Midweek 26th March 2025

An important day – the spring financial statement . The socialists / BBC blame Trump – Tories – ‘international situation ‘ but not themselves as taxes rise and living standards fall.

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346 Responses to Midweek 26th March 2025

  1. G.W.F. says:


    If this is genuine then he has converted.
    Now consider whether the same applies to TTK?


    • Pete says:

      If this vid of our King is real, we’ve had it.
      We already know the Glorious Uk is lost.

      More invaders arrive every day and the bbc don’t think its news worthy.
      We’ve gone from fight them on the beaches to invite them on the beaches, with a free ride from our once admirable RNLI.


      • MarkyMark says:


        Prince Charles Sends Message of Support to Muslims at Start of Ramadan – The Royal Family Channel

        “.. the contribution of Muslims to the light of the United Kingdom.”

        “As a British Muslim I appreciate this so much. God bless you prince Charles 💕🙏🏼”

        “Thank you Sir Charles…love and respect to you from Pakistan”

        “”God does not burden any soul with more than it can bear.”. Indeed Prince Charles, indeed. 👑❤”
        Near the end of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus issued this stark warning to His listeners: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).


      • MarkyMark says:

        We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” – Winston Churchill

        “We shall fight on GIVE THEM the beaches, we shall fight on GIVE THEM the landing grounds, we shall fight in RUN THROUGH the WHEAT fields and in the streets, we shall fight HIDE in the hills; we shall never ALWAYS surrender ISLAM” – Theresa May (made up)


      • MarkyMark says:

        invaders – “The UK government does not collect or publicly release data on the religious demographics of individuals arriving in the UK through irregular or illegal migration routes, so it’s impossible to provide such information. “


  2. MarkyMark says:

    2023 King Charles pledges coronation oath
    ^^ HAND ON BIBLE ^^

    King Charles Quoting the Quran

    “According to Islam, Jesus (as) was a prophet of God and primarily designated as His servant, not His son.”


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Apparently Charles Windsor is still having cancer issues . In view of his traitorous behaviour with regard to Christianity perhaps God has had enough of him …… forgive me Lord if I have sinned …


  4. MarkyMark says:

    Fahima Mahomed Says The UK Is No Longer A Christian Country In BIG Debate On Easter Being Cancelled

    “Maybe it’s catering for the demographic in that area….”@10:51


    The public practice of any religion other than Islam is prohibited, and there is no separation between state and religion. The government did not respect religious freedom in law, but generally permitted Shia religious gatherings and non-Muslim private religious practices.


    Non-Muslims must practice their religion in private and are vulnerable to discrimination and arrest. While no law requires all citizens to be Muslim, non-Muslim foreigners attempting to acquire Saudi Arabian nationality must convert to Islam. Children born to Muslim fathers are by law deemed Muslim.

    ………… STILL IN HIDING…………..

    Three years ago, on 25 March 2021, a teacher from Batley Grammar School (BGS) in West Yorkshire was forced into hiding after a religious studies class he gave led to protests from Muslim parents and to death threats.

    non-Muslim foreigners attempting to acquire Saudi Arabian nationality must convert to Islam

    non-Muslim foreigners attempting to acquire Saudi Arabian nationality must convert to Islam


  5. StewGreen says:

    Last night I caught a GBnews ticker about Scunthorpe steelworks
    And started looking things up.
    “JINGYE the Chinese owner of British Steel has rejected a £500m state rescue package in a move which raises fresh doubts about thousands of steel jobs”
    I posted “Hopefully it’s just rhetoric to get more money ”

    I saw that MSM appeared not to understand how serious the situation is.
    Even local BBC local radio the next day at 7am this morning put the item at the end of the news.

    I caught tv news
    And they had caught up
    Reporting that by June the UK could no longer have a capability to make virgin steel

    That would mean UK couldn’t make the weapons and tech that is made from it.


    • MarkyMark says:

      We can build warships in China for one whole dorrah!

      “Chinese steel is cheaper because the Chinese government runs a managed economy. In that managed economy labour rates for the same skills are lower than in the west. But also other inputs are held artificially low, so power is cheaper, metallurgical coal is cheaper and many other things are cheaper.24 Dec 2015”


    • StewGreen says:

      I mean I caught TV news at 3pm and they’d caught up.


      • StewGreen says:

        IT’s crazy when Starmer talks about increasing UK MILITARY resources
        so not to reply on America
        yet Starmer then deprives the UK of the ability to make MILITARY grade steel
        (which can only be made from virgin steel, not recycled scarp)


  6. tomo says:

    One might think Farage might use a very long handled spoon to sup with Starmer – seems not?…..


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The Reform UK leader said he’d never supported Robinson and Musk “tried to push me a bit”.

      “You know what, you can’t bully me,” Farage said. “I’ve got principles and I stand by them.””




      Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police
      This article is more than 8 years old
      Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster showing a queue of migrants and refugees incites racial hatred

      On Thursday night Dave Prentis, of the Unison union, said he had written to the Metropolitan police about the poster, which shows a queue of mostly non-white migrants and refugees with the slogan “Breaking point: the EU has failed us all.”

