20 Responses to Start the Week 10th March 2025

  1. wwfc says:

    First again lol


  2. atlas_shrugged says:

    Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe


    The US has changed direction and put the right people in charge. The UK just has idiot lawyers and judges.


  3. tomo says:

    Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…


  4. Deborah says:

    Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised people’s immune system. I know some people who have had really rotten colds this year and other viruses which they have found difficult to shake off. Some suggest it is the Covid itself which has weakened people’s systems. Whichever way it is, whoever funded the research at Wuhan has a lot to answer. I’m sure people reading the comments here have 3 names that come to mind.


    • BRISSLES says:

      I tick those boxes Debs.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      He’s not a medical doctor.


      • Deborah says:

        Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a physician. What John Campbell or his guests are able to do is evaluate published research, eg the size of the sample, whether results are significant, etc.


      • JonathanR says:

        No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields.
        The same smears were put out about him during covid “He is not a real doctor” He started off beleiving everything the MSM put out but then started doing his own research and questioning experts.
        I’m not sure what your one line response was suppose to be? A rebuttal of everything he says or a red herring?


    • JonathanR says:

      I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was no escaping the pain. After many tests I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. After high doses of steriods I seemed to be back to normal But every time I was weaned off them the illness came back luckily not as bad as the first time. It looks as if I will be taking low doses of steroids for ever. What propaganda did the MSM put out again? Oh yes it was 100% effective and safe. I see this vaccine has now been withdrawn


      • Eddy Booth says:

        I just don’t like him.
        And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself.
        I don’t trust people who add the Dr to their name like that, when they have a academic phd.
        It’s obviously going to mislead.
        I’m also not convinced his conversion to anti vax is genuine, and not driven by monetary gain.


        Dr Campbell said: “The Oxford AstraZeneca and this Novavax, they’re both developed by UK academia. These are both triumphs of UK bioscience. This Novavax one has had a lot of UK academic institutes co-operating.”

        Although the Novavax jab has a slight difference in efficacy between the two variants, Dr Campbell said: “What I care about is – does it stop you getting sick? As far as I know it does. The main important fact is how many people it keeps out of hospital.”


        30th January 2021


  5. Flotsam says:

    Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of Westerners landing in the ultra corrupt Haiti ruled by Papa Doc Duvallier. Duvallier used a secret Police force called the Ton Ton Macoute to rule his citizens by means of terror and Voodoo, basically a gangster Mafia operation. I wonder whether Greene would have found Britain under Smarmer a good subject for one of his novels. I’ll leave other to guess who Papa Doc or Baby Doc might be.

    Zelenskey was/is a comedian wasn’t he? I think he’d be struggling for laughs these days.


  6. Northern Voter says:

    Flotsam, I think he’s laughing all the way to the bank.


  7. wwfc says:



  8. JonathanR says:

    Farage will not save Britain It is far too late


  9. JohnC says:

    Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump

    Good God – I started reading this and thought Canada must have had an election and I didn’t know about it. The support and celebration is gushing !!.

    ‘Mark Carney wins race to succeed Justin Trudeau as Canada’s prime minister and Liberal Party leader – he will be sworn in as PM in the coming days’

    ‘In a message to US President Donald Trump, Carney pledges to keep retaliatory tariffs on US goods until “Americans show us respect”‘

    Of course they include a bit to attack his opposition. Just as they always included attacks at Trump when they reported about Biden.

    ‘”Donald Trump thinks he can weaken us with his plan to divide and conquer. Pierre Poilievre will leave us divided and ready to be conquered because a person who worships at the altar of Donald Trump will kneel before him, not stand up to him,” he says.’

    ‘Carney criticises Conservative rival’
    ‘Carney continues attacks on conservative rival’

    I had to read it twice to realise they just swapped leaders because Trudeau is so unpopular and an election is looming.

    And the polls currently show the conservatives leading 40% to 30% – but the BBC don’t tell us that. Carney might be out in a month.

    No doubt whatsoever who the BBC support !!.


  10. JohnC says:

    Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun

    An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has set in.

    They anulled his victory because of tik-tok accounts !. Of course the troll-farms flooding our own social media whenever something serious is going on is never mentioned – let alone investigated.

    Now they have barred him from running again because:
    ‘The BEC rejected his candidacy on Sunday, saying it “doesn’t meet the conditions of legality”, as he “violated the very obligation to defend democracy”.’

    The stuff of third-world shitholes – but the EU are desperate now so they are rigging everything. And the BBC are fine with it. No ‘outrage’ or ‘without providing evidence’ here.


  11. JohnC says:

    Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed

    ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in “massacres” targeting Alawites on the west coast on Friday and Saturday.’

    The headline SHOULD have been:
    ‘Syrian security forces massacre hundreds of civilians’

    Terrorists take control of Syria and the BBC treat it like some kind great revolution and the leader is portrayed as a good and just man. Even though he was a terrorist last week.

    Now – while he tells us they didn’t mean it – they are massacring other people just like they always did. And they will keep on doing so until they cleanse the whole country and enforce their own strict brand of Islam.

    Why do the BBC always report what Muslim terrorists say as if they are to be trusted ?. They never question their lies – whether here or in Gaza.

    But don’t worry : the terrorist supporting UN has joined in with this statement. I’m sure it will make them think twice before doing it again:
    ‘The UN says it’s received “extremely disturbing” reports of whole families being killed, and has called on the interim authorities to take “swift actions to protect Syrians” ‘
    No doubt a ‘strongly worded letter’ will be sent if they do it again.


  12. Eddy Booth says:

    “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping I’ll die before you need to pay up?’ ”


    “The syndicate, beginning in 2017, bet on the Premier League, the German Bundesliga, Italy’s Serie A and Spain’s La Liga using mathematical models intended to give it an edge over the rest of the betting market by assessing the effect of injuries, how well players link up and factors such as the weather.

    It put on as many as 80 bets a week of between $10,000 and $30,000 for top-flight games.”

    The whole thing stinks of a ponzi scheme with no money actually wagered.
    If you’re betting system really has an edge on the bookies, and with thousands of games a year, why do you need investors money?
    Wouldn’t your own cash just grow rapidly.

    Also if you consistently win with on-line bookies, it’s all tracked, and they either severely limit your bets, or just close your account.
    The senior Campbell 300 k invested is just a red herring to make it look like everyone lost money?


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