Midweek 12th February 2025

Looks like you are no one unless you get a threatening – menacing- letter from TV licencing . Not exactly ‘aunty BBC ‘ is it ?

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403 Responses to Midweek 12th February 2025

  1. Fedup2 says:

    I fear the new’ townistans ‘ will have approved names like ‘windrush city ‘ or bob marleyville’ or Obama land and osama land ….


  2. andyjsnape says:

    Fatally shot man was fixated on officer, PC says

    The report is by:- Olimpia Zagnat

    Where does the bbc find these people

    Apparently she is a Senior Journalist for the bbc, looks about 22 years old


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Their parliament has had a debate about Ukraine with the fools talking about ‘preparing for war ‘ …. how can these fools be so deluded that war would be worth anything ? What sort of war do they want ? One fought a long way away?

    Or a new sort of war – with the homes and families of politicians targeted ahead of the punters they ‘represent ‘ and whom they would expect to go and die for …. Europe … er … Ukraine … or some old nonsense about ‘freedom ‘ … that ship left a long time ago ….

    They invoke 1939 – but the treaty to protect Poland at that time was worthless —- right up to 1989 ….


  4. MarkyMark says:

    ““Nobody wants the conflict to continue and Ukrainians more than anybody want the conflict to end. But we must make sure that Ukraine is at the heart of this, there can’t be negotiations about Ukraine without Ukraine being at the heart of it. And it’s really important that Ukraine is in the strongest possible position, whether that’s in discussions or whether it’s continued fighting – which is why I’ve been arguing since I’ve been PM that we need to ramp up the money, the capability, and the training that we’re putting into Ukraine. And we’re delivering even more of that this year than we were last year. It’s really important to have the strongest possible position for Ukraine but this has to be done with Ukraine, and that’s the discussion I had with president Zelensky when I was over there just two or three weeks ago.””




    Ukrainian men dragged out of nightclubs and restaurants by army recruiters during ‘press-gang’ raids
    14 October 2024, 10:32

    A man can be heard shouting ‘Get away from me!’ As he was dragged towards a recruitment desk.

    Several women filmed the policemen on their smartphones, shouting: “Shame! Shame on you!”

    “Mobilisation has begun to be perceived as a one-way ticket, where the only way to end service is to die or become disabled.”


  5. MarkyMark says:

    Zelensky won’t ‘accept any agreements’ made without Ukraine




  6. atlas_shrugged says:

    Talking of cleaners we provide free cleaners for the illegal invaders:



  7. Guest Who says:

    NEW The Chancellor changes her CV again, after BBC investigation

    New? 🤪

    Like one of them Panodrama one wiv Verify?


    Mason Dickhead lines are if nothing else funny.

    On a more serious note… this is the twat running the national finances into the dirt as Banjo Ed posts about national energy security as TTK sulks and demands Farmers are obliterated as… who needs food?


    • MarkyMark says:

      The spokeswoman said the row related to “the chancellor’s time before she was the chancellor”.

      “”The prime minister is very clear that what is most important is having a chancellor who is able to balance the books and who is able to be straight with the public and restore the public finances,” she added.”

      HAHA HAHA HA! Jailed for an old tweet! Forgiven for lying!


  8. atlas_shrugged says:

    mass psychogenic illness in US:



    • MarkyMark says:

      “BREAKING: Worcester City Council votes to become a transgender sanctuary city. NOT SATIRE…”

      “I’m afraid of Trump. You better prepare it to be an unsafe space (threat).”

      “Normally I would say good evening. But I will only impart my sour grapes.”

      4:27 they get a CHILD to read a piece of paper out!
      Parent pushes child into microphone.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    RFK junior – after a battle – is now confirmed as secretary for Health – the dementia ‘Mitch £ McConnell £” RINO voted ‘no ‘as usual . But a crush for the wokes …. Another good day – and a bad one here …


  10. pugnazious says:

    BBC not interested in the real causes and thus solutions…they just want to politicise the issue…and if you have an ‘issue’ you have a programme…and maybe get an award.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Comment “I spent nearly 20 years doing quality control audits on heating systems for large housing associations and local councils, and in nearly all the damp properties I found damp washing on radiators, saucepans boiling away with no kitchen window open or extractor on, bathroom doors open after showering but with windows shut, and belongings piled floor to ceiling against walls. If it isn’t confined to one area then it is generally down to the people not the property!”


