Sunday sees the German Federal Electiom . The BBC wants the AFD party to lose . No impartiality . If the ADF fails the BBC will be over the moon . If the ADF win – the gloom will be palpable . There are already suspicions that the Far Left is fixing the count .
Weekend 22nd February 2025
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Lone Mental Wolf
“They are also investigating whether the suspect is suffering from mental illness. He has no previous criminal record and was not known to the police, they added.”
A 19-year-old Syrian man suspected of stabbing a Spanish tourist at Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial had planned for several weeks to kill Jewish people, Berlin police believe.
………. Erase your criminal history…
Change Sex! Change records!
Not even a day
“The Prophet (who married a 6 year old) said ‘Don’t greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you, and when you meet any of them on the road, force them on the narrower side of it.”
Students welcomed to first careers event at new hospital
FGM Studies and how China has no deaths due to Xi Jinping being great?!
186 words banned by the Office For Censorship, Obedience & Manipulation (OFCOM), the British Brainwashing Corporation (BBC), the Security Service Military Intelligence section 5 (MI5), the National Security and Online Information Team (NSOIT), the Defence and Security Media Advisory Committee (DSMA), the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the 77th Brigade Domestic Psyops Team, the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) and Television Newspeak International (TNI):
“Gammon” and “Karen” have been added to a list of offensive words by Ofcom, as political labels are ranked by the watchdog for the first time
Terms including “Remoaner”, “Snowflake”, and “Boomer” have been included by the media regulator in a survey of swear words and offensive terms which could upset TV and radio audiences.
Audience attitudes to modern political labels like “Gammon”, used to insultingly describe predominantly middle-aged men on the political right, will be considered by Ofcom when assessing complaints in future.
Nooo… it ended too early … but the subtitles helped …
Imagine a country where to be ‘offended ‘ is a criminal offence ?
How lost is that plot
77 brigade – I’d love to read the rationale for cancellation of all those words .. perhaps you can send them to my apple devices now that you ‘formally ‘ have access ( i know you’ve been there all,the time..) …
Buy more trinkets …. make China great again!
“It drew laughs from the audience, but one of them later commented on Weibo, or China’s version of Twitter, that it made him uncomfortable because it insulted the “people’s army”. State media and officials swiftly condemned it as a “serious insult” to the Chinese army. Li was detained, and the company he worked for – Xiaoguo, one of the most successful stand-up comedy groups in China – was fined nearly 15 million yuan ($2.1m; £1.7m).”
“Solar/Wind is cheap when the Sun shines and the Wind blows – but it is very expensive when there is no sun and no wind.”
“It makes me proud to be a Dane 🙂.
It is sad that Björn was cancelled from the Danish society many years ago.
Björn has been arguing this almost since before climate crisis was a thing and ever since has he been persona non grata in Danish media.”
MM, Bjorn Lomborg is one of my heroes!
Totalitarian tyrant, Sir Keir Stalin:
Apple removes top security feature from UK iPhones after “totalitarian” demands from “tyrant” Keir Starmer:
Elon Musk said “This would have happened in America if President Donald Trump had not won”
Michael Shellenberger, Chair of Politics, Censorship, and Free Speech at the University of Austin said: “tyrant, Prime Minister Keir Starmer. Shame on him for his totalitarian demand. And bravo to Apple CEO Tim Cook for defying the government. Please share this to warn the world that UK is no longer safe for free people!”
Welcome all, to our regular, daily :
“European Mental Muzzie Mass Murder” round up od the day.
Especially created just for you by the far left and liberal governments of Europe, and sponsored by purple haired sex starved marxist hags and socialist sandal wearing beardie weirdies from around the western nations:
Featuring your favourite top four, as voted by the MSM:
1) Algerian / Syrian
2) On terrorist watch list
3) facing deporation
4) heard the cry ‘Allahu Akbar’
One police officer dead and four more injured in France knife attack by ‘terror suspect who yelled Allahu Akbar’
“It’s Time to Scrap the Asylum System”
Likely the same UK stoodent, cognitively dissonant, useful idiot rent a mobs demanding “cease fire now” in Gaza.
I understood that once upon a time there were nuclear missiles based in Ukraine – but after the fall of the USSR they got ‘persuaded ‘ to have them removed …am I wrong – I don’t mind being wrong – being wrong isn’t a criminal offence yet – is it ? 77 brigade ? TTK ? Don’t wanna cause offence . Offence is a crime …
Fed, you are correct.
