90 Responses to Weekend 22nd March 2025

  1. Up2snuff says:

    I will just say defund the BBC – cancel your Telly Tax.

    The BBC is clearly biased, pro-Palestinian, pro-Labour Party so it makes sense if you have a TV Licence to cancel it.


    • taffman says:

      Yep , save yourself some money and use it for something more enjoyable, i.e. a pint of the best bitter .
      You know it makes sense .

      Take note Al Beeb .


    • Nibor says:

      Don’t just cancel it, get your freinds, neighbours, relatives to cancel it too.
      And change the channel in the pub from the biased bbc to GB News or Talk TV. Anything


  2. Pete says:

    Well first, do enjoy this site and the reality of the state of our mainstream media propaganda, specially the dreadful BBC.
    I fear for the future of our remarkable country, but remain ever hopeful things might change.


  3. markh says:

    Unfortunately I can’t entirely escape Red Nose Day as someone else in the house has it on. I have to say though that it’s not as bad as I feared. It is far worse.


    • StewGreen says:

      Channel4 lovey Davina McCall had turned up the emotional blackmail to 11
      pouting, pleading etc.

      Me nah, I know how much of the money goes into Comic Relief office worker salaries

      Top stories : Daily Express
      BBC viewers crying before Comic Relief host Davina McCall breaks down in tears on air
      ….. 8 minutes ago


      • Sluff says:

        My issue with Red Nose Day and Children in Need is the abuse of the market and the laziness of the public. Neither above organisation is a charity in the normal sense. They have committees who distribute money against applications for funds. And they in effect take money away from charities who they do not favour. Meanwhile a sleepwalking public lazily give and feel good that they have done their bit.

        If you want to give to charities, decide who you want to support and give directly.
        Don’t leave the decision to BBC approved apparatchiks.


        • Scroblene says:

          And these bloated organisations are also splashed all over the media at the taxpayer’s expense when the Beeboid Collective gets its grubby hands on the cash.

          I do actually remember the first ever red nose day, as our girls were much younger, and they showed a frightening film which did touch a nerve, but now the PR, ‘influencers’ (whatever they are), thick politicians and of course the luvvies, who are after a pouting selfie in the thicker of the cheap rags, have hijacked the whole shebang!

          You’re spot on Sluffy! Choose a local charity which just gets on with its job quietly and efficiently, like the Local Hospice which cared for Senora O’Blene.

          One issue is that in leaving money in a will, (if there is any left after Rachel from stapler supplies has nicked it all), needs careful thought, as a chum on this site once mentioned the pitfalls of leaving a percentage of the residue of the estate to the larger charities, where my executors would get hounded daily by the numerous well-paid staff, for every penny they could squeeze out!

          But how does one plan for that?


      • BRISSLES says:

        That woman will do anything for column inches. Inventing the menopause, updates from her hospital bed and waterworks when a camera is around. Dreadful woman.


  4. Jeff says:

    I’m guessing that no-one on this site is remotely surprised at the travesty of the latest Tommy Robinson court case…

    Yesterday there were a couple of naive people who appeared optimistic and said things like, “The judge seems to be sympathetic” and made similar daft observations. It was never going to go Tommy’s way. The judge is as fixed as the referee in a professional wrestling bout. These days our judiciary are as bent as corkscrews and Tommy is public enemy number one.

    At one time British justice was the envy of the world, but it’s now an international disgrace; a pariah. Thank God that Tommy has some very powerful friends, though not in this country.

    You know, the thing that really gets my goat is reading the sneering comments by smug-faced “journalists” like Piers Morgan. This creature maligned British troops fighting in Iraq and bugged the phone of a dead schoolgirl, but he has the temerity to pass judgement on Tommy.
    Morgan’s a repellent creature and I pray that one day soon he’ll get his comeuppance. It can’t come soon enough.

    Just looking at him gives me the shivers…


    • StewGreen says:

      No surprise really
      They illegally arrested him at the anti-Semitism rally
      They sprayed tear gas right in his face ..all their bodycam footage was lost turned off
      Then in court the judge ruled the arrest was illegal
      Yet no action was taken against police for the illegal teargassing
      no compensation for illegal detention etc.


