Start the Week 10th February 2025

BBC in a tricky position now that has been released that Uk taxpayers have been funding part of it through USAID . perhaps that’s a reason why BBC coverage isn’t as comprehensive as it might being mindful of how interested it has been in vilifying Donald Trump ..

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318 Responses to Start the Week 10th February 2025

  1. MarkyMark says:

    To end the climate crisis Ed Milliband to reduce kitchens from two to one!



  2. MarkyMark says:

    Are there ‘grooming gangs’ in London? Sadiq Khan accused of stonewalling Tory questions

    “Use the words groomed. Your words not mine.” (c) Sadiq Khan


  3. MarkyMark says:

    “Susan Ann Gray, Baroness Gray of Tottenham, has been introduced to the Lords today. Failing upwards…”



    • Guest Who says:

      She is in goo… well, she has plenty of company.


      • Scroblene says:

        When you see all the failed politicians, over-promoted snivel serpents, LA nobodies, county council wasters, etc etc., piling in at the HoL, it’s easy to see that the dosh they get for just sitting there doing nothing is the payback for – er – just sitting there doing nothing when they were in a previous sinecure.

        Nice ‘work’ if you can get it…

        Luckily, I’ve worked out that the cost of the treatment I’m getting on the NHS, like scans etc., is more than the income tax I fork out for Starmer to give away to other countries while not expecting anything in return.

        And we never thought there’d be a worse PM than Gordon Brown!


  4. MarkyMark says:



  5. BRISSLES says:

    I rarely watch terrestrial TV, but just looked at the listings to see what “gems” I’ll be missing tonight – on BBC.

    7pm The One Show – for Sun readers who can’t read and need pictures.

    7.30 Eastenders – “Sonia seeks answers !” I could give her a few….

    8.00 Sort Your Life Out – by some talentless reality woman with Turkish teeth who boasts 5 kids and a husband with a hair transplant.

    9.00 Waterloo Road – about a school. (oh f..k off)

    10.40 Boarders ???? no idea

    And that is the cultural output tonight from our national broadcaster.
    I’ll stick to Netflix and Channel 4 streaming.

    If you’re in need of some peaceful viewing I thoroughly recommend Sky channel 507 NHK World. English speaking Japanese channel covering some beautiful documentaries and the news from a Japanese perspective.


    • markh says:

      Brissles, you will be delighted to hear that Boarders is a ‘comedy drama’ (so the first lie as BBC don’t do comedy) about five black inner city children who win scholarships to a prestigious boarding school and the challenges that they face. So typical BBC. Don’t waste your time.


  6. Lucy Pevensey says:


  7. vlad says:

    Loathsome Lammy

    “Labour reparations row lays bare before Britain the real issue with Keir Starmer’s party”

    “Britain doesn’t owe a penny in reparations – but David Lammy seems determined to hand over the keys to the Treasury.
    If the reports are to be believed, then David Lammy, the Foreign Secretary, is once again proving that Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party’s priority isn’t the British people – it’s appeasing foreign interests, virtue-signalling to the liberal elite, and chipping away at Britain’s sovereignty.”

    – Express


    • Scroblene says:

      You can just imagine all the crooked despots in dead-end countries, learning that Starmer is handing out more money than Prince Andrew, and sending their acolytes and flunkies over here to tell an imaginary sob-story to an over-paid snivel serpent for a few billion in handouts!

      Can someone remind me how much the Beeboids send out to these places to spew their rubbish progs?


  8. pugnazious says:

    Spot the difference.

    BBC headline…

    ‘Ineos blames cost-cutting for legal battle with NZ rugby’

    Telegraph headline…

    ‘Sir Jim Ratcliffe blames EU as Ineos hits back at All Blacks in sponsorship row’

    Who is reporting correctly?

    The Telegraph. The BBC barely mentions the reality.


    ‘Ineos has now responded and, in a statement that raises fresh questions over its vast sports investment, warned of the “deindustrialisation of Europe” and said that its European business was being severely hit by carbon taxes and high energy costs.

    Ratcliffe personally wrote to the European Commission last February to say that the continent’s chemicals sector was struggling to compete with markets in Asia, the United States and the Middle East and that investment was being driven away. He also blamed energy prices and carbon taxes last month for forcing the closure of Ineos’s synthetic ethanol plant at Grangemouth in Scotland, resulting in the loss of 80 direct roles and an estimated 500 indirect jobs.