… and therefore a criminal?
I think they spend a lot of time thinking up new crimes – such as ‘worrying with intend ‘ – or ‘publishing misspelt words without reasonable cause ‘…..
I think – pretty soon -mthevUK internet will be licenced . You will have to go on a course and buy a user licence. Only approved licenced sites will be accessible – for reasons of community safety ….
Labour is thinking of introducing a 10% internet transaction tax –
It’s debatable if they had the working codes for them.
Can always guess – might get lucky …
Am I the only one that finds this plausible?
“nuclear missiles based in Ukraine” – with Moscow in control of them.
TOADY Watch #2 – did I hear right or have I caught the BBC in another lie?
Seagulls. Endangered species according to a conservation group and the BBC who put out the publicity for them. The Black headed (in reality brown headed) gull may be endangered as well as the Little gull but the Herring gull is in plentiful supply, especially around here, with their constant calls and droppings annoying residents.
I misread there for a moment, but the mental picture was wonderful for a brief moment:
“Gulls dropping annoyed residents”
Zephir, the gull’s droppings make a mess of resident’s cars. I was sitting in the lounge, with the driveway behind me and I heard a loud clonk! There had been some vandelism by a local tearaway, so I rushed out to see if my car was OK. Looking around all I could see was the substantial end of a rock hard baguette sitting on the roof of the car. I could only surmise that it had been dropped by a Herring gull. Particularly if he or she had a gull friend (ho ho! – laugh, if you want to) that wanted to sample what was left of the loaf.
Growing up at the seaside I have a lifelong love of seagulls. Yes they are complete terrorists – they attack – pinch chips – and drop their substantial payload over annoyed residents cars. But close up they are magnificent, with wonderful beady eyes eyeing up where they can next create havoc, and gorgeous clean plumage with yellow beaks.
Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que a bunch of starlings arrived in the trees above and they had been eating berries. Blue/purple berries! It took about one minute for the chaps white roller to be transformed into a purple roller all over. The public were in tears.
No need for tree cover to be dumped on. My car was parked on the road and yesterday I saw the deposits of a couple of ducks as they flew off from the nearby river. Its that time of year …
Hang your head in shame, bbc Spring:
“Yale scientists who risked careers to publish bombshell Covid vaccine study issue message to shot’s victims.
For years, thousands of Americans who suffered debilitating side effects after getting the Covid vaccine were told there was no evidence the shot was linked.
Some were branded antivaxxers, others told their symptoms were imagined or related to other conditions, like long Covid.
But that changed this week.
On Wednesday, a team from Yale University known for their rigorous work revealed the mRNA shots can cause a previously unknown condition known as ‘post-vaccination syndrome.’
The syndrome appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus, extreme fatigue and biological changes to patients’ immune systems.
Dr Akiko Iwasaki, the lead researcher behind the paper, told she understands her findings could be seen as controversial. But she wants patients to know her team will keep studying to bring them ‘better transparency and safer vaccines.’ ”
Look – all because an Algerian Muslim shouts allah ackbar before knifing someone to death and injuring others in France today – doesn’t make it an Islamic terrorist attack …. It’s not Islamic … it’s definitely not terrorism – and it’s not really an attack – more like a ‘cultural interaction ‘ – not even a crime … ok BBC ? 77 ?
Well Macron says it was
“It is without any doubt an act of Islamist terrorism,” French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters at the annual French farm show shortly after the attack.
Notice “The attack occurred close to a demonstration that was taking place against the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”
Why have we imported in the west the problems of the whole world? If people want to demonstrate against wars in Africa or the Middle East protest there. This has nothing to do with us
Elon says an email has been sent to all federal employees asking them to reply saying what they got done last week – failure to reply will amount to resignation .. wow
Funny – I recall working for an organisation that did this but I was so busy I didn’t have the time to reply – truly ..
Pope Francis’s health worsens – are we ready for the first trans pope in history once he has passed on?
How will we tell ?
The BBC has been accused of “insulting” mothers by celebrating two transgender American drag queens as “inspirational mums” on its CBeebies website aimed at children under six.
There is something deeply wrong and worrying with the BBC when so many of them fixate on perverting children and OFCOM does not comment, even when and whilst its staff are on record and in prison for sexual offenses. its as though the BBC gets a ‘free-pass’ to sexual deviance and perversion as a TV license experience. Just for Children of the Left and its Liberal hind quarters.