    • JohnC says:

      The video I saw said Tommy was there via video and just before proceedings started, they cut his sound feed off so he could not say anything.

      Then the Judge ordered his lawyer to phone him to clarify something. Halfway through their conversation, their call was cut off.

      Then Tommy held a card up where he had written ‘we were cut off’ to tell the court.

      My immediate thought was why didn’t his lawyer kick up a stink about it earlier ?. Why leave it to Tommy ?.

      His treatment makes me ashamed of my country and disgusted at the likes of the BBC who don’t care one bit what they do to him because he is ‘far-right’. Tp the Left, he has no human rights at all. He is untermensch (what the Nazis called scum who they viewed the same as they view rats). This is what the Left are REALLY like when you pull off their mask of hypocrisy.


      • tomo says:

        The “establishment” aren’t above very obvious dirty tricks – the Covid / vaccine meeting in Portcullis House (last year?) involving MPs and a global panel of specialists was interfered with massively, Internet cut off, members of the public (and others) refused access – obstructive, night club doorman style security….


    • StewGreen says:

      TR’s Twitter feed lists lots of important reports on the case
      .. https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra
      .. see https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/my-report-from-yesterdays-tommy-robinson-hearing/

      Her update simply says “Judge bottles it over Tommy Robinson case”

      Then there is a new side update
      “Tommy’s legal team have submitted an appeal of his sentencing for contempt of court.
      The date set for the appeal is April 11th”


  5. Sluff says:

    Have you ever wondered why supermarket car parks have studded crossing points so blind people know where to cross the roads…….presumably to get to their cars???!!!

    On the ultra woke, diversity obsessed BBC, the Heathrow closure story today is covered by Sean Dilley. Who is blind !!!!! And I note keen to go on X to mention failings of services to blind people, in the style of the activist.

    Truly the BBC are taking the p*** out of ordinary sighted people. A person who cannot drive or see the roads is the BBC transport correspondent FFS. Unbelievable. What next? Nikki Fox reports on Mount Everest expeditions. She is wheelchair bound. But presumably knows a lot about climbing. In the BBC parallel universe.


    • StewGreen says:

      The video hows the blind BBC reporter explaining he’s taken cover by lying on the ground on the day of Trump was shot in the ear
      Yet in the background sighted people can be seen walking around unfazed


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      David Blunkett was Home Secretary. He was said to be a diligent worker but, being blind, must have required expensive support to do the job, as well as the dog.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Here’s a totally useless bit of information …… on one side of a hot water bottle is a little flower shaped emblem with a number in the middle. I thought it was an aid for the blind. Nope, it indicates the year of manufacture. Not a lot of people know that.


      • JohnC says:

        Amazing Brissles.

        Did you know the fuel guage in your car has a small arrow on it showing which side the filler cap is on ?.

        How on earth did that end up being standard practise ?.


        • Scroblene says:

          And also inside each petrol cap cover, there is a small hole where you’re supposed to lodge the opened cap while you fill up…

          Top Gear has nothing on this site..;0)


      • Deborah says:

        Having a friend who watches breakfast tv (but scathing of GBNews), messaged our Wattsap group to say an item on probably BBC said we should get rid of hot water bottles when they are 3 years old because they are dangerous. Well I looked at the ‘flowers’ and admitted that perhaps the ones for 2006 should be replaced. But the new ones I had bought previously were already a year old when I bought them . People at the BBC on high salaries and influenced by press releases just encourage waste and frivolous spending (what about the environment?).

        When I used to watch BBC cooking programmes recipes always used free range eggs (do they really taste very different in a chocolate cake? Just more spending recommended by the highly paid media to prove their woke credentials.


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          My hot water bottle has no date code, but it does say “Made in West Germany”. But it is perfectly sound and I am keeping it.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Brissles, thank you for that ‘Michael Caine’ moment!


