1 in 12 Londoners is an Illegal Migrant: “Send in the Army” to Enforce Mass Deportations
Clip from #NCFNewspeak in which the panel discuss shocking data from Thames Water revealing that 1 in 12 Londoners (almost 600,000 people) are illegal migrants.
Up to one in 12 people living in London is an illegal migrant, according to report
Sixty percent of undocumented migrants in UK said to be residing in London
The report was accessed by the Telegraph through freedom of information-style requests.
The Home Office does not release data regarding illegal migrant numbers in the UK, and exact data on this topic is often difficult to determine.
Migration experts suggested that the figures could be an underestimate
Send in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines to protect the English Channel and thus defend our border security.
Stop the boats coming from France by reducing the French fishing boats in our waters by equal numbers.
The French fishermen will soon stop them .
What is the Home Office afraid of?
Excellent news – the greens have stopped oil being taken from the North Sea – let’s leave it for the Norwegians – they deserve it more ……
Apparently only UK Australia and Canada stick to the Green crap – the rest of the world laughs …
Someone put up the piece from the itv breakfast show with dickie maddely frying Rachel from Accounts on her Fraudulent CV – it didn’t go well for her – however much she rehearsed her lies …..
It’s quite an achievement for a cabinet to be so totally inadequate – not one capable of doing their job … but as I write – I suppose it’s just continuity of the blue lot …
BBC Watch by Duncan Barnes at the TPA..
BBC Watch: N e w s l e t t er.
“As a former BBC radio presenter and journalist, I might seem an odd choice to front BBC Watch for the TaxPayers’ Alliance. But then again, the TPA might have just executed a stroke of genius by asking me to write a monthly blog about the corporation and its future. Think of our relationship as gamekeeper turned poacher.
In my six years at the BBC, I encountered dozens of employees who would constantly moan about the organisation, the management and the decisions made by those in the upper echelons of London’s New Broadcasting House.
But like someone with a severe form of Stockholm Syndrome, they would never do anything about it or be prepared to hear any criticism from others about their employer. This included how the valuable licence fee must be protected at all costs. And this is certainly part of the BBC’s problem – a reluctance to accept that attitudes towards it have changed and it is no longer as much-loved as it likes to think it is.
With a charter renewal due by the end of 2027, the debate about the future funding of the BBC has never been louder and rightly so.
The licence fee was introduced in 1946 and yet almost 80 years later, the BBC seem to think this is still a valid and fair form of funding its organisation. They seem to have forgotten about the explosion of commercial TV and radio in the last 70 years or the invention of the internet. Indeed, there are now reports that those who only watch streaming services like Netflix or Disney+ will soon have to stump up for the licence fee.
It is clear to me the funding must change, and the licence fee must be scrapped. Over the coming year this blog will, amongst other things, look at alternative forms of funding with my personal view being one of subscription, along with government grants for bespoke and niche services that the commercial sector cannot make money out of. More or less as the TPA themselves have suggested in their paper “Switching off.”
This would see services featuring high quality news and culture protected. Local radio, despite the BBC’s recent attempts to decimate the service, provides vital companionship to older listeners and this is exactly the kind of public service broadcasting that they should be doing. And the BBC World Service remains an excellent soft power tool globally which the government should fund and fully utilise.
Like all organisations that rely on other people’s money, the BBC is guilty of extraordinary waste, trust me, I have seen it firsthand. Our blog will keep a keen eye on how the money is spent or frittered away.
And whenever we talk about the BBC, the issue of bias or perceived bias is never too far away from the conversation. I suspect some readers of this blog might have baulked at my suggestion that high quality news output should be protected and believe me, I do understand the frustration many feel regarding how the BBC covers various stories.
I have sat in numerous news and team meetings at the BBC and can honestly say I have never witnessed intentional political bias. Tempting as it might be to think everybody sits around thinking how best to stick it to the Tories or Reform UK, but this does not happen.
However, I have experienced a definite metropolitan bias where everyone thinks the same way which invariably impacts on covering certain issues like the Middle East, Brexit or taxation.
I still recall BBC staff who were dumbfounded when the EU Referendum result came through in 2016. Anyone who had spent time outside the M25 or drinking in pubs in various corners of the country could have told you Brexit was a certainty.
When it was clear Jeremy Corbyn was not going to be Prime Minister in 2019, I witnessed young producers at a BBC local radio station in tears as we covered the election result.
