148 Responses to Weekend 15th March 2025

  1. taffman says:

    I haven’t been here for some time.

    OK, let’s hear it again…
    “Stop the boats and smash the gangs!”


  2. Eddy Booth says:



    • Fedup2 says:

      ,,, and now the weather 😎


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        … and speaking of the weather the hockey stick salesman just got another setback in the Steyn v.s. Mann legal case:



        • tomo says:

          Mann’s lawyers got sanctioned by the court for lying


          • Scroblene says:

            The comments after the piece are hilarious – nearly as good as some of our posts!

            (p.s., isn’t TTK a lawyer or something similar)?


        • MarkyMark says:

          “For interested readers, a short timeline of the main events of the ‘climate trial of the century‘ will be informative:

          July 2012: Rand Simberg of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) published a blog post criticising Mann’s ‘hockey stick’ chart, controversially comparing him to convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky by stating that Mann had “molested and tortured data”. Shortly after, Mark Steyn referenced Simberg’s post on the National Review’s blog, labelling Mann’s work as “fraudulent”.
          October 22nd 2012: Michael Mann filed a defamation lawsuit in the District of Columbia Superior Court against Mark Steyn, the National Review, Rand Simberg and the CEI, alleging that their statements were defamatory.
          December 22nd 2016: The DC Court of Appeals ruled that Mann’s case against Simberg and Steyn could proceed, stating that a “reasonable jury” could find against the defendants.
          May 2019: National Review‘s Special Motion to Dismiss prevailed in large part, with the court dismissing Mann’s libel claim based on Editor Rich Lowry’s ‘Get Lost’ post and the broader intentional infliction of emotional distress claim against National Review. However, the defamation claim based on Mark Steyn’s blog post was not dismissed, allowing that part of the case to continue.
          March 19th 2021: The DC Superior Court granted summary judgment in favour of the National Review, stating that actual malice could not be imputed to the company based on the state of mind of an independent contractor like Steyn.
          January 16th 2024: The rescheduled trial commenced. After deliberations, the jury found that both Simberg and Steyn had defamed Mann. The jury awarded Mann $1 in compensatory damages from each writer, $1,000 in punitive damages from Simberg and $1 million in punitive damages from Steyn.
          March 11th 2024: National Review filed a motion in the Superior Court for the District of Columbia to recover a portion of the legal fees incurred during the litigation, seeking over $1 million from Mann.
          January 7th 2025: The court issued a decision awarding National Review $530,820.21 in attorneys’ fees and costs.
          March 4th 2025: The Superior Court of the District of Columbia reduced the punitive damages against Mark Steyn from $1 million to $5,000, deeming the original award “grossly excessive and unconstitutional”.
          March 12th 2025: The court sanctioned Michael Mann’s legal team for misconduct during the trial, ordering it to pay a portion of the defendants’ legal fees. The court cited improper conduct during discovery and trial proceedings as the basis for these sanctions.”



          • Up2snuff says:


            subtitled ‘Climategate and the Corruption of Science’

            There is a book about it, written by A.W. Montford

            It is described by Matt Ridley writing in the Spectator as “a rattling good detective story and a detailed and brilliant piece of science writing”.

            It is published by Stacey International and costs £10.99.


  3. Northern Voter says:

    Fed, and whether the Blackloving Broadcasting Corporation can weather the crap that’s coming their way. By the way can anyone tell me what the aforementioned corporation does with the monies they receive from their other TV channels that accept adverts. Perhaps they could cut a couple of quid off the telly tax, or reinstate the free licence for wrinklies.


    • JohnC says:

      I wonder just how many ‘commercial subsidiaries’ the BBC now have which are exempt from their usual rules for being ‘state funded’ and are not subject to scrutiny about how the money is spent.

      And I wonder how much taxpayers cash gets funnelled into them to become unaccountable.

      One for Panorama to investigate.

      Oh, I forgot : Panorama only do ‘BBC agenda’ topics. And they never investigate, they simply collate evidence which supports the conclusion they want.


  4. JohnC says:

    US influencer who snatched baby wombat has left Australia

    This story is great : it sums up what a complete shit show the world has become.

    First an ‘influencer’ as the BBC love to call them shows what a totally uncaring and shallow creature she really is by just snatching the wombat from it’s mother. Not a big deal in itself – but it’s what I’ve been saying the wokies are for a long time. The are empty vessels who need to be programmed what to think.

    Next a group-think bubble is suddenly created and she receives thousands of death threats (or so she says – but these people lie without conscience). How utterly clueless do you need to be about the real world to do that over this ?.

    Finally we have the BBC article. An extraordinarily lengthy article contained as much empathy as the BBC idiot could cram in:

    ‘”Maybe imagine if someone picked up your child and laughed while you screamed for them to give them back,” read a comment under the post, a reference to Jones’s snatching of the wombat from its mother.’

    But the bit which almost made me laugh out loud is the pointless video in that article : the BBC narcissist is desperate to get herself in it as much as possible.
    Shes’ another BBC/MSN veteran and describes herself as ‘Mama to four small humans and a Vizsla.’


    • StewGreen says:

      Google has hundreds of pics of people holding baby wombat and wombats
      The word BABY is spin in the BBC article as the wombat is quite big so seems a juvenile rather than actual baby

      Note how media is interested in this even though she returned it to the mother after about 30 seconds
      Though same media is not worried about British girls being snatched by grooming gangs



  5. wwfc says:



    • JohnC says:

      Excellent – at the time it was just comedy and we didn’t think any more about it. Now in this Orwellian dystopia the Left are creating, we are supposed to feel guilty for finding it funny.

      I wonder how the racist idiots of the Left would manage to take offence at that because it isn’t racist in any way. But I’m certain they would.

      They would probably use the usual line ‘not helpful’ or ‘stereotyping’ which covers just about everything which points out anything negative towards BAME.


      • MarkyMark says:

        2019 …. UK ….”Non-Muslim girls in Lincolnshire are being asked to wear a hijab for a day to raise awareness of discrimination. Ghada Mohamed said she came up with the idea in response to a number of incidents where girls wearing hijabs were subjected to abuse.4 Aug 2019″

        2025 … Iran … “Iran using drones and apps to enforce women’s dress code”


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      An article on the BBC states that ‘Iran is using drones and intrusive digital technology to crush dissent, especially among women who refuse to obey the Islamic republic’s strict dress code”. The report from the UN ‘highlights the increasing use of drones and security cameras to monitor hijab compliance in Tehran and in southern Iran. For women who defy the laws, or protest against them, the consequences are severe – arrest, beating, and even rape in custody.’

