358 Responses to Midweek 29th January 2025

  1. Fedup2 says:

    Ok – what’s been happening ?

    1 sky has announced it is moving online ( because no one is watching it

    2 the Marxists are chewing over requiring a TV licence for watching the likes of Netflix

    3 the Marxists are still thinking of using terrorist legislation for anyone or anything they don’t like

    4 the new White House Press Secretary has hit the ball out of the park in her first appearance …

    And that’s just Tuesday ….


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Was it a hostile government attack? (The Chinese, Russians or ours)

      On X there’s a new group started called biased bbc. I thought it might be something to do with us.
      Maybe it could be used as an information place in case of other blackouts (or is that ‘outs of colour)


  2. Lucy Pevensey says:

    That explains it. I thought it might have been site maintenance. Good to know it wasn’t BBC Stasi hackers at work.

    Or was it?


    • digg says:

      As a geek I work in the whole sphere of webservers etc etc I thought I would provide my impression of what might have happened.

      A quick primer….

      Websites are hosted on any one of numerous servers spread around the globe, these website respond to incoming requests to their particular what are called IP addresses. IP’s are composed of four sets of numbers from 0 to 255 so for instance something like might be one.

      You can think of these as the telephone number of the server and the websites as people who live on that server as it were.

      However when you enter a website URL such as https://www.biased.bbc.tv in your browser it has no idea where this might go to so it passes the domain name to what are called Global name servers. You can think of these as telephone directories that pair the website domain name eg. biasedbbc.tv with its registered web server IP address and subsequently forward the request on to the correct web server to be resolved to a particular website.

      I found that during the outage Tuesday of this site my browser was reporting that no record could be found for the domain on any global name server as if it never existed so it would be unable to route the request to the correct server. A very, very unusual event!

      To me this suggests that there was probably nothing wrong at all with the site or its web server or database server but rather a very, very unusual circumstance at global nameserver level.

      Without accessing the nameserver log files it’s impossible to say why they lost or dropped the domain records.

      My guess would be that once alerted to the problem, the web hosting company would make some sort of enquiry and the name servers would have then restored the DNS records thus restoring the route from browser to website.

      That’s my tenpennorth!


      • Philip_2 says:

        It did cross my kind that we had been hacked or Starmer had took umbridge at us taking pot shots and their generous benefactor the BBC. Apparently the envy of the world, like the Post Office and NHS.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Digg – thanks – that’s what I thought ( actually I had no thought and you lost me after ‘a quick primer ‘. I don’t ’Alf hope it don’t happen again …


      • atlas_shrugged says:


        Thanks for that. After the outage my PCs are behaving really strangely.

        DNS is not working for two PCs (1 Windows 10 and 1 windows 7) but only for biasedbbc.tv all other websites it works fine.

        Another (my missus PC Windows 10) DNS works fine on all websites. So I am using this PC to post this message.

        All PCs are connected to the same wifi router.

        Wierd! The DNS is on strike for biasedbbc.tv but only on certain PCs.


        • atlas_shrugged says:

          It turns out the issue can be solved by going into the internet settings and changing the DNS server from automatic to a cloudflare manual one of

          It does not explain why the one PC that works because that uses the same automatic DNS as when it fails on another PC. The automatic DNS server is provided by talk talk.

          Some kind of weird DNS server poisoning which is selective on which PC is being used. Weird weird weird!!!!!


        • digg says:

          That sounds like a cookie being recalled each time. I suggest you try clearing your browser history on the affected pc’s and see if that resolves it for you Atlas.


  3. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I saw a write up today that the government are looking into the idea of requiring anyone who streams Netflix or Disney+ to pay the BBC licence fee.

    Due to a drop of 500,000 people who stopped paying their TV licence in 2024. I guess they are determined to steal our money.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Lucy – good to see people are returning …. I think it might take some time … but we are still up and running ….


  4. digg says:

    I thought you had had a visit from Starmer’s storm troopers and had been carried away in a straight jacket.

    He has said he will stop people saying nasty things about him by using the law…..

    Which appears to be his answer to everything really.