Once again, the BBC is so wrapped up in itself, it does not see how the kind of people it recruits creates a certain perception and can sub-consciously influence its output and programming.
There is plenty to write about and let’s be honest, the latest BBC crisis or scandal never seems to be too far away.
Rest assured BBC Watch will shine a light into all areas of the corporation as it counts down to its Charter renewal. Such scrutiny has never been more important.”
Duncan Watch
I agree with TPA, who have long campaigned for BBC ‘Axe The Tax’.
Now its being axed, and replaced with….. something worse…
The BBC is on the verge of accepting that the TV license is dead and Labour are proposing a new Tax on STREAMING TV (except themselves, of course).
Of course, as we all know on Biased BBC, they BBC is the ‘envy of the world. and we know this as they keep telling is that we are all biased, and that we are all white racists and climate deniers. That is why Labour have decided to TAX us again – and condemn all those that watch NETFLIX (or anything else). An Internet tax, cannot be far behind either… on top of your private school, fees, how DARE you use a non state School! It will be a hate crime to NOT watch the BBC at least once a week, to prove you are not a ‘denier’. All deniers are thrown to the Islamic hordes. Who will inherit the Earth, after Labour. So they say, Labour Marxists may never recover. They rely on immigrants to survive, who do not pay any TV license, and just want a Council house for free, along with free food, transport and Sharia law.
This is an impossible situation…especially if the judge were an activist judge and inclined to support the greens…
‘A court has ruled that consent for two new Scottish oil and gas fields was granted unlawfully and their owners must seek fresh approval from the UK government before production can begin.
In his judgement, Lord Ericht said a more detailed assessment of the fields’ environmental impact was required, taking into account the effect on the climate of burning any fossil fuels extracted.’
If you have to consider environmental issues just how far do you have to go? It’s endless…and then having considered it and decided to go ahead judging the economy more important than the environment is it in the judges’ power to place the priority on the environment? If so it is rule by judges not Parliament or government.
Oh look….
‘the effects of climate change – which he [the judge] said outweighed the interests of the developers. ‘
But hang on…it’s not just the developers’ interest…it’s in the interest of the country to have a supply of gas…the judge is not considering that….so maybe his judgement is illegal…no?
This is what happens when you have ignorant, virtue-signalling politicians making laws and regulations that they have no understanding of and no measure of the consequences….and of course it all started with Miliband making nut zero legally enforceable.
The class nerd is taking his revenge on us all. One look at him and you know he should be absolutely nowhere near anything that requires common sense, judgement and a dose of reality. He is his father’s son carrying on where he left off in his attempt to destroy Britain and turn us into a communist paradise.
Irony is he’s Jewish and the BBC loves him….if Farage chucked a milk-shake over him there’d be total outrage…however if Hamas did…radio silence or even applause.
Pug – it may be that the oil companies will cut their losses and go to the US for the ‘drill baby drill ‘ show – why bother with a failing state like Britain . ?
Bet the case involved the big foreign-funded lawfare operation called Client-Earth
been doing it for 1 years at least
but libmob say Musk speaking is the baddie
> In his judgement, Lord Ericht said a more detailed assessment of the fields’ environmental impact was required, taking into account the effect on the climate of burning any fossil fuels extracted.’
Lock these crack-heads up in 15-min neighbourhoods and make them walk everywhere.
Would that include the likes of the BBC which publishes routes for migrants to come to the UK and gives them every encouragement to do so and when they do arrive does all it can to silence any criticism and hide their crimes?
‘Endangering lives at sea is to be a new criminal offence carrying a jail term of up to five years as part of plans to tackle people smuggling, the Home Office says.
Border officials will also get powers to seize migrants’ phones in the search for intelligence about who helped them cross the Channel.
Those convicted of acts in preparation of smuggling, such as buying boat parts, face up to 14 years in jail, in an attempt to tackle gangs at a far earlier stage in their preparations.’
BBC news telling us that the border force will have the power to seize the phones of illegals . I recall a video Farage put out where he filmed a dinghy load dumping their phones mid channel .