  6. StewGreen says:

    Starmer “tough action must be taken against law breakers
    ..especially those in parliament”

    In Parliament Starmer said that his daughter has been watching this Netflix ‘documentary’ with him.
    #1 It’s a drama NOT a documentary
    It’s rated Age 15 film
    His daughter is actually too young to watch it. It’s a 15.
    In June 2024 she was reported as aged 13 so 9 months later she cannot be 15 years old


  7. StewGreen says:

    Rupert Lowe MP Mar 19 tweet
    .. 1.8% of the total amount of Universal Credit,
    is ‘paid to households where at least one claimant’s HRT concluded they held refugee status’…


    43,000 Likes ..a very large tally for a UK political tweet

    Liz Truss tweeted
    The Prime Minister will have a national discussion on a fictional drama about a teenage boy
    but will NOT have a National Enquiry on 10,000s of girls being raped and tortured by majority Pakistani-heritage gangs.
    Where is his moral compass?



  8. StewGreen says:

    Tony Heller skewers a new BBC article



  9. JohnC says:

    Man who planned hospital terror attack jailed

    Another imported Islamic terrorist who is now going to cost the taxpayer £1000 a week for the rest of his life.

    Still, one less on the 50,000 Muslims terror watchlist so there is some good news. Saved a bit there.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Farooq, who was described as being on the autism spectrum by his defence team, had watched “anti-West propaganda” on Tiktok and downloaded terrorist handbooks, including one on how to make a bomb, the court heard.

      Farooq was employed by the hospital at the time as a nursing assistant.

      The lone-wolf…
      “extremist Islamic ideology”
      “seek his own martyrdom”
      “murderous terrorist attack”
      on the autism spectrum
      personality disorder traits and may have had depression
      minimum term of 37 years

      Word Search: muslim x 0


  10. Scroblene says:


    Perhaps TTK and his bunch could consider a similar arrangement…

    Now, why not give every illegal a free BBC TV tax for – say – a month and then whichever quango, ‘influencer’, tax collecting company or other waster, paid from the bloated Beeboid budget, can chase them up regularly can do the job of keeping the tabs on where they are all hiding?

    They could do the same with the free phones as well!


  11. Fedup2 says:

    I thought I’d dip in the see how the Heathrow thing is getting on … they interviewed another quango creep called Toby Harris – apparently a peer – he is in charge of some ‘infra structure ‘ commission .
    That’s another quango that failed to ensure Heathrow would work .
    Toby wasn’t asked whether he had failed – or whether he considered resigning –
    Maybe the media should do a report about where responsibility for ensuring key infrastructure lies . I know there is a ‘civil contingency ‘ outfit in the cabinet office – where were they ?
    This story will be gone by Monday . Until the next time .

    But its failing state – third world britainistan – what shouid be expected ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “he National Preparedness Commission (NPC) is a body comprising leading figures from various sectors, and its objective is to promote policies and actions for better UK preparedness for major crises, but it’s not an employer or a source of salary information. “

      Lord Toby Harris, Chair, National Preparedness Commission

      Since it was established in 2020, the Commission has been influential in the development of the UK Government Resilience Framework and has established a reputation as the leading body promoting better preparedness for a major crisis or incident.

      He is also a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and at Cranfield University.



      Lord Toby Harris
      Chair, National Preparedness Commission
      Sir Ian Andrews CBE TD
      Professor Brian Collins CB FREng
      Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE
      Vice-Chair, National Preparedness Commission; Chair, BusinesssLDN
      Gisela Abbam
      Chair, General Pharmaceutical Council; former Chair, British Science Association
      Dame Cressida Dick DBE QPM
      Former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police

      IMAGE: https://nationalpreparednesscommission.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Untitled-design-19-400×400.png

      Dame Cressida Dick DBE QPM HA HA HA HAH AHAH A


      • Fedup2 says:

        Marky – a service well done .

        If one looks at this – there is a whole layer of empty quango types getting their money and gongs without doing their job .
        The smell of DEI is there too
        I suspect checking on the power or water or communications for airports is somewhat below their status – add to that their chums being on the board of big outfits and we land up ( no pun ) with a stupid shambols like Heathrow. Maybe they receive funds from Russian ‘friendship ‘ groups too .