I’m sure we’ve got lots of these
Bet she has a cat
Bet she has 2 or 3 cats
Deport all americans to make it fair – democrates as well.
I’ve just finished watching President Trump’s speech on GB News…it was really something else…
Try as I might, I can’t imagine Two Tier holding an audience for over an hour…well, not unless they had loaded guns pointed at their heads…and The Donald doesn’t need musical accompaniment, he’s more than capable of blowing his own trumpet. Some of the braggadocio was hysterical. I was laughing out loud. Brilliant stuff.
Then, unfortunately, they had to interview some mealy-mouthed Labour gob-shite in the studio, who tried to put a wet blanket on the occasion. He also blatantly lied, when he got picky about Trump praising Nigel Farage.
Old sourpuss told us that the Lib-Dems got far more votes than Reform at the last election. Just wrong. Reform topped 4 million votes, Lib-Dems were under 3.5 million. They got more seats, but that’s not what he said and he should have been picked up on it.
Still, if Labour and the BBC are unhappy and snappy, then I’ve got a broad grin on my face.
Go Donald!
Jeff the whole month has been 47 and his Cabinet explaining what they are doing – particularly with regard to the democrat resistance .
Having watched carefully – I think they need a couple of days off – but I know that’s not gonna happen …
The Trump musk interview with hannity on fox on Thursday destroys the dem claim about who is running the show …
Without any sense of irony the Fire Chiefs Council has received a report saying the fire service is too white and too male and too heterosexual …
It recommends that when people ring 999 to have a fire put out they should specify an optio for an all female / queer / trans / coloured / tall / short / old / young / able / disabled. – fire personnel to come and discuss the benefits of a DEI approach to putting their fire out – see LA …the above paragraph may not be totally troo
Who were the authors of said report. They need to be severely TRUMPED!
The UK Fire Chiefs council – lots of time on their hands – need for fires – need to out DEI each other .
If i recall the DEI london fire chief was fired after a tower block caught fire and no one knew how to deal with it . ‘Stay put and fry ‘..
She probably thought this would help.
As a former @BBCNews journalist, I’m appalled at the decision to remove ‘How to Survive in a War Zone’. I covered Gaza for months & Palestinians were routinely scrutinised more than Israelis. Would the BBC dare to remove a doc featuring an Israeli minister’s relative? 1/3
It really didn’t. Especially the bbc..
1️⃣ In 2007, the BBC faced an internal crisis over a misleading edit of Queen Elizabeth II walking out of a photoshoot. Within hours, they apologised. Senior resignations followed.
Fast forward to 2025: they’ve been caught again. But this time, it’s much worse. ⬇️
It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip to try to make it seem like Trump DID say people should inject disinfectant was another example.
Meanwhile OFCOM are silent.
Nick Robinson Radio 4 Political Thinking 5.30pm
He interviews Heidi Alexander , the minister for railways .
She says she was the first one in her family to go to university .
Nearly all the Labour front bench claim that .
I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any further education they could dig up! He and the dreadful Brown couldn’t have layabouts outside benefits offices when they could be stuffed into some sort of renamed sixth-form ‘academy’, so they made up all sorts of names for new ‘qualifications’, so that kids like the Nulabour front bench could claim to be ‘clever’.
The results of all that scam are apparent nowadays, and as most Nulabour poiticians in the cabinet have never actually worked in industry or commerce, to provide the private sector money so desperately needed to shore up the UK Inc, and we’re really stuck between a rock and a hard place.
No doubt, TTK and his cronies are all eyeing the influx of doctors and engineers just off the Kent and Sussex coast, and planning to get them into educational places of excellence! I wonder what these places will be called…?
In the 70s I was one of the 4% who went to university. At the rate that this lot are going on the economy Heidi will be the last generation who can afford university.
Matt Goodwin
Digging up some UK ‘DOGE’ flagged payments in bonkers Britain:
Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you!
I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the last Labour – and sadly, the Redcon government, but instead of chucking our taxes all over the world, we might just as well sit on Camber Sands, and hand every illegal a suitcase of money to spend where he wants…
It’d save on postage and Lammy’s expenses too!