May the new HMS mothball can go get them …
ITV local news 12 minutes of smiley jolliness so far
as they have coverage of the funeral of John Prescott
Saint John Prescott apparently
clearly the item is a vehicle for PR for Labour bigwigs
some featured in the start footage , Gordon Brown, Blair , Alastair Campbell etc/
We are now into the second segment with Gordon Brown
We’ve had eulogy from him, then Blair , Alastair Campbell , violent Hull MP Karl Turner, Andy Burnham, Alan Johnson
No women so far
Keep saying he’s a man of people and “punchy”
They were slow to list any actually achievements
But then said he was a pioneer of regional devolution
And the presenter herself claimed he was a 1997 Climate pioneer
They mentioned his last political try was to be Humberside Police Commissioner
but he wasn’t elected
..something about him and the
Now one or two local women
After 20 mins the item is just finishing up
Oh now it’s the weather
And the prog ends after 25 mins, cos there is a Refom Party advert on
So there was no other news at all .
BBC local news line up item actually promises other items after the Prescott one
– A huge rise in number of fines for breaking school holidays rules
– Why has N Lincs water deteriorated ?
– Artist David Hockney
Started with Tony Blair
Now the usual high;y crafted video montage piece with background music
Blair, Blair, Blaire, now Starmer, Starmer
Presenter is more sombre wearing a dark suit
speaks of a “A grieving family.”
Item focussing on his wife Pauline
No mention so far of him being unfaithful.
Now Lindsay Hoyle the speaker, at the funeral.
It is striking how the BBC interview footage and ITV interview footage is exactly the same as if pooled and managed.
Oh after less than 7 min they have moved on
Doing actual local news ..”Village is no longer being considered for nuclear waste deep deep storage.”
9 mins in we have moved on to School fines item.
Unlike ITV the presenters are not really paying homage to Prescott .. they are laughing and joking about other things.
BTW water quality is a non story
One set of villages has just changed borehole
so they are getting the hardwater the rest of the area gets
and areseeing limescale for the first time.
We use a filter jug
of some houses uses a water softener at their stopcock.
‘Bradford man fathered 3 children with his daughters ‘… nice that one kept it in the family instead of the usual white young girls eh ? Didn’t hear that one on the BBC – and sure the MCB will put out a statement …
Farage has put a short piece on YouTube pointing out the cancellation of local elections . But why waste money and time on elections at all ?
Can’t really see the point …
‘ I just spoke with Giorgio Ko, another neighbour in my apartment building who came to the roof during his lunch. He wanted to see the current status of the crash scene.
“I’ve never seen anything like this. I was born in the area,”
he says, referencing the countless emergency response vehicles that were blaring their sirens en route to the airport. ‘
Why bother going out to do your report, just interview your neighbours…
What the BBC won’t tell you about the crash: For years, the US Federal Aviation Administration have been turning away highly qualified applicants for air-traffic control in favour of more, erm, ‘diverse’ applicants.
It looks obvious in that picture to us, but the helicopter pilot cannot see the bright landing lights like we can from this angle.
He will just see the flashing red/green navigation lights on the ends of the wings and the one in front moving across his line of sight will grab his attention much more than the one he hit.
I can imagine it could be hard to judge the distances in that situation. I agree with Trump : it looks much more like an air-traffic control issue.
“New crime of endangering lives to target small boat crossings”
What a bunch of idiots, this Government is, they must think we’re as stupid as they are. There are plenty of Laws already in force that would take care of the situation. Manslaughter will do for fatal situations:
The oft quoted SOLAS regulations. For example:
Prior to proceeding to sea, the master shall ensure that the intended voyage has been planned using the appropriate nautical charts and nautical publications for the area concerned, taking into account the guidelines and recommendations developed by the Organization.*
There are in fact any number of SOLAS regulations that are breached by the operators of these Channel crossings. Fatalities and injuries caused by failing to comply should result in prosecution. These crossings are commercial enterprises and prosecution should be easy.
It’s also true to say that the French themselves are in breach of SOLAS regs as they are allowing the departure of unsafe craft from their shores.
It’s absolutely true that forcing ‘DEI’ degrades the quality of any system it’s forced into.
The dire standard of BBC output these days is all the evidence you need. The ‘creative spark’ that once guaranteed great programs is gone. And look at the pictures of the type of clone I keep finding when investigating the author of so many of the apalling news articles.
Even on Tuesday as I navigated the trains to get to the airport, a train which many people were waiting for was late because another was still on the platform, then another would arrive and depart before the actual one would arrive. I noticed how the female announcer on the tannoy’s voice was so high-pitched that through such poor speakers, nobody could understand a word she was saying. Nobody had a clue whether they should get on. It was chaos while the female guard was shouting instructions and nobody could hear her either. The end result was that the actual train was 20 minutes late when it could have been 5 if people knew what to do.
