I am blind, with Alzheimer’s, never worked in my life, no qualifications, pray to Allah 20 times per day, run a drugs network. I am completely unsuitable and unqualified. But a perfect DEI hire.
Excellent news – Astra zeneka abandons plan to build a big factory in the socialist republic of Liverpool – was gonna Be £450 million – guess that’s going to Trump Land .
Really need the British economy killed in one year …. Starmer – Rachel doing well – with added taxes on 26 March
“Five Rotary Clubs joined forces to help Dion Rudakubana after his father asked for help. They worked together, focusing on teamwork and helping the community.”
Rachel from stapler supplies mentioned that they’d need more fuel to feed all the aeroplanes landing on the new HR runway, to be built in 2069, so they have to get it somewhere, as TTK will put a 25% tariff on all fuel coming from the US.
Meanwhile Ed Milliband has changed face yet again, and agreed that the design of a new wind-powered aircraft will be funded by taxing the elderly again. After all, they’ll never be able to afford to fly, so why bother with them.
“A New York Times report saying the air control tower at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport has been understaffed for years came amid a lawsuit claiming the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) discriminated against air traffic controller applicants based on their race.
The Times report said the tower at the airport was nearly a third below targeted staff levels, with 19 fully certified controllers as of September 2023, citing the most recent Air Traffic Controller Workforce Plan, an annual report to Congress that contains target and actual staffing levels.
The targets set by the F.A.A. and the controllers union call for 30.
The lawsuit represents nearly 1,000 individuals who went to school to become air traffic controllers . They passed the normal test to obtain the position right before the Obama administration said the class was too white and threw out the tests with the applicants, the suit alleges.”
Wow – that explains a lot.
I still wonder what the mechanisms are which Starmer used to suppress it and why none of the newspapers dare print it. Surely they knew.
Sickle cell patients are to get a new treatment on the NHS.
The cost is £1.5 million per person per year.
In the interests of equality, I should mention sickle cell issues mainly affect BAME people.
Time to put taxes up again.
The gene that concerns us most in Nigeria is the sickle cell (S) gene, which causes sickle cell anaemia (SCA), also known as sickle cell disease (SCD). SCA is the most common hereditary disorder in the world (WHO 1994), and is caused by the inheritance of a mutant sickle haemoglobin (HbS) from each parent. Its incidence is highest in sub-Saharan Africa (Livingstone 1967), from where the gene has spread by migration to Europe and especially the Americas.
You’ve got to admire the BBC’s blatant agenda-based double standards and how they can shamelessly switch sides whenever the agenda demands it.
Whereas we are normally being conditioned to hate China (and Russia), today Chin are the good guys because they can be used against Trump.
You can tell it’s an agenda article these days because it uses as much empathy as possible to set the scene and sway your opinion before the facts are mentioned. This is the first line of the article:
‘A hiss and puff of compressed air shapes the smooth leather, bringing to life an all-American cowboy boot in a factory on China’s eastern coast.’
‘”We used to sell around a million pairs of boots a year,” says the 45-year-old sales manager, Mr Peng, who did not wish to reveal his first name.
That is, until Donald Trump came along.’
The second line is the BBC’s.
And WTF has this got to do with the story ?
‘Mr Peng, whose wife died when their son was young, says the factory has been his family: “Our boss is determined not to abandon these employees.”‘ ?.
Pathetic. Laura at the BBC doesn’t give a shit about Mr Pengs family. She is using it as a typical cheap BBC trick to make it personal against Trump. I doubt he even said it anyway : the BBC quite happily lie when they know nobody can know the truth. The perfect-English, bang-on agenda quotes from uneducated Hamas supporters living in Gaza proved that.
They could equally have run a story from some American family business who have been saved from bankruptcy when their business survived after the market was swamped with slave-labour products from China. It’s all 100% agenda at the BBC.
I really do wonder if Laura came up with this story herself or was directed by BBC HQ to conjure up something negative against Trumps tariffs. I am almost certain it was the latter.
Yes, imagine how difficult it would be to identify and research the details behind one Chinese factory meeting the BBC’s hand-wringing credentials from an office in the UK. What are the chances?
So Laura is probably from the BBC fiction department,
They think everyone is stupid and will just swallow any guff they spew out!
They only care about one thing at the BBC digg : that nobody can prove that what they write is a lie.
Otherwise absolutely anything is acceptable.
That’s why they have developed so many ways to lie without lying : the lie by omission, the lie by inference, the lie by association and many others.
The ‘lie by fake quotations’ is one they ramped up during Gaza when they realised nobody could ever track down the source.
“A BBC journalist has been forced to apologised after comments describing Israeli hostages held by Hamas as “prisoners” sparked outrage online.
News anchor Nicky Schiller told viewers on Friday that three “Israeli prisoners” would be released by the terror group on Saturday.
Yarden Bibas, 35, Ofer Kalderon, 54, and Keith Siegel, 65, were taken hostage during Hamas’ terror attacks of October 7, 2023. The men were handed over by militants to Red Cross officials in Khan Tounis on Saturday morning.
Speaking on the BBC’s news channel on Friday, Mr Schiller said: “Confirmation in the last couple of hours, first from Hamas, that three Israeli prisoners, all men this time, will be released tomorrow and then we will see 90 Palestinian prisoners freed from Israeli jails.”
One person took to social media to accuse the BBC of “an insane word game” after the news update. They wrote: “They just keep bending over backwards to twist the narrative, but the truth is plain: Kidnapped civilians are hostages not ‘prisoners’.”
Another wrote: “When the BBC refers to babies and children as ‘prisoners’, when they are hostages taken by Hamas terrorists, you know that the reputation of our national broadcaster is in the gutter”, while a third described the slip of tongue as “dismal”.
The broadcaster issued an apology for the comments on Friday. The message, issued live on air, stated: “Earlier today on BBC News reported on the names of those three Israeli hostages who are due to be freed tomorrow.
“At one point during the coverage we mistakenly called the hostages ‘prisoners’ and we would like to apologise.”
Another astoundingly misleading headline from the BBC.
When I read it, I thought a group which HAS predicted a global famine coming soon was forcibly taken down by Trump.
After reading the article, it appears it’s a group whose job it is to predict famine has just removed their website because Trump has ordered a 90 day freeze on foreign assistance. They will still be working. You can be sure of course, they will resume IF they are doing a worthwhile job. And the BBC won’t report that. It appears that the last time they did it was in 2011
Then as usual BBC proceeed to interview anyone they can find who will most definitely support the BBC agenda – which are those who receive that money and of course they are all outraged.
Looking around, I see UN do this job already. You have to read the article very carefully to realise this from this BBC article:
‘Alongside a model run by the UN, the system allows aid officials to target emergency food supply ahead of time’.
I didn’t realise what that actually meant until I found the UN team online then re-read the BBC article to see if they told me.
Then tucked right at the very end we get the ‘response’ the BBC are obliged to include:
‘A USAID spokesperson said: “We are expeditiously processing exception requests. Several urgent requests have been approved within hours. We cannot address every individual exception-related question but commit to transparency consistent with the President’s Executive Order.’
All sounds fair to me. No doubt this lot quickly got in touch with the BBC to drum up some publicity because they know they are superfluous.
The US Senate hearings are showing that even now the Republican Party isn’t fully behind the Trump MAGA agenda and can’t be relied upon to deliver on critical legislative votes.
Many senators are in hock to their donors and are best regarded as paid for mouthpieces for big business, or in some cases seem to be active members of the deep state.
I’m beginning to think that whilst the woke crowd have been relegated to the periphery of US life by Trump’s victory the biggest threat to MAGA still comes from within the Republican Party , where too many elected Senators and Representatives owe their allegiance not to the elected President and their voters but to corporate interests and the deep state.
The outcome of the hearings for Gabbard, Patel and RFK Jr will tell us if Trump has the full support of the Republicans in Congress.
If he doesn’t then he will face an uphill struggle to implement his agenda.
Barclays hit by major IT outage on tax deadline day… serious IT problems which are affecting its app and online banking, as well as payments in and out of accounts. The bank says it is also unable to provide help via telephone or its “Message us” service. (BBC)
Given the PM and our media’s apparent blind admiration for the over-hyped notion of AI, Mr AsI is considering instituting a new intermittent feature hereabouts – a sub-genre of “How’s that workin’ out fo’ yer” – this innovative new feature to be entitled “Hey, I… Tee!” – perhaps? Of course someone already did “Computer says no” but one might try “What could possibly go wrong?”
Sometimes these segueways will write themselves…
Labour’s big brother… A digital ID system and live facial recognition cameras could defeat populism by tackling crime and illegal immigration, Sir Tony Blair, the former prime minister, says – that’s your 90s iconic girl’s heart throb pin-up front and centre on the cover of the left-liberal leaning Times – and today it isn’t David Beckham.