        • MarkyMark says:

          Fedup2 – “Imperial College London” linked to Lord Toby Harris

          “Imperial received more than £18m in funding from Chinese military-linked institutes and companies between 2017 and 2022, but since then it has been forced to shut down several joint-ventures as government policy on scientific collaboration has hardened.16 Jun 2024”

          Chinese firm sought to use UK university links to access AI for possible military use


          Beena Chester
          Director of Development and Engagement



          • Fedup2 says:

            Blame Barry gardiner …. And talking of blame – the ‘transport Secretary ‘ has gone for the lessons to be learnt – off for the weekend – line …..

            It’s comforting for those stranded to know there is no compensation apart from reasonable accommodation /expenses …
            A personal tale . I was due to fly BA – I got to Gatwick and the flight cancelled at checkin – no crew – there is no customer service other than an Indian call centre – i identified a replacement flight – this was also cancelled about 4 hours before it was due – no crew – I made it out a day later at Heathrow – with a hugely overcrowded business lounge with a queue to get it –

            Anyway – I started the compensation process – 2 x £350 plus expenses . No says BA . So I try again – they couldn’t understand 2 flights being cancelled . No money . So I wrote a snotty one about CAA and small claims court – no reply
            Last week – roughly 6 months after the event – up turns the compensation – plus a modest ‘flight credit ‘.
            Lesson – never give up .


        • tomo says:

          I commented earlier about how the National Infrastructure Commission have adjusted their web site so that one doesn’t get the overwhelming impression of a crowd of fat, piggy-eyed jobsworths smirking at you… while they peculate public funds.

          There is a definite trend visible (OK the reverse actually) in local councils, quangos, government departments and more where the fat salaried, tax sucking parasites are becoming essentially invisible….


          • Fedup2 says:

            Tomo – the issue of accountability is there too – no one is under pressure to resign – nothing will happen – so many of the political class just securing the bank balance and gong to raise their social status in the eye of their chums …

            As for Heathrow – if the Russians did it they’d only leave evidence if they wanted to send a message – and we’d not be told unless TTK wanted to tell us …. Putting plod on it was a joke …


    • MarkyMark says:

      HA HA HA “News, research and policy developments in national preparedness” latest news is from 15th March 2025! Prepared!


      HA HA HA
      HA HA HA
      HA HA HA

      Darcy’s Tale: Lets Talk Groundwater Flooding
      Published On: 15 March, 2025

      Proof of concept: Modelling resilience
      Published On: 15 March, 2025



    • JohnC says:

      I bet you 50p that they will soon start saying Russia sabotaged Heathrow.
      And the popular BBC ‘without providing any evidence’ clause will definitely NOT be included. Even though they didn’t.

      Mind you, it was a very clever way to punish us for what the Fuhrer is up to at the moment with his EU counterparts if they did. Maximum disruption and nobody died.

      I wish TTK would just keep his mouth shut. He talks like some 6th form student activist and instills no confidence whatsoever.


  12. Guest Who says:


    Amazing the response when public passions aroused.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “John McM
      Understand that dozens of former
      staff have signed a letter to
      concerning another round of cuts, which they say will affect the reach and impact of the Beeb’s global broadcasting arm.
      9:32 pm · 21 Mar 2025


      John McM
      Media & Comms. Former BBC journalist. 🏊 📚 🚴‍♂️ Mancunian
      993 Following


  13. vlad says:

    Trump for PM !


  14. StewGreen says:

    viddeo #1 Leo Kearse says there is systematic anti-white RACISM in the media
    .. https://youtu.be/xv6U_3Pq4wI

    video #2 : “The BBC are determined that even Finland should be a country where half the population are black!”
    History Debunked


  15. AsISeeIt says:

    Chaos and anger as fire shuts Heathrow airport – frets the Guardian, sending the title flying high to the top of the BBC online print press line-up.

    Mr AsI rather admires the punning Sun with their headline: Fawlty Powers… Substation blaze… Britain humiliated…

    And sure enough, the foreign press do take an interest in this extraordinary event: London’s Heathrow Airport back to life as first flight touches down after 18-hour shutdown (Times of India) – touches down, mind you. Interest on the sub-continent is less focused on reporting the first flight to take off from Britain.

    This is a real cause for concern for our politicians. Afterall, how many times have you heard a minister… Labour, Tory or Mayor of London… insist Britain needs to be seen to be “OPEN” to the world.