It’s a kind of butterfly effect. People would then miss aeroplanes or later connections and every so often something significant will go wrong for someone as a result.
Of course the Left will never, ever admit that : it removes one of the foundation stones of their whole ideology.
The BBC use that trick a LOT Stew and they use it both ways.
It’s how they can either print someone’s blatantly biased opinion as ‘virtual fact’ without saying it’s just an opinion or cast doubt on something which most definitely IS true if they want to cast doubt as in this case.
I don’t often listen to BBC related podcasts, but this morning, while walking my wee dog, I caught a bit of the Gardeners’ World podcast. I didn’t last long…
They had on a well meaning young fellow, who created gardens and was helped by “stressed youngsters”. Apparently, this is part of their therapy.
“Yes”, he told us, “some of them have ADHD, others are on the autistic spectrum, some have oppositional defiant disorder” (WTF?) and most are depressed and anxious. Blimey…
Anyway, this bloke turned out to be a real green fanatic and kept banging on about the climate and saving the planet for future generations and how he “educated” these already stressed kids about green issues. He went on and on and…
Can you imagine how helpful that is for already anxious teenagers? Gardening is supposed to be good for you. All this fretting about our imagined imminent extinction won’t do them, or anyone else any good. Anyway, it’s all bollocks.
Actually, it was a lovely morning up on the north downs. My dog was chasing fleet-footed rabbits and squirrels and I saw a cluster of early snowdrops and noticed that the tips of our native dogwood are turning a vivid red. Spring is just around the corner. It was too nice to be listening to this crap.
So far “verify” amounts to running the same footage already released to most other news outlets with the same details already released but I guess using BBC verify to investigate might mean those yanks under the new Trump administration are not going to get away with any dodgy right-wing stuff now! As if they suspect the potential for false reporting from the States or something. Or maybe the BBC verify department just have nothing else to do right now?
Which is being complete and utter hypocrites. They preach one thing in public but underneath these people are just deceitful, virtue-signaling, shallow, nasty scumbags.
Nothing new here of course : I’ve said this many times – but this is just more evidence of how they don’t give a shit about anyone if it doesn’t suit their own agenda. They will cover up ANYTHING if it’s not convenient for them.
JohnCJan 30, 23:13 Midweek 29th January 2025 BBC apologises for culture of silence over Russell Brand https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8r5076y05ko Here we have the BBC doing what the Left do…
diggJan 30, 23:10 Midweek 29th January 2025 US Potomac horrific helicopter – jet air disaster…. OK everyone, the BBC is on the case investigating with BBC “Verify”..…
JeffJan 30, 22:44 Midweek 29th January 2025 I don’t often listen to BBC related podcasts, but this morning, while walking my wee dog, I caught a bit…
JohnCJan 30, 22:32 Midweek 29th January 2025 It looks obvious in that picture to us, but the helicopter pilot cannot see the bright landing lights like we…
JohnCJan 30, 22:27 Midweek 29th January 2025 The BBC use that trick a LOT Stew and they use it both ways. It’s how they can either print…
JohnCJan 30, 22:21 Midweek 29th January 2025 It’s absolutely true that forcing ‘DEI’ degrades the quality of any system it’s forced into. The dire standard of BBC…
StewGreenJan 30, 22:12 Midweek 29th January 2025 BBC headline and tweet Man who burned Quran ‘shot dead in Sweden’ FFS why the scare quote marks BBC ?…
vladJan 30, 21:55 Midweek 29th January 2025 Now Trump refers to DEI as a possible factor in the crash. The ‘press’ (ie. political activists) go bananas. But…
Lucy PevenseyJan 30, 21:43 Midweek 29th January 2025 What could be more Communist (or Fascist) than cancelling elections? Starmer has taken us a step closer to gulags. What…
FlotsamJan 30, 21:42 Midweek 29th January 2025 “New crime of endangering lives to target small boat crossings” What a bunch of idiots, this Government is, they must…
1 in 12 Londoners is an Illegal Migrant: “Send in the Army” to Enforce Mass Deportations
Clip from #NCFNewspeak in which the panel discuss shocking data from Thames Water revealing that 1 in 12 Londoners (almost 600,000 people) are illegal migrants.
