424 Responses to Midweek 19th March 2025

  1. MarkyMark says:

    Health Secretary Wes Streeting says he will consider calls for a public inquiry into a maternity scandal after pleas for further action from families.

    Streeting met families who had lost babies and women under the care of Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust on Thursday.


    JAN MOIR: Wes Streeting and his threat to throw me under a train


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Their British Marxist Islamic state has borrowed £132 billion so far this year against a prediction of ‘only ‘ £111 billion made in the autumn .
    So who will Rachel from Accounts blame ?

    A 14 years of Tory Tory yawn
    B Putin
    C Trump
    D all of the above
    E herself

    You can guess the song next week …


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Apparently there is a ‘chair ‘ of national infrastructure – sir John armitt . In a decent non third world country he’d resign because of Heathrow . Instead he just says ‘something must be done ‘….

    .. he has been in charge since 2018 … so it is on him …


  4. tomo says:

    I see they’ve rejigged the nic.org.uk web site so there’s no longer a complete gurning gallery of quango piggies to stress out visitors.

    I recall my first visit, judging a book by its cover, I wasn’t disappointed at the collection of jobsworth establishment Oxygen thieves filling Aeron chairs at the quango + pocketing £££££ for occasional well catered meetings.

    Bonfire of the quangos?



  5. Fedup2 says:

    From X …

    Sky news mixed up the SAS with SAS – the Swedish airline and naturally said the 22 SAS have cancelled a number of flights ( some done a screen shot )

    Many people are saying that the idea that Penelope Keith acted alone in the assassination of JFK is ‘preposterous ‘. They also note that the Warren Commission made no mention of her – pointing to a cover up ..

    More follows – silly season early this year …


  6. Richard Pinder says:

    “Free Tommy Robinson now”

    Elon Musk tells everyone in the world to email Nicola Marfleet: Nicola.Marfleet@justice.gov.uk
    And say “Free Tommy Robinson now”.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Remember when we were free in 2017?

      “In 2017, Taimoor Raza was the first person sentenced to death for allegedly committing blasphemy on Facebook, one of the first steps towards an intensified crackdown on dissent on social media after the passing of cyber laws. The issue of blasphemy remains highly sensitive in Pakistan.19 Jan 2022″

      The issue of blasphemy AGAINST RAPE GANGS remains highly sensitive in Pakistan UK


  7. Jeff says:

    Well, that’s a relief…

    The PM, the London mayor and our always brave and honest media, have all assured us the “incident” at Heathrow has NOTHING whatsoever to do with terrorism.

    Phew…that’s a weight off my mind…


  8. MarkyMark says:

    “This Red Nose Day, you can help to support people who are facing the toughest times of their lives. Every donation will make a difference.”

    could provide 2 water filters for learning centres in Uganda, ensuring safe water for the 100s of children who come each day to learn and play


    “Comic Relief criticised for ‘hoarding’ £117million – as charity pleads for cash to help hungry and homeless in the UK”
    They are also investigating three fraud allegations involving £867,000 in total



    The world does not need any more white saviours. As I’ve said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes. Let’s instead promote voices from across the continent of Africa and have serious debate.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Germany has seized the Russian shadow fleet tanker Eventin carrying 100 000 tons of oil.
      The cargo is worth EUR 40 million.”

      “Following the EU and UK ban on Russian diesel in 2023, India’s exports of refined oil products, including diesel, to Europe have surged, with a significant portion likely originating from refining discounted Russian crude oil. ”

      “How is China supporting Russia after it was sanctioned for Ukraine war? Published 17 May 2024”
      About 70% of the machine tools and 90% of the microelectronics Russia imports come from China, he added.

      China already receives gas from Russia through the original Power of Siberia pipeline, which has been in use since 2019.

      ^^ China could end the war tomorrow – without one shot!


    • MarkyMark says:




    • tomo says:




  9. vlad says:

    The demonic Left are destroying Teslas, while Democ-rats, media types and so-called comedians aprrove.
    The BBC aren’t interested in reporting it – no doubt they approve too


  10. Althepalerp says:

    Sky News .. . SAS.
    Best laugh for ages.


  11. Philip_2 says:

    BBC makes a Profile of a NEW ‘OfSted’ Schools inspector.
    BBC Radio 4 profile:

    BBC: ‘Sir Mufti Hamid Patel, chief executive of education trust, Star Academies, which runs schools often in deprived areas, many of which have achieved outstanding results. Sir Mufti Hamid Patel left school in Blackburn at 16, without himself excelling academically. Having worked in local government in Blackburn’.