“And am I the only one who struggles with the fact that we have just taken winter fuel payments off British pensioners to save a paltry £1.5billion and are smashing family farms to raise just £500million while our leaders are sending millions in foreign aid to China and India, which have been sending people into space? Am I the only one who thinks all this is completely and utterly insane?”
Matt Goodwin
February 19, 2025
MM they needed it to pay the miners a bung.
‘Trump hasn’t got any plan’: Russians speak to BBC after three years of war
‘Oh’ I thought, why are the Russians talking to the BBC about Trump ?. I naturally assumed the Russians were telling the BBC that he has no plans at all for the talks about Ukraine.
But no : it’s the increasingly ridiculous Steve Rosenberg who is ordered by the commissars to do things and they are so desperate, he makes a complete fool of himself.
This time he has just gone out in a car and tried to ask random people on the street to say something bad about Trump.
Who’s damning quote was significant enough for the BBC to make it headline world news ?.
Just some teacher called Mikhail who Steve met while walking about.
Absolutely pathetic and absolutely desperate. Poor old Steve : if he had any honour at all, he would quit that job.
Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this….
‘One dead in stabbing in French city of Mulhouse’
Nothing to see here…move along now.
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far left “Rayner not guilty” Manchester lot again:
“Knock knock, it’s the Thought Police: As thousands of criminals go uninvestigated, detectives call on a grandmother. Her crime? She went on Facebook to criticise Labour councillors at the centre of the ‘Hope you Die’ WhatsApp scandal exposed by the MoS.
In a chilling clampdown on free speech, two police officers pay a visit to a grandmother – simply for criticising Labour politicians on Facebook.
Detectives were last night accused of acting like East Germany’s feared Stasi secret police for quizzing Helen Jones over her calls for the resignation of local councillors embroiled in the WhatsApp scandal exposed by The Mail on Sunday.
Police conceded that the 54-year-old had committed no crime – yet Mrs Jones says she has effectively been silenced by the officers, as she was intimidated by them calling at her door and is too terrified to post on social media again.
‘It was actually quite scary. It made me think I best just keep quiet for the rest of my life, because you just can’t say anything these days,’ she said.
The response by Greater Manchester Police was also branded a waste of time and scant resources at a time when so many crimes go uninvestigated.”
1400 raped kids – net zero action
1 grandma emotes – handcuffs
Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have responded to other crime reports. Mrs Jones, a school administrator, said police failed to investigate a spate of car thefts in the surrounding streets last year.
Greater Manchester Police has one of the highest crime rates in Britain and fails to solve almost three out of four shoplifting incidents.
In the wake of the scandal, Mrs Jones repeatedly posted that Cllr Sedgwick must resign from his Heatons North seat on a closed Facebook group called 4Heatons Hub, and another publicly available page called Reddish Matters.
In one post on 4Heatons Hub, Mrs Jones said of Cllr Sedgwick: ‘Let’s hope he does the decent thing and resigns. I somehow think his ego won’t allow it.’ In another, after posting screenshots from the Trigger Me Timbers group, Mrs Jones wrote: ‘Not looking good for Cllr Sedgwick!!!’ to which another member added: ‘Cllr Sedgwick, will you be resigning?’
Speaking exclusively to the MoS, she said: ‘[The officer] said, ‘We’ve had a complaint,’ and I immediately asked, ‘From who?’, and he said, ‘Well, I can’t tell you that’.’
She asked if Cllr Sedgwick or his partner had made the complaint. ‘[The officer’s] exact words were ‘Your thought process is correct in that’,’ said Mrs Jones. ‘I asked the police officer, have I committed any sort of crime. Why did you call at my door? They said, ‘Someone has spoken to us about your social media posts.’
‘I then said, ‘If I don’t take your advice and continue doing what I am doing, will I be committing a crime?’ He said no. I then asked. ‘What will you do about it?’ He said, ‘There’s not a lot we can do, we are just giving you advice’.’
Mrs Jones also asked why they had come to her within 48 hours of a complaint ‘yet I know neighbours that try to report car crime and can’t even get the police out?’ to which the officer is said to have replied: ‘I’m not getting into that sort of stuff.’
Mrs Jones added: ‘I remember saying to him, I’ve got the right to have an opinion as a member of the electorate. He just kept mumbling.’
Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject of a complaint of harassment and to answer any questions she may have.
‘No further action is necessary as no crime has been committed.
Well, well:
“The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of a Hamas minister – after The Mail on Sunday obtained a copy of its contract with the film’s producers.