Bend it like Blair
Blairite digital ID system and Blairite live facial recognition cameras to tackle Blairite induced crime and Blairite enabled illegal immigration?
Will the British public swallow that?
There was an old woman who swallowed a fly,
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly – perhaps she’ll die!
There was an old woman who swallowed a spider
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly…
The phrase stay in your lane is used as a term of admonishment or advice against those who express thoughts or opinions on a subject about which they are viewed as having insufficient knowledge or ability. (Thank you Merriam Webster)
Idris Elba on stabbing crisis: ‘Not all kitchen knives need a point on them’… tells BBC Radio 4’s Today programme (BBC)
Next up, Mary Berry on stop and search..?
Just kidding: Mary Berry ‘s winter warmers recipe pullout free inside (Daily Express)
How about Rick Stein on hate speech, misogyny and taking offence? Rick Stein I feel sorry for Gregg Wallace (Telegraph)
Even Jamie Oliver is getting in on the act today: My Easy recipes for air fryers (i news)
Our Jamie happily back in his lane after his disastrous attempted foray into the culture and politics of ethnically native Australians: Jamie Oliver pulls ‘offensive’ children’s book from sale… after complaints it stereotyped Indigenous Australians. (BBC, November 2024)
There we were thinking we now lived under the rule of lawyers – now one suspects it’s a case of rule by celebrity chefs.
How did that State-enforced mass innoculation of the healthy popluation with fast-tracked safety regulation by-passed mRNA so-called vaccines work out for us?
AstraZeneca ditches vaccine plant… Pharma group junks £450mn plan… Wrangle over state support… Blow to growth agenda (FT)
One speculates whether this was a case of Big Pharma getting disappointed at the level of state subsidy on offer – or perhaps wondering whether they’d ever get another state-enforced vax programme off the ground any time soon?
If only there were a judge-led, well-funded, currently sitting, officially constituted public inquiry that could look into all that.
UK Covid-19 Inquiry announces completion of the Children and Young People’s Voices fieldwork. In total, 600 children and young people aged 9-22 have been able to share their personal experiences of the pandemic as part of the Children and Young People’s Voices research project, which took place from April to December 2024. (UK Covid-19 Inquiry) – which sounds more akin to some bollocks community outreach arts project than getting to grips with the hard science.
The FT regrets: Life & Arts Where ‘woke’ went wrong… How a revolution was reversed
How’s that international law workin’ out fo’ yer?
British Hamas hostage held at UN facility (Telegraph)
Nice to hear HamasUN helping with the sausages … i heard ths BbC bleating – as usual – about Israel pulling the plug on ‘un rar’ . Can you blame them ?
Im just waiting for the NHS to treat gaza hamas residents..
Don’t forget Fedup that the UK government has just given £17 million to UNWRA on the same day they pulled the same amount from teaching UK children advanced maths.
Washington crash- another incident and again key information withheld.
In this case the name of the helicopter pilot.
Of course there’s always a perfectly reasonable reason offered; here the family doesn’t wish it to be made public.
Just how many boxes did the pilot tick?
Now we have the internet, there must the name etc on there somewhere.
But the search algorithms ensure the info is buried 1000 pages deep, behind endlessly repeated legacy media , almost like standing in front of a 1980s newsagents counter.
@Eddy i can imagine legitimate reasons for withholding the names of military personnel.
eg if the US military is unpopular in their community or something.
Civilian would be a different thing.
David Kurten shows this video on his Gab account where the little khant lies his head off about the mRNA vaccines being safe (in Jan 2021) cos our beloved MHRA says so:
Par for the course of a snearing, smearing, lying lawyer I guess.
Much criticism is being levelled at Trump for ‘politicising’ the plane crash, including from Auntie.
The BBC would no doubt prefer a Kumbaya-President who uttered a few platitudes about “our thoughts and prayers being with the victims, and we should wait till the investigation is complete” bla bla.
Wrong President, Beeb.
Those investigations can take months if not years. (Like the ‘report’ on grooming gangs.)
By which time no-one remembers or cares.
Trump, on the other hand, strikes while the iron is hot, and gets public attention on the issue and provides real solutions fast. Like scrapping the dangerous poison that is DEI.
Incidentally, imagine if Trump had been PM when the grooming gangs first emerged.
There’d have been no tiptoeing around the sensitivities of certain ‘communities’. The paedo-rapists would have been banged up quicker than you can say Allahu Akbar and thousands of girls would have been saved.
“Trump says nothing, no leadership from Trump” would run the headlines
cos they attack him either way
if he says something it limits a vacuum that the MSM would fill with bile.
At the BBC, the social engineering agenda is far more important than young girls getting gang-raped or 14-year old boys stabbing each other to death on the streets.
You would think that as they have been doing it for decades now and the net result is that things are much worse because they have driven a wedge right through society, they would realise what a failure it is.
But instead they push it even more simply because of spite and an arrogance to not admit they were wrong. Welcome to the world of the left. And some understanding of how they have ended up through history murdering millions of people who did not share their political agenda.
Trump called all this woke DEI correctly. You are banned from driving a car if you have epilepsy. I certainly would not want someone in control of your planes safety from the ground being employed.
Diversity = CONFORMITY
In Britain we have diverse media but so often and especially on on-the-hour news we get conformity in headlines as if ordered by a government Nudge Unit to carry their PRasnews
On the 8th of August, four national newspapers ran the exact same front page
Despite disagreeing politically, all used the same photo of a Stand Up To Racism protest, mobilised in what Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate admitted was “a hoax”, with headllines praising a united front against the “Far Right”
Did the British government coordinate this coverage to change public mood about the civil unrest after the Southport murders?
Was the Home Office — specifically, the RICU department — involved in making these front pages
They did during the COVID pandemic; and in 2014, when British aid worker Alan Henning was beheaded on video by ISIS
My friend @Lewis_Brackpool and I sent a Freedom of Information request to the Home Office to find out
.. https://x.com/Con_Tomlinson/status/1861907318587248869
I happened to search Twitter for Tweets with more than 500 Likes
That old tweet was 6 tweets down when I used the search term “Stand Up To Racism”
That shows they are not such a popular racism
A similar search on the search term “Tommy R” shows a 500+ Like-tweet almost every hour
I’d be interested to know what their approach will be when the only thing preventing them from being beheaded in the streets is that suspiciously elusive ‘far right’? You know, the ‘racists’.
Strawman in the headline there
“Britain can’t survive without immigration. Now Labour must convince voters.”
Most righties like Farage like TR support CONTROLLED immigration
it’s UNCONTROLLED immigration they are furious out.
Whereas people like Steve Laws preach practically zero immigration
1) Destroy the family and lower the indigenous birth-rate.
2) Claim we need immigration to supply the workforce.
3) Repeat, until we don’t have a country anymore.
It’s an exaggeration to say that the BLM organization wants to abolish, dismantle, or end the nuclear family, but they do aim to move society (and likely public policy) away from a full embrace of the nuclear family as the preferred familial structure in black society.
As usual I checked Twitter
hoping to find what impact Simon Jenkins Guardian comment article had
.. almost none .. The only significant tweet was one that ridiculed it
.. In fact when I check Tweets mentioning ANY of today’s comment articles that got over 6 Likes ..there are about 10
.. How does the Guardian stay alive when impact of its articles is so tiny ?
2013 …. Muslim preacher urges followers to claim ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’
A Muslim preacher is secretly filmed urging followers to take benefits from the state to fund a holy war.
From the Daily Telegraph (story by Patrick Sawer):
TV watchdog faces legal battle over ‘glaring BBC Brexit bias’.
“… … … …
News-Watch will tell a hearing in the High Court on Feb 5 that Ofcom has refused to examine its complaints on the grounds that they were not about a single programme or connected series of broadcasts.
The campaign group, which carried out an in-depth analysis of the BBC’s output on Brexit and the EU, has accused the broadcaster of “glaring bias”.
But it said Ofcom’s rulings mean that viewers and listeners were limited to complaining only about an individual programme or editorially linked series.
News-Watch said this leaves no scope for complaints “based on recurring themes and tendencies in a broadcaster’s output”.
The court case comes after the fifth anniversary of Britain leaving the European Union on Jan 31 2020.
Heavily outnumbered
News-Watch said its analysis found BBC coverage continued to be heavily weighted towards the EU, even after the 2016 referendum on Britain’s membership.
Among its findings was that those enthusiastic about the prospects for post-Brexit Britain were heavily outnumbered in terms of speakers and contributors.
Of 73 outside contributors, 38 (52 per cent) were broadly pro-EU and anti-Brexit, 21 (29 per cent) were anti-EU/pro-Brexit and 14 (19 per cent) were neutral.