      Dave Prentis re-elected to lead Unison amid allegations of malpractice

      Allegations of widespread malpractice came after his supporters were caught breaking union election rules on tape.



    • StewGreen says:

      Bearing false witness is a sin
      .. yet Farage and the establishment are vearing false witness against TR
      Calling him a “racist” when he is and always has been a million miles from that. Having grown up with black people and immigrants
      Then they go further and pile on power smear word labels like “far right”;, nazi and “fascist”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Did I really hear Farage describe TTK as a nice chap . Did someone drug Farage ? Was he bunged ? Ironic that the electorate still have a positive image of him after he sold them out ……
      Does Farage still own reform plc ?


      • JohnC says:

        I expect he is a nice chap if you talk to him at a dinner party.

        Apparently Himmler – despite ordering others to murder millions of Jews – almost fainted when a tiny speck of flesh landed on him when they witnessed some kind of mass execution.

        I expect he was a nice chap at parties too.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    I wonder whether Charles Windsor will be praying to the false god Allah as opposed to the True God – our Lord Jesus Christ . ? A few suitcases of Saudi money was probably enough to buy him ….
    The woke William one could have a summer coronation which could be nice for the tourists …


    • JohnC says:

      Our entire establishment is fiddling while Rome burns.

      By the time they realise what they have done, it will be far far too late. The barbarians are already among us and waiting for instructions from their leaders.


  8. JohnC says:

    Starmer accuses Putin of ‘playing games’ over Ukraine peace deal

    I never thought Russia/Ukraine would lead to WW3 but now I’m starting to get really worried what the EU is planning.

    Firstly, not a chance they are going to unfreeze finanacial assets. They are already factoring them into budgets. For example, we recently gave Ukraine a huge sum of cash from a bank loan being paid by interest on frozen Russian assets. If those are given back, I will assume the entire amount will go onto OUR national debt – not Ukraines.

    But what is alarming is the sudden shift by the EU from keeping the war going to being the ones demanding peace. And even before those demands started, they have planned to be the ‘peacekeepers’ in Ukraine.

    After what Macron said the other day, it now looks like the plan is to get EU troops into Ukraine as ‘peacekeepers’, manufacture some military incidents then invoke NATO to come and defend our people. Hitler did the same to justify starting his war – it’s just history repeating itself.

    I wonder if the USA would be part of such a force. I have a feeling the EU are depending on it.


    • Zephir says:

      Sources have confirmed that Zelensky has been out of action for a few days.

      It’s been reported that he is actively supporting the Snow White dwarves’ protests outside cinemas, whilst taking the opportunity to stock up on green Primark sweatshirts (11 – 12 yr size).

      Funnily enough, Mayor Khan has also been out of the news this last couple of days.

      Hi Ho.


      • JohnC says:

        They are ‘magical people’.

        The tiny people don’t like being called dwarves any more. Even though they officially have ‘dwarfism’. No doubt we will be changing that name just like we renamed monkey-pox because most people who get it are black Africans and they didn’t like it either.

        Report for retraining immediately.


        • Zephir says:

          Mea culpa.

          I will refrain from commenting any further on reports of Zelensky in the company of 7 PORGS ( persons of restricted growth) outside the Odeon, Leicester Square, staggering around and clutching a half empty bottle of Schnapps and singing “Someday my Prince Will Come.”


  9. Zephir says:

    Tinfoil hat time:

    The “remove paywall” site I recommended for reading paywalled news articles now links to Russia Today, RT news whatever URL you enter……


  10. Scroblene says:

    Ha ha ha!

    Always good to begin Poet’s Day with a great story!


    Poor cow – definitely wringing the empathy and whingeing about someone better at the job than she is!

    Go MTG!


    • JohnC says:

      ‘I was told by MAGA attack dog Marjorie Taylor Greene to ‘go back to your own country’ because I am British – here’s what it reveals about Trump’s White House’

      It reveals far more about about the state of you and the bias of British media if that’s what someone elected to congress thinks dear.

      Even her headline is pumped with spite at the Right.


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        She’s globalist filth. The way she pronounces ‘TrumPPPPPPP’ like she’s spitting out something distasteful.

        Dismantled the same way Jordan Peterson did to that other C4 harpie.


  11. JohnC says:

    Rosenberg: Putin nods to Trump plans to seize Greenland

    Another from the BBC’s Steve Rosenberg in Russia who has embarassed himself several times which I commented on here and now the man seems to be turning into another Jeremy Bowen where he reports the news as he wants to interpret it as opposed to what really happened.

    I wonder if he is cracking under the pressure from BBC management to paint Trump and Putin as devils.

    I also notice that colonialism (ie Greenland being a colony of Denmark) seems to be absolutely fine and something to be protected when it suits the hypocrite Left.


    • Fedup2 says:

      BBC news leading with their emir going into hospital for a cancer thing . Now that he has converted they’ll go big on the empathy – all the mosques will have special prayers for their leader today …..