      Quite possibly there have been many incidents across the years, perhaps in rural areas and so on. And maybe other factors are sometimes involved, for instance the death of Mahsa Amini in 2022 is quoted – she was Kurdish, why is her ethnicity always stated and how was it significant? But is it true that women dare not go about their lives without wearing a hijab?

      Obviously few of us can visit Iran to see for ourselves, but videos of everyday life in the country filmed by locals are readily available on YouTube. One thing which is immediately noticeable is that although most women wear Islamic clothing, a significant minority do not. Many young women dress in Western style and wear their hair freely without covering. It’s certainly not the odd one or two who are bravely dodging the alleged enforcement drones, but perhaps 5%-10% in Tehran and elsewhere. This would suggest that enforcement is either lax, non-existent, or based on other factors. Which makes the BBC (UN) report somewhat intriguing.

      Here’s an example video chosen at random, it’s only necessary to watch the first minute or so to get an idea. Note that a lot of these videos do use clickbait to attract viewers.


      • JohnC says:

        Funny how the BBC and the other arse cheek The Guardian run VERY few articles about the abuse Muslim women in the UK have to suffer.

        I remember the one who got set on fire by two male relatives and died out in the street. A horrific thing to do – but was a brief article on the BBC which barely made the front page. It quickly disappeared into regions.

        This is the incredible magnitude of the BBC’s double standards. They care more about not upsetting the Muslims here and also weaponising them as ‘victims’ against the Right than they do about a poor woman who they burned to death.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Go paedos !


  6. JohnC says:

    It seems the entire MSM have instantly switched from wanting the war in Ukraine to continue for as long as possible to blaming Putin for not agreeing to a ceasefire.

    If they had done this a long time ago and agreed to Ukraine staying out of NATO, it would have been much easier to negotiate and hundreds of thousands of young men would be still alive.

    Now Russia are winning and the longer it goes on, the more of Ukraine they will get. Kursk is finished and that complete military disaster forced by Zelensky will go under the carpet along with those caused by Biden. Russia have no incentive to stop the war now : Trump has an incredibly difficult task to do it. And all the BBC do is snipe at him and pick any faults they can. Because he is right-wing and they hate him.

    Lets see what the EU and barmy Starmer do next to try and keep it going. The EU don’t just want Ukraine, they want Russia as well.


    • Deborah says:

      Where are the weekly demonstrations in Whitehall demanding a ceasefire in Syria? Some of things going on are as horrific as what Hamas did to Israelis on October 7th.

      The Left could combine the demonstrations with demanding a ceasefire in Ukraine.

      The Left only demands peace when it disadvantages Jews. Makes you wonder who is funding them.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Ah, but they are only obeying orders…


  7. JohnC says:

    BBC speak:
    ‘We’re replacing BBC Sounds outside the UK and bringing you BBC.com, a seamless way to read, watch, and listen – all in one place.’

    Wow – that sounds great doesn’t it ?.

    What it really means:
    We’re removing BBC sounds so you can’t listen to any BBC Radio (except the propaganda World Service and R4) any more outside the UK.

    As usual with the BBC, you have to know the truth already before you can know what extremely important facts they aren’t telling you.


    • Sluff says:

      John C. And indeed all readers.
      We were in Spain last week and eager to watch the 6 nations rugby.
      In the hotel on BBC sounds and BBC iPlayer we received the message that the ‘coverage was not available in your area’.

      But Mrs S is very keen so on the bus on the way back from a day trip she tried again anyway. It worked!

      The solution was to turn the hotel wifi off and use your own data. Which in Europe our provider allows free of charge as part of our normal package. This also worked for ITVx.

      Not sure if an aberration or common knowledge but it was a win for us, even if we did have to endure Andrew Cotter’s appalling pro-Scottish commentary,


      • JohnC says:

        I have a laptop in the UK running something called CCProxy and I can use it as my own private proxy server to access UK site which care where I am.

        I used to use BBC sounds a lot – but all my favourite DJ’s either left the BBC or got fired and all I have left is Tony Blackburn – though even he has contracted TDS and started making fun of Trump which makes me think much less of him. The Left don’t do democracy. He’s nowhere the hate for Trump/Musk and Brexit voters from Stuart Maconie though. Amazing what the BBC allow when it suits them.

        Now I mostly use Greatest Hits Radio which doesn’t block me. It just asks me to confirm my UK postcode. They too are extremely woke in their news – but Ken Bruce is the same professional he always was and keeps his views to himself.


  8. Sluff says:

    Toady 0730 sports report.

    Agenda. Agenda.
    ‘It’s the ‘men’s’ 6 nations rugby today’.
    See what they did ?
    Trying to equalise the men’s and the wimmins 6 nations.

    Probably because the BBC show so few men’s 6 nations matches and so, no doubt inspired by their obsession with diversity and inclusion, are bigging up the wimmins matches which they do cover – for the interest of literally dozens of people.


  9. atlas_shrugged says:

    Slovak Government Official Claims DNA in Vaccines Turns People into “GMOs,” {Genetically Modified Organisms] Sparks Global Outrage


    In a bombshell press conference on March 11, 2025, Dr. Peter Kotlár, a Slovak physician, government commissioner, and MP, dropped a jaw-dropping claim: all 34 analyzed Pfizer and Moderna vaccine batches contain dangerously high levels of DNA, potentially transforming recipients into “genetically modified organisms.”


  10. Jeff says:

    Starmer’s Britain, 1984, sorry my mistake, I mean 2025…

    We clearly have a “backdoor” blasphemy law in the UK, whereby someone burning the Quran will be immediately arrested, charged, put on trial and potentially imprisoned…that is if some bigoted backward beardy hasn’t beheaded him first…

    At the same time, not only would nothing happen if someone did the same thing to a bible, but in certain circumstances you can be arrested for praying silently on the street. Honestly, this beggars belief.

    However, bad as it is in England, our neighbours north of the border (of course) have to go one worse, and you can actually be arrested for praying in your own home if you’re seen and that person is “offended”.

    Just what sort of country have we become?