It also claimed that the BBC’s bias against Brexit was compounded by the editorial decisions and opinions expressed by presenters and correspondents, which continued to highlight potential post-Brexit “cliff edge” problems without exploring its benefits.
David Keighley, one of News-Watch’s founders, said: “For years, we have published surveys showing deeply concerning pro-EU/anti-Brexit bias and the BBC has never considered one of our reports.
“We appealed to Ofcom to force an end to this disturbing complacency but instead they have – in effect – sided with the BBC, meaning that although the BBC is breaking its charter requirement to be impartial, Ofcom is unconcerned.”
He added: “We applied for judicial review because Ofcom’s stance in only allowing complaints based on single programme items or a linked series is an affront to common sense and means that there is no way that public service broadcasters and especially the BBC can be properly scrutinised and held to account for bias.”
… … … …
Mr Keighley said: “The BBC complaints process is widely accepted as being useless because the corporation rejects the vast majority of complaints related to bias. Ofcom should be championing the concerns of audiences, thus forcing the BBC to be more accountable, but instead is complacent about its responsibilities.”
As the merciless, taunting Hamas release of Israeli hostages in dribbles moves on I am at a loss to understand how any civilised person can decide to stand up and wave their vile flags in support of these animals in our Western capitals. Can they not see the barbaric, callous reasoning and evil intent behind those who are capable of this level of heartless taunting and brutality?
Are they all blind to what we are witnessing or what?
You want proof of BBC bias and agenda-driven reporting?
How about this little exchange, in which a BBC scumbag* DESPERATELY tries to corner a conservative journalist, shout him down and badger him into a gotcha moment.
“The @BBC tried to attack President Trump tonight for investigating DEI at the FAA and they acted like defense attorneys for the Biden Administration’s DEI hiring policy at the FAA.”
(If any reader has a minute to spare, please like the YouTube clip and leave a comment under Robby Starbuck’s post.)
*apologies to any scumbags who may feel insulted to be compared to the BBC.
I mean, like the clip on Robby Starbuck’s YouTube channel to show him support.
The comments are delicious too, such as the ones below.
Clearly, people on both sides of the Atlantic have got the measure of the BBC.
– BBC battling CNN for the most woke clown news network.
– BBC embarrassing themselves once again.
– As a Brit I can say this is just typical of the BBC lefty bias.
– BBC getting their arses handed back to them
– The “no proof” defence doesn’t cut it, BBC! It’s just common sense. Unless hiring is done purely on merit, accidents will happen more often
From the DT – sausages called ‘prisoners ‘…funny that the BBC laid on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of austhwitz (spelling ) – maybe the BBC has its ‘ own vocabulary for nazi concentration camps – maybe ‘ guest houses ‘ ?
Advice for measuring food portions for children
Research from the British Nutrition Foundation is helping parents check the portion sizes they are eating and serving to their children.
A suggests that 51% of parents judge portion sizes based on how much their children usually eat.
Bridget Benelam from the foundation advises that using our hands is a useful way to measure portion sizes.
Anwar ul-Haq was charged with murder after he admitted to shooting his daughter Hira in the south-western city of Quetta on Tuesday. He initially told investigators that unidentified men were behind the shooting.
The father, who has US citizenship, said he found his daughter’s posts “objectionable”.
Mr Shah was born in Rabwah, Pakistan, but moved to Scotland after he and his family were persecuted for their faith. They were granted asylum by the UK.
On the day Mr Shah died, he had posted a message on Facebook which read: “Good Friday and a very happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nationx.”
… find this Muslim Chaplin,Khallid Shabazz, on youtube … “The Koran says don’t let the hatred of a people move you to deal with people unjustly. The Prophet Mohammed beheaded people who were extremely unjust to him. {youtube mar2015}”
Chinese spies set to be exempt from toughest new national security law by Starmer
Russia and Iran are expected to be subject to the toughest restrictions under the UK’s Foreign Influence Registration Scheme, while China will be exempt for now
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23 GMT
He said he thought Lee would have regarded her donations to his office as a “very poor investment” as he had been “critical of the Chinese government on many occasions”.
Now, I must confess that I haven’t watched this (it’s on the BBC) but apparently Idris Elba has a series all about combatting knife crime. And this one is a hoot…
The Brain of Brixton has come up with a brilliant and novel idea that could really reduce the risk of being severely injured in a knife attack…stop making them so sharp…It’s perfect. It takes a man of unparalleled intellect to come up with such a simple and logical solution. Why didn’t anyone else think of that?
So, when you’re struggling to carve your Sunday roast, don’t complain. Just think of all those young Caribbean lads you’re saving.
Protecting the public is the first duty of the government. I fear that increasing levels of violence in London and across the country this will be a recurring theme in my reports to come. However, we must resist reactionary responses that are both ineffective and unjust. Namely, I have resisted Sajid Javid’s attempt to use knife-crime as a means of expanding discretionary police power, which will inevitably be used in a disproportional manner. On the 13th October, I wrote an article in The Guardian entitled Stop and Search is unjust, unfair and ineffectual. In this article, I raised concerns about a racially disproportionate stop-and-search policy, namely in terms of the erosion of trust between certain communities and the police.
2012 … David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’ Published 3 October 2012
Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.
Mr Thomas said fathers should not use the excuse of not getting along with their child’s mother as a reason not to look after their child.
I’ve already got loads of round edged knives – they’re called butter (or bu”er ) knives , so I don’t know what Idris uses to spread his Kerrygold on his toast……
OFCOM the TV watchdog faces legal battle over ‘glaring BBC Brexit bias’
“The broadcasting regulator is being taken to court over claims it failed to enforce impartiality rules on the BBC’s “biased” coverage of Brexit.
News-Watch, the media monitoring group, has won permission to seek a judicial review of what it claims is Ofcom’s refusal to investigate allegations of widespread pro-EU bias across its programming.
News-Watch will tell a hearing in the High Court on Feb 5 that Ofcom has refused to examine its complaints on the grounds that they were not about a single programme or connected series of broadcasts.
The campaign group, which carried out an in-depth analysis of the BBC’s output on Brexit and the EU, has accused the broadcaster of “glaring bias”.
The BBC will deny it all, of course, but we ALL reported it at the time here on BIASED BBC that the BBC were clearly using TV license Fee money to pay for thousands of GOOGLE adverts to pop up when anyone Googled information on ANY BREXIT topic. Every BBC station on BBC Radio and TV had the same ‘BBC theme’ as that of Comrade Starmer -who as we all know) was orchestrating the legal moves behind its all — and I also read today that the Labour party are being questioned about EU funds being ported through the FABIAN Society to fight BREXIT. All this abuse of FUNDS that OFCOM totally ignored (all complaints) at the time.
BBC simply stated that they have a right to an opinion under the BBC Broadcast Charter. That defence will be used again and again until the BBC are totally de-funded and stripped of its Charter.
Now they have a Court case to answer. Starmer can no longer spring to the defence of BBC – as he is now PM. But he still has ‘henchman’; Hermer, his Marxist co-conspirator to defend the BBC. We shall see, if OFCOM finally now admits it failed to hold the BBC to account — to save its own skin, it has to come clean. OFCOM was specifically asked to monitor the BBC output for BIAS, and it clearly has not done so — so its survival is being questioned.
Lucy, Try searching Twitter for news updates
rather than a webpage search engine
And “in the news” is a fallacy
News orgs are PR operations
So although tens of thousands of new news happen every day, the list of those covered by news orgs is quite small
That hype the ones that suit their own agendas
and EXCLUDE ones which run counter to it.
@OurFightUk bio : A group of (mainly) non-Jews challenging British anti-Semitism, by standing with Israel
We joined the Stand Up to Racism march, with placards standing against anti-Semitism, and were attacked by stewards. Three of our group were then arrested.
Stand Up to Racism tweeted a few times
One tweet got 1,500 Likes
But they prevented replies on all their tweets
BTW pro TR tweets often got thousands of Likes
eg video
"I'm an English man. Why would i hide who i am? Why would I say I'm ashamed of my nation or my people?" – Preview from an interview at the Free Tommy Robinson; Unite the Kingdom protest today in London. Full video out tomorrow on YouTube pic.twitter.com/EGMwB84xtb
Interesting Narinder Kaur thread
She shouted she’s the queen of the anti-racists
almost all replies went against her
many tweeting back at her her old imflammatory tweets
.. https://x.com/rosalind_cole73/status/1885708552603340970
‘The Homeless Hacker’ @DigitalVagrant
, who live-streamed the burning Koran in Manchester today, has been arrested by the super-efficient British Police for the heinous crime of Islamophobia.
The 47-year-old remains in custody after the incident next to the memorial – which commemorates the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena terrorist attack.