      • Zephir says:

        His mother was a big fan of headscarfs, and his younger brother seems to be quite keen on their national sport involving school age girls, just saying.

        And that “Coronation Chicken,” distinct flavour of curry there… the evidence is mounting up.

        Will any of the King’s Guards break rank and admit they had to dress up and “dance” for the elder men ?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, no Charlie hasn’t ‘converted’. He was pictured, with the so-called Queen, downing glasses of Irish whisky. In addition the King has launched his own audio channel of popular music. Both popular music and alcohol are considered haram under Islam.


    • G says:

      Greenland? As Trump views everything as a ‘Commercial Transaction’ should not Denmark be advised to approach the Chinese for protection and/or mining arrangement………..

      After all, it would be fair for Denmark to obtain the best terms ………. Thinking commercially of course.


    • Flotsam says:

      I’ve been to Denmark a few times in the past. In Copenhagen it was a regular sight to see native Greenlanders begging in the streets.


  12. Fedup2 says:

    Not BbC
    Having largely dumped the BBC – I look on YouTube for ‘stuff’ today there is a 45 minute interview with some of the DOGE team – the guys / chaps – about 9 of them sit before the fox interviewer – who introduces them .

    They look pretty normal – no horns or tails – one is introduced as the founder / CEO of airBNB …. It’s that calibre of business man saving the US money ….

    It’s a great watch and the comments are 100% favourable .

    It reminded me of my ‘ surely doctrine ‘ which I’ve mentioned before here – as in – work for a big organisation – wonder why something does not work – find a remedy and find oneself saying ‘surely someone should have seen this / found this / stopped this before ….
    DOGE is finding this all over the federal system and luckily has the power to stop / change it .

    Btw – Elon was asked about the attacks on teslas – and hoped that the Feds would go after the organisers …

    The irrational attacks of electric cars by Marxists / democrats sum the Obama Biden party up completely …

    It could never happen here ….


  13. Fedup2 says:

    The rantzen family has said that esther is no longer responding medication . I just hope that when she checks out it won’t give more energy to the ‘let’s help to kill ‘ bill …


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Random mass stabbings are so frequent now that they are failing even to get the flowers and candles treatment – the 4 stabbed in Amsterdam on Thursday ? Who cares ? And I understand there was something in Germany on Wednesday – who cares ?
    The usual ritual is being played out by plod on the Dutch attack – suspect not identified – motive not given – silence ….


    • JohnC says:

      Then of course – when it’s a white male in any Leftist/feminist target-group we get night time vigils, multiple front-page headlines steeped with buckets of empathy on the BBC front page for a whole week and demands to change the law to protect all women from such scum.

      The Left have double-standards on a truly epic scale.


    • StewGreen says:

      Germany @Inevitablewest tweeted
      “Not a single British media outlet has reported on the man who plowed into a group of Germans last night.”
      A clearly false tweet, cos it was widely reported
      and he was a 17yo so not a man
      Gesundbrunnen, Germany
      @Inevitablewest got 27,000 Likes
      He could have said that the media choose to hype up other stories , and he would have been truthful


  15. AsISeeIt says:

    Last one to leave – remember to turn off the blast furnace edition

    The Times newspaper, back in days of yore, may once once have been regarded as the paper of record – but now it could benefit from the odd editorial correction.

    One in four Britons claim they have a disability (Times)

    Your Mr AsI of course considers Lockdowns demoralised the British workforce.

    A quarter of Britons say they are disabled, with two million more people than before the pandemic saying they struggle to function because of poor mental health (Chris Smith, Whitehall editor, Times)

    Well, Tony Gallagher, editor of the Times, let me give you a quick factcheck-style editing hint… gratis…

    A quarter of Britons say they are disabled, with two million more people than before the pandemic LOCKDOWN (which was a governmental policy choice) saying they struggle to function because of poor mental health

    Feigning poor mental health, let’s remember, has the incentive that it can be the key to unlock the full largess of the benefits system.

    Gosh, I wonder what could have given us all the odd notion that feeling a little bit under the weather was sufficient justification to give up going to work and for the State to step in and quarantine us at home indefinately… on full pay?

    Making Plans for Nigel

    Men make sacrifices many women don’t for top jobs, Farage says – a BBC hit piece – in the style of that old school playground chant “Ummm… you said a bad word. I’m tellin’ Miss on you!” – by BBC tell-tale tits Alex Forsyth, Political correspondent & Joshua Nevett, Political reporter.

    A YouGov poll in January, indicated 30% of men and 19% of women would vote for the party in a hypothetical general election… Farage faced a question about what he planned to do to appeal to female voters. (BBC) – not a problem – 50% of the population are blokes – a winning margin – let the women split their vote between wet Tories, Labour, LibDems and Greens.

    We’re only making plans for Nigel
    He has his future in our British Steel

    Thank you New Wave band XTC, the English rock band formed in Swindon in 1972.