  11. Zephir says:

    more corruption uncovered, (various subsidiaries used to hide the end receiver, Reuters)

    It gets worse and worse….

    “trusted” news sources and social deception….the bbc would be proud



  12. tomo says:

    Both Pelosi and Feinstein make my skin crawl


  13. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Trump is certainly having a great effect on everything and it’s such a pity that he will only have 4 years.
    Do they have judges in the USA that can make the law up such as this one we’ve got who has decided that Gazans can come here. If they do also have judges who can decide what the law means then why not get one to say Trump can stay on for a third term.
    Is that any more difficult than our lot making the law up to suit their own personal agenda.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think the constitution now bans a third term – might be because of FDR .
      Biden / Obama spent their years sending far left ‘lawyers ‘ to become activist judges – whose current job is to slow down everything the new administration is doing until the decisions get thrown out by qualified non woke Non DEI judges up through appeals .
      I think Pam bondi will be looking at the qualification of judges though …


      • tomo says:

        Looks like Ms Bondi is the Democrat’s worst nightmare – and she’s just starting….


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        I was just trying to think of something which is solid in the eyes of the law, the two term thing.
        (Three term Trump…sounds good to me unlike TTK etc)
        Then, comparing it with our judges who are now making the law up as they go along.
        Why have a parliament if the judges can make the laws.
        Maybe we can save £s with the 650 + the lords pay and all the hangers on by sacking the lot and let the judges decide the Law as this leftie woke one is doing and so far getting away with it.

        Of course, this is all Alice in wonderland stuff. Next thing is they will be telling us wimmin can have penises.


  14. Zephir says:

    Chipperfields or Billy Smarts ?

    Does she have a tiny car where bits fall off as she drives it, or a small bicycle with wobbly wheels ?

    Also, has anyone told her that her red nose has fallen off ?

    Comment below:

    “MAGA: make asylums great again”



  15. Sluff says:

    It’s those poor driving skills again……


    MUNICH, Germany, Feb 13 (Reuters) – At least 28 people were hurt when a car driven by an Afghan asylum seeker ploughed into a crowd in Munich on Thursday

    Maybe he didn’t like the taste of the chicken nuggets………


  16. tomo says:


  17. Zephir says:

    No such comments regarding Isreali hostages being held to ransom by hamas terrorists ?

    “‘A quick fix… a dirty deal’: European fury over Trump’s Ukraine peace talks as US president is accused of appeasement and Zelensky reacts to Putin phone call”



  18. Fedup2 says:

    I thought I’d listen to the 5pm r4 news – to hear about the Islamic terrorist attack in Germany – 46 minutes in – not a mention other than in the headline – par for the course .

    Yes – there’s plenty going on – they’ve even thrown in the 80th anniversary or the Anglo American air raids on the nazi city of Dresden ….
    Now there’s plenty of woke weeping but at the time I reckon Joe public’s’ response was ‘good job ‘…. Quite right too


  19. Emmanuel Goldstein says:


    Wouldn’t it be good if the areas being fought over plus Crimea could be given a vote on whether to stay with Ukraine or become Russian. Maybe votes in several areas as some a pro Russian and some are not.
    What’s wrong with that.

    The other solution is to get a judge to decide what he thinks is right and do whatever he wants as is happening here.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    5pm news – again

    A discussion by Evan with a couple of historians panicking about losing Ukraine – the end of nato and a reverse Barbarossa …..
    They kept on talking about ‘European democracies ‘ – that was a strange word combination to me …
    .. neither historian recognised / identified that people in say Britain – France- Germany – see their countries being given away ….
    Btw – the Munich Islamic terrorist attack has disappeared …


  21. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I think we should be told what the car was which drove into the crowd in today’s drive through.
    Was it a VW or a BMW, maybe a Ford or Nissan. We need to know the enemy.
    Why are these cars driving into crowds?