GMP’s Assistant Chief Constable Stephanie Parker said: “We understand the deep concern this will cause within some of our diverse communities and are aware of a live video circulating.
“We made a swift arrest at the time and recognize the right people have for freedom of expression, but when this crosses into intimidation to cause harm or distress, we will always look to take action when it is reported to us.”
A very large police team turned up to arrest ONE man
A man who burned a Qur’an in Manchester during a live-stream has been arrested ‘on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence’.
This is simply another way of saying ‘arrested on suspicion of blasphemy’.
BTW Abuse of someone’s religion is expressly allowed under the law
but Peter McLoughlin warns it fuels the Islamists
“What you are planning is exactly the tribal conflict the 1% seek”
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.” http://www.steynonline.com/6296/the-churchill-bust
‘News-Watch, the media monitoring group, has won permission to seek a judicial review of what it claims is Ofcom’s refusal to investigate allegations of widespread pro-EU bias across its programming.’
‘News-Watch will tell a hearing in the High Court on Feb 5 that Ofcom has refused to examine its complaints on the grounds that they were not about a single programme or connected series of broadcasts.’
‘It also claimed that the BBC’s bias against Brexit was compounded by the editorial decisions and opinions expressed by presenters and correspondents, which continued to highlight potential post-Brexit “cliff edge” problems without exploring its benefits.’
‘It says its analysis also showed that those offering positive opinions about the EU and against Brexit were given eight times the space on Today as those offering views to the contrary.’
The very tip of the iceberg. The BBC’s bias is not the factual content of individual programs, it is the entire attitude and choice of wording they use to push a specific narrative when it suits them.
I think by now everybody knows this. The problem is that those who are supposed to stop it are all similar leftist activists. They are like a cancer. I wonder how many staff at the BBC and OFCOM voted Labour or LibDem. I bet it’s more than 90%.
An anonymous survey of all the staff would quickly show the extent of the bias. Which of course is why nobody will ever be allowed to do it.
Look ! – the BBC have identified that near-misses were normal at that airport and somebody has been ignoring them.
‘Pilot Mike Slack was in the cockpit during a descent into Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport nearly two decades ago when he noticed something on the runway.’
What ??? – that was TWENTY YEARS AGO BBC.
Then we get:
“There are times when we are watching planes land and we find ourselves saying ‘whoa that is close’,” said pilot Mo Khimji, noting that strong crosswinds can push a plane into restricted airspace “by a whisker” if the pilot is not careful.
Implying here that if a plane goes a ‘whisker’ into restricted airspace, disaster is inevitable !. Why is that BBC ?. Do they get shot down or something ?.
The most idiotic story desperately trying to cash in on empathy for a totally unrelated disaster.
Yet another atrocious piece from two of the BBC’s finest:
But I suppose they get their licence-fee payers cash anyway so have to be given something to do.
Today DEFRA Sec Steve Reed has announced it’s time to start a “national conversation to transform how we use land in this country”.
His Department says that means stopping food production on as much as 18% of our farmland.
I was unaware that the flight was women only !. Here are the BBC’s random choice to show us who died. For no other reason whatsoever I can see other than try to suck some empathy from their deaths.
Top of the bill a black civil rights lawyer:
Followed by:
Asra Hussain Raza (Female of obvious heritage)
Two lawyers:
Spencer Lane (not what sex this one is)
Jinna Han and Jin Han:
Evgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov (Russian couple)
Inna Volyanskaya (woman)
Natalya Gudin (woman)
Angela Yang and Sean Kay (one of each)
I wonder if any normal white males were on the flight. The BBC don’t seem to care about them at all.
Mind you, look who wrote the article:
I suspect these two are so deep in the BBC misandracist bubble, they don’t even think it’s wrong.
‘Should non-African artists be considered in a category meant to showcase African talent?’
“Music is about inclusivity. We don’t want to fence people out of genres,” Grammy CEO Harvey Mason Jr tells the BBC.
Stupendous hypocrisy from someone who has organised a competition for Africans only.
And in true ‘That’s Life’ style, we even get a joke from Ayomide Tayo (Nigerian journalist)
‘We have an inside joke in Nigeria that we say Chris Brown is Nigerian, because of the ways he pops up in our songs and our music videos all the time’
Proving once again that Lefties have no clue what a joke is. They just laugh when groupthink says they should laugh. ‘Marco’ of the BBC must have thought this joke must be funny because an African made it.
Here’s marco’s selection of a picture to prove fans enjoyed Chris Browns performance:
Wall to wall misandracism at the BBC these days.
Jessica at the BBC is positively determined to portray Canada and Mexico as heroic ‘victims’.
However the BBC seems strangely reluctant to go into the real story here which is WHY Trump has imposed these tariffs. We aren’t shown any figures at all – and anything we do learn is always ‘Trump said’ with the inference it’s just his opinion. No doubt ‘BBC Verify’ are having trouble getting their wording right make sure Trump is made out to be lying.
Here she is. Same as all the others. Mum will be so proud.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
tomoMar 3, 17:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I re-watched some of the Oval Office stuff – high as a kite, involuntarily sniffling – seen it before….
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Just think – if the US pulls out of NATO those RAF bases they lease can become the third /…
I am blind, with Alzheimer’s, never worked in my life, no qualifications, pray to Allah 20 times per day, run a drugs network. I am completely unsuitable and unqualified. But a perfect DEI hire.
Can I join Biased BBC?
Sound like a footy referee
Circle your shade on the application form
It’s important to make informed decisions.
Are you wheelchair-bound?
Are you BAME?
Are you gay?
If 2 out of 3 are yes then you will be a shoe-in for the biased BBC.
You haven’t mentioned where you stand in the lgbt+++++ spectrum and whether you require a wheelchair. If you tick those boxes you’re a shoo in.
I am in a wheelchair and do a bit of moonlighting roofing.
Am a bit puzzled by the rainbow stuff and believe the donkey-raping craze is going to take off.
Excellent news – Astra zeneka abandons plan to build a big factory in the socialist republic of Liverpool – was gonna Be £450 million – guess that’s going to Trump Land .
Really need the British economy killed in one year …. Starmer – Rachel doing well – with added taxes on 26 March
Fair question, I reckon
NOT one we can expect the BBC to ask
No but I bet Zephir would know !
Dion Rudakubana’s New Wheelchair Is A Game Changer …
October 18, 2024
“Five Rotary Clubs joined forces to help Dion Rudakubana after his father asked for help. They worked together, focusing on teamwork and helping the community.”
That must’ve been like tooth extraction without anaesthetic ?
Meanwhile over at Guardian crank central
– what do they mean… _ go_ absolutely nuts?
How would anyone tell?
Rachel from stapler supplies mentioned that they’d need more fuel to feed all the aeroplanes landing on the new HR runway, to be built in 2069, so they have to get it somewhere, as TTK will put a 25% tariff on all fuel coming from the US.
Meanwhile Ed Milliband has changed face yet again, and agreed that the design of a new wind-powered aircraft will be funded by taxing the elderly again. After all, they’ll never be able to afford to fly, so why bother with them.
Yvette Cooper is unassailable for comment. (sic).
and… a find….
Tyler Fischer
and sigh…. the windmills aren’t windmilling electricity tonight
And this from Fox News…
“A New York Times report saying the air control tower at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport has been understaffed for years came amid a lawsuit claiming the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) discriminated against air traffic controller applicants based on their race.
The Times report said the tower at the airport was nearly a third below targeted staff levels, with 19 fully certified controllers as of September 2023, citing the most recent Air Traffic Controller Workforce Plan, an annual report to Congress that contains target and actual staffing levels.
The targets set by the F.A.A. and the controllers union call for 30.
The lawsuit represents nearly 1,000 individuals who went to school to become air traffic controllers . They passed the normal test to obtain the position right before the Obama administration said the class was too white and threw out the tests with the applicants, the suit alleges.”
Is he just mocking us?
nah… his self regard doesn’t extend that far
Starmer’s education…..
Didn’t he run the case to allow Rudukabana’s father to stay in the UK all those years ago?
That worked well, didn’t it…
Spot on Scrobs.
I was told that by a lovely lady who ‘knows’ these things!
Wow – that explains a lot.
I still wonder what the mechanisms are which Starmer used to suppress it and why none of the newspapers dare print it. Surely they knew.
More meaningless platitudes from this utter joke of a PM.
Is that the tail of an elephant I can see thrashing around in the Cabinet room at No. 1?……………….
Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
Government commits more funding to protect UK Muslims
The government has committed to providing UK Muslims with more than £117 million of protective security funding over the next 4 years.
Sickle cell patients are to get a new treatment on the NHS.
The cost is £1.5 million per person per year.