    Sometimes these segueways will write themselves…

    Steel plant closure plan puts 2,700 jobs at risk… British Steel plans to close its two blast furnaces… The company owned by China’s Jingye… – frets the Guardian, taking a sudden uncharactistic interest in that rather Hunnish realm of heavy industry – antithetical to the usual Guardianista interest.

    Find the latest jobs available to apply for on Guardian Jobs. Use our job search tool to find the best job vacancies in the public sector, media, marketing, graduate and government jobs… – heavy industy, engineering… not so much.

    The FT explains: British Steel closure dates… as early as June… after the Chinese-owned steelmaker turned down an offer of taxpayer support

    Sometimes these segueways…

    Steel tycoon joins exodus… Billionaire Mittal to leave Britain after tax crackdown on ‘non-dom’ residents… Labour ends 226-year-old regime (FT)

    Last one to leave – remember to turn off the blast furnace.

    Meanwhile, as the smart money flees abroad – they go after the sitting ducks: Chancellor plotting tax grab on savers… money directly from pay packets… more personal information from banks (Telegraph)

    Our PM, perhaps bored with the state of the economy – leaves such work-a-day (shirk-a-day?) matters in the capable hands of Rachel from accounts and concentrates his lawyerly expertise in the realm of foreign affairs.

    Starmer accuses Putin of ‘playing games’ over Ukraine peace deal (BBC)

    Really? That guy ain’t playing playground games: Moscow pushes on as Ukraine withdraws to avoid encirclement in the Kursk region, Russia seizes the initiative on multiple fronts (Meduza – by the way ‘Meduza has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from the very start, and our detailed military analyses are part of our commitment to objective reporting on a war we firmly oppose.’)

    Here’s the real childish game players: Starmer and Macron’s Ukraine gamble… Russia warns of bloodbath as UK and France order in military… without Trump’s blessing (giveaway Metro)

    And finally…

    Be a bog roll bandit! Official advice as fears grow of World War Three… Stock up on lav paper (Daily Star)

    Sometimes an irresistable segueway demands a postscript…

    Our mate Matt in the Telegraph sketches a comic pair of sewerage workers standing beside a waste pipe splurging its dubious contents into some clean waterway: “I used to work at the Treasury, but I couldn’t stomach all the unpleasantness we had to dump on the public”


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wonder how long it is going to be before there is a real clash between the US / president trump – and the far left EU TTK . I

      I wonder what form it will take ?

      President Trump doesn’t have to be nice to European regimes because he knows they mostly will always hate him – along with their media – so he and his cabinet need not be too diplomatic about the likes of TTK and helga at the EU and the rest of the soros WEF place holders …

      … but the clash? Greenland ? Canada ? Cacos ? Russia ? A black swan event?


  16. Flotsam says:

    Am I the only one to think Smarmer’s tough talk on the Ukraine extremely unconvincing?


    • JohnC says:

      It’s abundantly clear that he is acting the part under the direction of the EU.

      I suspect they think this great show of unity will convince the British people to agree to rejoin.


      • Fedup2 says:

        If TTK fixes the 2029 election and the polls show another benefits fuelled landslide maybe he ll talk about formally rejoining the EU – I can hear his speech even now ‘ Brexit has failed – we cannot go on like this – our country is being harmed ‘…blah blah blah – I wonder if people will be sufficiently worn form by then and the invaders – sent from the EU get to vote …


    • tomo says:

      Starmer, tough talk?


      Happy to set the dogs on somebody who can’t really defend themselves – I hope that when he falls the pack rip him to bits.


  17. tomo says:

    The Daily Mail do love provocative outrage but really, sometimes they do have a valid point



  18. Doublethinker says:

    The ever widening gulf between the ordinary folks of the UK , and probably Europe as a whole, is emphasised by the legacy media commentary about Trump and MAGA.
    The media is outraged by the comments about pathetic Europe , about how Britain should look after its borders , about why European elite seem to fear their own people, about why Europe should step up its defence spending , about the unfairness of reciprocal tariffs. On and on they go.
    But a large section of the European and British populations agree with much of what the Trump administration is saying and doing . The legacy media are universally Globalist but Trump is the vanguard of anti Globalist Nationalism which is sweeping across the developed world. We all need to line up behind him if we don’t want to ruled by the WEF.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Double – the repression of freedom is going along pretty well in Europe – people are muzzled and silenced and vilified for expressing their unapproved views – helped by the msm…


  19. MarkyMark says:

    GOOD NEWS…. swallowing down and cousin marriages down … we are winning!

    Big drop in child surgery for swallowed objects

    Society’s move to cashless payments may have had an unintended positive side effect, surgeons say – fewer children needing operations or procedures to remove swallowed coins.