    Let’s not forget Britain remained open to arrivals from all-comers even at the very moment they told us there was a global pandemic and a serious form of compulsory quarantine was about to be the order of the day.

    If only we had a currently sitting, judge-led, well funded, officially constituted, public inquiry that could look into all that… instead of busying itself chucking a few more brickbats at the Aunt Sally low-hanging fruit that is Matt Hancock: Matt Hancock sports a new look as he leaves Covid-19 inquiry after defending ‘VIP lane’ contracts… looked almost unrecognisable… The former health secretary, 46, looked vastly different from his days in the jungle on I’m A Celeb in 2022, which saw him cut a lean figure and longer hair.

    Today Mr Hancock donned a sleek navy blue suit and satin pink tie as he gave evidence to the inquiry’s fifth module, which is exploring pandemic procurement. (Daily Mail) – pandemic precurement? Ask the Chinese, they make those things over there (allegedly)

    If only we had a… But we digress.

    Open tends to be the regime’s watchword

    UK must keep trade open and EU close in fragmenting world, Bank of England’s Bailey says (Reuters, November 24); UK leaves door open to joining EU trading scheme (BBC, January 25); Sadiq Khan gives taxpayer cash to campaigners who want a world without borders… £500,000 of taxpayers’ money to Civil Futures (Telegraph, January 25); Britain Open For Business: The Next Phase… Britian is firmly and clearly open for business… David Cameron (HM Goverment circa 2014)

    Open All Hours was a British television sitcom created and written by Roy Clarke for the BBC. The show featured the much-loved comic actor Ronnie Barker as probably the last ever white small corner shop proprietor in Britain.

    One suspects our BBC and the Gruan have a secret statutory obligation to play keepy-uppy with certain long-running news stories… on the flimsiest of pretexts…

    Lawrence killer’s admission could lead to breakthrough (Guardian); Lawrence killer admits role in attack – Parole Board (BBC)

    Are parole board hearings usually heard in public?

    Might not press speculation prior to the hearing run the risk of prejudicing a decision?

    Stephen’s family wanted the hearing to be heard in public. (BBC) – Oh, well, that’s alright then.

    Gurning contests are a rural English tradition. They are held regularly in some villages, with contestants traditionally framing their faces through a horse collar — known as “gurnin’ through a braffin”

    Meanwhile, Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband is pictured frontpage of the Telegraph wearing a brand new pristine hi-viz jacket over a suit and tie – something only politicians anxious for a photo-op ever do. Aside from the ugly mug, the one hand leaning on what one takes to be a heat pump, the other hand on the hip in the I’m a little teapot pose, plus one leg cocked in a semi Long John Silver impression – didn’t help represent the seriousness of the situation: Colossal failure of Heathrow blackout… Miliband admits site looks ‘vulnerable’

    Take away the smart tailored suit (Lord Alli funded, we wonder?) and our Ed looks the absolute poster boy for the modern term ‘vulnerable’ person. Or village idiot – as we used to say.

    Despite… Basil Fawlty’s best advice – we can’t let a week go by without some mentions of the war…

    Britain must not abandon our last WW2 heroes (Daily Express); Prince William sends strong message from tank near Russian border (BBC); William joins trench warfare exercise (Telegraph); A good week for fascism Patrick Cockburn (i paper)

    OK, ok, one mention and you might have got away with it.

    One seriously wonders how on earth we could ever really cope with an actual real-life non-proxy attack on Britain these days…? We seem hardly prepared for an actual Blitz.

    Man arrested after explosive chemicals found… “a threat to life” were found at a property in an East Sussex town, police said… Residents within a 100-metre cordon around the address on the A259 Marina in St Leonards were evacuated following the discovery of the chemicals on Thursday, prompting Sussex Police to declare a major incident. (BBC)

    Police then unravelled a hundred-mile-long stretch of blue and white plastic tape (obviously purchased in a massive job lot – if only we had had some currently sitting… that could investigate that procurement contract) and spent the next 24 hours measuring their own skid marks.

    …the property had been “made safe”, but the cordon would remain in place overnight, leaving residents out of their homes for a second night. (BBC)

    I’m guessing the cops would say you can’t go dicing with the ricin.