In the interests of equality, I should mention sickle cell issues mainly affect BAME people.
Time to put taxes up again.
That’s why they are here Sluff.
It’s all free from the white man.
Council Tax increases to pay for local accommodation for the imports?
The gene that concerns us most in Nigeria is the sickle cell (S) gene, which causes sickle cell anaemia (SCA), also known as sickle cell disease (SCD). SCA is the most common hereditary disorder in the world (WHO 1994), and is caused by the inheritance of a mutant sickle haemoglobin (HbS) from each parent. Its incidence is highest in sub-Saharan Africa (Livingstone 1967), from where the gene has spread by migration to Europe and especially the Americas.
Trump’s tariffs hit China hard before – this time, it’s ready
You’ve got to admire the BBC’s blatant agenda-based double standards and how they can shamelessly switch sides whenever the agenda demands it.
Whereas we are normally being conditioned to hate China (and Russia), today Chin are the good guys because they can be used against Trump.
You can tell it’s an agenda article these days because it uses as much empathy as possible to set the scene and sway your opinion before the facts are mentioned. This is the first line of the article:
‘A hiss and puff of compressed air shapes the smooth leather, bringing to life an all-American cowboy boot in a factory on China’s eastern coast.’
‘”We used to sell around a million pairs of boots a year,” says the 45-year-old sales manager, Mr Peng, who did not wish to reveal his first name.
That is, until Donald Trump came along.’
The second line is the BBC’s.
And WTF has this got to do with the story ?
‘Mr Peng, whose wife died when their son was young, says the factory has been his family: “Our boss is determined not to abandon these employees.”‘ ?.
Pathetic. Laura at the BBC doesn’t give a shit about Mr Pengs family. She is using it as a typical cheap BBC trick to make it personal against Trump. I doubt he even said it anyway : the BBC quite happily lie when they know nobody can know the truth. The perfect-English, bang-on agenda quotes from uneducated Hamas supporters living in Gaza proved that.
They could equally have run a story from some American family business who have been saved from bankruptcy when their business survived after the market was swamped with slave-labour products from China. It’s all 100% agenda at the BBC.
I really do wonder if Laura came up with this story herself or was directed by BBC HQ to conjure up something negative against Trumps tariffs. I am almost certain it was the latter.
Yes, imagine how difficult it would be to identify and research the details behind one Chinese factory meeting the BBC’s hand-wringing credentials from an office in the UK. What are the chances?
So Laura is probably from the BBC fiction department,
They think everyone is stupid and will just swallow any guff they spew out!
They only care about one thing at the BBC digg : that nobody can prove that what they write is a lie.
Otherwise absolutely anything is acceptable.
That’s why they have developed so many ways to lie without lying : the lie by omission, the lie by inference, the lie by association and many others.
The ‘lie by fake quotations’ is one they ramped up during Gaza when they realised nobody could ever track down the source.
From the Daily Express online:
“A BBC journalist has been forced to apologised after comments describing Israeli hostages held by Hamas as “prisoners” sparked outrage online.
News anchor Nicky Schiller told viewers on Friday that three “Israeli prisoners” would be released by the terror group on Saturday.
Yarden Bibas, 35, Ofer Kalderon, 54, and Keith Siegel, 65, were taken hostage during Hamas’ terror attacks of October 7, 2023. The men were handed over by militants to Red Cross officials in Khan Tounis on Saturday morning.
Speaking on the BBC’s news channel on Friday, Mr Schiller said: “Confirmation in the last couple of hours, first from Hamas, that three Israeli prisoners, all men this time, will be released tomorrow and then we will see 90 Palestinian prisoners freed from Israeli jails.”
One person took to social media to accuse the BBC of “an insane word game” after the news update. They wrote: “They just keep bending over backwards to twist the narrative, but the truth is plain: Kidnapped civilians are hostages not ‘prisoners’.”
Another wrote: “When the BBC refers to babies and children as ‘prisoners’, when they are hostages taken by Hamas terrorists, you know that the reputation of our national broadcaster is in the gutter”, while a third described the slip of tongue as “dismal”.
The broadcaster issued an apology for the comments on Friday. The message, issued live on air, stated: “Earlier today on BBC News reported on the names of those three Israeli hostages who are due to be freed tomorrow.
“At one point during the coverage we mistakenly called the hostages ‘prisoners’ and we would like to apologise.”
… … …”
Not chicken feed…
tomo, as some northern Irish friends of mine would say: “Bit of a looker!” 🙂
US system predicting global famine offline amid Trump freeze
Another astoundingly misleading headline from the BBC.
When I read it, I thought a group which HAS predicted a global famine coming soon was forcibly taken down by Trump.
After reading the article, it appears it’s a group whose job it is to predict famine has just removed their website because Trump has ordered a 90 day freeze on foreign assistance. They will still be working. You can be sure of course, they will resume IF they are doing a worthwhile job. And the BBC won’t report that. It appears that the last time they did it was in 2011
Then as usual BBC proceeed to interview anyone they can find who will most definitely support the BBC agenda – which are those who receive that money and of course they are all outraged.
Looking around, I see UN do this job already. You have to read the article very carefully to realise this from this BBC article:
‘Alongside a model run by the UN, the system allows aid officials to target emergency food supply ahead of time’.
I didn’t realise what that actually meant until I found the UN team online then re-read the BBC article to see if they told me.
Then tucked right at the very end we get the ‘response’ the BBC are obliged to include:
‘A USAID spokesperson said: “We are expeditiously processing exception requests. Several urgent requests have been approved within hours. We cannot address every individual exception-related question but commit to transparency consistent with the President’s Executive Order.’
All sounds fair to me. No doubt this lot quickly got in touch with the BBC to drum up some publicity because they know they are superfluous.
I can’t believe that ALL the names of the Blackhawk crew aren’t known. Only a white Warrant officer named so far. Makes you wonder…
The truth will out eventually popeye.
Then we will know if it’s more leftist racism protecting BAME or not.
The US Senate hearings are showing that even now the Republican Party isn’t fully behind the Trump MAGA agenda and can’t be relied upon to deliver on critical legislative votes.
Many senators are in hock to their donors and are best regarded as paid for mouthpieces for big business, or in some cases seem to be active members of the deep state.
I’m beginning to think that whilst the woke crowd have been relegated to the periphery of US life by Trump’s victory the biggest threat to MAGA still comes from within the Republican Party , where too many elected Senators and Representatives owe their allegiance not to the elected President and their voters but to corporate interests and the deep state.
The outcome of the hearings for Gabbard, Patel and RFK Jr will tell us if Trump has the full support of the Republicans in Congress.
If he doesn’t then he will face an uphill struggle to implement his agenda.
How’s that cashless society workin’ out fo’ yer?
Barclays hit by major IT outage on tax deadline day… serious IT problems which are affecting its app and online banking, as well as payments in and out of accounts. The bank says it is also unable to provide help via telephone or its “Message us” service. (BBC)
Given the PM and our media’s apparent blind admiration for the over-hyped notion of AI, Mr AsI is considering instituting a new intermittent feature hereabouts – a sub-genre of “How’s that workin’ out fo’ yer” – this innovative new feature to be entitled “Hey, I… Tee!” – perhaps? Of course someone already did “Computer says no” but one might try “What could possibly go wrong?”
Sometimes these segueways will write themselves…
Labour’s big brother… A digital ID system and live facial recognition cameras could defeat populism by tackling crime and illegal immigration, Sir Tony Blair, the former prime minister, says – that’s your 90s iconic girl’s heart throb pin-up front and centre on the cover of the left-liberal leaning Times – and today it isn’t David Beckham.
Bend it like Blair
Blairite digital ID system and Blairite live facial recognition cameras to tackle Blairite induced crime and Blairite enabled illegal immigration?
Will the British public swallow that?
There was an old woman who swallowed a fly,
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly – perhaps she’ll die!
There was an old woman who swallowed a spider
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly…
The phrase stay in your lane is used as a term of admonishment or advice against those who express thoughts or opinions on a subject about which they are viewed as having insufficient knowledge or ability. (Thank you Merriam Webster)
Idris Elba on stabbing crisis: ‘Not all kitchen knives need a point on them’… tells BBC Radio 4’s Today programme (BBC)
Next up, Mary Berry on stop and search..?
Just kidding: Mary Berry ‘s winter warmers recipe pullout free inside (Daily Express)
How about Rick Stein on hate speech, misogyny and taking offence? Rick Stein I feel sorry for Gregg Wallace (Telegraph)
Even Jamie Oliver is getting in on the act today: My Easy recipes for air fryers (i news)
Our Jamie happily back in his lane after his disastrous attempted foray into the culture and politics of ethnically native Australians: Jamie Oliver pulls ‘offensive’ children’s book from sale… after complaints it stereotyped Indigenous Australians. (BBC, November 2024)
There we were thinking we now lived under the rule of lawyers – now one suspects it’s a case of rule by celebrity chefs.