    Researchers found cousin marriages had dropped from 62% at the outset, to 28%


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where someone manipulates another into doubting their own sanity, reality, or perceptions, often through subtle, persistent behaviors



  21. Flotsam says:

    As an example of Government stupidity we are to be forced into having a Mayor and combined authority inflicted on us in Cheshire. Similar proposals are in place for the rest of the Country. We have been given a week or two to comment on the proposals in a so-called ‘consultation’. It’s here (similar ones will be available for your areas):


    One wonders that if this such a great idea why was what was left of Cheshire split into Cheshire East and Cheshire West as recently as 2009. This split was bitterly opposed by most residents and only seems to have resulted in two noxious Empires. This was preceded by an unviable Halton Council in 1974 being hived off Cheshire and Wirral Council also in 1974.

    I’ve lived through a number of local government reorganisations where I’ve lived. There was the creation of Greater Manchester County Council in 1974 and it’s abolition in 1986. I went to the disposal auction in their swanky offices where the stuff they paid millions for was sold for buttons.

    Thatcher’s view of these Metropolitan Councils was that they were Labour controlled strongholds. The same will happen again.

    In all, all the local government reorganisations I have experienced have not benefitted the public at all. It’s all costly political manipulation.


  22. Fedup2 says:

    Marky – that’s a good record upon which to judge TTK . If Rachel continues the triple lock the options must be to degrade the state pension some other way – obviously raising the pension age is an easy ‘win ‘ and freezing the tax thresholds for ever erodes personal wealth –

    So the likes of tax free pension withdrawals must be up for grabs . The Marxists are never going to cut public spending so up go taxes as sterling crumbles …


  23. MarkyMark says:

    Cannot find this Party information on the internet.

    The number of Paleststine Parities is increasing.


    “*A statement by Vaseem Ahmed, Chair of Redbridge & Ilford Independents*

    This evening, Labour suffered its worst local election defeat in Redbridge for over a decade. Ordinary working people rejected a party that no longer represents them. Labour’s contempt for ordinary people was exemplified by their inaction towards former ward Cllr and Ilford South MP, Jas Athwal, who as leader of Redbridge Labour Council, failed to licence his many rental flats, whilst enacting rules that forced everyone else to do so.

    The same Jas Athwal was also found to have rented ant-infested, mould-ridden, and substandard rental properties to vulnerable tenants and who, as Parliament’s biggest landlord, also owned a property with a failing care home. A rogue landlord, as described by many tenant rights groups, Athwal thought he and the local Labour party he led for over 10 years could get away with this atrocious behaviour. Today, voters have given him and his supporters an almighty shock! Our party defeated Labour by nearly 2 to 1 in vote share, as its support collapsed in one of its former heartlands.

    This momentous result shows that people desperately want change. Noor Jahan Begum, our fantastic local candidate, proved that ordinary people can make a difference with organisation, tenacity and solidarity.

    Together, we defeated the politics that think it can with total impunity, attack our NHS, cut benefits to the poorest in society, including the disabled and old-age pensioners. A Labour Party that thinks nothing of arming and supporting Israel as it commits a genocide in Gaza is not a party of peace and internationalism. This wasn’t the change most people voted for in May last year. They now see how their living standards have drastically fallen whilst £billions are wasted on promoting war. The people wanted change back then, but instead, they got Keir Starmer and his right-wing clique intent on destroying our democracy.

    But we know the battle is far from won, not by any means! Labour still have over 50 Cllrs and two MPs, but we will challenge them for every one of these seats as Redbridge & Ilford Independents. We are now a serious and organised opposition in the borough. Only we can defeat Labour in Redbridge and that is what we intend to do.

    We would also like to pay a special tribute to our amazing team of dedicated, hard-working volunteers who came from near and far, all united in their determination to restore democracy and accountability in our politics.

    Our fight is for a fairer, more equal society driven by honesty, integrity, and transformation. They are the pillars of our grass-roots movement.

    Tonight, we toast a historic victory, but tomorrow, we continue our work!”



    • Up2snuff says:

      MM, do you use predictive text in your too many to count, over numerous posts? “The number of Palestine Parties is increasing.” !!! A bit of a giveaway, there. 😉 🙂


      • MarkyMark says:

        So much news is crushing my soul – last post of the day! Keir is gas lighting the nation and we are enjoying the lies with no option to kick him out.

        “What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you
        ― Tony Benn


  24. MarkyMark says:

    Tax the wealthy Labour keep saying …. “Rod Stewart left the UK and made his home in Los Angeles in 1975 to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed in Britain at the time.”



  25. StewGreen says:

    Laurence Fox gets 37,000 Likes for his long statement about his prosecution by police for the Narind Kaur well known photo
    .. https://x.com/LozzaFox/status/1904578766359191867


  26. Philip_2 says:

    Listening early to LBC radio today a caller rang in asking for advice from a legal advisor (Solicitor) who (he thought) said that if your ‘over 50’ you can now claim 50% discount from your BBC TV license….

    The presenter then confirmed this is TRUE but only if you can prove as being registered as being:

    (1) If you are totally BLIND you can get a 50% discount!
    ………… Wow!
    (b) Sadly it was NOT confirmed that if you were DEAF ; that you could claim a 50% discount for some strange reason.

    But the good news is that if your are both DEAF and BLIND you do not need to buy a TV set and the listening to the BBC on radio is then totally free!!, in which case you do not need to pay a TV license at all.