Up to one in 12 people living in London is an illegal migrant, according to report
Sixty percent of undocumented migrants in UK said to be residing in London
The report was accessed by the Telegraph through freedom of information-style requests.
The Home Office does not release data regarding illegal migrant numbers in the UK, and exact data on this topic is often difficult to determine.
Migration experts suggested that the figures could be an underestimate
Send in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines to protect the English Channel and thus defend our border security.
Stop the boats coming from France by reducing the French fishing boats in our waters by equal numbers.
The French fishermen will soon stop them .
What is the Home Office afraid of?
Trump on tv.
Looks like he’s calling out the DEI type of tickbox hiring.
People getting their jobs because of what they are and not because they are the best candidates for the job.
Seems this is the ‘human error’ which is to blame for the airplane/helicopter crash.
Early days but he’s usually right.
Obama-era FAA hiring rules place diversity ahead of airline safety, attorney tells Tucker Carlson
By Fox News
Published June 2, 2018 6:15am EDT | Updated June 6, 2018 4:26am EDT
Man dies of exercising free speech … BBC comments off.
Excellent news – the greens have stopped oil being taken from the North Sea – let’s leave it for the Norwegians – they deserve it more ……
Apparently only UK Australia and Canada stick to the Green crap – the rest of the world laughs …
The blatant efforts of the media blob are beyond tiresome.
Middle-aged men care less about the problem. But they love the solution
Turning Farmland Back to Peatland: Can It Slow CO2 Emissions?
Seems probable. So, a nice ticked box. And no food.
Someone put up the piece from the itv breakfast show with dickie maddely frying Rachel from Accounts on her Fraudulent CV – it didn’t go well for her – however much she rehearsed her lies …..
It’s quite an achievement for a cabinet to be so totally inadequate – not one capable of doing their job … but as I write – I suppose it’s just continuity of the blue lot …
BBC Watch by Duncan Barnes at the TPA..
BBC Watch: N e w s l e t t er.
“As a former BBC radio presenter and journalist, I might seem an odd choice to front BBC Watch for the TaxPayers’ Alliance. But then again, the TPA might have just executed a stroke of genius by asking me to write a monthly blog about the corporation and its future. Think of our relationship as gamekeeper turned poacher.
In my six years at the BBC, I encountered dozens of employees who would constantly moan about the organisation, the management and the decisions made by those in the upper echelons of London’s New Broadcasting House.
But like someone with a severe form of Stockholm Syndrome, they would never do anything about it or be prepared to hear any criticism from others about their employer. This included how the valuable licence fee must be protected at all costs. And this is certainly part of the BBC’s problem – a reluctance to accept that attitudes towards it have changed and it is no longer as much-loved as it likes to think it is.
With a charter renewal due by the end of 2027, the debate about the future funding of the BBC has never been louder and rightly so.
The licence fee was introduced in 1946 and yet almost 80 years later, the BBC seem to think this is still a valid and fair form of funding its organisation. They seem to have forgotten about the explosion of commercial TV and radio in the last 70 years or the invention of the internet. Indeed, there are now reports that those who only watch streaming services like Netflix or Disney+ will soon have to stump up for the licence fee.
It is clear to me the funding must change, and the licence fee must be scrapped. Over the coming year this blog will, amongst other things, look at alternative forms of funding with my personal view being one of subscription, along with government grants for bespoke and niche services that the commercial sector cannot make money out of. More or less as the TPA themselves have suggested in their paper “Switching off.”
This would see services featuring high quality news and culture protected. Local radio, despite the BBC’s recent attempts to decimate the service, provides vital companionship to older listeners and this is exactly the kind of public service broadcasting that they should be doing. And the BBC World Service remains an excellent soft power tool globally which the government should fund and fully utilise.
Like all organisations that rely on other people’s money, the BBC is guilty of extraordinary waste, trust me, I have seen it firsthand. Our blog will keep a keen eye on how the money is spent or frittered away.
And whenever we talk about the BBC, the issue of bias or perceived bias is never too far away from the conversation. I suspect some readers of this blog might have baulked at my suggestion that high quality news output should be protected and believe me, I do understand the frustration many feel regarding how the BBC covers various stories.
I have sat in numerous news and team meetings at the BBC and can honestly say I have never witnessed intentional political bias. Tempting as it might be to think everybody sits around thinking how best to stick it to the Tories or Reform UK, but this does not happen.
However, I have experienced a definite metropolitan bias where everyone thinks the same way which invariably impacts on covering certain issues like the Middle East, Brexit or taxation.
I still recall BBC staff who were dumbfounded when the EU Referendum result came through in 2016. Anyone who had spent time outside the M25 or drinking in pubs in various corners of the country could have told you Brexit was a certainty.
When it was clear Jeremy Corbyn was not going to be Prime Minister in 2019, I witnessed young producers at a BBC local radio station in tears as we covered the election result.
Once again, the BBC is so wrapped up in itself, it does not see how the kind of people it recruits creates a certain perception and can sub-consciously influence its output and programming.
There is plenty to write about and let’s be honest, the latest BBC crisis or scandal never seems to be too far away.
Rest assured BBC Watch will shine a light into all areas of the corporation as it counts down to its Charter renewal. Such scrutiny has never been more important.”
Duncan Watch
I agree with TPA, who have long campaigned for BBC ‘Axe The Tax’.
Now its being axed, and replaced with….. something worse…
The BBC is on the verge of accepting that the TV license is dead and Labour are proposing a new Tax on STREAMING TV (except themselves, of course).
Of course, as we all know on Biased BBC, they BBC is the ‘envy of the world. and we know this as they keep telling is that we are all biased, and that we are all white racists and climate deniers. That is why Labour have decided to TAX us again – and condemn all those that watch NETFLIX (or anything else). An Internet tax, cannot be far behind either… on top of your private school, fees, how DARE you use a non state School! It will be a hate crime to NOT watch the BBC at least once a week, to prove you are not a ‘denier’. All deniers are thrown to the Islamic hordes. Who will inherit the Earth, after Labour. So they say, Labour Marxists may never recover. They rely on immigrants to survive, who do not pay any TV license, and just want a Council house for free, along with free food, transport and Sharia law.
Tax on streaming and tax-funded BBC must NEVER be allowed to happen.
Travelling on public transport in France is ‘safe and effective’.
As long as you do not mind the occasional stabbing in the neck.
This is an impossible situation…especially if the judge were an activist judge and inclined to support the greens…
‘A court has ruled that consent for two new Scottish oil and gas fields was granted unlawfully and their owners must seek fresh approval from the UK government before production can begin.
In his judgement, Lord Ericht said a more detailed assessment of the fields’ environmental impact was required, taking into account the effect on the climate of burning any fossil fuels extracted.’
If you have to consider environmental issues just how far do you have to go? It’s endless…and then having considered it and decided to go ahead judging the economy more important than the environment is it in the judges’ power to place the priority on the environment? If so it is rule by judges not Parliament or government.
Oh look….
‘the effects of climate change – which he [the judge] said outweighed the interests of the developers. ‘
But hang on…it’s not just the developers’ interest…it’s in the interest of the country to have a supply of gas…the judge is not considering that….so maybe his judgement is illegal…no?
This is what happens when you have ignorant, virtue-signalling politicians making laws and regulations that they have no understanding of and no measure of the consequences….and of course it all started with Miliband making nut zero legally enforceable.
The class nerd is taking his revenge on us all. One look at him and you know he should be absolutely nowhere near anything that requires common sense, judgement and a dose of reality. He is his father’s son carrying on where he left off in his attempt to destroy Britain and turn us into a communist paradise.
Irony is he’s Jewish and the BBC loves him….if Farage chucked a milk-shake over him there’d be total outrage…however if Hamas did…radio silence or even applause.
Pug – it may be that the oil companies will cut their losses and go to the US for the ‘drill baby drill ‘ show – why bother with a failing state like Britain . ?
Bet the case involved the big foreign-funded lawfare operation called Client-Earth
been doing it for 1 years at least
but libmob say Musk speaking is the baddie
> In his judgement, Lord Ericht said a more detailed assessment of the fields’ environmental impact was required, taking into account the effect on the climate of burning any fossil fuels extracted.’
Lock these crack-heads up in 15-min neighbourhoods and make them walk everywhere.
Would that include the likes of the BBC which publishes routes for migrants to come to the UK and gives them every encouragement to do so and when they do arrive does all it can to silence any criticism and hide their crimes?
‘Endangering lives at sea is to be a new criminal offence carrying a jail term of up to five years as part of plans to tackle people smuggling, the Home Office says.
Border officials will also get powers to seize migrants’ phones in the search for intelligence about who helped them cross the Channel.