How did that State-enforced mass innoculation of the healthy popluation with fast-tracked safety regulation by-passed mRNA so-called vaccines work out for us?
AstraZeneca ditches vaccine plant… Pharma group junks £450mn plan… Wrangle over state support… Blow to growth agenda (FT)
One speculates whether this was a case of Big Pharma getting disappointed at the level of state subsidy on offer – or perhaps wondering whether they’d ever get another state-enforced vax programme off the ground any time soon?
If only there were a judge-led, well-funded, currently sitting, officially constituted public inquiry that could look into all that.
UK Covid-19 Inquiry announces completion of the Children and Young People’s Voices fieldwork. In total, 600 children and young people aged 9-22 have been able to share their personal experiences of the pandemic as part of the Children and Young People’s Voices research project, which took place from April to December 2024. (UK Covid-19 Inquiry) – which sounds more akin to some bollocks community outreach arts project than getting to grips with the hard science.
The FT regrets: Life & Arts Where ‘woke’ went wrong… How a revolution was reversed
How’s that international law workin’ out fo’ yer?
British Hamas hostage held at UN facility (Telegraph)
Nice to hear HamasUN helping with the sausages … i heard ths BbC bleating – as usual – about Israel pulling the plug on ‘un rar’ . Can you blame them ?
Im just waiting for the NHS to treat gaza hamas residents..
Don’t forget Fedup that the UK government has just given £17 million to UNWRA on the same day they pulled the same amount from teaching UK children advanced maths.
Well spotted Debs.
On Monday the guberment will debate the new Bank Spying Bill. According to Big Brother Watch this will give guberment these new powers:
A cruel expansion of government power.
The bill would allow DWP to:
• constantly monitor the population’s bank statements
• take money directly out of bank accounts
• revoke driving licences
• search houses & devices
My Top Tip for Der Starmer and his girlie Harmers:
Stop giving these welfare queens the money in the first place.
Wildfires… plane crashes…
Is this the ‘deep state’ fighting back?
I would put nothing past the Demon-crats.
Washington crash- another incident and again key information withheld.
In this case the name of the helicopter pilot.
Of course there’s always a perfectly reasonable reason offered; here the family doesn’t wish it to be made public.
Just how many boxes did the pilot tick?
Now we have the internet, there must the name etc on there somewhere.
But the search algorithms ensure the info is buried 1000 pages deep, behind endlessly repeated legacy media , almost like standing in front of a 1980s newsagents counter.
@Eddy i can imagine legitimate reasons for withholding the names of military personnel.
eg if the US military is unpopular in their community or something.
Civilian would be a different thing.
David Kurten shows this video on his Gab account where the little khant lies his head off about the mRNA vaccines being safe (in Jan 2021) cos our beloved MHRA says so:
Par for the course of a snearing, smearing, lying lawyer I guess.
The little khant should watch this video if he still believes the ‘safe and effective’ bollocks:
Much criticism is being levelled at Trump for ‘politicising’ the plane crash, including from Auntie.
The BBC would no doubt prefer a Kumbaya-President who uttered a few platitudes about “our thoughts and prayers being with the victims, and we should wait till the investigation is complete” bla bla.
Wrong President, Beeb.
Those investigations can take months if not years. (Like the ‘report’ on grooming gangs.)
By which time no-one remembers or cares.
Trump, on the other hand, strikes while the iron is hot, and gets public attention on the issue and provides real solutions fast. Like scrapping the dangerous poison that is DEI.
Incidentally, imagine if Trump had been PM when the grooming gangs first emerged.
There’d have been no tiptoeing around the sensitivities of certain ‘communities’. The paedo-rapists would have been banged up quicker than you can say Allahu Akbar and thousands of girls would have been saved.
“Trump says nothing, no leadership from Trump” would run the headlines
cos they attack him either way
if he says something it limits a vacuum that the MSM would fill with bile.
At the BBC, the social engineering agenda is far more important than young girls getting gang-raped or 14-year old boys stabbing each other to death on the streets.
You would think that as they have been doing it for decades now and the net result is that things are much worse because they have driven a wedge right through society, they would realise what a failure it is.
But instead they push it even more simply because of spite and an arrogance to not admit they were wrong. Welcome to the world of the left. And some understanding of how they have ended up through history murdering millions of people who did not share their political agenda.
Trump called all this woke DEI correctly. You are banned from driving a car if you have epilepsy. I certainly would not want someone in control of your planes safety from the ground being employed.
Diversity = CONFORMITY




In Britain we have diverse media but so often and especially on on-the-hour news we get conformity in headlines as if ordered by a government Nudge Unit to carry their PRasnews
On the 8th of August, four national newspapers ran the exact same front page
Despite disagreeing politically, all used the same photo of a Stand Up To Racism protest, mobilised in what Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate admitted was “a hoax”, with headllines praising a united front against the “Far Right”
Did the British government coordinate this coverage to change public mood about the civil unrest after the Southport murders?
Was the Home Office — specifically, the RICU department — involved in making these front pages
They did during the COVID pandemic; and in 2014, when British aid worker Alan Henning was beheaded on video by ISIS
My friend @Lewis_Brackpool and I sent a Freedom of Information request to the Home Office to find out
.. https://x.com/Con_Tomlinson/status/1861907318587248869
I happened to search Twitter for Tweets with more than 500 Likes
That old tweet was 6 tweets down when I used the search term “Stand Up To Racism”
That shows they are not such a popular racism
A similar search on the search term “Tommy R” shows a 500+ Like-tweet almost every hour
I’d be interested to know what their approach will be when the only thing preventing them from being beheaded in the streets is that suspiciously elusive ‘far right’? You know, the ‘racists’.
What like someone shouting
Roy took on all 3 shouting “F**k you, I’m Millwall”
… https://x.com/DaveAtherton20/status/1852451462149722556
Stewie, Moggie…… For those who don’t access X
final refrain
“No one likes us, no one likes us
but you need us
so beware”
Another PPE jerk, lefty liberal blobster opines on imposing something that he doesn’t imagine will affect him ever…
The Gurdian and the BBC are a danger to us all.
something
Strawman in the headline there
“Britain can’t survive without immigration. Now Labour must convince voters.”
Most righties like Farage like TR support CONTROLLED immigration
it’s UNCONTROLLED immigration they are furious out.
Whereas people like Steve Laws preach practically zero immigration
Anybody else find Jenkins the smuggest of the smug?
Africa can afford to send it’s young elsewhere?
The progressive agenda:
1) Destroy the family and lower the indigenous birth-rate.
2) Claim we need immigration to supply the workforce.
3) Repeat, until we don’t have a country anymore.
It’s an exaggeration to say that the BLM organization wants to abolish, dismantle, or end the nuclear family, but they do aim to move society (and likely public policy) away from a full embrace of the nuclear family as the preferred familial structure in black society.
but they do aim to move society
As usual I checked Twitter
hoping to find what impact Simon Jenkins Guardian comment article had
.. almost none .. The only significant tweet was one that ridiculed it
.. In fact when I check Tweets mentioning ANY of today’s comment articles that got over 6 Likes ..there are about 10
.. How does the Guardian stay alive when impact of its articles is so tiny ?
The Scott Trust and a bottomless sump of self regard
‘It’s clear that Britain’s social benefit system can’t survive without halting immigration’.
There, just put that one right………..
We’ve got several of these bodies handing out taxpayer contributions to just anybody without looking at who they’re “lending” to
2013 …. Muslim preacher urges followers to claim ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’
A Muslim preacher is secretly filmed urging followers to take benefits from the state to fund a holy war.
By Melanie Hall
17 February 2013 • 3:21pm
They consider it their due. A sort of Jizya tax to be paid by Dhimmis for Jihad.
X is truly at war now with hysterical democrat types screaming at anything the true president is doing .
FBI and DoJ biden types have been fired in big numbers and all that DEI stuff is out the door – a long with a lot of oversea giveaways..
I heard a brilliant soubriquet for Starmer today,
‘The tool who should never have been born’
Sums him up pretty well.
His father was a toolmaker.
From the Daily Telegraph (story by Patrick Sawer):
TV watchdog faces legal battle over ‘glaring BBC Brexit bias’.
“… … … …
News-Watch will tell a hearing in the High Court on Feb 5 that Ofcom has refused to examine its complaints on the grounds that they were not about a single programme or connected series of broadcasts.
The campaign group, which carried out an in-depth analysis of the BBC’s output on Brexit and the EU, has accused the broadcaster of “glaring bias”.
But it said Ofcom’s rulings mean that viewers and listeners were limited to complaining only about an individual programme or editorially linked series.