    But – I am sure you will agree – that this is extremely generous of the BBC to offer such discounts!

    Of course if you are in PRISON you do not have to pay for a TV license (as its FREE)l, and also its FREE to view at any immigration center that holds illegal immigrants, who are very keen to get the FREE UK benefits and FREE UK legal advice on how to stay in this country IF they are gay, vegan, christian and trans-gender (in which case the BBC can offer a FREE translation service in your own language of Swahili or Arabic in how to claim your FREE TV license… and stay in this country for FREE ‘Food’, ‘Board’ and ‘Lodgings’ – (for life – Tax FREE!) Murderers and petty and serious drug Criminals are also welcome to a FREE TV license in and out of UK jails. This is due to the generosity of the BBC who threaten with menaces the UK general public if found in possession of a TV set.


  27. Fedup2 says:

    Apparently there are things called podcasts – comrade linaker makes money from them . He isn’t happy with the BbC advertising it’s own podcasts – it’s reported in the telegraph = here’s the report

    STARTS The BBC has scrapped plans to run advertisements on its radio and podcasts after Gary Lineker warned it would harm his business.

    The corporation had outlined proposals to place advertisements around some of its programming in the UK when streamed on platforms such as Apple and Spotify.

    But the plans have been shelved after rivals including Goalhanger, the podcast company run by Mr Lineker, warned of a “disastrous” impact on the market.

    A BBC spokesman said: “We have listened to feedback and having considered the options carefully, we have decided to rule out placing adverts around BBC licence-fee funded programmes on third-party podcast platforms in the UK.

    “We will continue to support the audio sector and the wider market, investing in the best ideas and developing production capabilities across the UK.”

    The BBC had been considering introducing advertising to programmes such as The Archers, Desert Island Discs and In Our Time in an effort to boost revenues.

    Tim Davie, the BBC’s director general, is trying to expand income from the BBC’s commercial division as he grapples with a squeeze on licence fee funding and a £500m black hole in the broadcaster’s finances.

    However, insiders said the BBC was dropping the advertisement plans as they recognised the strength of feeling among rivals. The decision is expected to be confirmed in the BBC annual plan due to be published early next week.

    Owen Meredith, chief executive of the News Media Association, which represents local and national publishers, said: “If confirmed, this would be a welcome change of heart from the BBC, showing an understanding of how their unique funding and position, when abused, can have a detrimental impact on the commercial media landscape.

    “I hope this learning will be replicated elsewhere at the BBC by finally reversing their aggressive push into online local news which is having a damaging impact on local news publishers, and its predatory marketing strategy in app stores.”

    Rivals had warned of ‘disastrous’ impact
    Mr Lineker’s Goalhanger, which produces shows including The Rest is Politics and The Rest is History, was one of 20 media companies to hit out at the proposals, arguing that the BBC would cannibalise advertising revenues and crowd out smaller players.

    Goalhanger, which was founded by the former England footballer in 2022, claims to be the UK’s largest independent podcast group with its shows downloaded over 400m times worldwide last year. The Match of the Day presenter also remains the BBC’s highest-paid star.

    In a letter last summer to Lucy Frazer, the culture secretary at the time, the media companies wrote: “The impact of it extracting audio advertising funds from the nascent UK podcasting market would be disastrous, especially for the numerous small independent podcast producers.”

    Critics warned against allowing the BBC, which is funded by the licence fee, to muscle into the nascent podcasting market. Podcast advertising generated revenues of £76m in 2022, compared to the BBC’s total income of £5.7bn.

    Andy Carter, the former Conservative MP, also warned about the impact on consumers, saying those who did not use BBC Sounds would “in effect be paying twice”.

    It comes after the BBC announced a shake-up to its Sounds streaming platform that will see expats cut off from scores of radio stations and podcasts.

    The BBC said it was developing ways of increasing commercial revenues internationally while growing Sounds in the UK through initiatives such as releasing podcasts first on its own platform before releasing them to third parties such as Apple and Spotify.

    Matt Payton, the chief executive of Radiocentre, the industry body for commercial radio, said: “We welcome the BBC’s public confirmation that it will not be introducing ads on its podcasts on third-party platforms. This is clearly the right decision for audiences as well as the many businesses investing in podcasts in the UK.

    “The BBC receives significant funding from the licence fee to produce distinctive audio content and introducing advertising alongside this would be damaging and inappropriate.”ENDS


  28. Philip_2 says:

    Also received BBC watch newsletter today from TPA….
    BBC Watch
    As always, thank you for your ongoing support and engagement with our BBC Watch blog.
    It has never been clearer that an increasing number of you are fed-up and frustrated with the ongoing antics of the BBC and its failure to recognise its shortcomings. Recent emails from readers have asked about what the legal situation is regarding not paying the licence fee and what you are able to watch if you decide to stop paying this antiquated tax. It is a shocking state of affairs that this question even needs to be asked.