Those convicted of acts in preparation of smuggling, such as buying boat parts, face up to 14 years in jail, in an attempt to tackle gangs at a far earlier stage in their preparations.’
BBC news telling us that the border force will have the power to seize the phones of illegals . I recall a video Farage put out where he filmed a dinghy load dumping their phones mid channel .
May the new HMS mothball can go get them …
They get a nice new phone, paid for, when they get here.
ITV local news 12 minutes of smiley jolliness so far
as they have coverage of the funeral of John Prescott
Saint John Prescott apparently
clearly the item is a vehicle for PR for Labour bigwigs
some featured in the start footage , Gordon Brown, Blair , Alastair Campbell etc/
We are now into the second segment with Gordon Brown
We’ve had eulogy from him, then Blair , Alastair Campbell , violent Hull MP Karl Turner, Andy Burnham, Alan Johnson
No women so far
Keep saying he’s a man of people and “punchy”
They were slow to list any actually achievements
But then said he was a pioneer of regional devolution
And the presenter herself claimed he was a 1997 Climate pioneer
They mentioned his last political try was to be Humberside Police Commissioner
but he wasn’t elected
..something about him and the
Now one or two local women
After 20 mins the item is just finishing up
Oh now it’s the weather
And the prog ends after 25 mins, cos there is a Refom Party advert on
So there was no other news at all .
If I recall his big achievement was getting a bridge built no one wanted … another snout in the trough … just so so many ..
Yep the ferry used to dock right in the middle of Hull
so travel times haven’t improved much, for mot journeys.
BBC local news line up item actually promises other items after the Prescott one
– A huge rise in number of fines for breaking school holidays rules
– Why has N Lincs water deteriorated ?
– Artist David Hockney
Started with Tony Blair
Now the usual high;y crafted video montage piece with background music
Blair, Blair, Blaire, now Starmer, Starmer
Presenter is more sombre wearing a dark suit
speaks of a “A grieving family.”
Item focussing on his wife Pauline
No mention so far of him being unfaithful.
Now Lindsay Hoyle the speaker, at the funeral.
It is striking how the BBC interview footage and ITV interview footage is exactly the same as if pooled and managed.
Oh after less than 7 min they have moved on
Doing actual local news ..”Village is no longer being considered for nuclear waste deep deep storage.”
9 mins in we have moved on to School fines item.
Unlike ITV the presenters are not really paying homage to Prescott .. they are laughing and joking about other things.
BTW water quality is a non story
One set of villages has just changed borehole
so they are getting the hardwater the rest of the area gets
and areseeing limescale for the first time.
We use a filter jug
of some houses uses a water softener at their stopcock.
‘Bradford man fathered 3 children with his daughters ‘… nice that one kept it in the family instead of the usual white young girls eh ? Didn’t hear that one on the BBC – and sure the MCB will put out a statement …
City of UK Culture 2025
RoP-er culture? Or maybe just rape culture?
Farage has put a short piece on YouTube pointing out the cancellation of local elections . But why waste money and time on elections at all ?
Can’t really see the point …
Nor me, only ever voted in local elections once.
What could be more Communist (or Fascist) than cancelling elections?
Starmer has taken us a step closer to gulags.
What next? Summary executions?
Rachel Looker
Reporting from Arlington
Washington air crash
‘ I just spoke with Giorgio Ko, another neighbour in my apartment building who came to the roof during his lunch. He wanted to see the current status of the crash scene.
“I’ve never seen anything like this. I was born in the area,”
he says, referencing the countless emergency response vehicles that were blaring their sirens en route to the airport. ‘
Why bother going out to do your report, just interview your neighbours…
What the BBC won’t tell you about the crash: For years, the US Federal Aviation Administration have been turning away highly qualified applicants for air-traffic control in favour of more, erm, ‘diverse’ applicants.
Reminiscent of Fire Fighters in California?
It looks obvious in that picture to us, but the helicopter pilot cannot see the bright landing lights like we can from this angle.
He will just see the flashing red/green navigation lights on the ends of the wings and the one in front moving across his line of sight will grab his attention much more than the one he hit.
I can imagine it could be hard to judge the distances in that situation. I agree with Trump : it looks much more like an air-traffic control issue.
“New crime of endangering lives to target small boat crossings”
“Just stop the boats” & “Smash the Gangs”!
As the PM ordered !