News-Watch said this leaves no scope for complaints “based on recurring themes and tendencies in a broadcaster’s output”.
The court case comes after the fifth anniversary of Britain leaving the European Union on Jan 31 2020.
Heavily outnumbered
News-Watch said its analysis found BBC coverage continued to be heavily weighted towards the EU, even after the 2016 referendum on Britain’s membership.
Among its findings was that those enthusiastic about the prospects for post-Brexit Britain were heavily outnumbered in terms of speakers and contributors.
Of 73 outside contributors, 38 (52 per cent) were broadly pro-EU and anti-Brexit, 21 (29 per cent) were anti-EU/pro-Brexit and 14 (19 per cent) were neutral.
It also claimed that the BBC’s bias against Brexit was compounded by the editorial decisions and opinions expressed by presenters and correspondents, which continued to highlight potential post-Brexit “cliff edge” problems without exploring its benefits.
David Keighley, one of News-Watch’s founders, said: “For years, we have published surveys showing deeply concerning pro-EU/anti-Brexit bias and the BBC has never considered one of our reports.
“We appealed to Ofcom to force an end to this disturbing complacency but instead they have – in effect – sided with the BBC, meaning that although the BBC is breaking its charter requirement to be impartial, Ofcom is unconcerned.”
He added: “We applied for judicial review because Ofcom’s stance in only allowing complaints based on single programme items or a linked series is an affront to common sense and means that there is no way that public service broadcasters and especially the BBC can be properly scrutinised and held to account for bias.”
… … … …
Mr Keighley said: “The BBC complaints process is widely accepted as being useless because the corporation rejects the vast majority of complaints related to bias. Ofcom should be championing the concerns of audiences, thus forcing the BBC to be more accountable, but instead is complacent about its responsibilities.”
… … …”
As the merciless, taunting Hamas release of Israeli hostages in dribbles moves on I am at a loss to understand how any civilised person can decide to stand up and wave their vile flags in support of these animals in our Western capitals. Can they not see the barbaric, callous reasoning and evil intent behind those who are capable of this level of heartless taunting and brutality?
Are they all blind to what we are witnessing or what?
Labour conference: Members fill hall with Palestinian flags

Hamas are our friends (c) Jeremy Corbyn
You want proof of BBC bias and agenda-driven reporting?
How about this little exchange, in which a BBC scumbag* DESPERATELY tries to corner a conservative journalist, shout him down and badger him into a gotcha moment.
“The @BBC tried to attack President Trump tonight for investigating DEI at the FAA and they acted like defense attorneys for the Biden Administration’s DEI hiring policy at the FAA.”
(If any reader has a minute to spare, please like the YouTube clip and leave a comment under Robby Starbuck’s post.)
*apologies to any scumbags who may feel insulted to be compared to the BBC.
I mean, like the clip on Robby Starbuck’s YouTube channel to show him support.
The comments are delicious too, such as the ones below.
Clearly, people on both sides of the Atlantic have got the measure of the BBC.
– BBC battling CNN for the most woke clown news network.
– BBC embarrassing themselves once again.
– As a Brit I can say this is just typical of the BBC lefty bias.
– BBC getting their arses handed back to them
– The “no proof” defence doesn’t cut it, BBC! It’s just common sense. Unless hiring is done purely on merit, accidents will happen more often
…and a thousand more!
From the DT – sausages called ‘prisoners ‘…funny that the BBC laid on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of austhwitz (spelling ) – maybe the BBC has its ‘ own vocabulary for nazi concentration camps – maybe ‘ guest houses ‘ ?

“The strikes destroyed the caves they live in, and killed many terrorists without, in any way, harming civilians.”
The BBC could not immediately independently verify the reports.
Advice for measuring food portions for children
Research from the British Nutrition Foundation is helping parents check the portion sizes they are eating and serving to their children.
A suggests that 51% of parents judge portion sizes based on how much their children usually eat.
Bridget Benelam from the foundation advises that using our hands is a useful way to measure portion sizes.
………………….Bridget Benelam without a HIjab ………………….
HomeBritish Nutrition FoundationBridget Benelam
Bridget Benelam
British Nutrition Foundation
Bridget now ….
FGM can cause weight loss….
How to fast healthily during Ramadan
Raihane Palagi, Bridget BenelamPublished: February 23, 2024 at 1:50 PM
Do Muslim women get inappropriately touched by their male fellow believers when they circumambulate the Kaaba in crowded conditions?
‘… using our hands is a useful way to measure portion sizes.” I can hold a 16″ pizza in its box. So, single portion?
In the light of the recent murder in Sweden by the BBC’s favourite Religion of Violence, Apostate Prophet put out this poignant appeal.
He could be next.
US teen shot dead by father in Pakistan over TikTok videos
Anwar ul-Haq was charged with murder after he admitted to shooting his daughter Hira in the south-western city of Quetta on Tuesday. He initially told investigators that unidentified men were behind the shooting.
The father, who has US citizenship, said he found his daughter’s posts “objectionable”.
Mr Shah was born in Rabwah, Pakistan, but moved to Scotland after he and his family were persecuted for their faith. They were granted asylum by the UK.
On the day Mr Shah died, he had posted a message on Facebook which read: “Good Friday and a very happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nationx.”
However, Mr McSporran stressed this specific post had no bearing on the crime.
… find this Muslim Chaplin,Khallid Shabazz, on youtube …
“The Koran says don’t let the hatred of a people move you to deal with people unjustly. The Prophet Mohammed beheaded people who were extremely unjust to him. {youtube mar2015}”
Chinese spies set to be exempt from toughest new national security law by Starmer
Russia and Iran are expected to be subject to the toughest restrictions under the UK’s Foreign Influence Registration Scheme, while China will be exempt for now
…………… MEANWHILE…………………………
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23 GMT
He said he thought Lee would have regarded her donations to his office as a “very poor investment” as he had been “critical of the Chinese government on many occasions”.
Tommy Robinson demo ends with singing the YMCA for President Trump.
Keir Starmer chooses Ode to Joy as music to ‘sum up’ Labour
24 November 2023
The Labour leader’s choice has raised eyebrows among some Brexiteers, given it’s also the European Anthem.
Now, I must confess that I haven’t watched this (it’s on the BBC) but apparently Idris Elba has a series all about combatting knife crime. And this one is a hoot…
The Brain of Brixton has come up with a brilliant and novel idea that could really reduce the risk of being severely injured in a knife attack…stop making them so sharp…It’s perfect. It takes a man of unparalleled intellect to come up with such a simple and logical solution. Why didn’t anyone else think of that?
So, when you’re struggling to carve your Sunday roast, don’t complain. Just think of all those young Caribbean lads you’re saving.
Poor old Idris. Not only blunt knives.
He’s not the sharpest tool in the box either…
2019 … Knife crime and policing
Protecting the public is the first duty of the government. I fear that increasing levels of violence in London and across the country this will be a recurring theme in my reports to come. However, we must resist reactionary responses that are both ineffective and unjust. Namely, I have resisted Sajid Javid’s attempt to use knife-crime as a means of expanding discretionary police power, which will inevitably be used in a disproportional manner. On the 13th October, I wrote an article in The Guardian entitled Stop and Search is unjust, unfair and ineffectual. In this article, I raised concerns about a racially disproportionate stop-and-search policy, namely in terms of the erosion of trust between certain communities and the police.
2012 … David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’ Published 3 October 2012
Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.
Mr Thomas said fathers should not use the excuse of not getting along with their child’s mother as a reason not to look after their child.
Meat will be illegal soon so you needn’t concern yourself. I’m guessing insects won’t need carving.
I’ve already got loads of round edged knives – they’re called butter (or bu”er ) knives , so I don’t know what Idris uses to spread his Kerrygold on his toast……
OFCOM the TV watchdog faces legal battle over ‘glaring BBC Brexit bias’
“The broadcasting regulator is being taken to court over claims it failed to enforce impartiality rules on the BBC’s “biased” coverage of Brexit.
News-Watch, the media monitoring group, has won permission to seek a judicial review of what it claims is Ofcom’s refusal to investigate allegations of widespread pro-EU bias across its programming.
News-Watch will tell a hearing in the High Court on Feb 5 that Ofcom has refused to examine its complaints on the grounds that they were not about a single programme or connected series of broadcasts.
The campaign group, which carried out an in-depth analysis of the BBC’s output on Brexit and the EU, has accused the broadcaster of “glaring bias”.
