47 Responses to Start the Week 17th March 2025

  1. wwfc says:


    • StewGreen says:

      That’s Cannon Hills , a Sunday market in Bradford
      .. Despite the Starmer title the same righty accounts tweeted a similar video in May last year when there was the Blue Socialist open borders party in government .
      There are a couple of similar older PR videos from the market
      eg this one in 2023 https://youtu.be/-Li1oqrirpA
      BTW for some reason RadioGenoa has deleted its 2024 tweey

      Is it that different from Sunday markets on the Costa Del Sol which can be very British
      eg in Fuengirola or Torre Molinos ?


      • Sluff says:

        Also on the Costa del Sol and different from Bradford.
        Various Christian churches which were converted from Mosques.
        And little or no public money needed for multiculturalism, translation services, integration expenses, language learning, knife crime, police protection of schools, litter and fly tipping removal, etc etc etc.
        Thus more money for amazingly good roads, motorways and fast train lines.
        Come to think of it, not a bad option.


        • Scroblene says:

          Starmerstan doesn’t do options, Sluff, just chucks numbers and meaningless inanities like ‘willing’ around and calling them ‘plans’, which this poor excuse for a government will never do anything about!

          Below is a precis of essays by Sam Ashworth-Hayes.

          “We’re lowering our standards to an appalling level, having to cope with one in ten children growing up in households where no adult is working or even trying to. 30% of social rented households in England have no working age adults in work, therefore blocking houses which could be used for productive members of society.

          Among the most disruptive and expensive people in society, we have 0.7% of the population accounting for 16% of all A&E visits, which cost around £2.5 bn. Many of these visits are down to alcohol or drug abuse.

          Less than 1% of the population comprises habitual criminals, and accounts for around half the jail sentences in England. In 2010, Britain spent £13bn on ‘troubled’ families, (around £110,000 per family).

          The bulk of British people are paying much more tax for all this, with very little in return. The welfare budget is ballooning at the expense of other public services, which is all unsustainable.

          A system which endlessly squeezes the productive to pay for the disruptive few will eventually crumble.

          (And my note, this doesn’t seem to take in illegal immigration)!


    • Flotsam says:

      There’s a car boot sale in Crewe where groups of East European immigrants help themselves to stallholders goods. When the organisers tried to ban some of the offenders they were prevented from doing so on the grounds of it being racist. The looting continues.


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC’s Britain

      Laura Kenny: Can elite sport damage women’s fertility

      No comments so far.

      Maybe try Tranny Hour? They seem fecund.


  2. harry142857 says:

    City of Culture, innit? Expect there will be poor animals having their throats cut without the authorities doing anything about it in a few weeks.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    The non story of a space rescue continues – the 2 marooned astronauts have recorded a message thanking Elon and 47 for the efforts in saving them … juxtapose that with all the fuss and coverage of Apollo 13 …
    The msm must be desperate for the rescue mission to fail so that Elon and 47 can be blamed …


  4. StewGreen says:

    Quote “On @BBCRadio4 @BBCR4Sunday this morning,
    they visited a moque (in ex-church) & interviewed a Syrian who’d come to the UK as an illegal migrant in a small boat from France after many attempts.
    .. No challenge, no demand to deport,
    just celebrating the criminality of diversity.”


  5. BRISSLES says:

    On iPlayer the full series of Waking the Dead (start dated 2000 – ended 2011) is currently airing.
    Just started watching, and despite it being 25 years ago, only one cast member is non white – but more interestingly was reading the credits – no ethnic names at all, all good old British names like David, Andrew, John, Sue, Brenda. The days before those at university went on to get jobs at the BBC and ruined it forever.


  6. JohnC says:

    Front page news at the BBC:
    ‘We are surrounded by an invisible killer. One so common that we barely notice it shortening our lives.’
    ‘It’s causing heart attacks, type 2 diabetes and studies now even link it to dementia.’
    ‘What do you think it could be?’

    Oh my word BBC : what can it be ???.

    ‘The answer is noise – and its impact on the human body goes far beyond damaging hearing.’