    Spot the difference…..!!!

    REALITY: ‘Sir Hamid Patel has been appointed interim chairman for Ofsted, the schools’ regulatory body for England, pending the permanent appointment of a successor to Dame Christine Ryan. Sir Hamid is chief executive of Star Academies, a Muslim faith-based network of 36 schools, 21 of which are explicitly religious in character. Prior to that he was headteacher of Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School in Blackburn, where he encouraged pupils to recite the Koran at least once a week, to shun ‘un-Islamic’ images (e.g. pictures of popstars), and to wear the hijab both outside and inside school. In 2010, he invited to the school a Saudi Arabian cleric named Sheik Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, who, in a talk given to pupils, apparently described Jews as ‘pigs’ and led prayer for God to ‘terminate’ the Jews. In recent press coverage, Sir Hamid has appeared in the Islamic clerical dress of a mufti, or Islamic jurist.

    Islam teaches that other religions (and especially Christianity) are ‘either fabricated and false or abrogated’ (https://islamqa.info/en/answers/21534/what-does-islam-say-about-other-religions) and that all non-Muslims will be consigned to the fires of hell. They further believe it is their religious duty to convert, forcibly if need be, all those who do not share their beliefs.’

    Those involved in state education (RE – as it used to be called), now RSE are worried about state inspections – as already a number of Teachers and Teaching staff have been ‘removed’ for commenting on Islamic studies being taught in state schools as ‘compulsory’ as insisted by Hamid Patel (now Sir). He has no education, no qualifications and yet NOW in charge of UK School inspections.

    It will be in the papers today or weekend.
    In the meantime there is a petition to try and stop it. Not that I hold up much hope he will be removed.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Islam teaches that other religions (and especially Christianity) are ‘either fabricated and false or abrogated’


      Best of Hitchens on Free Speech & Islam


  12. taffman says:

    OK let’s hear it from you all, “Lessons to be learned”!
    Anyone ?


  13. wwfc says:

    Thank fuck I told them to stick the jab but never forgive and never forget


  14. Fedup2 says:

    As I understand it the Englandustan footy wokes are playing the Albanian third worlders on Friday night . Seriously – how are people gonna get their puff / blow – narcotics if all the dealers are watching ? Asking for a drug fiend …

    Will the gallant millionaires take the knee? Being the last on the planet to do it ? BLM funding has long gone after the USAID has shut down and all those NGO s are being killed off …


  15. Philip_2 says:

    The BBC legacy. Open borders immigration is good, to a critic is called racist. BBC broadcast in several languages on how wonderful it is here in England.

    Telegraph today: By Robert Jenrick
    ‘Out of sight, the shameful failures of mass migration are even more concerning. Cousin marriage remains common among some South Asian minorities, with the most recent data showing that in three inner-city Bradford wards almost half of mothers from the Pakistani community were married to a first or second cousin. There are an estimated 85 Sharia Councils across the country – we simply do not know the full details, other than that they are growing in number. This is despite reports that many of these Councils condone wife-beating, and ignore marital rape and forced marriage. That is a stain on our country that should anger us all.

    We have imported ethnic and religious tensions, meaning that conflicts on the other side of the world play out on Britain’s streets. In 2023, for instance, four police officers were injured after tensions in the Eritrean community led to clashes. We cannot accept that as normal.

    A nation without a common language or cultural reference points to bind people together ceases to be a nation. In the UK today nearly a million people can’t speak English or can’t speak it well – a situation made worse by government translation services that allow people to get by without it. Particular problem spots include Leicester and Newham in London. For instance, in areas of Leicester such as Spinney Hill Road and Belgrave South, more than a quarter of the residents cannot speak English or speak it well. Reflecting this concerning trend, viewing of non-English language TV shows and movies on streaming platforms has increased by 24 per cent just in the last few years. ‘


    Very disturbing on what is happening and will continue under Stamrer under the gaze of the BBC who fail to see any problem at all. Globalists liberals are worse than Marxists.


    • moggiemoo says:

      I’d be surprised if only 25% of people in Spinney Hills can’t speak English.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Funny – a long time ago a wise lady called Marion Fitzgerald ? Was commissioned by a same non woke Home Office – to lay out how policing would look in say 50 years time – that was published about 30 years ago .

      She predicted that plod would become a sort of UN peace keeping operation between warring imported tribes – and that they’d need to switched on to stuff overseas .

      She didn’t factor in that plod would be a disfunctionsl corrupt and Islamic organisation – or TTK … can’t blame her …


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