The BBC will deny it all, of course, but we ALL reported it at the time here on BIASED BBC that the BBC were clearly using TV license Fee money to pay for thousands of GOOGLE adverts to pop up when anyone Googled information on ANY BREXIT topic. Every BBC station on BBC Radio and TV had the same ‘BBC theme’ as that of Comrade Starmer -who as we all know) was orchestrating the legal moves behind its all — and I also read today that the Labour party are being questioned about EU funds being ported through the FABIAN Society to fight BREXIT. All this abuse of FUNDS that OFCOM totally ignored (all complaints) at the time.
BBC simply stated that they have a right to an opinion under the BBC Broadcast Charter. That defence will be used again and again until the BBC are totally de-funded and stripped of its Charter.
Now they have a Court case to answer. Starmer can no longer spring to the defence of BBC – as he is now PM. But he still has ‘henchman’; Hermer, his Marxist co-conspirator to defend the BBC. We shall see, if OFCOM finally now admits it failed to hold the BBC to account — to save its own skin, it has to come clean. OFCOM was specifically asked to monitor the BBC output for BIAS, and it clearly has not done so — so its survival is being questioned.
This is proof. (Robin Aitkin) has lots pf examples.
This is News-Watch.. Who are taking OFCOM to Court.
Ofcom is funded by fees from the companies it regulates, and by grants from the UK government.
In this article we want to address some misunderstandings about how we’re funded. Contrary to what some people think, Ofcom is not funded directly by taxpayers or the Government.
Search engines still throw up BBC to the top of search lists on a variety of topics. Even DuckDuckGo returns BBC results first.
I’m lucky. I never search for news so I never get results like that. I’d rather be uninformed than misinformed. Tell me, how’s Boris doing as PM?
Lucy, Try searching Twitter for news updates
rather than a webpage search engine
And “in the news” is a fallacy
News orgs are PR operations
So although tens of thousands of new news happen every day, the list of those covered by news orgs is quite small
That hype the ones that suit their own agendas
and EXCLUDE ones which run counter to it.
They also get there whenever I search for recipes, Lucy!
Fortunately, you can’t really see leftie bias in cooking tripe and onions…
Chicken Kiev anyone?
@OurFightUk bio : A group of (mainly) non-Jews challenging British anti-Semitism, by standing with Israel
We joined the Stand Up to Racism march, with placards standing against anti-Semitism, and were attacked by stewards. Three of our group were then arrested.
Stand Up to Racism tweeted a few times
One tweet got 1,500 Likes
But they prevented replies on all their tweets
BTW pro TR tweets often got thousands of Likes
eg video
Their ‘we cleaned up the streets afterwards’ tweet got 9,000 Likes
.. https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1885738220790456511
TR crowd dance to YMCA : 30,000 Likes
.. https://x.com/RealDonKeith/status/1885730076475412955
Interesting Narinder Kaur thread
She shouted she’s the queen of the anti-racists
almost all replies went against her
many tweeting back at her her old imflammatory tweets
.. https://x.com/rosalind_cole73/status/1885708552603340970
Oh a pro TR tweet with 148,000 Likes
are they all bots ?
Its claim is a bit hyperbolic
It was a big march but of course didn’t block the entire city
When GBN first aired Kaur was a regular contributor – always entertained by her yelling. Get her back on – it’d make a change from Stadlen.
‘The Homeless Hacker’ @DigitalVagrant
, who live-streamed the burning Koran in Manchester today, has been arrested by the super-efficient British Police for the heinous crime of Islamophobia.
The 47-year-old remains in custody after the incident next to the memorial – which commemorates the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena terrorist attack.
GMP’s Assistant Chief Constable Stephanie Parker said: “We understand the deep concern this will cause within some of our diverse communities and are aware of a live video circulating.
“We made a swift arrest at the time and recognize the right people have for freedom of expression, but when this crosses into intimidation to cause harm or distress, we will always look to take action when it is reported to us.”
A very large police team turned up to arrest ONE man
A man who burned a Qur’an in Manchester during a live-stream has been arrested ‘on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence’.
This is simply another way of saying ‘arrested on suspicion of blasphemy’.
Video shows him in front of about 8 camera men
and ONE counter-protester in his face all the time.
The video cuts before police move in.
BTW Abuse of someone’s religion is expressly allowed under the law

but Peter McLoughlin warns it fuels the Islamists
“What you are planning is exactly the tribal conflict the 1% seek”
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
TV watchdog faces legal battle over ‘glaring BBC Brexit bias’
‘News-Watch, the media monitoring group, has won permission to seek a judicial review of what it claims is Ofcom’s refusal to investigate allegations of widespread pro-EU bias across its programming.’
‘News-Watch will tell a hearing in the High Court on Feb 5 that Ofcom has refused to examine its complaints on the grounds that they were not about a single programme or connected series of broadcasts.’
‘It also claimed that the BBC’s bias against Brexit was compounded by the editorial decisions and opinions expressed by presenters and correspondents, which continued to highlight potential post-Brexit “cliff edge” problems without exploring its benefits.’
‘It says its analysis also showed that those offering positive opinions about the EU and against Brexit were given eight times the space on Today as those offering views to the contrary.’
The very tip of the iceberg. The BBC’s bias is not the factual content of individual programs, it is the entire attitude and choice of wording they use to push a specific narrative when it suits them.
I think by now everybody knows this. The problem is that those who are supposed to stop it are all similar leftist activists. They are like a cancer. I wonder how many staff at the BBC and OFCOM voted Labour or LibDem. I bet it’s more than 90%.
An anonymous survey of all the staff would quickly show the extent of the bias. Which of course is why nobody will ever be allowed to do it.
‘Woah that was close’: Near-miss warning signs ahead of DC plane crash
Look ! – the BBC have identified that near-misses were normal at that airport and somebody has been ignoring them.
‘Pilot Mike Slack was in the cockpit during a descent into Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport nearly two decades ago when he noticed something on the runway.’
What ??? – that was TWENTY YEARS AGO BBC.
Then we get:
“There are times when we are watching planes land and we find ourselves saying ‘whoa that is close’,” said pilot Mo Khimji, noting that strong crosswinds can push a plane into restricted airspace “by a whisker” if the pilot is not careful.
Implying here that if a plane goes a ‘whisker’ into restricted airspace, disaster is inevitable !. Why is that BBC ?. Do they get shot down or something ?.
The most idiotic story desperately trying to cash in on empathy for a totally unrelated disaster.
Yet another atrocious piece from two of the BBC’s finest:


But I suppose they get their licence-fee payers cash anyway so have to be given something to do.
Today DEFRA Sec Steve Reed has announced it’s time to start a “national conversation to transform how we use land in this country”.
His Department says that means stopping food production on as much as 18% of our farmland.
Not call the Department Eliminating Food and Rural Agriculture for nothing.
Teenage skaters, a young pilot and a professor – the victims of DC plane crash
I was unaware that the flight was women only !. Here are the BBC’s random choice to show us who died. For no other reason whatsoever I can see other than try to suck some empathy from their deaths.
Top of the bill a black civil rights lawyer:




Followed by:
Asra Hussain Raza (Female of obvious heritage)
Two lawyers:
Spencer Lane (not what sex this one is)
Jinna Han and Jin Han:
Evgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov (Russian couple)
Inna Volyanskaya (woman)
Natalya Gudin (woman)
Angela Yang and Sean Kay (one of each)
I wonder if any normal white males were on the flight. The BBC don’t seem to care about them at all.
Mind you, look who wrote the article:


I suspect these two are so deep in the BBC misandracist bubble, they don’t even think it’s wrong.
Who should count as African at the Grammy Awards?
‘Should non-African artists be considered in a category meant to showcase African talent?’
“Music is about inclusivity. We don’t want to fence people out of genres,” Grammy CEO Harvey Mason Jr tells the BBC.
Stupendous hypocrisy from someone who has organised a competition for Africans only.
And in true ‘That’s Life’ style, we even get a joke from Ayomide Tayo (Nigerian journalist)
‘We have an inside joke in Nigeria that we say Chris Brown is Nigerian, because of the ways he pops up in our songs and our music videos all the time’
Proving once again that Lefties have no clue what a joke is. They just laugh when groupthink says they should laugh. ‘Marco’ of the BBC must have thought this joke must be funny because an African made it.
Here’s marco’s selection of a picture to prove fans enjoyed Chris Browns performance:

Wall to wall misandracism at the BBC these days.
Trump imposes tariffs but Canada and Mexico hit back
Jessica at the BBC is positively determined to portray Canada and Mexico as heroic ‘victims’.
However the BBC seems strangely reluctant to go into the real story here which is WHY Trump has imposed these tariffs. We aren’t shown any figures at all – and anything we do learn is always ‘Trump said’ with the inference it’s just his opinion. No doubt ‘BBC Verify’ are having trouble getting their wording right make sure Trump is made out to be lying.
Here she is. Same as all the others. Mum will be so proud.

Where are you? Stand still………….