    • MarkyMark says:

      We is set in the far future. D-503, a spacecraft engineer, lives in the One State,[4] an urban nation constructed almost entirely of glass (presumably to assist with mass surveillance). The structure of the state is Panopticon-like, and life is based upon F. W. Taylor’s principles of scientific management. Society is run centrally by a central power known as the Benefactor, and is run according to a strict timetable—people march in step with each other and are uniformed. There is no way of referring to people except by their given designations (referred to as ‘numbers’ in the novel.) The society in which We is set uses mathematical logic and reason for its scheduling and as justification for its actions.[5][6] The individual’s behaviour is based on logic by way of formulae and equations outlined by the One State.[7]



  11. Fedup2 says:

    From the DT

    A BBC radio presenter apologised for “misgendering” Eddie Izzard on air – despite the comedian not caring about pronouns and gender labels.

    Anita Anand said she was “very very sorry” after referring to Izzard as “the man” while presenting Radio 4’s PM programme on Friday.

    Yet Izzard, 63, who identifies as gender fluid and uses she/her pronouns, has previously confessed an indifference to such labels, telling The Telegraph last year: “He, she – it doesn’t matter.”

    Izzard appeared on the afternoon news and current affairs programme to promote a new production of Hamlet, which is set to tour the UK with all 23 roles played by the comedian.

    During the pre-recorded interview, Mrs Anand had asked Izzard to perform a snippet of the play for listeners, to which her guest politely refused. She revealed to listeners afterwards that Izzard’s response had amused Charles Carroll, a newsreader for Radio 4.

    I think an apology for calling a bloke a bloke when it shouid apparently be something else isn’t enough – the lady shouid be fired along with whoever hired her ( relative ?) … mr izzard deserves compensation too … ..not real is it …?


  12. JohnC says:

    Starmer warns Putin not to ‘play games’ as UK hosts meeting of world leaders on Ukraine

    This attempt to cast Starmer as the world leader for Ukraine is possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. The man commands zero respect.

    I stumbled across a video on youtube earlier showing the complete disrespect Putin has for Starmer and for the life of me, google will not show me it in a search !. Every article it suggests is pro-Starmer, anti-Putin. Clearly all the stops have been pulled out for this one.

    But what almost makes me laugh out loud is how all these weakling hypocrites are suddenly the champions of a peace deal when they have done everything they can to keep the war going up to now.

    I suspect the EU pushing TTK to the front on the stage like this is part of a plan to bring the UK closer to them in the publics eye ready to take us back in.


    • tomo says:

      “Starmer warns Putin”

      Who else has he warned ?

      What effect did it have?

      That article now only has Madam Creosote warning against flat out larceny….

      Did TTK say it or are Broadcasting House ‘summarising’ and the editorial staff clocked the lie and buried it promptly?


  13. AsISeeIt says:

    Girls allowed edition

    I refer not so much to the Daily Mirror top story: Singer’s killer stalker… I’ve come to get Cheryl… Obsessive who terrified Tweedy at home is jailed… The Girls Aloud star, 41, was “terrified”… got 16 weeks for breaching an order to stay away. He was jailed in 2012 for manslaughter – mind you, under those woke new sentencing guidlines: Robert Jenrick says new sentencing guidelines have ‘blatant bias against Christians and straight white men’ (Sky News) – our Cheryl’s killer stalker would stand less chance of going to jail next time he’s had up – because… you guessed it, he’s black.

    But no, the now somewhat superannuated all-girl band to which I refer with my headline ‘girls allowed’ are in fact: Annita McVeigh, Martine Croxall, Karin Giannone and Kasia Madera

    One reflects back on the year 1996 – or our Tony Blair Era minus one – when one moment no one had ever heard of the all-girl pop band Spice Girls and then the very next moment everyone had a favourite.

    Tell us what you want, what you really, really want?

    The women’s case originally also included an equal pay claim, which a judge dismissed last May. The women later appealed against that ruling, and the equal pay claim has now also ended as part of the settlement. (BBC)

    Martine can be our “Gleeful News Spice” in our new Girls Allowed line-up

    Croxall was taken off air for 11 days and found to have breached impartiality rules for comments made introducing the BBC News channel’s “The Papers” newspaper review on 23 October 2022. Following the sudden news that Boris Johnson had withdrawn from contesting the Conservative Party leadership, Croxall declared that it was “all very exciting” and asked if she was “allowed to be this gleeful” (Thank you Wiki – my emphasis)

    Annita is our little Irish “Baby News Spice”

    Annita has said in the past that she thinks it’s important for children to understand what is going on around the world. The Belfast Telegraph reported that she said: “I think it is important to teach them how to understand events and the reasons. “Newsround did a little film about Manchester*. We were watching the coverage and my nine-year old son was very sweet – he just bowed his head at one point and said, ‘Mum, I’m just thinking about the people who died’, even though he didn’t know them.’ “My parents always encouraged me to watch news programmes. Obviously, some coverage isn’t suitable for kids but Newsround** does a good job.” (The Sun)

    *Our Annita refers of course to The Manchester Arena bombing that was an Islamic terrorist suicide bombing of the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England, on 22 May 2017, following a concert by the American pop singer Ariana Grande. Perpetrated by Islamic extremist Salman Abedi and aided by his brother, Hashem Abedi, the bombing killed 22 people, injured 1,017

    **As always our BBC gets everything just about right.

    Oh, and that Sun report is dated March 2024 and adds: An insider said: “They’re all litigious and the National Union of Journalists will back them… A reverse ferret is definitely the best plan.”

    Karin Giannone gets the “Sporty” or specifically the “Footie News Spice” label

    In 1999 her language and broadcasting skills helped her land a role as a reporter and presenter for Channel 4’s Football Italia series, where she covered the Italian Soccer scene for a season, flying between the UK and Italy every week. (much obliged, Wiki)

    Kasia Madera fills the role of “Showbiz Spice” or should that be “Ironic News Spice”?

    In 2024 she played a fictional version of herself as a state news presenter in HBO series The Regime… The Regime is an American political satire… The series depicts a year within the palace of a crumbling authoritarian regime.

    Sometimes these segueways write themselves…

    BBC presenters settle sex and age discrimination dispute… the optics of the last two years, ending in a settlement, aren’t good. And there is frustration inside the BBC about the impact of it all, at a time when budgets are shrinking. (BBC)

    It apparently decided it wasn’t worth going through three damaging weeks, with all the headlines and media attention that would have generated. The losers, though, are licence fee payers who have seen hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on BBC presenters who were off work on full pay for at least a year, on top of whatever the costs of this settlement add up to. That may never be made public. (BBC)

    Irony is a much overused and abused term – but one can’t help reflecting on the irony of our BBC acting to shield licence payers as much as possible from the bad news.