    Another utter pile of shit from a BBC idiot more interested in writing about empathy and ‘Sunday Magazine’ type non-stories than anything useful.
    What place in such an article does this have?

    ‘I meet Coco at her fourth-floor flat in the historic Vila de Gràcia area of Barcelona, Spain.
    There’s a bag of freshly picked lemons tied to her door gifted by one neighbour, her fridge contains a tortilla cooked by another and she offers me fancy cakes made by a third neighbour who’s training in patisserie.’

    And WTF is a BBC reporter doing visiting people in Spain for rubbish like this ?.

    ‘Coco’s health is being damaged by the noise where she lives’

    What evidence do the BBC present for such a claim ?
    ‘She has been “hospitalised twice with chest pain” and “absolutely” thinks noise is causing the stress, which is damaging her health. “There is a physical change that I feel, it does something to your body, for certain,” she says.’

    Proof indeed. I have a feeling the delicate ‘Coco’ has lots of other neurotic issues as well which we aren’t told about because they don’t fit the pre-determined conclusion.

    It turns out it’s just another academic ‘study’ looking to create a crisis from nothing and presumably get more funding. Luckily the BBC idiot repeates everything they say without question.

    It turns out that noise isn’t the killer at all. It’s just daily life stress. And I’m quite sure ‘noise’ is way down the list for what causes that these days.

    Amazing what makes the front page and what doesn’t at the BBC these days.


  7. Terminal Moraine says:

    And again the BBC find a voice of sweetness and hope after an atrocity — “British daughter of Gaza hostage says burying father ‘incredibly meaningful'”

    The 83 yr old was a Hamas hostage for 503 days, but was dead within the first few weeks. Now his daughter Sharone says: “Receiving my father’s remains back, and being able to say goodbye to him has really has been incredibly meaningful to me, more than I could ever imagine”. The wife says “he was a great campaigner for peace. He had very good relations with Palestinians and the thing that hurt the most is that they betrayed him”.

    Possibly being killed by terrorists hurt more? But in Medialand having your dad sent home in a body bag is nothing compared to the profound sense of meaningfulness you can emote. Another one blossoming with hope and the spirit of reconciliation after a brutal Islamic slaughter…. another raw propaganda piece from the BBC.



    • Terminal Moraine says:

      From a linked article: “The BBC were with Sharone, a filmmaker and academic, at her home when the ceasefire was announced last month.”

      Ah of course they were. Because no one at the BBC knows any regular people; just peace activists, filmmakers & academics.


    • JohnC says:

      The BBC are masters at taking the opinion of a single person and presenting it as being the general concensus for everybody.

      But only when it suits them.

      I for one would be more comforted by knowing the evil b@stards who murdered him in cold blood have been removed from the planet in a manner hopefully involving at least as much suffering as they placed on him.
      Mind you, this crap is no surprise considering who it came from:

      This one is such a complete narcissist, she announces herself as:
      ‘BBC News special correspondent. BAFTA x1, RTS Journalism Awards x4. Former ITV Political Correspondent & UK Editor.’

      And of course is also featured in MSN, Yahoo and The Daily Mirror.

      Absolutely typical member of the BBC ‘news’ staff.


      • digg says:

        For quite a few more years than I care to remember I have operated a business providing design and web services for an array of small to medium businesses. Over the years, as part of my remit, I have had much contact with various people in the Marketing Departments of these companies.

        I can tell you that in my experience, newer, younger Marketing graduates I have worked with have a very strong instinct for self promotion and choose every possible way to make the marketing material they produce as much about them as the company or its products wherever possible.

        I can only guess that this has been caused by their experience through university and the proliferation of me, me, me business profile websites which they often appear to frequent on a regular basis.

        I believe this same and recent instinct for self promotion is probably most highly evident amongst the striving, newer crop of younger main stream media news staff.


      • Guest Who says:

        Seems the Sith were cloning their female stormtroopers with Shergar.


  8. atlas_shrugged says:

    A good show from Dan Wooton:

    In the show the BBC gets a well deserved kicking from the commentator Montgomery Toms. The show also features footage of Christians protesting outside the BBC.


    • JohnC says:

      If some Muslims turned up and murdered all those Christians in cold blood, would the BBC report it ?.

      Because they don’t when they do it in their third world shitholes.


  9. Deborah says:

    Listening to Wes Streeting being interviewed this evening. He speaks with exactly the same accent as Rachel from accounts. I don’t know what part of London they come from, but it isn’t an accent I have ever come from before. I suggest they both sack the voice coach (it must be the same one training both).


  10. Deborah says:

    Oh dear, Red Nose Day has been scheduled opposite a football match on ITV and it is providing the excuse that less money will be donated this year. (Nothing about Rachel from accounts taking away WfA, raising minimum wage which businesses can’t afford etc).

    Comments on the Daily Mail website could be going better. Here was the newest one when I looked.

    ‘ Oh who watches this now? I’ll happily donate to charity if I can afford it but not when it’s shoved down my throat by Davina and the gang. It’s just constant, rich people telling us to give to this and that. The show itself is dreadful too, at least give a decent show!’.

    Red Nose Day is well past its sell by date but nobody has had a good new idea at the BBC for years.


    • BRISSLES says:

      AND most of the money donated goes to ” projects ” abroad.

      Never given and never will. I’ve never given to Children in Need either. What’s happened to all those kids in need when it first began in the 80s ??? Probably part of our Welfare downfall.


      • JohnC says:

        ‘Every penny goes to children in need’.

        The BBC charity ‘Children in Need’ that is. Who take out more than £6,000,000 for themselves before dishing it out.


  11. Eddy Booth says:



  12. Fedup2 says:

    Not the BBC – in the US the annual journalists shindig is a chance for the press to poke fun at politicians . Usually – apparently the president and spokesman attend . But not this time . Karoline Leavitt – press Secretary – has declined to attend – I guess Presidenr Trump will do the same ….

    Why would they go ? The msn despise them – why give them legitimacy by dancing to their tune ? Im sure the msm will make a big thing of this – but hopefully the Trump administration will get on with the job – such as overturning the false Biden pardons


  13. JohnC says:

    ‘Everything is finished’: Ukrainian troops relive retreat from Kursk

    And just like that – out of nowhere we discover Ukraine have been totally defeated in Kursk.

    BBC Verify have jumped right on the bandwagon and here they are 4 days ago telling us they have verified Ukraine were indeed losing. Of course the rest of us have known that for weeks. But these shameless liars make a point of telling us that Russia took back a lot of territory while Trump was withholding intelligence. They are implying it’s Trumps fault !!. It was over long before Trump did that.

    And of course there is not a single word about who’s fault all that loss of the best equipment we gave them and the tens of thousands of dead men REALLY is. Because it’s the comedian Zelensky’s. He thought he would be able to trade Kursk for huge areas of Ukranian soil. The man is utterly unfit to be in charge – but as Trump rightly says, he is now a dictator. Nobody can remove him.

    Meanwhile Starmer is telling – not asking – Putin that he must start an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. I despair for what we have become : we are a laughing stock.


    • MarkyMark says:

      How Ukraine’s ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ legendary pilot was born
      Published 1 May 2022

      Ukraine’s fighter pilots are vastly outnumbered by the Russians, and have become legendary – thanks in part to the story of an alleged flying ace called the “Ghost of Kyiv”.

      This hero is said to have downed as many as 40 enemy planes – an incredible feat in an arena where Russia controls the skies.


      • JohnC says:

        I have to say that for every lie I’ve been told by Russia, I’ve seen 10 on the BBC. All of them quoting people like Zelensky as if what they say is fact.

        I wonder if Zelensky’s days are numbered now. I would not be surprised one bit if he simply left the stage just as Biden has and we never hear about him again.


  14. AsISeeIt says:

    Labour war of words edition

    Let’s kick off with a quick editorial correction: Poorest children missing more school and further behind after Covid – protests the BBC in the guise of Branwen Jeffreys, Education editor.

    Well, our Branwen, I think you’ll find: Poorest children missing more school and further behind after Covid LOCKDOWN, which was a policy choice

    If only we had a well-funded, judge-led, officially constituted, currently sitting, public inquiry that could look into that.

    The mere naming of the seemingly interminable Baroness Heather Carol Hallett touring band show as the “Covd-19 Inquiry” indicates that the crucial question of the efficacy (or otherwise) of Lockdown – the central plank of government policy – will not be adressed. Rather, that question will be side-stepped, marginalised and obfuscated in the vox pop exercise of “Every Story Matters” – Since November 2022, the UK public has been encouraged to submit personal pandemic stories to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry as part of Every Story Matters, the largest public engagement exercise undertaken by a UK public inquiry. Every Story Matters has already received over 56,000 contributions – I thought we should listen to the experts?

    Of course Lockdown was an absolute god send to the public sector. They were loving it. From Tiktok dance routines, to regular pot-banging ceremonies to “I Heart the NHS” posters to extended ‘working’ from home on full pay. Our state-funded managerial class enjoyed the time of their lives.

    Consultants paid more than Covid victims… Consultants assessing Covid vaccine damage claims on behalf of the NHS have been paid millions more than the victims (Telegraph)

    And the arse covering continues…

    Pressure mounts on Labour Minister Lord Patrick Vallance to explain why he ‘rubbished’ spy chief’s Covid lab leak file (Daily Mail)

    The highly coronaphobic i paper breaths a sigh of relief: NHS reforms: Covid-fighting agency to be spared Streeting’s axe

    But what’s this, our Bridget breaking ranks and naming the “L” word for her problems?

    Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson told BBC Panorama Covid had led to a “serious and profound shift” in attitudes to attendance. She said lockdowns had cast “a long shadow” over the life chances of the youngest children. (BBC) – our Ms Phillipson possibly seeing the Tory Lockdown as an excuse for her own misdirected failing education reforms there.

    She could blame Boris and the Tories – if only Sir Keir hadn’t been Mr “Sooner, Harder, Longer”

    Phillipson under fire for bowing to unions… Former Ofsted head accuses Education Secretary of dismantling school system (Telegraph) – thank goodness Labour have now hobbled Ofsted’s ability to criticise failing schools – at the behest of the teacher unions, of course.

    Moves to overhaul the way schools are inspected in England have been criticised by headteachers and teaching unions as “demoralising” and worse than the system they are aiming to replace… The changes by the Ofsted schools inspectorate would replace single judgments such as “outstanding” with a new report card for parents… The leaders of England’s education unions have derided key aspects of the proposals, as did the family of Ruth Perry, the primary school headteacher whose suicide after an “intimidating” Ofsted inspection precipitated Labour’s pledge to scrap the use of headline grades. (Guardian)

    Go on Ms Phillipson, do an NHS England on Ofsted – you know the teacher unions want you to.

    The junior pound shop Guardian that is the i paper is ticking all the right-on lefty boxes this morning.

    Anti-family: Why I can’t stand Mothering Sunday Lucy Mangan

    Anti-British: Avoiding Brits like us in the real Spain – want to avoid meeting British people – you ought to visit Hackney Wick, luv! Or Whitechapel…

    UK MP Rupert Lowe ‘complains’ about London Station Sign Board written in Bengali and not English alone (Times of India)

    Save our Rivers Sewage found in Britain’s first river bathing spots (i paper) – shoulda seen the state of the local municipal baths when I was just a lad.

    The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff like the i paper for their top pick in the BBC print press line-up. Presumably the top headline caught their eye: Labour disability benefits cuts rebellion grows despite No 10 concessions

    An absolute classic journalistic ‘despite’ there.

    The notion of Keir Starmer’s Labour as a genuinely state benefits bill cutting outfit is akin to the notion of a herring attempting to ride a bicycle.

    Anger grows over Starmer’s ‘£675 a month’ disability cuts (Guardian)

    Labour war of words on disability benefits (Times)

    Death of the work ethic (Daily Mail) – your Mr AsI has long contended that Lockdowns demoralised the British workforce. If only we had a well-funded, judge-led, officially constituted, currently sitting… you know the rest.