“New crime of endangering lives to target small boat crossings”
What a bunch of idiots, this Government is, they must think we’re as stupid as they are. There are plenty of Laws already in force that would take care of the situation. Manslaughter will do for fatal situations:
The oft quoted SOLAS regulations. For example:
Prior to proceeding to sea, the master shall ensure that the intended voyage has been planned using the appropriate nautical charts and nautical publications for the area concerned, taking into account the guidelines and recommendations developed by the Organization.*
There are in fact any number of SOLAS regulations that are breached by the operators of these Channel crossings. Fatalities and injuries caused by failing to comply should result in prosecution. These crossings are commercial enterprises and prosecution should be easy.
It’s also true to say that the French themselves are in breach of SOLAS regs as they are allowing the departure of unsafe craft from their shores.
Now Trump refers to DEI as a possible factor in the crash.
The ‘press’ (ie. political activists) go bananas.
But don’t worry, BBC Verify are on the case; they’ll have the matter cleared up in no time.
It’s absolutely true that forcing ‘DEI’ degrades the quality of any system it’s forced into.
The dire standard of BBC output these days is all the evidence you need. The ‘creative spark’ that once guaranteed great programs is gone. And look at the pictures of the type of clone I keep finding when investigating the author of so many of the apalling news articles.
Even on Tuesday as I navigated the trains to get to the airport, a train which many people were waiting for was late because another was still on the platform, then another would arrive and depart before the actual one would arrive. I noticed how the female announcer on the tannoy’s voice was so high-pitched that through such poor speakers, nobody could understand a word she was saying. Nobody had a clue whether they should get on. It was chaos while the female guard was shouting instructions and nobody could hear her either. The end result was that the actual train was 20 minutes late when it could have been 5 if people knew what to do.
It’s a kind of butterfly effect. People would then miss aeroplanes or later connections and every so often something significant will go wrong for someone as a result.
Of course the Left will never, ever admit that : it removes one of the foundation stones of their whole ideology.
BBC headline and tweet
Man who burned Quran ‘shot dead in Sweden’
FFS why the scare quote marks BBC ?
.. Are you saying it’s fiction ?
Leo Kearse tweets
“At this point, Western governments look complicit”
The BBC use that trick a LOT Stew and they use it both ways.
It’s how they can either print someone’s blatantly biased opinion as ‘virtual fact’ without saying it’s just an opinion or cast doubt on something which most definitely IS true if they want to cast doubt as in this case.
I don’t often listen to BBC related podcasts, but this morning, while walking my wee dog, I caught a bit of the Gardeners’ World podcast. I didn’t last long…
They had on a well meaning young fellow, who created gardens and was helped by “stressed youngsters”. Apparently, this is part of their therapy.
“Yes”, he told us, “some of them have ADHD, others are on the autistic spectrum, some have oppositional defiant disorder” (WTF?) and most are depressed and anxious. Blimey…
Anyway, this bloke turned out to be a real green fanatic and kept banging on about the climate and saving the planet for future generations and how he “educated” these already stressed kids about green issues. He went on and on and…
Can you imagine how helpful that is for already anxious teenagers? Gardening is supposed to be good for you. All this fretting about our imagined imminent extinction won’t do them, or anyone else any good. Anyway, it’s all bollocks.
Actually, it was a lovely morning up on the north downs. My dog was chasing fleet-footed rabbits and squirrels and I saw a cluster of early snowdrops and noticed that the tips of our native dogwood are turning a vivid red. Spring is just around the corner. It was too nice to be listening to this crap.
I turned miserable sod off…
US Potomac horrific helicopter – jet air disaster….
OK everyone, the BBC is on the case investigating with BBC “Verify”..
So far “verify” amounts to running the same footage already released to most other news outlets with the same details already released but I guess using BBC verify to investigate might mean those yanks under the new Trump administration are not going to get away with any dodgy right-wing stuff now! As if they suspect the potential for false reporting from the States or something. Or maybe the BBC verify department just have nothing else to do right now?
BBC apologises for culture of silence over Russell Brand
Here we have the BBC doing what the Left do best.
Which is being complete and utter hypocrites. They preach one thing in public but underneath these people are just deceitful, virtue-signaling, shallow, nasty scumbags.
Nothing new here of course : I’ve said this many times – but this is just more evidence of how they don’t give a shit about anyone if it doesn’t suit their own agenda. They will cover up ANYTHING if it’s not convenient for them.