Amid a political storm over its alleged anti-Israel bias, the corporation was forced to apologise after it emerged that Abdullah – the child narrator on BBC2’s Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone – was the son of Ayman Alyazouri, who has worked as Hamas’s deputy agriculture minister.
The BBC had initially tried to defend Monday’s programme, and pointed the finger at the London-based production company Hoyo Films for not telling it about the Hamas link.
It said: ‘We followed all of our usual compliance procedures in the making of this film, but we had not been informed of this information by the independent producers when we complied and then broadcast the finished film.’
However, the contract between the BBC and Hoyo suggests that the corporation had direct and regular involvement with the documentary, with one section reading: ‘We will address editorial compliance issues as they arise by having regular updates and phone calls with the commissioning editor, and engaged with “safeguarding” issues by consulting parents.’
Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive
‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free watch release ceremony from a vehicle near the stage’
Bound, gagged and starved: Released hostages report severe mistreatment by captors
The mother of hostage Eliya Cohen said Sunday that her son had been held with returning hostages who were chained, gagged, burned with a searing hot object, hung by the feet and starved.
These are the stories which the BBC lowlife such as Bowen and Fergal Keane do not tell you about. They don’t tell you because they want you to think Hamas are the good guys and Israel are the murderers.
They make me sick. I have nothing but contempt for these gutter-level terrorist supporters.
And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding:
“Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist killer who stabbed teen to death in Austria fears for his life after being sent death threats amidst spate of horror attacks across Europe.
The colleague too revealed messages sent to Alhalabi reading ‘consider yourself dead’ and ‘God curse you.'”
Or this:
“Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have to face wrath of in-laws back home in Turkey”
The same Turkey that said a rapist could marry the victim?
“The convicted killer, who can only be named as KD, entered Britain illegally with his spouse in 2001 and had a political asylum application turned down.
Despite that, he was still here several years later and managing a kebab shop in London when he caught his wife chatting to another man online in 2005.”
managing a kebab shop in London
managing a kebab shop in London
managing a kebab shop in London
Some sense at last:
“Ukraine war :
Like the equally bird-brained Iraq invasion, it was the desire of a militant foreign policy faction in Washington DC, inspired by the anti-Russian ultra-hawk Paul Wolfowitz and given impetus by the absurd President George W. Bush.
For years now I have been arguing here almost alone, against a storm of abuse and slander, mainly composed of dingbat claims that I am a Russian agent.
I warned in 2012, in a dispatch from Sevastopol in the Crimea, and from Donetsk in the Donbas, that petty Ukrainian nationalist spite against Ukraine’s Russian-speaking citizens, combined with threats to end Russian military rights in Sevastopol, were bound to lead to trouble. I have said for many years that the West will gain nothing by trying to push its Nato military alliance up to the borders of Russia, a view also held by some impeccably loyal Western diplomats, academics and political figures.
No serious state in human history has put up with this sort of thing. England spent much of the Middle Ages fighting to frustrate French alliances with Scotland. Moscow’s link with Cuba led first to a CIA invasion of that island and then to the 1962 missile crisis, which nearly ended the world. Why, the Americans even objected to Britain having an alliance with Japan in the Pacific, which they viewed as their lake, and they forced us to break off that treaty in 1923.
The idea that the USA is a global fairy godmother, smilingly showering its friends with benefits, is and always has been piffle. It is a hard-hearted great power that pursues its interests with ferocity and ruthlessness, and would cheerfully have gone to war with us if necessary.
I was right about Ukraine. The war I feared came to pass. It was nothing to do with a fictional desire by Russia to sweep westwards across Europe. Russia lacks the strength to do this, and Putin knows it.
Yes, incessantly poking Russia in the eye did not justify Vladimir Putin’s invasion. On the contrary, it was a stupid mistake as well as a barbarous act. But it provoked it. And then what?
I was right, too, that the USA used Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia. A direct war between US and Russian forces could easily lead to a nuclear confrontation. But if the USA’s work was done under Ukrainian flags, that was not a risk. Yet Ukraine, even helped by huge piles of money and munitions, could not defeat Russia.
So, goodbye Kiev. All those people who used to tell me I was ‘denying Ukraine’s agency’ in the war can now see that the war always belonged to Uncle Sam, and Ukraine had no agency.
