Midweek 5th March 2025

For some it’s Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent – which is the most important time in the Christian Calender . People are encouraged to give something up – so why not give up your TV Licence . Cancel that DD today …

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221 Responses to Midweek 5th March 2025

  1. Fedup2 says:

    The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The killer hasn’t been . Plod haven’t described him as a ‘local man ‘ yet or coming from ‘Cardiff ‘ …

    Im surprised TTK hasn’t passed a law that coloured folk charged with crimes can never be named … as part of ‘community cohesion ‘’ …


  2. Doublethinker says:

    One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party has dropped off considerably. Is this in someway due to the Oval Office spat and aftermath?
    There is no doubt that the concerted effort of the legacy media in the UK has been to champion Zelensky as some sort of saint and Ukraine as the equivalent of ‘plucky little Belgium’ in August 1914.
    They have pulled out all the stops and have done the equivalent of Covid , NHS and the Climate catastrophe in support of continuing the Globalist proxy war in Ukraine.
    It is sad that so many Brits are so easily brainwashed by the old legacy media in 2024 when there are so many alternative sources of news available which are easy to find if anyone can be bothered to look.
    I also note that the long expected fusion of Labour and the Globalist Tories is happening with the Telegraph extolling Starmer’s bold, brave and statesman like stance on Ukraine.
    God help us.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Double – I think people have heard that Farage isn’t the Right winger they expect him to be …. Perhaps he is now tainted by being in their parliament building . I’ve always thought that building corrupts people …. I felt it the times I’ve been in there … it inflates the inflated even more – and they soon disconnect from their voters – and always know best ….

      There’s a reform MP who does a lot on X but i cant recall his name – which also goes toward my view of ‘reform ‘…


      • Doublethinker says:

        I think that it is possible that Farage is trying to stop offering up too many targets for the legacy media to attack Reform on. If the British public is as easily led as I’m beginning to think they are , they would against any Reform policy which seemed ‘unfair to migrants’ or ‘ supported far right thug Tommy Robinson ‘ or ‘didn’t value the heroic Zelensky’ .
        The British public are so meek, so polite ,so weak , so tolerant that it will be the end of them unless they wake up soon.
        Of course Farage could indeed have been corrupted by Westminster or even bought off by the Globalist elite.


  3. MarkyMark says:

    “Over 100 Labour MPs and peers signed an open letter urging financial businesses to “sweep away ill-considered anti-defence rules,” calling on banks, investors, and pension funds to treat weapons manufacturers as “ethical” investments.”


    “Yes I will be on the streets protesting racist and KKK/neo-Nazi sympathiser Trump. Let me know if you’ll be with me.”


    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.


    Hamas are our friends (c) Corbyn


    • Fedup2 says:

      No – there’s a reform MP who talks less crap than Farage .. good luck to Mr Middleton – but he doesn’t stand a chance in Londonistan – being white and British – no chance ….


  4. Scroblene says:

    If/when the minerals deal with the Ukraine is signed, I wonder how much information on past discussions on supply from there, will surface?

    Perhaps the lorry-load of new underpants to the Biden family home might be a sign that previous deals which may have had a few dollars flying around, could be quite a nice story for the normal journos, but don’t watch the Beeb, or CNN for that matter, because they won’t report it!

    Of course, the kids in Vitrify could investigate, but their qualifications for proper investigation don’t get much further than duvet-changing and making paper doilies…


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Trying step back a bit from Ukraine – it seems that the destiny of the Western world may be in the hands of a cocaine using failed comedian who is mentally unstable ….

    … if we come out of the other side alive – looks like being a miracle .

    I really hope NATO is ended because at the moment that Article 5 is hanging over all of us …. Every day – at the moment – is a bonus …


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC – but an interesting piece of footage of a British priest in londonistan – in full church kit – offering ash to anyone on Ash Wednesday at the entrance to a tube station – a lot of people accepting …

    Personally the Ash Wednesday ceremony is a highlight of the RC year as it really reminds one ‘ ashes you and to ashes you will return ‘.. phew …


  7. vlad says:

    Extremely worrying:
    Has King Charles Converted to Islam?


  8. Ian Rushlow says:

    The return of BLM?
    A small group of middle-aged middle-class types in my town today outside Waitrose, wearing fleece tops in the Ukrainian flag colours of pale blue and yellow, with the letters BLM emblazoned on them. I’m afraid my curiosity got the better of me, and I asked one of them what Black Lives Matter had to do with Ukraine. He looked at me puzzled and said ‘Black Lives Matter’? I said yes, you’ve got the letters BLM on your tops. ‘Oh, no, that stands for Blackrock and Lockheed Martin. We support continued war in Ukraine because they’re making lots of money out of it’, he explained. So there you have it.


  9. Richard Pinder says:

    Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free puberty blockers and hormones, because the LGBT Marxists are ‘very upset’ about RFK Jr. removing Gender-Bending Chemicals from Food, Water, & Chinese plastics: https://www.infowars.com/posts/real-environmentalism-trump-announces-rfk-jr-is-set-to-make-major-moves-removing-gender-bending-cancer-causing-chemicals-from-our-food-water-environment


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