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Thanks – i confused with the Martine s and Anitas and ..so many …


  15. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er, yukk. I think I’m going to sick! Heave.

    ‘Fat is a Feminist Issue’ we were told in the 1970s. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cg5dnzrd03vo + https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business The wretched BBC is rubbing its web-site readers noses in it. I have a friend who is morbidly obese as is the model (Getty photo?) and it is a sure way to have an early death. Why do women allow themselves to get like that?


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Reduce the door width on supermarkets – simples.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I was waiting for a defence of ‘NHS England ‘ but there are no protests or marches – could it be just a useless over priced quango …?

      There is a similar situation in the US where all those axed DEI projects don’t get the protests – it’s the democrat politicians losing the NGO family income plan …


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Avoiding the (large) elephant in the room…
      The BBC’s free advert for Snag Clothing, er, promotion of fat porn, er, sensitive discussion about the challenges and prejudices facing plus size ladies, is a strictly facts free zone. Many people will be familiar with the arguments against unnaturally thin models, several of which are mentioned in the article. But when it comes to obesity, there is nothing but emoting and wingeing. Tired, clichéd phrases from the pre-Trump era, such as the disingenuous term ‘Body Positive’ (sic) are used. Nowhere does the article mention why obesity is undesirable. For starters (no pun intended), factors such as increased risks of diabetes, blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, cancer, kidney disease and osteoarthritis. It is shameful of the BBC, other media and clothing companies to be promoting morbid obesity. Do they not understand that their beloved NHS will have to pick up the costs of the resultant medical problems?




    • BRISSLES says:

      Have to agree Snuffy ! But equally, further down the page our fellow poster Eddie Booth has posted a photo of a 79 year old scruffbag – why do men and women lose all self worth as they age – you can almost smell the body odour through the picture . No need.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Abbott was later appointed Shadow Minister for Public Health by Ed Miliband, taking shadow responsibility for a range of issues including children’s health, maternity services, sexual health, tobacco, nursing, obesity and alcohol abuse.

      In Belgium ….



  16. Fedup2 says:

    I look into the londonistan evening news site every so often .

    A councillor in tower hamlets is up with 2 others for perverting the course of justice by pressuring a girl into withdrawing a rape allegation … you can guess the ‘religion’ and true nationality of those involved ,

    The paper leaves the political affiliation of the councillor out so it must be the Islamic Labour Party …


    • StewGreen says:

      “Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough’s directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.”
      (back after being convicted of vote rigging)


    • MarkyMark says:

      Councillor denies contacting rape victim’s father

      Abdul Malik, 50, who represents Blackwall and Cubitt Town ward on Tower Hamlets Council, appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday charged with perverting the course of justice and pleaded not guilty.

      It is alleged the incident happened on 23 January.

      The case involves Samir Abdul, 18, of Warrior Square, Manor Park, who has been charged with two counts of rape and harassment without violence against a woman on 8 January.

      It is also alleged he contacted the complainant of the rape case to ask her to drop the charges against his son on January 10, to which he did not enter a plea.

      Mr Begum, 41, of Rye Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, pleaded guilty to a charge of perverting the course of justice by calling the complainant in the rape investigation on 10 January and asking her to drop the charges.

      Samir Abdul did not appear in court on Friday.



      The rise and fall and rise again of Lutfur Rahman
      The populist mayor of Tower Hamlets, in London’s East End, was barred from office following a scandal. Now re-elected and energised by Gaza, is his party coming for Keir Starmer?

      energised by Gaza
      energised by Gaza
      energised by Gaza


  17. atlas_shrugged says:

    Fish don’t pay taxes.

    Neither do goats, lizards, dolphins, or hedgehogs.

    It has now been established by 11 biolabs that the Turkish juice contains DNA fragments that could be capable of permanently altering a persons DNA (see details in link). Therefore it is reasonable for a victim to claim they are no longer human and self identify as an otter, dog, or emu – for example.

    No need to pay taxes but we will need to recruit thousands of new vets.



  18. Fedup2 says:

    Democracy eh? A council in Bristol wanted to put a LTN in . The locals tried to stop it . So at 3AM Thursday contractors put the LTN with 30 plod as body guards – story in the telegraph …democracy eh?


  19. Fedup2 says:

    The launch of a rescue rocket to save 2 astronauts doesn’t seem to have ‘traction ‘. Is it because it is space X and Elon ?

    Will the mad democrats try to shoot it down like Tesla …?

    Maybe if there is a tragedy the press will notice …?


    • JohnC says:

      Isn’t it just ridiculous ?.
      The story would be absolutely huge normally : it’s packed with empathy and the BBC would have a field day.
      But it’s Musk and he’s right wing and the BBC hate him now. So they simply push it under the carpet. They would be hailing him as a hero in other circumstances.
      Meanwhile the front page news is Starmer giving Putin ultimatums !!.
      I can hear Putin laughing from here.
      Surely I’m dreaming ?. This is just too bizarre to be reality. WTF happened to the world ?.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Stalin 1943: “The Pope… how many divisions does he have?”
        Putin 2025: “The Starmer… how many divisions does he have?”


      • digg says:

        Starmer giving Putin ultimatums….

        Starmer is just excruciatingly embarrassing with his World status shenanigens. Who the hell in Russia does he think gives a toss about his ridiculously pompous and childish self-aggrandising ultimatums.

        We all know Russia could flatten the UK in 4 minutes if they decided to do so.


  20. Doublethinker says:

    We may find that the legacy media, this warmongering government and the entire Globalist ruling elite , are very shortly on the horns of a dilemma in Ukraine.

    Zelensky, the tame Globalist puppet, is being outflanked politically in Kiev by hard line Ukrainian nationalist groups who want to continue the war come what May. These groups are often referred to as hard right! So if Z shows signs of accepting any peace deal he may well be overthrown in a military coup by these nationalists.

    The dilemma for the Globalists is a) do they support the coup b) how do they label these Ukrainian nationalists , hard right , fascists or freedom fighters ? No doubt if such a coup does take place and the war continues the blood thirsty legacy media will be full supportive but they will need to find a new label.

    You see it’s to be applauded to stand up for your country, to fight invaders, to protect your heritage and culture, except of course when you are British, in which case it is extreme hard right facist racism and to even think such a thing lands you in prison.

    It’s a funny old world.