Donald Trump is trying to extract America from yet another foreign policy mess because it turned out to be pointless, as these adventures so often are. It keeps happening, going back to Vietnam, but also to Afghanistan and Iraq. The Americans roar in like a hurricane, and depart like morning mist. They don’t stay when it no longer suits them. Those who were their loyal allies in those countries will be lucky if they get a helicopter ride out.
Mr Trump can see that President Zelensky can’t agree to peace without being overthrown, so they have bypassed him. In the brilliant novel about Putin, The Wizard Of The Kremlin, this is foretold. A Russian character (based on a real person) is asked about Moscow’s view of Ukraine.
He sneers: ‘What we’re aiming for is not conquest but chaos. If you make the mistake of trusting the West, that’s how it always ends. The West drops you at the first bump in the road, and you’re left all on your own to deal with a demolished country.’”
Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
“Today, I came as close as I’ve ever been to my beloved Palestine. That’s her there behind me. I had tears in my eyes.
Since I was old enough to read what I wanted to read, as opposed to what I was told to read, I have felt a deep spiritual connection with this land and its people. As a proud Irish republican, my reading was only bolstered by my time spent in the North of Ireland, where the Palestine flag is as commonly flown as the Irish tricolour. It’s a very beautiful thing to witness: two proud distinctive cultures & peoples, twinned by a dark sense of humour, a shared experience of standing up to colonial bullies and thieves, and an undefeatable passion to be free.
I was so close I could almost touch it. I could feel its pain, I could see its splendour, and I could anticipate its luminous future. Because I know in my heart I will be there soon enough. I will cross the border & meet my brothers & sisters in a free Palestine. Inshallah 🇵🇸✨🇮🇪”
Saying Inshallah is cultural appropriation?
The aptly named Taig.
‘Polemecist’ apparently. Translates as ‘Professional Gobshite’.
Ireland is full of them especially, unfortunately, ‘the North of Ireland’ ( acknowledging that Northern Ireland exists is verboten ).
The Labour Party and the UK far-left have been infested by ‘feckers’ like this, scratch the surface slightly and it’s full of anti-British agitating Irish Republican MOPEs ( Most Oppressed People Ever).
Doge now has an army growing …
“Thanks to the everyone for DM’ing ideas to the DOGE Affiliate accounts. Already having a large impact as seen by the
@DOGE_GSA post below. Please keep sending!”
“📢PSA📢: your tips make a real difference! Shout out to a follower who tipped us off on a wasteful building services contract. As a result, today, we terminated the contract for convenience and have recorded savings of ~$40mm! Keep ‘em coming, fam! 😤✂️💰”
NHS diversity officers don’t all make £96,000
The salary for an NHS diversity officer is £96,000.
NHS diversity officers seem to generally start at around £25,000 in the NHS in England, but we’ve also found examples of roles that pay up to £81,000.
How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg aviation it leads to the opposite.
The Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror frets over fighting age dogs being imported into the country…
Alarm over fighting animals… New breed of danger dog floods into UK… powerful fighting dogs from Asia are taking over… one victim calls for a clampdown after attack
Cynophobia is the overwhelming fear of dogs – xenophobia is the dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. (note the subtle change of emphasis in those two dictionary definitions)
Dare we combine these fears over imported non-native canines and term it cyno-xenophobia?
Let’s hope these foreign mutts aren’t carrying rabies – or this could be a case cyno-xeno-hydrophobia
I hint obliquely – see below re the growth of the surveillance state – where our mainstream rarely refer: Small boats data… 15 February Boats arrived 4 Migrants arrived 240 (Gov.UK); Data relates to year ending March 2024 and all comparisons are with year ending March 2023… There were 129,029 grants of settlement in the UK in year ending March 2024, a 2% increase compared with year ending March 2023… There were 215,706 grants of British citizenship in the year ending March 2024, 19% more than the year ending March 2023. (Gov.UK)
Now for the science bit… (as that ace professor in the field of shampoo Jennifer Aniston once said)
Prior research finds that women are usually less likely to exhibit anti-immigrant attitudes than are men – admits the research paper Gender and Anti-immigrant Attitudes in Europe by the (perhaps unfortunately named) Aaron Ponce (Sage Journals)
And so it is that we shouldn’t be surprised: It’s hurtful.. but women say dogs are more dependable than their men.. and they smell better too… Blokes: we’re well and truly in the doghouse – laments the jokey blokey Daily Star Sunday
A surveillance state is a country where the government engages in pervasive surveillance of large numbers of its citizens and visitors. (Thank you Wiki)
Labour’s AI tool will monitor social media amid free speech fears – worries the mildly conservative Sunday Telegraph
‘Revenge porn’ abusers get to keep images after conviction… offender to give up their devices… The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) this weekend said more must be done… – campaigns the Observer in line with and on behalf of the authorities.