    Is it a protest against EV’s who may be replacing them?

    Maybe the indigenous cars have let the powers that be know that the new ‘incoming’ cars are not ‘enriching’ us but are gradually taking over but the powers that be are not listening and direct action is the response hence headlines like ‘car drives into crowd’

    That’s the only explanation I can think of why a car would deliberately drive into a crowd of people.


  22. wwfc says:

    BBC at it again ..


  23. Foscari says:

    If ever I was on ” Pointless ” with my wife . And one had to give pointless answers for actors in ” I’m all right Jack. ” The
    satirical comedy from the Boulting brothers Ealing studios
    from 1959 . Glenda and I between us would get three
    pointless answers.
    With Peter Sellers, Terry Thomas, Dennis Price . Ian Carmichael,
    Richard Attenborough, Liz Frazer, Margaret Rutherford, John Le
    Mesurier, Irene Handl, Miles Malleson, etc etc etc. This film
    would NEVER be shown on BBC . BIG BROTHER from the
    BBC Diversity department would have a heart attack.
    It is comic satire which takes the piss out of Trade Unions,
    Big Business. In fact EVERYVODY in the establishment.
    It is a revelation. You can call it dated. But for me it like
    vintage aged wine.
    Peter Sellers who won a BAFTA for his part as a shop steward.
    Who takes the workers out on strike on the slightest
    pretext . Just like Mick Lynch. Ian Carmichael is the patsy
    used by Denis Price one of the bosses who can make
    a killing by getting Carmichael to show that he can
    increase his productivity by at least twice as much without.
    any problems whatsoever.
    Can you just imagine the BBC showing a satire where
    another shop steward says. ” If he carries on producing
    twice as much . They will be employing blacks . Just as they
    do on the Birmingham buses. ” The irony is that Ian
    Carmichaels name is WINDRUSH. But believe me this is
    just a coincidence. Well I think it is ! Believe me this film
    is terrific . I can just imagine current tube train drivers
    seeing this film with a smirk on their faces. As well as Rachel Reeves.
    Earning near to SIX figure salaries on a four day week in
    a job a CROW which has the intelligence of a 7 to 8 year
    old child could be taught to do in half an hour. The only
    thing need would be a pouch of bird seed in the drivers cabin !!


    • Fedup2 says:

      What you didn’t know is that ever since sellars did the union bloke he has been used as a model by the RMT comrades …4 day 7 hour weeks -8 weeks holiday – package –


  24. wwfc says:

    Apparently the left have finally become enraged when they found out he used a petrol engined car.



  25. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Sorry if this has already been covered;

    “Hope Not Hate operative Andrew Edge is captured by police and pleads GUILTY to all charges!”



  26. tomo says:

    Well, well, surprise NOT


  27. Fedup2 says:

    You know when you go ‘ there’s just too much going on ‘?

    Well on the JFK assassination papers due to be released – it’s looking that there were 2 shooters . I prefer cock up to conspiracy because usual people are not clever enough to successfully conspire ( except the 2020 election theft ) …

    .. but I wonder if my theory is ‘the truth ‘ – ? That there was a ‘shooter ‘ eg Oswald – but the second shot came from an accidental discharge from a secret service agent trying to return fire with an AR15 … and managed to shoot JFK again – which was then covered up …

    Now back to the coming WW3 or 4 … tin hats all


  28. Lucy Pevensey says:


  29. Terminal Moraine says:

    Establishment response to Munich — Andrew Marr on LBC just now has his knickers in a twist about what it means for the upcoming German elections.

    The rise of the far right around the west reminds us that history “bleeds into our lives and our politics today”. Next up he’s interviewing the producer of a new TV programme about Mussolini… ah and now Marr’s making a comparison with Trump, as they both share a “raging machismo”.

    Zero interest or sympathy shown for another bloodbath on the streets and what it means for German people. Just a media obsessed with their own shallow commentary, where every event gets shoehorned into the agenda.


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