  5. StewGreen says:

    Yes at 1pm UK time I started to get an error message that said the domain was no longer registered
    I see that didn’t happen to all providers at the same time , So some people were still able to post 2 hours later.
    Catch-up link to old posts beginning 6am Tuesday


  6. digg says:

    BBC again

    If you like to read about a bunch of people of a certain dark skinned racial characteristic have a massive bleat about the difficulties of living in a predominately white country and going to an elite school then this is for you….


    No attempt to balance this with any comments from the “white folk” which is so unsurprising as to be normal.

    This totally manufactured TV crap has been made solely to try to drive the colour wedge by the BBC and is despicable.

    How I hate this divisive manufactured lying crap from our national broadcaster.

    Of course it’s all fiction but the desire to make it all about whitey doing down blackie has to be the central tenet even though it largely exists only in the minds of the supposedly oppressed people of colour.


  7. vlad says:

    A “server problem” called “The Met” perchance?
    (Now that saying there’s two-tier policing is terrorism.)


  8. digg says:

    BBC again and so bloody predictable…

    If you like to watch a show about a bunch of people of a certain dark skinned racial characteristic having a massive bleat about the difficulties of living in a predominately white country and going to an elite school then this is for you….


    No attempt to balance this with any comments from the racist “white folk” which is so unsurprising as to be normal.

    Something odd going on as this is a totally random repeat of a post I already made!!!

    See above!


  9. StewGreen says:

    BBC local news Twitter output almost all get zero Likes
    BBC East Yorkshire @looknorthBBC

    It shows what the DO report
    whilst they exclude most of the things that happen in the region
    – Woman gets parking charge cancelled after appeal – full story ⬇️
    More to do’ as rail firm captures staff diversity – full story ⬇️
    “Photos at Hull and Manchester train stations show staff diversity”

    – More bird flu cases identified on local farms – full story ⬇️
    – Children joined riots for the ‘thrill’, report says – full story ⬇️
    – Plans submitted to restore historic school – full story ⬇️

    I am suprised there is no solar/wind PR today. Most days there is.
    – Their radio is promoting the fortcoming interview on Friday with Hull Labour MP Diana Johnson


  10. Scroblene says:

    ‘High Hopes’…

    Rachel from stapler supplies is going to announce some ‘big projects’ today.


    Beeboid stuff all over it like leprosy, so one to ignore, but presumably, the ‘chuff chuff’ between Oxford and Cambridge will get built – or will it? It seems that the rail companies have ideas about that too, as the ‘link’ will not be finished until 2030, (therefore several years later)! Labour will be long gone by then…

    Reeves will be back in the stationary cupboard long before then, trying to understand who was actually going to pay for all this new stuff!

    Green nutters are already lining up about Heathrow, so the toxic Milliband will have to make both his faces chomp on a bacon sandwich in unison!


  11. Flotsam says:

    A very prescient comment by Carl Sagan regarding the new World of science being run by people who are ignorant of science. Especially relevant in the era of supposed man made global warming.


  12. andyjsnape says:

    ‘Don’t overdo it, Steve’: BBC journalist in testy exchange with Belarus president

    Some knob from the bbc decides to ask questions


  13. Flotsam says:

    Server issue, a second one in short order. Are we sure there are no malign agencies at work? I say that because all me recent postings vanished without trace last week.
    What may have prompted it was an attack on the promotion of the ‘metereologist’ Jim Dale by the BBC. I questioned JD’s qualifications. So there we are. The fact that my posts completely disappeared must mean a very high leevel of access to biased BBC data.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Flotsam – may well be right . As I wrote to you – i could find no sign of the lost postings / deletions .

      As for technical trouble – who knows – my access to the deeper bit of the thing that builds this site is limited – and I don’t know anyone who does ….but as they say – it is what it is …..

      I think it is inevitable that this site will be closed down by the Marxist state sooner rather than later ….


      • Flotsam says:

        What none of us should forget is the intensity of the belief that some people have in the ‘climate catastrophe’. It’s become the new cult religion, people who question it are treated as emissaries of Satan. I contribute to an outdoor pursuit forum, I posted something questioning the BBC/Climate Catastrophe agenda. I was taken aback by the ferocity and numbers that attacked me, should I have been surprised? What was clear is that many of the contributors were younger people, poor grammar and spelling, probably University educated. They are well and truly hooked into the cult.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Fed Perhaps a reunion by us all at Sainsburys cafe on the A1 roundabout is not out of the question before the site shuts down then 😀


        • Fedup2 says:

          Brissles – an interesting idea – maybe a ‘general declaration ‘ that shouid this site disappear those ‘engaged ‘ on the subject meet up on – say the next Saturday at a central British location … but all must wear the same piece of clothing …..