COME OUT, IT’S THE THOUGHT POLICE… As thousands of REAL criminals go uninvestigated, two detectives call on a grandmother. Her ‘crime’? She went on Facebook to criticise Labour councillors at centre of the ‘Hope you die’ WhatsApp scandal exposed by MoS… Caught on the doorbell cam two detectives making call over innocuous posts (Mail on Sunday)
Further comment would seem superfluous.
Meanwhile it’s more of the same
The regime-central mouthpiece Sunday Times wants us to go to forever war against Russia: Insecure peace ‘risks more war’ – fact check the logic there
In-house habitually unfunny left-leaning cartoonist Newman – drumming home the message – sketches an advisor to Keir Starmer prior to his meeting with president Trump: “Try speaking Russian it’s the only language he seems to understand”
Come on Newman, Starmer’s eyes are more piggie than your drawing hiding them behind his expensive specs suggests.
They’re really pulling out all the stops…
‘If I don’t save my son, they’ll force him to fight for Putin’ – empathises Christina Lamb, Cheif Foreign Correspondent for the Sunday Times
Let’s try a little thought experiment on that headline… ‘If I don’t save my son, they’ll force him to fight for
PutinZelensky’Of course our BBC chimes in banging the forever war drum: I’ll back Ukraine in talks with Trump, Starmer says (BBC)
The Forever War [1974] is a military science fiction novel by American author Joe Haldeman, telling the contemplative story about human soldiers fighting an interstellar war against an alien civilization known as the Taurans. The novel is widely perceived to be a portrayal of the author’s military service during the Vietnam War… the war ultimately proves useless and its result meaningless.
AISI – noticed your bit on the Daily Mail. The Greater Manchester police seem to have a disposition to act as the strong arm of the labour party. Not an attractive characteristic in an alleged democracy with free speech.
The favourite dog owners ‘ line ‘ don’t worry – he won’t hurt you ‘- oh really ?
… and the ‘detectives ‘ who visited a lady for posting a comment is getting plenty of attention on X and elsewhere – nice pictures – names and home addresses not published yet – but the stasi must know that at some time there will be personal consequences – that warrant card does not give the power to intimidate … 77 brigade to note ( I suppose they’ll come for me re this comment ) …third world Britain ….
‘at some time there will be personal consequences’
The defence of course will be “I was just acting under orders”
Not what you’d expect in a speech by the President of the United States of America but hit, nail and head come into mind yesterday when Trump said “Joe Biden was a shit President”
Napoleon, in a rage, threatened to hang him and called him “a turd in a silk stocking.” Talleyrand coolly remarked, “What a pity, such a great man and so ill-mannered.”
More useless fact checking by the bBC. I would be amazed if the Russian head count were substantially under 1m. In that context the figure of 95,000 is completely useless. bBC time would be better spent analysing the absolute sexist nature of war and its futility.
“Over 95,000 people fighting for Russia’s military have now died as the war in Ukraine enters the fourth year, according to data analysed by the BBC.
This figure doesn’t include those who were killed serving in the militia of the self-proclaimed Donbas republics which we estimate to be between 21,000 and 23,500 fighters.
BBC Russian, independent media group Mediazona and volunteers have been counting deaths since February 2022.
The list includes names of the deceased that we verified using information from official reports, newspapers, social media, and new memorials and graves. The real death toll is believed to be much higher.”
One recalls seeing one of the more poignant (and effective?) propaganda leaftlets from World War One.
The Germans produced brown paper leaf-shaped leaflets which they dropped onto the French trenches. When picked up it was seen that on the reverse was an image of a skull in a poilu’s helmet with the text that read something along the lines of “With every autumn leaf that falls there falls a French soldier”
There’s an art and a certain poetry displayed in the grim propaganda there.
BBC fact checking Russian casualty reports are nothing more than crass boorish propaganda – and who is it supposed to be aimed at – us or them?
Brave ex-muslim speaks out about Islam & the Abuse of Non-Muslim Women.