    The Mail top story continues: With labour at war over benefits cuts, ONE IN FOUR young people consider quitting workforce entirely

    Four in 10 Gen Z workers consider quitting to live on benefits (Telegraph)

    There’s about to be no jobs out there anyway: UK faces recession as employers cut jobs (Telegraph)

    Your Mr AsI contends that Labour’s tax hikes have demoralised the British private sector.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Asiseeit – the Marxist project to destroy the current version of Britain is coming along nicely – it started with the ‘hard choices ‘ narrative – complete with a black hole – then moved on to deeply destructive taxes – and is now being followed up with new taxes – such as the coming wealth tax …. the de -motivation of the population is going really well – everyone has a mental illness and the Marxists have done a great job on screwing up the kids …


    • MarkyMark says:

      ” Avoiding Brits like us in the real Spain” – Bradford City of UK Culture.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Excellent news – Marxists to introduce a wealth tax – are you worth £10 million ? Then they’ll make you pay ‘just a little bit more ‘ tax .. maybe 2% initially – then jump it up to 5% and then 10% – you know the song ….

    … just another bit of the big replacement – more people heading for the US ….


  16. MarkyMark says:

    Tariffs for Trump bad – Tariffs for EU good.

    “They could uphold the UK’s position – or order the UK to change or drop its ban, in which case Brussels (EU) could ultimately retaliate with tariffs on British exports if ministers refused to comply.


  17. Sluff says:

    It’s Football Results and quiz time.
    Which game had over twice the attendance of the other?

    Crystal Palace 3 Aston Villa 1
    Accrington Stanley 1 Gillingham 1

    The answer of course is that the MEN’s Accrington v Gillingham league two match (2449) had over twice as many spectators as the WOMEN’s Crystal Palace v Aston Villa Women’s super league match (1130).

    This puts into true context the ridiculous and pathetic agenda by the BBC to position men’s and women’s football as equal – not to mention 6 nations rugby.


    • Fedup2 says:

      1425 attended the spurs Brighton game on Sunday afternoon – when im listening to commentaries of real games they cut away for ‘match reports ‘. Sometimes they leave the ‘wimmins ‘ bit out which could confuse… anyway the BBC continues to flog this nonsense – but with only 1425 people turning up it’s dead horse …
      … if you ‘do the math ‘ and discount family and er girlfriends of the players there can’t have been too many real punters at all …


  18. Flotsam says:

    It’s very noticeable that every PR style announcement by Smarmer, Streeting, Reeves etc have a line up of compliant workers in the background, often NHS workers. The subliminal message is that these wonderful workers are backing the Government and every extra pound we pay in tax for them is well deserved. Most of these PR events rightly belong in Parliament but audible opposition isn’t wanted.


  19. tomo says:

    Mick Martin with a Lancashire accent




  20. Foscari says:

    What infuriates me on the BBC or in fact any of the TV
    channels is how many news presenters only real
    attribute is in being to read their autocue fluently.
    They could be presenting the news on a major disaster
    or as in the case of the BBC . When the next large Drag Queen
    event is going to be featured on the BBC, And we all know
    how obsessed the BBC is with Drag Queens,
    Yesterday on the BBC 601 News Channel at 1PM . The
    news presenter was interviewing an on the spot reporter
    in North Macedonia about the fire tragedy where scores of
    young folk were either killed or badly injured. ” Could you
    tell us VERY BRIEFLY what happened?” Was what her autocue
    must of flagged up. There was obviously no Drag Queen
    event to spend several minutes to cover.


  21. atlas_shrugged says:

    From a Gab post by David Kurten:

    David Kurten
    Understand the language of the enemy:
    🔴Sustainability = Scarcity
    🔴Diversity = Replacement Migration
    🔴Inclusion = Restricted and compelled speech
    🔴Equality = Two-tier justice
    🔴Anti-racist = Anti-white
    🔴Equity = Discrimination against white men


  22. tomo says:


    This eejit is dangerous


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