  21. Eddy Booth says:

    “Brit OAP, 79, living on £1 frozen pizzas from Iceland after sending money to new Filipino bride as he fights immigration battle to live with her”



    I like how the photographer has framed the shot, to include the head stain on his chair, Father Jack like.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wonder how much he paid ? Is there an offer ?

      From our own correspondent
      One of those standard BBC pieces about Bangladesh – apparently cuts in USAiD to pay to feed millions of foreigners for no benefit to the US – is a bad thing . The UK got a mention for cutting aid as well ….
      These reports are just pure Marxism – nothing about us – the people paying the feckless with their 5 kids …. Just to add – they are Muslims being given food by the Red Cross – surely those Muslim states with more money than sense in the Middle East shouid feed their brothers …? But that is a question the Islamic BbC would never ask ..


    • BRISSLES says:

      Not the ideal profile photo for a dating site ! – he could’ve hidden the medication 😉


    • StewGreen says:

      “immigration battle” ?
      People who buy mail order brides are free to go live in the Philippines
      aren’t they ?


  22. vlad says:

    How heartwarming to see the Church celebrating Iftar with our brothers from Islam – a militant ideology dedicated to the replacement of Christianity which it views as heretical.

    So the King bends the knee to islam, as well as Starmer at Westminster, the BBC of course, and now the Church.

    Why don’t we just rename the UK as the Islamic Republic of Britainistan?

    Or Khanistan for short? Kind of catchy, no?


    “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends…”

    …”when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it.”



    • vlad says:

      Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

      Quran (8:39) – “And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah”

      Quran (9:29) – “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” “People of the Book” refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse, they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status.



      • StewGreen says:

        Are there ways those lines are defended ?
        Like saying the lines are mistranslations ?
        https://quran.com/8 uses slightly different lines
        ˹Remember, O Prophet,˺ when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you. So make the believers stand firm.
        I will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers.
        So strike their necks and strike their fingertips.”
        No “off” there

        8:39 Fight against them until there is no more persecution—and ˹your˺ devotion will be entirely to Allah.
        But if they desist, then surely Allah is All-Seeing of what they do.

        9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture,
        1 until they pay the tax,
        2 willingly submitting, fully humbled.

        excuse thread https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/3t8esb/ive_seen_islamophobes_reference_quran_812_saying/


    • Up2snuff says:

      Vlad, where is that Iftar gathering taking place, which Church?


  23. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Is it part of the contract that commentators on a panel must use the word ‘nuance’

    It seems to be the ‘in’ word these last few weeks.


  24. digg says:

    Muslim cleric who advocated the Koran readings in schools elected head of OFCOM.


    Absolute maniacs running the shit show.


    • StewGreen says:

      @Digg’s first line is double false
      #1 It’s not Ofcom it’s Ofsted

      #2 He is not ELECTED head rather as a committe member he’s become the interim head for a few weeks
      whilst they are in the process of selecting a new head
      (He could be on the shortlist, I don’t know)

      So looks like #ConfectedOutrage this tie from the right


  25. Richard Pinder says:

    The BBC is a Deep State anti-British organisation, allied with Islamic terrorists: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/yes-the-bbc-is-a-deep-state-organisation-yes-it-is-propping-up-hamas

    BBC Policy is to create and support networks and coalitions of media and civil society organisations working to produce information disorder using fact-checking networks such as Television Newspeak International (TNI). The BBC uses a toxic combination of disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation, in combination with government behavioural scientists, to brainwash the public, using lies, propaganda and fear, to make the public ‘Hate’ Trump, Vance, Kennedy, Musk and Free Speech, as well as producing ‘Love’ for the EU, NATO, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, Censorship and War.


  26. vlad says:

    Islam wants nothing less than world domination.

    Including the UK, of course. Here’s how.

    The infiltration is already well under way.

    (If anyone watches the vid on YouTube, please click ‘like’ there, to support Lubna.)


  27. Fedup2 says:

    Richard – and if the BBC is what is said – then the red and the blues are part of that system – contrary to the view of the majority British – which supports my view that we live in an alien tyranny dressed up with false traditions such as the useless parliament ….


  28. Fedup2 says:

    Not the BBC – but space X successfully launched a rescue ship today – and the main thruster returned to earth under control and was captured by the launch pad . How much media attention did this get ?

    The footage is on YouTube . To a simpleton like me it’s a miracle of technological control .. just amazing .. if those two Astronauts are returned to earth then there is another miracle . But because it is done by Elon Musk it doesn’t count . Funny world ..


  29. tomo says:

    Car ramming attack in Munich

    A bit further southeast, Victor Orban :



    • MarkyMark says:

      “What does the Hungarian nation demand from Brussels?

      Let there be peace, freedom, and unity.

      1. We demand a Europe of nations.
      2. We demand equality before the law for all Member States.
      3. Restore the competences unlawfully taken from nations.
      4. National sovereignty and a strong veto for national governments.
      5. Expel Soros agents from the Commission and remove corrupt lobbyists from the Parliament.
      6. Do not mortgage our grandchildren’s future, eliminate the Union’s debt.
      7. Do not obstruct our national guard from protecting our borders. Do not bring in migrants, and remove those who have arrived illegally.
      8. Corrupt dollars and euros must not flow into Member States.
      9. Ban the unnatural re-education of our children.
      10. Protect Europe’s Christian heritage.
      11. We demand peace in Europe.
      12. A Union, but without Ukraine.

      Equality, freedom, brotherhood!”



  30. StewGreen says:

    quote “Let me get this straight.
    The Netflix show #Adolescence isn’t based on a true story,
    it exists to highlight “knife crime” in the UK,
    and they decide to cast a white boy as the criminal
    in a school filled with Africans who commit the majority of knife crime in the UK.
    Truly unreal”

    “Have you watched ‘Adolescence’ on Netflix?
    The stabbing suspect and his family are all white,
    and the cop is black.
    It’s not impossible, but it’s certainly not the usual.”

    in filming now : Snow Black and the 7 super obese women


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      I watched the first episode and half of the second episode.

      It is torturously slow.
      If they walk from one room to another, saying nothing, the camera follows them step by step, up and down stairs, through doors etc and all this time is, in my opinion, wasted.

      The interviews take ages to get to the point.

      Instead of 4 x 1 hour episodes it could all have been done in 60 – 80 minutes and would probably be quite good.
      Highly not recommended. Tooooo slow.


  31. StewGreen says:

    Starmer two video thread
    Starts with multiple promises Cuncil tax will be frozen
    video 2 is a compilation of Yes/No


  32. StewGreen says:

    quote “After decades of listening to The Archers @BBCRadio4
    finally switched off.
    It’s woke, climate change,
    & now a Muslim family has moved in, their lives dominate village life.
    A caricature of an old English man is portrayed as a hideous racist.
    Christians are fasting in Ramadan.”


    • StewGreen says:

      quote “Countryfile. Gardener’s World. Escape to the Country.
      All programmes I loved.
      All ruined because ‘climate change’ is mentioned constantly in every episode.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”.



      • G says:


        Makes you wonder what has been promised to the ‘Western Leaders’ to escape ‘their countries’ when eventually islam takes over and destroys their individual country’s. They will all be redundant. Perhaps conversion to islam? They’re all so dishonest I wouldn’t put that past any one of them.

        We need to know from the UN / Davos.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Have they turned the pub into the ambridge mosque yet ? Or had a 1000 illegals dumped on them to hang around the girls’ school all day …. ?


    • digg says:

      BBC groupthink and now manipulative programs such as The Archers has become are now relentlessly pitched to repetitively besmirch and scoff at the indigenous people of this Country and encourage the rubbishing of this country’s history, it is now approaching Lord Haw-Haw standards of anti-UK propaganda and can be realistically viewed by level-headed people as verging on treasonous.

      The fact that this constant attempt at brainwashing is wrapped up in such a “homely British” storyline only makes it more insidious as its nefarious real intent is obscured.

      The plot lines could only have been created by people with a real disdain for this Country.

      Of course it must be remembered that higher education in the UK is infested with left-wing tutors pushing the same warped anti-UK mindset so it’s easy to see why new waves of young scriptwriters etc. end up pushing the same poisonous garbage.


  33. JohnC says:

    Military planning for Ukraine peace to begin, says Starmer

    So what is the opening line for negotiations from Starmer and the EU ?.
    ‘Leaders agreed on Saturday that if Putin refused an “immediate and unconditional ceasefire” they would need to “ratchet up pressure…to convince him to come to the negotiating table”, Sir Keir said.’

    They seem to keep forgetting that Russia are winning. They are the ones to dictate the terms.

    What a joke this all is. They are sabotaging it before it even starts.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “ratchet up pressure…to convince him to come to the negotiating table”
      Wealthy Russians flee to Dubai to avoid sanctions
      Published 5 May 2022
      Which country is richest in minerals?
      Russia. Russia’s natural resources reserves are worth $75 trillion by
      Statista’s estimate. …
      United States. The estimated value of natural resources in the U. S. is $45 trillion, almost 90% of which are timber and coal. …
      Saudi Arabia. …
      Canada. …
      Iran. …
      China. …
      The million pound London properties owned by Putin’s regime
      Demand has soared for Russian assets in Britain to be seized and sold off to support Ukraine’s war effort
      Russian Airspace closure has had a severe impact on aviation, with some flights between Europe and Asia being lengthened by hours due to airspace avoidance. The Siberian flight corridor has previously played a large role in the way airlines planned routes, with its closure to foreign airlines until 1970 forcing airlines flying to Asia to make stops in places such as Anchorage, part of the reason it remains the hub it is today. Now, modern airliners have the range and capability to fly around Russian airspace without the need for stops, however they don’t do this without delay. The closure has forced airlines such as Kazakhstan’s Air Astana, the airline from a country with a 7,600 kilometer long border with Russia, to pay extra for fuel.
      China is supplying Russia with materials that directly boost Russia’s war machine, and in return is receiving military technology support from Russia, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell told journalists on Sept. 10.

      China has positioned itself as neutral in the ongoing war but has deepened economic ties with Russia and become Moscow’s leading source of dual-use goods, feeding the Russian defense industry.


      • G says:

        China: “China is supplying Russia with materials that directly boost Russia’s war machine, and in return is receiving military technology support from Russia,……”

        Saves all the effort and subterfuge in stealing it……….


    • digg says:

      I bet Putin hides under the table every time Starmer comes out with such meaningless twaddle.


      • MarkyMark says:



        The Chinese thought it was an elaborate joke | Helen Joyce
        ” – when chinese are told little boys can choose to be little girls in the WEST.


  34. Fedup2 says:

    JohnC – im sure I heard the Russians say if nato troops try ‘peace keeping ‘ they’ll be shot … maybe the military meeting is to discuss catering or body removal ….. good way to get the third world war started though …


    • MarkyMark says:

      650 MPs to form the front line!
      800 Lords on the second line.


    • JohnC says:

      Yes Fed : they have said they will not accept NATO troops in Ukraine under any circumstances.

      A despite all the blustering from tin-pot Starmer and the EU fascists, they will capitulate.

      Thank God Trump is here to bring some common sense into the world. I think the fascist Left thought they had won.


  35. Sluff says:

    Toady on Sunday and the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation playbook is in full swing.
    First up. An almost ecstatic reporter visiting a Sudanese mosque in Birmingham. How wonderful the whole thing was.
    No division here.

    Next. Division in the Catholic Church with women wanting more rights and representation and ‘going on strike’ by withdrawing their volunteering.
    Next up. Giles Coren is featured with his own conflict between his Jewishness and attending a Christian church.

    So. The usual cuddly Muslims versus negative or divisive Christians narrative.

    But oh, what a juxtaposition. Were the editors clever enough to notice?
    The Sudanese mosque reporter was a woman. She only interviewed Muslim men. Not a woman anywhere. The following anti Catholic story featured only women !!!!
    Anyone for a story about equal rights for women in the Islamic faith? Don’t wait for one at the IBC.


    • MarkyMark says:

      #LondonIsOpen except for Trump
      #MeccaIsClosed except for Muslims


      “Let’s say together — me, you, and thousands of other Londoners — that despite Brexit, London will always be open to the world, proud of our diversity and inclusive to everyone.”
      despite Brexit
      despite Brexit
      despite Brexit



    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – well done you listening to that c—p – my rationing of BBC is down to ‘bells on Sunday ‘ which must be due to be replaced with that monstrous Islamic noise ….


  36. MarkyMark says:

    Comment “Can’t believe that we are still having this conversation!!”

    “To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.


  37. MarkyMark says:

    Sixty percent of Red Nose Day money is spent in Africa and forty percent here in the UK.