          Meanwhile … yesterday sky news announced it is pulling out TV and going onto the internet … would be something if it would start behaving like sky Australia – or even Fox – which have both been hugely entertaining for the last 10 days – hannity and Jesse watters – who turn up every day on YouTube for their monologues are also far more entertaining than anything on UK TV …- discounting GBnews which I gave up on …


          • digg says:

            In case the meeting may be viewed as a riot… maybe all masked up like the masked singer would be an idea?


  14. andyjsnape says:

    Roman Abramovich could owe UK £1bn over tax dodge that helped bankroll Chelsea FC


    bbc very few listen to you these days, good luck with getting the money that “could” be owned


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Since Abramovich was forced to sell Chelsea and kicked out of the UK, I rather think HMRC can whistle for their money.


  15. non-licence payer says:

    “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past”. My criticism of Orwell was that he used too many words. It would have been briefer and more prescient to write “he who controls language controls the future”. (Shortly the fact that I have not defined “he” will be an arrestable offence)


    • MarkyMark says:

      Control the language – control the thinking.
      Orwell believed that totalitarian systems control language in order to prevent their citizens from expressing or thinking rebellious thoughts, writing ‘If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought’.


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Yesterday there were predicted population numbers published saying that in coming years the population of the UK will go up because of the arrival of criminals . The British – white -population – breeding – will continue falling .

    Perhaps the UK will be a majority Muslim by 2050 – 2100 .

    That news has quickly gone ….


  17. Fedup2 says:

    Andy – I think I will be in a warmer – better country – permanently soon …


  18. Foscari says:

    The woke Royal Navy is changing the name of the new
    submarine from HMS Agincourt to HMS Achilles apparently
    to placate the French. I wouldn’t be surprised if our Emir
    in London took note and changed the name of Waterloo
    train station to Austerlitz . And further to placate others
    from our “diverse” city. rename the rail link between
    Thamesmead to Battersea and Chelsea. From the ” River
    the the sea line” I am sure the BBC would approve.


    • MarkyMark says:

      An Achilles’ heel is a weakness or fault in a person or system that can lead to failure. The term comes from Greek mythology, where Achilles had a weak spot in his heel.


      The paradox of tolerance is a philosophical concept suggesting that if a society extends tolerance to those who are intolerant, it risks enabling the eventual dominance of intolerance, thereby undermining the very principle of tolerance.


  19. Fedup2 says:


    The new girl – unusually – rips apart some Marxist treasury MP over the ‘plan for growth ‘…. He was hopeless – bigger airports – an Oxford -Cambridge – nonsense taking decades when there needs to be growth now – by cutting taxes and the costs of employees . The Marxist was the hopeless business Secretary – Jonathan Reynolds MP


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      He hasn’t even got the brains to be a Marxist. He’s just a dunce who toes the party line. It’s worked out quite well for him, as he’d be nothing outside the Labour Party, the party for people who have never done a day’s labour in their lives.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    The new method the BBC is using to ‘dis’ president trump is to get an ex Biden / Obama employee to bad mouth him .


  21. MarkyMark says:



  22. Fedup2 says:

    That genius – idris – has recommended that in order to reduce coloured boys killing people – kitchen knifes shouid have the point filed off …. I’d go further – make kitchen knifes from cardboard ….
    Apparently the BBC has commissioned a documentary with idris on knife crime …can’t imagine too many coloured folk watching it …

    I wonder how idris would deal with the welch choir boy who – sadly – is still alive …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Spoons! Spoon nation! #MakeSpoonsGreatAgain


    • Charlie Farley says:

      It might be just a stab in the dark…….
      Pleased the site is back 😀
      No doubt our activities are being monitored……come back Joseph Stalin all is forgiven !


      • MarkyMark says:

        David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
        Published 3 October 2012

        Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Apparently the new US sec State – Rubio – has had a chat with Lammy … can you imagine what Rubio thinks of him..?


          • MarkyMark says:

            Foreign Secretary David Lammy spoke with United States Secretary of State Marco Rubio today.

            The Foreign Secretary congratulated Secretary Rubio on his appointment as Secretary of State and the pair discussed their shared links to the Caribbean, with the Foreign Secretary’s family ties to Guyana and Secretary Rubio’s family links to Cuba.

            They both welcomed the opportunity for the UK and the US to work together in alignment to address shared challenges including the situation in the Middle East, Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, the challenges posed by China and the need for Indo-Pacific security.

            The pair said they looked forward to working together and to meeting in person soon.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Yes Charlie – I was … worried … thx Rufus …


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      King Idris has never heard of screwdrivers.

      There must have been someone who warned what mass immigration would lead to. Can’t think of his name right now.


  23. MarkyMark says:

    ‘I had anti-government views so they treated me for schizophrenia’
    Many people we spoke to were given anti-psychotic drugs, and in some cases electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), without their consent.


    The depressed should be allowed to end their life, says AC Grayling
    Comments made by philosopher in 2021 raise concern about safeguards surrounding assisted dying Bill



  24. AsISeeIt says:

    Our BBC goes big on Rachel from accounts big idea that she will reinvent the new super duper computer – and that will somehow create millions of jobs here in Blighty and make us all rich.

    Reeves will set out several projects aimed at boosting growth and will also focus on development between Oxford and Cambridge to create a “Silicon Valley of Europe” (BBC)

    At first glance all she’s promising are a few tax payer subsidised electric car recharging points and expansion of Heathrow airport.

    Mind you, more capacity in the arrivals terminal might be handy: 10 million immigrants in a decade… UK population forecast… (i news); Migration puts UK population over France… projected to hit 72.5 million by 2032, entirely fuelled by a 4.9 million increase in net migration (Telegraph); Population to grow 5 million in a decade thanks to migration (Times); 10 million move here in 10 years (The Sun) – the tabloid red top helpfully explains the anomaly between five and ten: Ten million immigrants will enter the UK within a decade… After departures are factored in, the population will rise by about five million (The Sun)

    Go figure

    Now here’s a conundrum… apparently, millions (5 in fact) of, let’s say, “UK residents” will consider this country is becoming rather a poor prospect and swan off to pastures new to seek their fortunes. Whereas, apparently, twice as many folks (10 million they reckon) – from who knows where – are planning to up sticks and try their luck in Britain.

    Sounds to me like a Two-Tier future prospectus for Britain.

    I’m reminded of the words of Donald Trump on the subject of recent immigrants to the US: “And Some, I Assume, Are Good People:”

    Absolutely, positively, 100% definitely nothing at all to worry about here folks! What could possibly go wrong? – the jokey blokey Daily Star is of course fretting about: Now psycho scumbag chatbots learn to CLONE themselves… amid fears they will go rogue

    Set in Chicago in 2035, highly intelligent robots fill public service positions throughout the world, operating under three laws to keep humans safe… “I, Robot” was a 2004 American science fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas. The screenplay is based on Isaac Asimov’s 1950 short-story collection. The film stars Will Smith (Thank you Wiki)

    Sometimes these segueways write themselves…

    The chancellor is also expected to make other infrastructure announcements, including boosting the area between Oxford and Cambridge, and London. The government wants to make this area England’s answer to Silicon Valley, the part of California that is home to tech giants including Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook. (BBC) – presumably Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook are now our friends – just so long as they keep us safe, eh?

    I see Charles is holding his manhood cheap: King said ‘non’ to Agincourt… vetoed a new Navy submarine being called HMS Agincourt to avoid upsetting the French (Express)

    And gentlemen in England now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
    (Henry V, Act IV, Scene III)

    If only the respect were mutual: Mona lisa gets her own room… British tourists help pay for Louvre refit (i news); Macron vows British will pay more to see Mona Lisa (Times)

    The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff like the Guardian for their top pick of the print press frontpages for their online review this morning.

    It was almost 10 km to Gaza City, where those travelling farther north hoped to find cars or motorcycle carts to take them on. But its ruined roads were empty of vehicles, so they forced themselves to press on by foot. (Guardian)

    “Sympathy for the Devil” was a song by English rock band the Rolling Stones. The song was written by Mick Jagger and credited to the Jagger–Richards partnership.

    One conservative jewish commentator in the US has pointed out how the supposed long trek distances Gazans had to trudge home as claimed in our liberal press were in reality little more than a stiff walk: “The Hajj, that’s a long trek!”


    • Fedup2 says:

      If ‘asiseeit ‘ has returned and done the daily – voluntary – press review then maybe the site is ‘healthy ‘.

      Mona Lisa
      Disappointing . Small – behind about an inch of armoured glass . Louvre – an expensive mess .

      Nice to see Hamas getting re equipped by the Jordanian airforce . Pity they couldn’t take the sausages out but fergal would lose his seat and ‘award ‘

      HMS Mothball
      You mean – there a navy ?

      Silicon Valley
      When clever British people invent something either the yanks or Chinese take it and make the money – and Britain has a great tradition of undermining the clever – refer to them as ‘boffins’ or anoraks or geeks – enough to put plenty of clever kids off and want to become useless lawyers or journos instead …

      Population increase
      People who pay taxes will leave – people who live off taxes will invade …

      Rachel from accounts is gonna do another reset speech – hopeless – as President Trump continues to MAGA


    • MarkyMark says:

      tick tock! “Doomsday Clock moved closest ever to destruction”
      “been moved one second forward to 89 seconds to midnight”
      A nudge unit is a government team that uses behavioral science to influence people’s choices. The goal is to encourage people to make decisions that are beneficial to the economy.


      • BRISSLES says:

        That clock has been in existence since I was in school in the 50s/60s and we’re still here.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The Hajj, that’s a long trek!” MUSLIMS ONLY!


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Mona lisa gets her own room” – MONA LISA GETS A SAFE SPACE free from violent climate change protestors who harassed her?


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, I reckon the UK has a population more like 79 million – now in 2025. I reckon those ONS figures are false, just like a pair of boobs on a drag queen.


  25. Flotsam says:

    It’s clear that Labour see the BBC as it’s weapon of choice. It’s a ludicrous idea that we should all pay Gary Lineker’s et all ridiculous wages with Council Tax precepts or paying to use subscription services like Netflix. We’re being softened up for something, perhaps an internet data Tax, we’re already paying VAT for the privilege.

    The fact is that the Tories did nothing about the BBC , the reasons might have been the Pension deficit or perhaps they were worried about a Civil Service pushback and a BBC propaganda campaign.


  26. MarkyMark says:

    Legal powers used under the royal prerogative are those which do not require parliamentary authority. Historically, these executive, legislative and judicial powers would have been exercised by a monarch directly but, over time, the majority have been abolished, delegated to ministers or replaced by statute. Some, however, remain, for example the dissolution of Parliament or the prerogative of mercy. Most are guided by constitutional conventions and what is known as ministerial advice.



    In the English and British tradition, the royal prerogative of mercy is one of the historic royal prerogatives of the British monarch, by which they can grant pardons (informally known as a royal pardon) to convicted persons.


  27. Fedup2 says:

    You know – rather than having idris do a ‘documentary’ on knife crime – they’d do better using that AI thing to digest all those knife crime details and ‘profile ‘ the criminals … but it would turn out ‘racist ‘,and ‘labelling ‘ – same with rape gangs

    Btw – the Muslim ‘association ‘ within the home office and across the civil service hadn’t got much – any – mention in the MSM ….. passively watching the UK slide towards a Muslim nuclear state ….why not call the submarine HMS Mohammed ? Bet Charles Windsor would like that …


  28. StewGreen says:

    Lotus Eaters journo Callum was detained by terror police, for nothing of course.
    Spoiler he handed over his passwords.7 days later no charges.

    “Finished up filming in the US
    My welcome home to the UK consisted of being detained by the terror police and my devices and footage seized.
    4h integration with no right to remain silent and no right to a lawyer present.
    No reason given, nor do they legally need one.”


  29. G says:

    I am learning to like the BBC in a small way. So hilarious at times least expected. The comedy is overwhelming, I find myself regularly chuckling often.

