154 Responses to Start the Week 17th March 2025

  1. Marco says:

    Sky news or should I say Comcast news reporting damage to Tesla cars in Belfast causing more insight ment by reporting that Elon is a friend of Trump ,also reporting McGregor in the white house because is is calling out the imagration issues in Ireland,I am no fan of McGregor but is he telling Trump how things really are in Ireland and obviously the politicians don’t like it ,the BBC and Sky don’t want to stop the war in Ukraine and are still supporting our government to continue the awful bloodshed by supplying the weapons that we can not afford in the first place .


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Good speech from Conor,


      • tomo says:

        Conor would romp an election were he to stand…….

        Present crop of Irish politicians as a generalisation make our MPs look sane, well informed and responsible 0- it’s an utter shitshow and it seems easy to see the control from Brussels / Open Society.

        If they don’t shape up things could get a lot worse – Irish Civil War worse.


    • JohnC says:

      The sudden and extreme hatred of Musk by the Left because of his political views tells us everything we need to know about the Left.

      What truly nasty people they are. I’ve been amazed at the comments against anything to do with Tesla cars and SpaceX on facebook recently. They are worse than the most spiteful of children.

      This is the end result of the lies and misinformation fed to the gullible idiots by the BBC, CNN, ABC, MSN and the others eventually lead to. They actively promote hatred.


      • digg says:

        Yes JohnC

        The last time I can recall such a tidal wave of hate directed against a specified group by a swathe of nazi directed society is 1939’s Germany with shops attacked and graffitied.

        The current situation with Trump and Musk is only one step away from physical attacks on people in the street for their political or lifestyle choices by the US left who can now really be compared to modern day Nazis.


  2. JohnC says:

    No evidence for Trump claim about ‘void’ Biden pardons and autopen

    Once again the BBC take the utmost delight in trying to prove Trump wrong. They don’t care what it’s about or what effect they might have – it’s pure Left-wing hate and spite.

    It did seem a bit odd to make such a huge article when the conclusion is simply ‘we don’t have any evidence it’s true’. It’s just like calling him a liar and it’s their word against his.

    So I checked Trumps actual post – and once again the BBC have grossly misrepresented what he said.

    ‘In other words, Joe Biden did not sign them but, more importantly, he did not know anything about them! The necessary Pardoning Documents were not explained to, or approved by, Biden. He knew nothing about them, and the people that did may have committed a crime. Therefore, those on the Unselect Committee, who destroyed and deleted ALL evidence obtained during their two year Witch Hunt of me, and many other innocent people, should fully understand that they are subject to investigation at the highest level.’

    The basis of his claim is NOT that Joe used a device to sign them, it’s that the device was used because Joe did not know anything about them.

    And that suddenly makes more sense. So why did the BBC ignore that part completely and focus on the ‘detail’ of the auto pen ?.

    Well – I cannot find any video online of Joe talking about the pardons he gave to all the other politicians. And they are EXACTLY what ‘BBC Verify’ should have been showing us to prove Joe knew about it.

    Once again something the Democrats and the BBC have done sticks to high heaven. Keep Safe Donald, you still have lots of work to do.


    • JohnC says:

      ‘stinks’ to high heaven of course, not ‘sticks’.

      The more I think about this, the bigger it gets. I still cannot find a single video of Joe acknowledging what he did. And all the MSM ‘fact checkers’ have done exactly the same. They are ignoring Trumps claim that Joe didn’t know. It seems they think that telling us Trump used an autopen is enough to make it OK Joe used one. They don’t mention how Trump only used it for unimportant documents.

      BBC Verify go to great lengths to tell us that it is legal to use an autopen – even on a pardon. They don’t mention how unlikely a President would use one for such a significant document. If those pardons are by auto-pen, they are guilty. That should be easy to check : think the BBC are telling us that to cushion us for when we discover they are. And I think they must be for Trump to make these accusations.

      If it’s true, I really hope Trump gets these people locked away for a long time. They have utterly corrupted the highest office of the United States.

      So much for ‘Nobody is above the law’. The Left are the most stupendous of hypocrites.


    • Fedup2 says:

      If i recall the White House has a “pardons clerk” who resigned a few weeks ago . I think she needs good life insurance…


  3. JohnC says:

    Stranded astronauts heading back to Earth after nine months in space

    After everything that’s gone on, how is it possible that the BBC can write a lengthy ‘Live Update’ on a ‘good news’ story like this and not use the words ‘Musk’ or ‘Trump’ once ?.

    I suppose it’s for the same reasons they never use the words ‘terrorist’ or ‘Muslim’ for stories about Muslim terrorists.

    The BBC are now 100% extreme-Left activists. They are totally unfit for purpose. We cannot trust anything they write to be the full truth any more.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The astronauts are apparently due to land at 2100? Tuesday ?. If they return okay we will hear little of it from the BBC and friends .. but if something goes wrong – they ll have the full Elon hatchet out …. It’s propaganda – not news .