    Let’s bow out with some real news – something we haven’t heard before… just as we thought there was no such thing as a manly man anymore…

    Look away now ladies.

    Scatter cushions: just say NO!!! – exclaims the jokey blokey Daily Star

    Adrian Chiles declares war on soft furnishings… Telly grouch… has finally said something sensible


    • Fedup2 says:

      The SAS has issued a clarification for the benefit of Sky news – in particular – explaining the difference between The SAS and SAS – with one jumping out of aircraft using parachutes and the other … not … I reckon Penelope Keith is the mastermind behind this …


  16. MarkyMark says:

    Screenshot from a social media video of a new Chinese barge system designed for efficient ship-to-shore transfer of supplies. Photograph: X



    Video here says Chinese Ferries are built to take TANKS – by government design – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXMiIBrUlhc



    • micknotmike says:

      Morning MM,
      I’m not sure you should have shared that picture, if our lifeboat-hitching friends see it, they will be getting ideas.
      We could, of course, buy one, load it up with unwanted “items”, and open the doors somewhere near Rockall.


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    Heavyweight boxing legend George Foreman dies aged 76 (BBC)

    I wonder if they’ll arrange a burial or thow him on the grill.

    Too soon?


  18. Jeff says:

    I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but there’s an appalling news item that’s running along the bottom of the screen on GB News. It’s about a rape. No names, no pack drill.

    Three boys, aged 13, 14 and 15 have been charged with raping a girl under the age of 16…all in the Rochdale area.
    Now, I’m not sure if you’re thinking what I’m thinking, but…

    I’ve no doubt that we’re in for a lot more finger wagging and lecturing about misogyny, online hate, Andrew Tate (no frigging idea…) and the desperate need for decent male role models.

    And in about a year’s time, if they get around to making a TV series about this horrific crime, I’m certain the three young actors playing the villains will be called something like Roger, John and Bill, while the girl will likely be Asian.

    Oh, and the detectives that catch them will be called Mohamed and Ahmed.

    Just you watch…


    • AsISeeIt says:

      Forget Adolescence : Adolescence writer calls for ‘radical action’ not role models (BBC)

      I’m expecting to soon see a remake of Just William – with Violet Elizabeth (“I’ll thcream and thcream ’till I’m thick”) as the heroine of the tale.


  19. Fedup2 says:

    Seems like disney has successfully self destructed on the woke snow white . The fairest of them is a chippy trump hating latina who look like AOC
    The end sequence on X is like black and white minstrells

    Go woke go broke

    Ps the latina is due to play evita in londonistan in the summer ..


  20. Doublethinker says:

    We all know why the legacy media on both sides of the Atlantic are downplaying the Musk achievement of bringing home the astronauts and also why they are trivialising the waste identified by DOGE. Equally we understand that they will concede nothing to Trump …. Feeding the 5000 would go unremarked upon. But why are they so intent on convincing us that the release of the JFK files are, to use an Americanism, a nothing burger?
    I think it’s because they fear that as the truth trickles out about JFK, MLK and RFK , the public will become increasingly certain that the authorities have participated in gigantic decades long cover ups in all three cases . They will know that the authorities have lied time and again to them over these three cases and it isn’t a very big leap to becoming highly suspicious about every official narrative that is spun by the legacy media , Ukraine, Covid , Climate catastrophe etc. All of which are critical to the continued advance of Globalism.
    The credibility of governments and media is already low these revelations will do even more damage and so the legacy media are trying to deflect the public from these released files by lying about their impact on the official narratives.


  21. tomo says:

    She deserves lots more of this…

    iirc she’s a Jeremy Vine favourite? – given a platform to spew poisonous, hateful rubbish unchallenged?




    • atlas_shrugged says:


      That is a perfect example of an urban junkie who knows nothing about farming being giving a severe lesson on the economics of farming because of Rachael Thieves new IHT raid on farmers.


      • tomo says:

        she’s ‘orrible

        I resent her because she keeps popping onto my X feed where her people are working the algorithm – she very rarely is out of caracature….


  22. Fedup2 says:

    Why do I do it ? Why do I listen to ‘the week in Westminster ‘?