    There are two things I suggest: 

    Firstly, take a listen to the podcast episode we recorded with Rebecca Ryan from Defund The BBC. You can listen to that episode of ‘A Nation Of TaxPayers’ on Spotify here, Apple Podcasts here, and YouTube here. 

    Secondly, the Defund The BBC website has a useful ‘How To’ section that makes it clear what you can view without a TV licence. You can their site here: https://www.defundbbc.uk

    Three BBC stories have caught my eye in the last few weeks. 

    Firstly, it has been revealed that disgraced BBC News presenter Huw Edwards has yet to return any of his salary earned in the months following his arrest. 

    This is a man who pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children – seven of which were Category A indecent images of children which are defined as the worst type.  He avoided prison after he was given six months imprisonment which was suspended for two years. Following his arrest in November 2023, he continued to be paid by the BBC right up until his resignation five months later. The BBC are insisting that they are demanding Edwards pay back his salary for that period. 
    However, when BBC Chairman, Dr Samir Shat, appeared before MPs sitting on the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, he admitted that Edwards had yet to pay back a penny. On top of this, we hear that the corporation has yet to publish the findings from its own investigation into the scandal which so far has cost £1.3million. 
    If the BBC were a private business, heads would have rolled by now. But as usual, vast amounts of licence fee payers’ money is being spent with no real positive outcome or decisive action. 

    I also note with interest that whilst the BBC continues to plead poverty and lobbies for the licence fee to stay in place, it can find £125k a year to recruit a Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. 

    The successful applicant will be responsible for creating ‘an inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels they can belong’.  By my reckoning the people who no longer feel the BBC belongs to them are hardworking licence fee payers.  Which leads me onto the disgraceful revelations about the documentary the BBC commissioned entitled: ‘Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone’.

    It turns out the narrator of the film – a 13-year-old boy called Abdullah – is the son of an official in the Hamas run government, the deputy minister of agriculture no less. We know this as an enterprising journalist discovered the LinkedIn profile of Abdullah’s father. The documentary, which has now been withdrawn, cost £400,000. To top it all, production company Hoyo Films who made it, paid Abdullah £700 for his services. 
    Hoyo Films were aware of the boy’s links to Hamas but did not reveal them to the BBC. However, ultimately, the buck stops with the broadcaster who screened the documentary.

    It brings into question the integrity of the production companies the BBC chooses to select to make programmes for it, and the BBC’s own due diligence given the speed with which the connection was found. 

    This recent blunder also highlights the blind spot or just complete bias that exists when it comes to some of those in the media world and how they view the Israel/Gaza conflict.  Heads should roll due to this latest incident, but I suspect they will not.  As I saw repeatedly whilst working at the BBC, those managers who do not do their job properly, cause a controversy or are simply not fit for purpose are rarely sacked. They just get moved into a different role. 

    Duncan Barkes
    TPA | BBC Watch newsletter today.


  29. Eddy Booth says:

    “King feeling better but will be frustrated at visit being cancelled”
    Daniela Relph
    Senior royal correspondent.


    So basically his cancer type is undisclosed, details of the side effects that caused the hospital visit not provided by the palace.
    Some vague, four separate engagements in Birmingham cancelled,
    Why doesn’t the boring old fart just retire, he’s 74 .


    • MarkyMark says:

      The King Of England never appeared….

      2023 King Charles pledges coronation oath
      ^^ HAND ON BIBLE ^^

      2025 King Charles Quoting the Quran

      “According to Islam, Jesus (as) was a prophet of God and primarily designated as His servant, not His son.”


    • Up2snuff says:

      Eddy, Daniela after Jonny Dymond’s job as Royal Correspondent? I don’t know why the BBC, in their over-staffed situation (see Philip_2 post’s above) why they do not make Jonny Dymond, a permanent member of the TOADY presenters and an occasional presenter for TWatO when the Montacutie goes for her usual long weekend. Sarah doesn’t like Fridays similar to Bob Geldhofs dislike of Mondays!


  30. Fedup2 says:

    Telegraph headline –

    ‘How worried shouid we be about the King ‘

    I immediately assumed they’d decided he is a Muslim convert .

    In the comments there’s a careless lack of affection . No wonder …… at least he can pop into the Islam prayer room on Friday to do his Islamic duty ….


  31. MarkyMark says:

    “Trump has set out to radically reshape American culture, which he says has been contaminated by “woke” left-wing ideology. He has signed several orders that are intended to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion programmes from the federal government – some of which led to legal challenges.”


    if WOKE “radically reshape American culture” then that is alright!
    Edward Colston statue placed in quiet corner of Bristol museum
    ‘I’m Jamaican. He may have traded one of my ancestors,’ says Bristol’s mayor, Marvin Rees, at the Colston exhibit in M Shed. Photograph: Adrian Sherratt/The Guardian


  32. Althepalerp says:

    In another life, the King would be a member of the Green party.
    He would advocate Taxing the rich and abolish the monarchy.

    But like all Lefties, do as I say, not as I do.