      • JohnC says:

        And the truly terrible thing about it Fed is that some of the BBC will be hoping something goes wrong so they can do just that.

        Just as I’m 100% certain a majority of BBC staff secretly wish Trump had been assasinated.

        The worry is that Trump starts to think he is on a mission from God because he has more reason to believe he has had devine intervention than anybody ever has. This is what usually does for great leaders in the end.

        Still – a while before that might happen. For now we can watch and enjoy his revenge on the dirty b@stards who absolutely deserve it. And the best part is that he has a huge public mandate to do it. I enjoy the thought of how much that must upset everyone at the BBC.


  4. pugnazious says:

    Campbell talking about taking the axe to bureaucracy and he mentioned the BBC’s own Greg Dyke who said ‘I’m going to clear out all the crap’….Campbell said Greg had failed in that….yeah…Campbell is still there.


  5. pugnazious says:

    You just have to want to do it….our politicians, of all colours, just don’t want to.


    • Scroblene says:

      I like the way they always have the leftie in the middle, (ofcom’s orders), and he constantly gets knobbled!

      Must be a stooge!


      • JohnC says:

        When I watched GBN, I used to enjoy Benjamin Butterbum going off on rant and screaming that everyone else was a racist. Meanwhile the rest all kept calm and laughed at him then tore his argument to pieces.

        I wonder if he was there for that very reason. He obviously didn’t think so.

        I’m surprised OFCOM didn’t tell them to stop laughing at him.


  6. Fedup2 says:

    The news is reporting the passing of the last Battle of Britain pilot – Paddy Hemingway . If you read his obituary – and what happened to him during the war – you could only describe him as lucky to get through it – shot down – I think – 4 times …. Any way – thank you for what you did Sir . Have a rest in peace now …


    • JohnC says:

      From the days when those who threatened our culture and way of life did not live among us after the fifth columnists welcomed them in with open arms.


      • Charlie Farley says:

        JohnC ,
        Some my Uncle’s went through Hell……Burma Retreat , D-day , RAF Ground Crew….sometimes cleaning out Lancs after raids …….wonder what they would think of this once Great Britain now ! .
        Thousands Died to keep us Free and now we put invaders in Hotels at our Expense…Very Very Sad


  7. AsISeeIt says:

    The mainstream press are a pretty unimaginative lot – what worked for them in the 90s is constantly rehashed and regurgitated for our supposed entertainment.

    And its not only: Inbetweeners do Oasis… Be Here Brow (Daily Star)

    Hence the seemingly obligatory continuing Dianafication of Kate: Princess of Ales (Daily Mirror)

    The Princess of Wales shared a Guinness with troops from the Irish Guards yesterday – explains the Telegraph as the pic of Kate sipping at a glass of the Black Stuff is repeated on the cover of no less than five of the big daily titles, from across our supposed political divide.

    One can understand the mildly conservative leaning world weary Tory-graph (the phrase ‘light and bitter’ comes to mind) theoretically read by a dwindling pool of disaffected golf club bar bore retired old home counties codgers, still keen to raise a glass (and boost the Diageo share price perchance) to the princess.

    But the Labour-supporting socialistic Daily Mirror’s liaison with the Royals’ PR team is a somewhat unholy alliance.

    Ah, the Mirror, once upon a time their beer-swilling star feature was the working (shirking) class cartoon Andy Capp.

    Our BBC certainly had something to say about him: The mirth and misogyny of Andy Capp… Andy Capp was a product of the 1950s – an era when newspapers dominated and domestic violence was still a mainstream source of humour. Why, almost 60 years after he first appeared in the Daily Mirror, is a layabout lout from north-east England still popular? (A rather disapproving Duncan Leatherdale, BBC News)

    Because he’s quintessentially, unequivocally, culturally British? Like Punch and Judy.

    Our BBC certainly had something to say about Mr Punch: Punch & Judy: Harmless fun or trivialising violence? We look back on the puppet show’s controversial history and how it’s changed over the past 350 years. (BBC)

    But we digress.

    Don’t punish the needy… Welfare reform row – pleads the Mirror frontpage – beneath their pic of Kate: In London yesterday with Irish Guards

    Wasn’t there an old joke…? Once with the bloke next door, once with the milkman, and once with the Irish Guards?

    Anyway, the Mirror caught the eye of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff for their top pick of the plethora of those multiple Kate frontpages for their online print press line-up.