    When R4 interviews a guest, a guest that has already been vetted before the interview for their Marxist / Leftist views in accordance with the BBC’s position, they often allow that guest to ramble on uncontested/unchallenged. Today (no pun intended) was no exception for todays gem. They interviewed some clown who proffered the intellectual suggestion authoritatively, that knives should be sold with no tips………………… Yes, (chuckle, chuckle). The interviewer, during this interviewee rambling period, did not dive in/interrupt to suggest that not all knife wielding people use a knife for solely thrusting into other human beings. No, they randomly slash using the cutting edge as well. Interviewer should have intervened to continue the interviewee’s line of ‘reasoning’ by suggesting that for fullness, knives should be sold lacking tips and sharp blades as well………………..

    Where is the Home Office legislators when you need them?


    • MarkyMark says:

      remove tip?



      • NW Ninepence says:

        – Held my breath this morning whilst I clicked on the site …..what a relief !

        I’ve listened and read some of the nonsensical suggestions that we might remove the point from knives to make them safer.

        Idris says “Not all kitchen knives need to have a point on them, that sounds like a crazy thing to say,” – but you can still cut your food without the point on your knife, which is an innovative way to look at it.”

        FORKS ​ – Meta Mandate : Parts of a Fork:
        The points of a fork are the ends of its tines. In most cases, fork points aren’t sharp at all. This is to make sure THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS OR INJURIES AT DINNER

        Maybe Idris has a ‘point’ …..​ So that’s why they use knives and not forks

        NO Idris, These morons will get a knife from any source they can . You simply can not remove the sharp edges and points on all knives just in case some idiot decides to plunge it into someone’s body to harm or kill them – (that once over would be a totally absurd and needless comment to make) There are military knives, surgical knives, all craftmen’s knives, numerous chefs knives, fishing /filleting knives, butchers knives, hunting knives, gardening knives etc. etc. etc.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It’s funny because every so often a loon comes up with a knife idea . I recall a liberal MP suggesting every knife shouid be ‘chipped ‘ – I mean – really ? Now idris wants knives licences and de pointed … – I mean – really ?


  30. StewGreen says:

    Oh they can give proper sentences when they WANT to


  31. MarkyMark says:

    Economy – more uber eats and hotels for rape gangs – full economic growth.


    NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off

    HS2: UK in talks with China over construction of high-speed line
    Published 15 February 2020

    Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent

    Cost of HS2 could pass £80bn as estimated bill jumps 15% in a year

    Keir Starmer’s freebies: Everything you need to know – and why they’re proving so controversial

    Labour’s fiscal plan

    Our fiscal rules are non-negotiable and will apply to every decision taken by a Labour government. This means that the current budget must move into balance, so that day-to-day costs are met by revenues and debt must be falling as a share of the economy by the fifth year of the forecast.


  32. MarkyMark says:

    National Gas data shows UK gas stockpiles have collapsed by 36.7% compared to last year, and by 2030, Britain will be importing 70% of its gas. Centrica has warned storage levels are “dangerously low”


    Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
    This article is more than 7 years old
    Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics

    Thousands of wind turbines will be shut down during Storm Éowyn because its 100 mph gusts are expected to generate more power than the UK’s electricity grid can handle.


    • Philip_2 says:

      MarkyMark. I can tell you that Windmills have brakes that kick in on any Gusts over 55mph. So we have no power during Storms or strong Gusts over 55mph. In addition the Windmills do not operate unless the wind is over 8mph. If that is not bad enough, the Windmill owners get paid if the wind does not blow and also if the brakes are applied and no power generated. Life of a Windmill is just 25 years on Land and lot less at sea. None of them are net zero to make and most are Chinese made.


  33. AsISeeIt says:

    Just a bit of fun. I know Yvette Cooper is no Donna Summer but apologies for any disrespect to this disco classic of 1979 – hope it doesn’t get me into any trouble – afterall, it is Hot Stuff

    Sittin’ here writin’ my Home Office report, awaitin’…
    Waitin’ for some extremist whiteys to jail
    Tapped about a thousand numbers lately
    Almost filled the prisons, there’s no bail

    Lookin’ for some Right Wing, baby, this evenin’
    I need some Right Wing statistics, tonight
    I want some Right Wingers, baby, this evenin’
    Gotta jail some Right Wingers
    Gotta have some Hate for the news tonight

    Right Wing
    Baby, baby (tonight)
    I need Far Right
    Baby, baby
    Baby, baby (tonight)
    I want some Far Right

    Keep lookin’ for 14-year old white Incels who need another
    Don’t wanna even mention Cologne
    We wanna share our home with those warm-blooded lovers
    We wanna bring the wild men back home

    Gotta have some Supremacy, baby, this evenin’
    I need some Right Wingers, baby, tonight
    I want some Right Wing statistics, this evenin’
    Got to have some Hatin’
    Got to have Hate for the BBC news tonight


  34. vlad says:

    The clip below is a tour d’horizon of the situation in America post election, covering Hollywood madness, the media, deportations, the border, trans madness, the military, the new White House Press Secretary, and more.

    All delivered with pizzazz and humour by two savvy journalists.

    Compare their engaging enthusiasm with the sour, woke, doom-and-gloom, stale, grey, business-as-usual at the BBC.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Vlad – indeed on Aussie sky – which Americans have been using for the truth during the last 4 years ….

      … I’ve been listening to Rachel From Accounts doing her speech from a foreign business – siemans … it was desperate stuff – she says things well be betterer by the end of their parliament ….
      Her business Secretary – this morning – said ‘by the end of this year ‘’’…
      It’s all made up stuff – they’ve put up labour costs and taxes and their borrowing will keep interest rates and inflation up …

      But she thinks building a third runway at LHR will make a difference … in maybe 20 years … desperate … you sort of think do any of them have any real idea ? Apart from keeping the unions who fund them happy ….

      Shame there’s no opposition eh ?

      BTW – Milliband junior didn’t turn up – and the Emir has already stated his opposition to the Heathrow expansion … maybe Qatar airways will bung him …


  35. MarkyMark says:

    “We got a half a million children who were sex trafficked into this country, separated from their families, put in the hands of criminal cartels to be smuggled into the country. This administration can’t find over 300,000. Where’s the tears for them?”

    Selena Gomez’s tears dismissed by Trump’s ‘border tsar’


    Government admits: ‘We’ve lost track of 40,000 illegal immigrants’
    BRITAIN’S chaotic asylum system was exposed by a Government admission yesterday that it has lost track of tens of thousands of migrants.
    By Alison Little Deputy Political
    An official report revealed that 10,000 cases have dropped off the Home Office radar or gone on the run and their whereabouts are currently unknown.

    And caseworkers told official inspectors that 30,000 asylum seekers had also stayed here long after their last avenue for appeal was exhausted.


  36. Terminal Moraine says:

    Good to see the site back up and running, I was wondering where our cohort of extreme loners (©Starmer) might gather if the server packed up.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      We need to go somewhere online where direct messaging is available. If only temporarily. Due to the fact that we can’t put our private emails here for all to see.


  37. Terminal Moraine says:

    “Police have received hundreds of reports of child sexual abuse in high street hotel chains, data shared exclusively with BBC News shows.”

    BBC now interested in child rape but only a certain kind: “Under the name Operation Makesafe, hotel staff have been trained to identify signs of sexual exploitation and told how to report issues to the police.” Well yes, except they leave out the bit about Operation Makesafe’s remit covering “the business community, such as hotels, licensed premises, taxi companies, shops, and care homes.”

    BBC not keen to look at what goes on in taxis or above kebab shops, so let’s all focus on hotels. Ban Travelodges?



    • MarkyMark says:

      Why not just ignore it? Like old times!

      “Prof Jay said the first of these reports was “effectively suppressed” because senior officers did not believe the data. The other two were ignored, she said.”


      Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”

      authorities – BBC
      authorities – 650 MPs
      authorities – 800 Lords
      authorities – Police
      authorities – Home Office


  38. MarkyMark says:

    A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expense claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal and was challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”

    HA HA! HOW THEY SPEND YOUR MONEY IS “unlawfully intrusive”


  39. Fedup2 says:

    Listening to TTK doing PMQs … and comparing to what is happening in the US – the gulf is wider than the Atlantic . 2 million woke federal employees have been offered redundancy now – with pay up to September…. Elon reckons he can save the Government $1 billion – a day ….

    .. the confirmation hearings for Tulsa and Kennedy are this week – more hate from the Obama Democrats …


  40. AsISeeIt says:

    New format suggestion for a BBC TV show?