    ‘Trading conditions for our European businesses have been severely impacted by high energy costs and extreme carbon taxes, along with much of the chemicals industry in Europe, which is struggling or shutting down. We are witnessing the deindustrialisation of Europe.’


  9. Lucy Pevensey says:

    The Woodland Trust is the latest charity to dramatically stomp off X in it’s woke high-heel shoes.

    “We have taken the decision to leave X. If you’d like to keep up with our work, we can be found on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and LinkedIn.”


    • pugnazious says:

      Not a decision to leave X but a decision to avoid all those Deplorables and common oiks that are allowed to express their opinions and facts freely on X now that the Twitterati fascists aren’t silencing them….us.

      I recommend any members of the Trust leave and make their opinions known…and take their money with them.


      • Scroblene says:

        Lucy and Pug, I think that now’s the time to join X – I’ve kept away all this time, but if the wets and weedies are leaving, then it must be the best place to get real news now!

        Tik Tok’s quite good for recipes, as my waistline can encapsulate, but you have to be dead for ten years to get out of Linkedin!


    • StewGreen says:

      The story seems to be that despite having 264K followers their tweets rarely have impact
      When I limit the search to those with over 1,000 Likes , t’s not many per year
      Not even that many with over 500 Likes

      The Scottish and Irish divisions are still tweeting away


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC
    Not very interesting . The met plod went soft on vetting of applicants years ago in order to get more coloured / foreign faces in ….
    Then one of their own abducts rapes murdered a nice lady walking him . His vetting was inadequate

    So plod panicked and reverted everyone and found something like 300 plod with records – and fired them .

    The high court has just decided there shouid have been proper legal reviews rather than just ‘your fired ‘

    This may mean the met has to take a lot of fired plod back or pay them with Londoners ‘ money –

    All because a stupid woke policy about skin colour …. Avoid plod as much as possible …


  11. Fedup2 says:

    A failed Scottish unelected Ex PM called ‘Gordon ‘ has gone to X to say that by closing down USAID President Trump has failed to understand ‘soft power ‘.

    As you might imagine the response to this dolt ae very – unkind ….
    But then coming from a far left failure – spouting his opinion about the acts of a democratically elected president -it’s no surprise . Go write a book Gordon .


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘soft power ‘ – only works if you have hard power behind it.


      Why is Saudi Arabia spending so much on sport?

      Maria Neira, environment, climate change and health director at the World Health Organisation, said: “When we look ahead, if ambitious decisions are not taken, extreme heat and polluted air will create very challenging conditions for the millions of people at a Saudi World Cup in 2034.”



    • Scroblene says:

      Too true sadly, Fed!

      As said earlier, I didn’t think we’d ever get a worse PM, (and Blair-led chancellor before that), than Brown, but TTK is coming up fast on the rails…

      Labour – the party that fleeces the UK’s Elderly to give away to the crooked despots and the wily un-needy nations. I bet The Beeboid World Service helps to advertise all these handouts with their ‘articles’, but of course, we’ll never know.


  12. pugnazious says:

    The BBC very exercised about Trump’s tariffs…but show little concern about Labour’s own tariffs that they impose on our own businesses….as long as they last…who will do more damage…Labour or Trump?

    From the Telegraph…

    ‘At least 300,000 high street jobs to go, M&S and Tesco warn’
    ‘Retailers sound the alarm over the Chancellor’s business rates system shake-up.
    The Retail Jobs Alliance (RJA), a campaign group whose members also include Asda, Primark, B&Q owner Kingfisher and Morrisons, said the number of people leaving the sector could be even higher than its 300,000 forecast.

    It said this was because the group’s estimates did not take into account changes announced in the Budget, which pushed up costs for retailers.’


  13. Guest Who says:
    Why the BBC must be abolished – now

    Not sooner?


  14. pugnazious says:

    Gotta love Lee Anderson…

    ‘If I identify as a Llama and fall ill in the middle of the night should I call for a doctor, a vet or a strait jacket?’


  15. Zephir says:

    Fury as Labour MPs once again vote against a child rape gangs inquiry.

    The Conservative Party has reacted with fury after Labour MPs yet again voted against holding an inquiry into child sexual abuse this afternoon.

    The Tories tried amending the Schools Bill during its committee stage today, in a move that would have forced a national statutory inquiry into grooming gangs.

    However in yet another shocking moment, Labour MPs voted the amendment down in yet another blow.