    The gynaeceum that is the Guardian (Pippa Crerar, Heather Stewart, Jessica Elgot) hit the metaphorical beaches with: D-day for benefit cuts as Starmer faces growing tide of opposition

    D-Day? “Don’t mention the war”

    Channelling the popular character of Basil Fawlty (matrimonal relations speaking – very much in the old British entertainment tradition of Mr Punch and Andy Capp)

    ‘End of an era’: Last surviving Battle of Britain pilot dies (BBC)

    Last of the few (Daily Mail)

    Win a trip on the Daily Express VE Day coach tour

    Germany set to vote on historic increase in defence spending (BBC)

    Elsewhere in our press it’s Alles in Ordnung

    The i paper is anti-family, fretting how: Morning after pill faces axe from pharmacies

    The ever-excitable Daily Mail promotes a random everyday foodstuff as a new wonder cure-all: Stop going grey and ward off demetia… with celery

    Will this really prove to be the cure-all? Not neces-celery.

    The Telegraph has a subtle poke at Rachel Reeves: Secrets of writing a CV at 62

    And the Daily Express brings us home with a wistful (probably vain) hope: Felicity Kendal I hope the Beeb can gets its Good Life ‘mojo’ back


  8. Deborah says:

    Classic FM this morning reporting that Israel has broken the ceasefire and 300 killed. They forgot to mention that Hamas had broken the terms by not returning more hostages, alive or dead. Hamas just says they don’t know where they are. According to the Jerusalem Post 5 senior Hamas leaders have been killed last night.

    I don’t suppose the BBC reported it any differently.


    • JohnC says:

      It’s happened exactly like we said it would. The BBC headline is:

      ‘At least 330 killed by Israeli air strikes on Gaza, Hamas-run ministry says’

      And you have to dig in to get the reason why:
      ‘This morning, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said today’s air strikes were a response to Hamas’s “repeated refusal to release our hostages”, and to Hamas’s “rejection of all the proposals” to extend the ceasefire.’

      The headline should be:
      ‘War in Gaza resumes after terrorist-group Hamas break ceasefire agreement’


  9. Lucy Pevensey says:

    The online safety act came into effect yesterday. I hope Ofcom doesn’t zap this forum.


  10. MarkyMark says:

    Do we end Keir Starmer’s welfare benefits – free glasses? free suit? free knickers for the wife? fee flats in London? free football matches?
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Multiple pairs of glasses, value £2,485



  11. tomo says:

    Yoda: Full of himself, Mark Carney is. Limitless arrogance, he possesses.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Strange that states can claim to be democracies when their PM hasn’t been elected by voters – but by party members – but it’s another example of the ‘lie ‘ we are fed about living in a democratic state – when in reality it’s a fix .


    • MarkyMark says:

      “..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
      “I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response


  12. tomo says:

    Meanwhile…. the UK left….


    • JohnC says:

      Oh – they’ve dressed all the right-wing leaders up as ‘National Socialists’ for some reason.

      Classic leftist projection.

      I only see one group of fascists full of hate and trying to shut everyone else down these days.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Very good posters aren’t they … touch of that democrat illness in the states …


  13. tomo says:

    We need DOGE


  14. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • JohnC says:

      All the news outletsa covering that one.

      All except the BBC that is. They don’t appear in any search for the man who wa smurdered.

      Viscious murder by stabbing is not helpful for the anti-racist agenda when the man who did it is black. Especially when the victim is white. So they don’t tell us about it.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Why are there so many coloured men in prison …Er … an answer perhaps – ….


  15. andyjsnape says:

    The government mouthpiece informs us of:-

    We have a duty to make changes, minister says as government to unveil benefits overhaul

    Maybe the BILLIONS you give away to the illegals could be looked at urgently! I for one is fed up for paying for them


  16. tomo says:


  17. Eddy Booth says:

    ” Possibility of benefit cut ‘extremely upsetting’ ”


    ‘Alison, 56, who lives with her brother in a council property in Southampton..
    …diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD brought on by childhood traumas.
    She also suffers panic attacks and night terrors. Since Covid she is afraid of leaving the house due to “fear of germs”.
    …claims both Pip, the main disability benefit, and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) totalling around £1,700 per month. ‘

    Some fat lump whose great at playing the system.
    Gets about £400 a week, pays little rent.
    Twice what pensioners get , triple what many actual
    job seekers get.
    Not like she has any special costs either.
    Probably sits watching TV all day ordering food deliveries in.
    Millions across the country exactly like her.
    Kind of bizzare why the government has engineered this.
    I’m not anti welfare, I wouldn’t want to have to employ her or work next to her, if she doesn’t want to work I don’t care , but she should get absolute minimum benefits, not top tier.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I bet she spends all day seeing what else she can claim .. free TV licence ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Would be interesting to see what her bills are per month for a year?
      Maybe the 350 billion £159 paid under threat of prison BBC could do programme on it? Like Born in Bradford where NHS gets to look after first cousin marriage kids!


  18. MarkyMark says:

    Winter fuel allowance – cut – no worries or protests.
    Benefits cannot be cut – protests from all MPs!


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