    Africa:During the years of conflict in Sierra Leone, many young boys and girls were forced to join armies and were traumatised by their experiences. Comic Relief is helping to reunite some of them with their families and to give some, especially girls, an opportunity to go school and learn a trade.


    The Gender Justice Fund will invest in women’s rights organisations and feminist movements in Sierra Leone that are creating sustainable change for their communities.

    Community Justice Fund
    The Community Justice Fund will invest in Led By and For organisations and movements specialising in racial justice and/ or gender justice, registered AND delivering work in Northeast England, Wales, West Midlands and/ or Yorkshire and the Humber.

    The Re-Rooted programme will invest in organisations that specialise in delivering services and support for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, and that are doing influencing work for safer routes and improved outcomes for people affected.

    This initiative is now closed to applications. Change Makers is supporting innovative solutions to problems affecting vulnerable people that have been overlooked or under-resourced at a local, regional and national level.

    • Southall Black Sisters(opens in new window) with Angelou Centre(opens in new window), Latin American Women’s Rights Service(opens in new window), Safety for Sisters(opens in new window) and Ubuntu Women’s Shelter(opens in new window) – funding awarded to assist women and children survivors of domestic abuse and other gender related violence to secure effective protection and fundamental human rights. Working across England, with local partner organisations, they will build a base of evidence for changes that are needed, and will work with women with lived experience to shift the narrative in communities, the public sector and parliament. In doing so, they will ensure migrant women with no recourse to public funds have better access to safety, protection, rights, subsistence, and support

    • Women’s Budget Group(opens in new window) – specialises in high-quality research and briefings that apply a gender lens to economic policy. Funding awarded to continue this work and also build the capacity of women and women’s groups across the country to participate in economic debates, helping them to use relevant data and advocate for just services

    • Midaye Somali Development Network(opens in new window) – funding awarded to support migrant women living in West London to access targeted mental health services.


  38. MarkyMark says:

    Comic Relief … your money goes to help …. DIVERSITY!

    • Midaye Somali Development Network(opens in new window) – funding awarded to support migrant women living in West London to access targeted mental health services.


    Providing a women- and community-led answer to supporting FGM and VAWG victims.

    FGM Clinic at

    Mary’s Hospital


    FGM Clinic at

    Chelsea & Westminster Hospital


    FGM Clinic at

    Queen Charlotte’s Hospital


    One-to-one Support

    By appointment



  39. AsISeeIt says:

    The Labour-supporting Sunday People has a cheek equal in audacity to its parallel organ, in the media farce that is Reach Plc, the Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror.

    Sunday Mirror and Sunday People to merge further with only three change pages remaining… have been under the same editor since 2014. (Press Gazette)

    Free horse racing tickets and hagiographic reporting about “Kate” (Princess of Wales) having gone to a rugby match (or some such) are features echoed on the respective cover pages of our £2.80 Sunday red tops (you pays your money – but don’t get much of a choice)

    I think they ought to overcome the sentimentality (Mirror: “The Heart of Britain”) and combine the titles – I’m thinking Whizzer and Chips.

    However, the People go with an alternative to the Mirror top story today. Quoting the man who’s done more flip-flops than a Bondi Beach flat-soled footware repair man – Keir Starmer: Let the guns fall silent… PM’s plea as Peacekeeper Plan takes shape

    Cobblers, I hear you say.

    UK to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes, PM to tell NATO… Prime Minister Keir Starmer recommits to £3 billion a year of military support for Ukraine until 2030/31 and for as long as needed… Comes after the UK pledges to accelerate lethal aid support to Kyiv… the UK will deliver a new package of artillery and 90 Brimstone missiles in the coming weeks. (Gov.UK, July 2024)

    And more recently – from the formerly peacenik Gruan: Starmer says UK will support Ukraine ‘for as long as it takes’ after meeting Biden, Macron and Scholz (Guardian, October ’24) – one of those jokers down, two to go…

    So apparently our Keir “Ain’t Gonna Study War No More” as in that old negro spiritual “Down by the Riverside”

    And if this Keir Peace Plan don’t come off? You guessed it… it’ll be Putin’s fault: Delays Putin (Sunday People)

    Meanwhile the Mirror goes with a tale of a Briton in trouble abroad: Drugs mule exclusive… New hope for Brit death row gran… Fresh law could spare her from a firing squad

    This is: …sentenced to death for drug trafficking, hopes for release under new laws commuting death penalties, with increasing support from UK officials. A British woman sentenced to death in Indonesia for drug trafficking, is hopeful she may soon be freed after more than a decade on death row… with increasing support from UK officials. (Daily Record) – so not all that ‘exclusive’ a story, was it? Another Reach Plc title of course.

    Mr AsI tends to hold firm to the mantra “When in Rome, Do As The Romans Do”

    How can we expect foreigners to abide by our laws here when we flout theirs?

    Likewise the Sunday Times has a report about ex-pats in difficulties overseas in far flung islamic territories: Taliban splits jailed UK pensioners – a tabloidesque abrupt headline – about as confusing as anything contrived by the verbose crossword puzzle setter-like FT headline writers.

    We know the Taliban tend to practice some cruel and unusual Koranic punishments – but are they splitting British OAPs down the middle? With a big sword in the public square beside the mosque? We wouldn’t put it past them.

    In fact this is simply: …moved to a maximum security prison and separated by the Taliban (Times) – I guess the medievalist Afghans still segregate male and female prisoners? Or was the Times hoping: Peter Reynolds, 79, and his wife, Barbie, 75 – would be granted congugal rights?

    Banged up in solitary in a cold Afghan cell – blimey, for a British OAP that must bring back fond memories of last winter at home after Keir took away their fuel allowance to help pay to prolong the Ukraine war for another few months until The Donald took office and told him he had to help make peace.


  40. MarkyMark says:

    Conservative Peer
    Entered the House of Lords on 11 July 2023


    Lord Kempsell 5 0 1,805 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

    Click to access members-finance-publication-april-2024.pdf

    Evgeny Lebedev’s 1% attendance makes him among least active in House of Lords
    This article is more than 2 years old
    Evening Standard owner among a series of peers who appear to play a minimal role without a formal leave of absence from Lords

    Evgeny Lebedev has turned up to little more than 1% of Lords sessions since Boris Johnson made him a peer, Guardian analysis shows, making him among the seemingly least active members of the chamber over the past three years.

    The attendance statistics showed that so far this year, 187 peers had attended fewer than 20% of all sittings, higher than the equivalent figures of 152 peers who did this in 2020 and 164 in 2021.