    It describes a BBC world – with smug well paid politicians of various types ‘blah blah ing ‘ ranging from a Marxist Tory called David Davies blah blah ing on the future of the dead blues – as if he bares no responsibility for the destruction of Britain …..

    And a couple of Marxists – Lewis and blunkett going on about more taxes and lies about getting the feckless benefits junkies to work for a living – waste of air … rant done … need a revolution …


  23. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I keep seeing newspaper articles saying we are on the brink of WW3 or will be at war with Russia, things like that.

    Apart from the fact that we don’t really have much in the way of HM Forces now and have given all our weapons to Ukraine why would Putin even bother with us.

    Our nukes don’t work either.

    If Putin wanted to take over the UK he should just wait because our leaders are more or less doing the job for him.
    Everything is falling to bits and the indigenous Brits are being replaced, probably in the minority by the 2050’s.

    Maybe get Davina McCall to run the UK. Since she’s had her brain removed in her recent op she could hardly do a worse job of it.

    Has anyone heard any commentator on TV bring up the Heathrow backup system which is being run on wood pellets and takes ages to get up to working levels as opposed to kicking In immediately when there’s a power outage as (I assume) grown up Countries Airports use.


  24. tomo says:

    If “voting” doesn’t work



  25. Foscari says:

    This has nothing to do with the BBC. Other than the fact
    that you probably wouldn’t be allowed to see it on the
    BBC. It has diversity and politically incorrectness problems.
    As well as philogynist as well as the opposite misogynist
    BUT for a first OPERA to see . Even if you think that
    opera is an anathema. TURANDOT is the one to see. Most
    of you will of heard ” Nessun Dorma.” But Turandot is
    not just ” None shall sleep” It is a spectacular musical.
    It’s on at cinemas all over the country on the 1st of April.
    with a direct relay from Covent Garden. Where it would cost
    you up to £300 for a ticket. At around £15 at the cinema .
    I promise you will get goose pimples.
    My wife does not like opera. BUT she loves Turandot !
    I took her to see it on our second date in 1964. And we
    have been married for 56 years now.
    Turandot was Puccini’s final opera.


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      Also nothing to do with the BBC but is about music and musicals, my husband used to have a small test for any female that he went out with as he used to mention and get their views on “ Rocky Horror Picture Show “ . I know all the songs and this year is our 20th wedding anniversary.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Ah yes – a girlfriend used to drag me to those cinema events where everyone joined in … I realised she wasn’t ’the one ‘ ( 77 brigade to file ) …


  26. StewGreen says:

    Mr British Stand failed to check his facts today
    The idea that Angela Rayner gave a painting of herself to a Vietnamese politician is too wow to be true
    “The portrait was in fact given from,the Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister,Nguyen Hoa Binh TO Angela Rayner,the British Deputy Prime Minister, and not the other way round.”


  27. tomo says:

    The lockdown loons think they’ve got away with it… let’s change their perception…



  28. Fedup2 says:

    So why is it that the comic relief©️thing raised 4 million less than last year ……? Could it be that people have had enough …?


    • Pete says:

      I gave up watching Comic relief years ago, you only have to look at the spurious list of some of the organisations they fund around the world.
      No wonder the bbc get all excited about it.


  29. G says:

    The noose tightens a little more every day but when the ECHR is involved, it tightens almost to the point of complete strangulation in one fell judgement.



    • Fedup2 says:

      Britain will never pull out of the ECHR – the reds and the blues don’t have the courage … it’s all part of the project ‘self destruction ‘ sponsored by the WEF …


  30. Rob in Cheshire says:

    I thought I would give woke ITV’s drama about Ruth Ellis a go. Bearing in mind it is set in 1955, I did hope there would be no unnecessary diversity, given that London was 99% white back then.

    Within the first five seconds, Ruth is in her death cell, attended by a black prison officer! This was just seven years after the Empire Windrush.

    They are taking us for fools. I cannot bear to watch any of this garbage. It saves me a lot of time.


  31. StewGreen says:

    Some say the BBC is a PR front for friends like Islam


    BTW apparently the homeless don’t need any help outside of Ramadan


  32. StewGreen says:

    Oh same BBC prog doing bbig PR for the distorting Netfix drama Adolescence


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