Bear in mind that if Starmer and co have their way, such videos could become illegal. And note that by leaving islam, Nuriyah is liable to be murdered as an apostate.
More on islam and women:
EV Mandates vs. Freedom | Mark P. Mills
“Living in Australia a country almost the size of the continental USA, but due to a small population and most live on or near the coast we are forced to have a heavy reliance on motor vehicles. Our rail system does not reach into a lot of the outback farming country so there is a heavy reliance on trucks to deliver the crops and wool. Our Federal Minister for Energy has been brainwashed into the green dream, he is closing down our coal fired power stations at an alarming rate relying on wind and solar. We are now being asked not to use air conditioners or washing machines on a couple of hot days we experienced recently. We are not yet into the peak of summer. Our current infrastructure cannot handle the base load let alone power electric vehicles ! I recently took a trip past Canberra our home of the federal ed recently. We are not yet into the peak of summer. Our current infrastructure cannot handle the base load let alone power electric vehicles ! I recently took a trip down to Melbourne from Sydney and drove past the Australian Capital Territory and was horrified to see the hills strewn with wind turbines (most not turning) scarring the once beautiful landscape. Don’t worry Australia is digging minerals out of the ground at an alarming rate and exporting them to China. We are also exporting coal that China uses for steel production but they are dumping it at sea and storing it for later use.”
‘You don’t forget a place like that’ Starmer says after frontline Ukraine trip
Wow he’s really brave doing that.
Oh, he visited it 2 years afterwards, the new frontline now being 350 km away.
“I’ve been to Bucha, the town where Russian soldiers handcuffed civilians and shot them in the head in cold blood. Trust me, you don’t forget a place like that.”
Trust you 😀
Or where the Bucha mayor said everything was fine after the Russians withdrew, then 2 days later, bodies appeared lined up on the street, just as Zelensky needed an excuse to reject the Istanbul peace deal.
Bodies were local Russians?
Conversation about £1.6bn cost of school taxis for disabled kids
and allegations some of this is Pakistani corruption
when some of the family work inside the council.
Pure madness of those who rule over us….not for us…over us.
Remarkable how nearly the whole media establishment fails to acknowledge the real problem.
After the recent attack in Munich the BBC’s response was to denounce the AFD for ‘exploiting’ the issue…they said the Far-Right AFD would ‘seize’ upon the attack and use it to boost their party.
The Telegraph today follows the same line…
‘Far-Right German party is capitalising on discontent over terror incidents as the country prepares for election ‘
This is denial….they are not ‘seizing upon’ nor ‘capitalising on’ the attacks…the reason the AFD is getting votes is because they are giving voice to people who are scared to live in their own country because of the tidal wave of migrants the Establishment has, and continues, to import in huge numbers, all too many of whom reperesent a threat. The AFD represents people that the likes of the BBC and Telegraph clearly don’t…and that is probably the majority.
The problem isn’t the AFD but the likes of the BBC…the extremist, pro-mass migration, anti-White mob out to destroy Europe and Western civilisation. It’s like the BBC claiming that violent criminals are not the problem, the problem is the way the police tackles them…oh hang on…that is exactly the way the BBC does react to police stopping violent criminals.
Importing millions of people who openly hate Western lifestyles, culture and beliefs, many of whom work actively to undermine the West and others who are outright criminals here for what they can steal or to gratify their base instincts by attacking white women and girls, is hardly a plan that will work…it’s a huge, risky, very dangerous experiment with, literally, a whole civilisation…as even the Guardian acknowledged in a moment of clarity and reality…
‘Immigration on the scale that Europe has experienced constitutes a risky experiment to which we need not have submitted ourselves, and of which the final result is not yet clear….. we frequently talk about it in stupid and dishonest ways.
This inherently unstable and dysfunctional system was set in motion, in other words, for no good reason. Those who started it off did not foresee how big it would become, nor the mechanisms of family reunion and arranged marriages that would drive it on even when restrictions were belatedly imposed. Most of them did not imagine, says Caldwell, that the newcomers would “retain the habits and cultures of southern villages, clans, marketplaces, and mosques”.’
Excellent news The TTK regime is putting a record number of over 80s in hospital with flu- dont mention the heating money –
Once in – those who dont get visitors can get the esther ransen treatment – free of charge – should get a few thousand more white people ‘ replaced’ …
Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in the DRC have no value to the BBC at all …
This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …