358 Responses to Midweek 29th January 2025

  1. pugnazious says:

    Is it not utterly sickening that the once peaceful and pleasant land of Sweden is now a war zone due to immigration. Is it coming here…or is it here already as 75% of concerns are Islamist..and most of the rest Far-Right…which is a backlash to the Islamists?
    So you could claim that in effect 100% of terrorism is due to Islamists. Diversity is our strength…lol.


  2. pugnazious says:

    We gave 15,000 visas to migrants to work in care sector…and 60,000 visas to their relatives.

    Politicians like Boris get clean away with no acountability for enormously damaging policies that wreak havoc upon the country….there should be an ability to put such politicians on trial…those who force through such policies without due scrutiny knowing that it will be an irreversible fait accompli and they can scuttle off out of Office with no sanctions…..undemocratic decisions, made without proper Parliamentary scrutiny, made almost in secret, such as the unilateral decision to offer 3 million Hong Kong Chinese asylum here, should be illegal.

    Similarly a BBC that utterly fails to adhere to its Charter should be held accountable and the DG jailed if found seriously wanting…deliberately broadcasting misinformation….as it does.


  3. tomo says:

    After researching the UK CAA during the Icelandic volcano fiasco / farce – nothing surprises me… The woman “in charge” was profoundly ignorant of aviation as were most of her colleagues – left me spitting feathers it did…



  4. tomo says:




  5. Up2snuff says:

    On the Telegraph web-site, accessed via a clicky down below the BBC Blog of newspaper front pages https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvgljeq0w5po, it appears that the military helicopter was hovering. Maybe the pilot froze when the civil airliner appeared in their field of vision or on the military machine’s radar?

    It has happened before.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Nah – maybe the landing lights caused the hesitation – …. I reckon the reconstruction will be painful for all … I’ve just arrive in Blighty and witnessed an argument( unusual ) where someone wanted to hear the safety briefing while some other dork kept talking . He asked the chap to be quiet . He replied ‘have you never heard a safety briefing before ? ‘

      I bit my lip as I used to do aviation safety in a previous life … and still read those monthly CAA reports of stuff going wrong …
      Time for the new thread ….


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, or the flashing lights on the airliner dazzled the military helicopter pilot? If anything, the military machine was a blaze of lights. Maybe the airline pilot was dazzled?