    Members of the House of Lords are not salaried. They can opt to receive a £361 per day attendance allowance, plus travel expenses and subsidised restaurant facilities. Peers may also choose to receive a reduced attendance allowance of £180 per day instead.

    ** free wifi and heating – send the old pensioners to the house of lords!


    Streeting: The NHS Is Addicted to Overspending


    Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers. From 1 April, over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.2 Apr 2020


    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Officer
    NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board
    The closing date is 16 March 2025

    £37,338 to £44,962 a year per annum



    Translating for change: Anglophone queer cinema and the Chinese LGBT+ movement


  41. MarkyMark says:

    “I can’t get past the irony of a woman pastor promoting Islam, boldly demonstrating her ignorance of the teachings of both faiths.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Imagine what they’d do to that idiot – I suppose she’s from one of those Protestant ‘religions ‘ that don’t do ‘god ‘ or ‘Christ ‘….
      Madness …


  42. Fedup2 says:

    Excellent news – macron says he will send ‘peacekeeping ‘ troops to Ukraine whether the Russians agree or not …

    …looks like WW3 will start because 2 despots were trying to impress the US president …. Gotta be better reasons than that … let’s hope the boxes coming back have the tricolour on them not the union flag ….


  43. Nibor says:

    An observation.

    This morning @11.00am I skirted round Wakefield Town centre on the way to Doncaster.

    Normally I use the same route between 14.00 and 17.00 and the ratio of people on the streets is about 95% of Paki/ Indian heritage.

    This time it’s the complete reverse >95% white.

    I don’t want racist comments but why is this?

    Is it just Wakefield?

    Is it only at this time?

    Is it only Sundays?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Time segregation on the streets?
      Unwritten new laws?


    • Deborah says:

      The Spring Bank area of Hull has a large Muslim population, drive down there just after prayers and you would think 100% Muslim. At other times less people on the streets and there may be a greater number whom I assume are Eastern European.

      I was once in Brent Cross in north London and there seemed to be 50% Muslim women and I was really surprised. I commented to a London friend who didn’t know what I was going on about. My next visit things had returned to ‘normal’, although the proportion is growing. I can only assume there had been some sort of celebration followed by young women needing to shop.


  44. StewGreen says:

    The Graham Lineham speech about BBC’s obsession with trans etc.


  45. MarkyMark says:

    Migrant hotels, schoolgirls, police denials and “cultural expectations training” – what’s going on?

    Residents in British towns like Earley, Altrincham and Deanshanger have reported migrant men housed in local hotels are loitering near schools, filming children, and behaving suspiciously. Schools have issued warnings to children and parents.

    But local MPs and police dismiss these concerns, citing a lack of “evidence of offences”. Are they just playing down the risk for the sake of “community cohesion” as they did with grooming gangs?

    Police have pledged to educate the male migrants at the hotel with training around “cultural expectations”


    “Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.[To Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of Sati religious funeral practice of burning widows alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.]”
    ― Charles James Napier


    A German town has banned male asylum seekers from a public swimming pool after women complained of harassment.


    • harry142857 says:

      Earley is a local suburb.

      Local MP already trying to cover up. Britain’s first Chinese born.


      Earley pub puts sign sign on door after harassment claims.

      A pub has spoken out about claims that men have been harassing schoolgirls in Earley.

      A pub has spoken out about claims that men have been harassing schoolgirls in Earley.

      A public post on the ‘We Love Earley’ Facebook page states that schoolgirls are being harassed by men.

      According to the post, girls in school uniform have faced harassment and catcalling around the Maiden Place centre in Lower Earley.

      Following these claims, the Seven Red Roses Pub posted a sign on their window saying: “If you or your group are feeling harassed or distressed, please come in and make yourself known to a member of the bar staff.

      Ashley who works at the Seven Roses Pub said: “We seen things floating around online about girls being harassed so to be safe, the manager, Dan, thought that we should make people aware that we are somewhere that people can come and feel safe.

      We pride ourselves on being a community pub and we want people to know that they have a safe space no matter what their age. They are always welcome here and we will help them.”

      After posting the sign at the pub, Ashley told the Chronicle that they haven’t had anyone respond to the notice yet.

      The precaution was simply due to claims on social media.

      Woodley MP Yuan Yang responded to the reports denying claims young schoolgirls are being approached and followed just minutes from hotel where asylum seekers are staying.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Yuan Yang
        Labour MP for Earley and Woodley


        My Maiden Speech in the House of Commons | Yuan Yang MP

        “For Theresa May that retirement is extremely well earned, she stepped up to lead our country at a time of crisis proving the maximum it takes a woman to clean up a mess that men have left behind.

        Praising Theresa May and misandry! Amazing.

        “I believe our democracy is worth fighting for. I was born in china in 1990. A country without the right to vote.”

        1990 … “A country without the right to vote.” 2025 … woman 70 criticises Labour and gets knock on door! HA HA HAH AH AHA


  46. Guest Who says:

    The judge explicitly said he was targeted for RELIGIOUS reasons because he was a Jew.
    1. So why have you stated he was targeted because of his ‘Israeli heritage’?
    2. And why does the word ‘Muslim’ not appear ANYWHERE in your report?
    You have no shame.

    What they do have is an odd staff complement. And no effective oversight.


  47. MarkyMark says:

    “Oopsie… Too late,” he said.
    A plane carrying more than 200 Venezuelans deported by the US has landed in El Salvador – in apparent defiance of a US judge’s order preventing the Trump administration from doing so.

    El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, wrote on social media that 238 members of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua had arrived, along with 23 members of the Mexican gang MS-13, on Sunday morning.

    Their arrival in the central American nation came hours after a federal judge blocked US President Donald Trump from invoking a centuries-old wartime law to justify the deportations – something Bukele made fun of in a later post.

    “Oopsie… Too late,” he said.



    Date Migrants arrived Boats arrived Boats involved in uncontrolled landings Notes
    9 March 2025 237 4 0
    10 March 2025 261 5 0
    11 March 2025 0 0 0
    12 March 2025 0 0 0
    13 March 2025 0 0 0
    14 March 2025 0 0 0
    15 March 2025 0 0 0


  48. Fedup2 says:

    The supporters of a football club at a Wembley final boo – loudly – the national anthem ….. and then watch as their team is outplayed and loses ….. karma – but they are expert as playing the victim ….


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