it for “four pillars of [her] destiny”, or ba-zi – like a personalised horoscope that is based on the date and time of birth.
But to her disappointment, Deepseek was wrong. While she was given a thorough explanation about its “thinking process”, it was not the “four pillars” from her real ba-zi.
She says she will still give it another go at work, as it will probably be more useful for such tasks.
New newspeak – a kid described as ‘ neurologically challenged’… wonder what that means ..?
Elsewhere – world at one – the bbc undertaker – fergal Keene – sounding so perky – the first western journo into Gaza with a Hamas resupply helicopter … he can see the press award coming at him ….
Keep going IDF …
Hello MarkyMark
Its like an airshow in the UK, but its the way the 3rd world does it for a days outing
HS2 to follow – we literally are racing to the third world.
Message to Farage: Please tell Trump not to give in to Starmer and his gang of moronic thugs’ wooing too quickly.
After all the foul insults they threw at you, make ’em beg, make ’em grovel, rub their noses in it, make ’em take the knee.
Starmer likes begging.

What an ignorant moron, as was amply demonstrated on Mastermind.
And this race-baiting, DEI oaf with chips on both shoulders is our representative to the world ?!
“our representative to the world” best foot (in mouth) forward
‘Never fully belonged’: The black students taking on elite education in Boarders
How about 5 white kids goto an inner city school and turn it around, that would be racist enit
PS apparently this is what bbc call comedy these days
Andy perhaps the bBC’s next comedy series should be on 5 Tory scum going to work at the bBC?
BBC blasted for ‘incredible misinformation’ about Brexit after broadcaster ‘IGNORED’ facts shared by expert.
A Brexit expert has launched a scathing attack on the BBC, accusing the broadcaster of publishing “incredible misinformation” about leaving the EU on its website.
Catherine McBride OBE, a fellow at the Centre for Brexit Policy, claimed the broadcaster ignored detailed information provided by her working group when approached by BBC Verify for help with an article.
The criticism comes as Britain marks five years since leaving the European Union.
McBride told GB News: “The BBC today had the most incredible list of misinformation about Brexit on their website.
“Even though BBC Verify had contacted a group I work with asking them for all of the details and we all sent in stuff, all of that was ignored.
“Some people don’t know that most of what the Labour Party is now doing couldn’t be done if we were still in the EU.
“They doesn’t even recognise that because they like to hang on to this rubbish that Brexit is bad.”
Former Labour advisor Stella Tsantekidou responded: “I know that not everything about the concept of Brexit is bad. I do not think that the EU is a saintly organisation.
“Catherine, I am from Greece and the EU has massively damaged my country.
“What are you telling to the tens of thousands of small and medium sized businesses who can no longer trade with the EU?
“They were promised free trade agreements. The bonfire of red tape. What they got in return is a lot more red tape, a lot more bureaucracy.
“Because the reality is that for a lot of small and medium sized businesses, the first partners that they can trade with is the countries that are right next to us.”