    Tory shadow education minister Neil O’Brien and Patrick Spencer MP’s join new clause would, if passed, have forced the Education Secretary to set up an independent inquiry into grooming gangs within the next three months.

    It would have sought to identify the actions of the gangs, as well as their ethnicity, and failings by state bodies such as the police, councils, prosecutors, charities and political parties.


  16. Fedup2 says:

    I like dipping into C4 news at this time – the Trump plan for the Disneyland Gaza resort has really zapped their heads . They don’t know whether to sneer or laugh as the ideas of president trump are so outside their normality of Obama TTK world …

    They are supported – of course – by the usual FCO types who have achieved nothing .


    • pugnazious says:

      Exactly Fed…nothing concrete done to fix things in decades, they prefer the status quo of continuous war in the hope that Israel falls. They have no solutions otherwise…what do they have to offer instead of Trump’s interestingly catalytic suggestions?…let’s not forget that the Palestinians were prepared to discuss swapping Gaza for land that Israel has adjacent to the West Bank…so ideas outside the box are possible…if you have someone prepared to shake up that box and dump the stagnating orthodoxies keeping the Palestinians in the hell of their own making….though the BBC is insistent that Gazans are deeply attached to the land…that’s a bit of a lie from the BBC.

      Sha’ath, who is a former top Palestinian negotiator, said that land swaps have been a core part of the negotiations process since United Nation Security Council Resolution 242, which calls for “guaranteeing the territorial inviolability and political independence of every state in the area.”

      ‘Palestinian maps presented in various rounds of negotiations have allowed Israel to annex some two or three percent of the occupied West Bank.

      “No Israeli government to date has accepted the Palestinian stipulation that land swaps be fully equal in size and ‘quality’,” veteran Israeli negotiator Michael Herzog acknowledged.

      While many have despaired over the prospect of a two-state solution, the concept of land swaps has remained crucial for those who remain optimistic about its viability. ‘


  17. MarkyMark says:

    “Jean-Luc Mélenchon: “France is destined to be a Creole (mixed Black and French) nation and so much the better! Let the young generation do the replacement of the old… Each generation is a new people!””


    “The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. ”


  18. Fedup2 says:

    C4 – even worse for C4 – they’ve had to report that a US citizen held prisoner in Russia has been released and is on the way home . Another one in the ‘win box’..


  19. MarkyMark says:

    “Convert to Islam or die.”

    Sean Hannity interview with Anjem Choudary about ISIS and Sharia Law


    2024 Mosques to be offered new emergency security
    Mosques are being offered greater protection with new emergency security that can be rapidly deployed.

    This announcement will build on the existing Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, with up to £29.4 million already available this year to fund security at mosques and Muslim faith schools.


    2025 Muslim War Memorial
    This Early Market Engagement (EME) seeks information in preparation for a potential competitive process to select a Supplier(s)/Grant Recipient(s) to design, commission and maintain a War Memorial in the United Kingdom to recognise the sacrifice and duty of Muslims who served in Britain’s armed forces in the two World Wars and subsequently. The UK government plans to provide capital funding of up to £1 million towards the costs of the memorial. This is subject to change and the actual funding value will be confirmed following the conclusion of a business planning exercise in early 2025.

    It is estimated that there are circa 70,000 War Memorials in the United Kingdom, including a number that have been built to rightly commemorate the sacrifices of Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Sikh service men and women. However, a prominent War Memorial for Muslims does not currently exist.

    he UK government plans to provide capital funding of up to £1 million towards the costs of the memorial.


  20. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – BBC unbiased – really? I cannot believe it!

    Gaza: delayed hostage release. Who do BBC TOADY talk to? 1) Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s so-called International Editor. Is that a promotion? How much is that costing the TellyTaxpayer? 2. A Palestinian, a so-called female journalist. Unbiased? Only then, do the BBC talk to someone from the Israeli side, a civilian woman.


  21. pugnazious says:

    Judges make it up and run riot over Parliament….ruling means anyone in an “extreme and life threatening” situation can come here regardless of the government’s rules….

    ‘Hugo Norton-Taylor, an upper tribunal judge, overturned that decision and granted the Palestinians’ appeal, allowing them to come to the UK on the basis of their Article 8 right to a family life under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

    He said the rights of the individual family who were in an “extreme and life threatening” situation outweighed the “public interest” of the rules on entry to the UK, which were designed to limit resettlement schemes and control immigration.’