  33. StewGreen says:

    Rupert Lowe crowdfunds Rape Gany Inquiry
    17,000 Likes so far



  34. Fedup2 says:

    What another one ?

    Nasen Saadi’ – a murderer and attempted murderer -is being sentenced today . Tricky one for the BBC – a killer of women – complete strangers on a beach – yet is an ethnic Cardiff choir boy …. Just like the Southport monster – sadly still alive …

    So who wins BbC … you always choose – no doubt they’ll blame some one else for the evil of this monster … another one who deserved the rope …


  35. Eddy Booth says:

    “Ukrainians lose out on jobs and homes over visa uncertainty”


    Apparently 300,000 arrived, and are now whining about things.
    Funny they haven’t held a single peace/ anti war rally whilst here.

    And what about Britains losing out on jobs and homes to these parasites.

    “Tatiana – not her real name – who has two sons aged 11 and 16, told the BBC the situation left her suffering from anxiety, for which she was prescribed medication by her GP.”

    *Our* GP,


  36. Althepalerp says:

    Sell up, & leave Britain.

    Before it is too late.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes I agree – im glad I’ve got a flop …..

      … world at one
      Earthquake – usual stuff – but then a reporter mentions that sending money to Burma by USAID was cut off a few weeks ago – no new range rovers for the generals –

      So Trump / Elon get the blame …. Easy

      Then excellent news – the last steel producer is being closed – Scunthorpe – nice one Green Crapsters with your overpriced energy ….
      And we can forget building tanks and ships …


      • moggiemoo says:

        Why do we need tanks and ships? The enemy’s already here, on the ground, ready, no doubt waiting for the signal.


      • popeye says:

        But we still use steel, it’s just produced elsewhere, probably with lower environmental standards, so there is absolutely NO effect on the environment, but thousands of jobs gone overseas (read Charter 2030 United Nations – the real reason)


  37. Fedup2 says:

    Moggie – absolutely agree – those weapons would land up being used against the British – in the name of community cohesion …..
    Yep shut Scunthorpe down – wonder who the MPs are …?


  38. Fedup2 says:

    More excellent news

    The TTK criminal justice system is to be formalised on 1 April when special sentencing rules will apply to coloured folk and various other ‘groups ‘…
    White peoples will get lesser – unfair – immoral sentencing as a result – a good DEI example ….


    • Guest Who says:

      Between him on white males, Rachel from Accounts on most of the rest, all it would take is Ed Case to spunk a few more bill on something idi… oh.


    • MarkyMark says:

      To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury {slate.com feb2008}

      “In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain statement—”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”—still stands out like a diamond in a dunghill. It stands out precisely because it is said simply, and because its essential grandeur is intelligible to everybody. Its principles ought to be just as intelligible and accessible to those who don’t yet speak English, in just the same way as the great Lord Mansfield once ruled that, wherever someone might have been born, and whatever he had been through, he could not be subject to slavery once he had set foot on English soil.”


  39. Fedup2 says:

    Katie Hopkins has dirty video on YouTube where she shows her beaver . She discusses the British state targeting unapproved individuals by throwing section 66a of the sexual offences act 2003 – as amended at them .

    She doesn’t speak about a specific piece of lawfare going through the political courts for a political trial but you might guess the victim ..


  40. tomo says:

    I saw this on The Guardian’s web site and thought, the legacy media is committing suicide…


    Stunning and brave

    I wonder when Womens Hour are going to feature it?


    • Zephir says:

      It’s one rule for them… I wonder what would happen if Laurence Fox tried that on Wimmin’s Hour ?

      I saw a woman wearing a T shirt with the word “Guess” written on it.

      Apparently, 42 DD was not the answer.


  41. Zephir says:

    RE the latest far left nazi persecution of Laurence Fox.

    We have had Partygate, I propose we call this one Billingsgate.


  42. Zephir says:

    Appropos of nothing, or maybe because it’s Friday:

    I told my old mum that WTF means: “Wow, that’s fantastic”

    Her texts are so much more fun now, although not many people are talking to her.


  43. MarkyMark says:

    “She said: “They felt they were fearless and untouchable. They laughed and said they would never be punished.

    “The police said I was asking for it and that I didn’t do myself any favours by hanging around with these men.

    “I was being viciously groomed and locked in strange homes with dirty, filthy men.

    “I had no voice to speak. No-one listened.”



    2025 The Rape Gang Inquiry
    by Rupert Lowe in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

    ^^ Hope this just isn’t another report after 5 years and 10 lawyers go on holiday


  44. popeye says:

    SpecSavers on Classic FM (I won’t listen to or watch the BBC) joining the “woke” advertising parade.

    A cockney-sounding guy promoting the Nigerian 419 scam, even mentioning that his father is a prince with a secret bank account.

    When will they learn!


  45. tomo says:


    His net positive achievements would struggle to fit on the pointy end of a pin?


  46. tomo says:

    Apparently the Gary bloke is being aggressively punted into the media space…. (BBC QT I saw…. ‘ees a wrong ‘un)



  47. tomo says:

    Looks like X is under attack again


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