    Actors give cookery advice…

    Idris Elba: ‘It sounds crazy, but not all kitchen knives need a point on them’ – you guessed it, he’s black – which would seem to be the basic qualification required for talking about knife crime on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.


  41. Deborah says:

    Last night there was no snow, heavy rain or strong wind (or any wind at all for that matter). Suddenly the electricity went off, no warning, none of the usual little flicker before all went black. It just went black.

    After we had got out the candles and the gas camping light and had got comfortable, the lights came on again. Then Mr D announced we had no mains water.

    Is this preparation for what is to come, or is it already here?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Deborah – I keep seeing stuff about ‘something big at the end of January ‘’’ but is it ever thus ….


  42. vlad says:

    Here’s slippery Mandy doing a bit of grovelling towards Trump. What he wouldn’t do for a cushy ambassadorship, eh?
    It’s a start but not nearly enough. We want full length prostrations on a filthy floor, or at the every least some knee-taking.
    Note that you can’t see his hands, so presumably his fingers are crossed.
    Note too that, although he starts with a sort-of apology, he quickly qualifies it with the statement that “times and attitudes towards the President have changed since then”.

    So he’s sort of saying that he wasn’t really wrong then, or now, but ‘times have changed’.
    Oleaginous doesn’t begin to describe the slimy reptile.
    What a crying shame it’s not Farage.



  43. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I see the latest royal baby is called Athena.
    If she’s named after Athens then that could start a trend.
    Frankfurter and Hamburger for starters. (or even main course)


    • MarkyMark says:

      Aisha bint Abi Bakr (c. 614–678) was the third and youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad. She was a scholar, politician, and commander who played an important role in early Islamic history.


      • vlad says:

        “Islamic history” is a complete misnomer and a fraud, as modern Western scholarship is revealing ever more by the day.
        Islam will soon collapse under the weight of its own lies… at about the same time it takes over the UK.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Will the name have to be changed due to accusations of ‘cultural appropriation ‘?


  44. MarkyMark says:

    PMQs: Who’s Asking the Questions?

    Diversity of Opinion?

    Damien Egan (Lab)
    Rachel Hopkins (Lab)
    Debbie Abrahams (Lab)
    Jack Abbott (Lab)
    Ian Roome (LibDem)
    Deirdre Costigan (Lab)
    Luke Charters (Lab)
    Paul Kohler (LibDem)
    Andy MacNae (Lab)
    Rosie Duffield (Indy)
    Clive Jones (LibDem)
    Gordon McKee (Lab)
    John Milne (LibDem)
    Emily Thornberry (Lab)
    Jim Allister (TUV)


  45. MarkyMark says:

    Think of the minorities Edward-In-Edward-Scissorhands.jpg


  46. MarkyMark says:

    Who are the audience for this? £45 for a night out in Birmingham with 2,000 other people to watch smug news analysis performed live
    10.4K Views Read 22 replies




    “Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected



  47. Fedup2 says:

    Mandelson – “ when I said Donald Trump was a repulsive racist fascist who I’d never be in the same room with ‘ what I really meant is I admire him greatly and always have …..


    • MarkyMark says:

      Mandelson – Xi Jinping is not a dictator! HA HA HHA !


    • vlad says:


      …now can I play at being ambassador, please, with all those glitzy soirées where I can wear my velvet tuxedo and, who knows, maybe do some lucrative business deals as I sell out my country?


  48. MarkyMark says:

    Police to kneel and wear high heels to end the speeding on roads – plus monitor twitter more …

    “Drivers have been recorded travelling at 164mph (264km/h) on Britain’s roads, prompting a warning from police for people to stop being so selfish and to realise speed kills.”


    • digg says:

      Surely one way of approaching the speeder issue is via the vehicles themselves. There is no valid reason why any motor vehicle should be capable of more than 70mph for a start so loading tax on new vehicles so that the purchase price tax rose by say 500 quid for every mph over 70 would be a start.

      Then raising the speeding fines to say 500 quid for every 5mph over the limit with automatic bans for over 80mph for say 5 years and life bans for over 90mph would sort it out in no time, I can guarantee that this would work 100% .


  49. MarkyMark says:



  50. vlad says:

    So, Mr Mandelson, what first made you realise that the man who could grant you a plum ambassadorial job wasn’t such a Nazi after all?
