Why illustrate such a report, which is really about Islam, with a picture calling Hindu Indian PM a terrorist? Of course such belief is rampant at the BBC which attacks the Hindu leader at every opportunity.
Today, the minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, the German state where Cologne is located, admitted that people of foreign descent were responsible for virtually all of the violence on New Year’s Eve in the city.
‘Based on testimony from witnesses, the report from the Cologne police and descriptions by the federal police, it looks as if people with a migration background were almost exclusively responsible for the criminal acts,‘ Ralf Jaeger, interior minister from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia told a special commission on the Cologne violence.
‘All signs point to these being north Africans and people from the Arab world,’ he added. ‘Based on what we know now from the investigation, asylum seekers who arrived in the past year are among the suspects.’
Most sensible people know that the BBC’s beloved diversity where, not many many cultures intermingle and no one can dominate, but where two cultures compete for dominance, the end result is not culturally enriching or cosmopolitan but polarising and dangerous.
One imported culture has taken it upon itself to impose its ideology upon the rest despite still being a minority. It uses every trick in the book to win or force influence for itself knowing that politicians and liberal-minded people will run scared of ‘offending’ them and will bend over backwards to accomodate their demands for fear of being labelled racist or Islamophobic…and of course the ultimate winning hand is the ‘terror card’, the frequently made threat that if they don’t so accomodate the demands the community will become marginalised, angry and radicalised.
Muslim community leaders know which buttons to press…..they have learnt their lesson well…
One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror…Sir Alan Bullock.
Muslims frequently claim they are besieged and the BBC supports that narrative…indeed just last week after Pastor McConnell was found not guilty of being grossly offensive about the ‘Satanic and heathen’ Islam the BBC wheeled in the usual Muslim grievance card trumpers to say that very thing…and Peter Allen suggested we should keep quiet about Islam as it might lead to tension…and oh yes…that to be Christian was very unChristian.
We were told that Muslims were under attack.
Remind me just who is attacking who?
7/7 and an endless number of other attacks and attacks stopped by the security services, Muslim Sharia patrols on British streets, British school children force fed halal meat in secret, exams changed to suit Muslims, the Trojan Horse hijacking of schools [a plot evidence suggests was by the group that represents the most Muslims in the UK…the MCB], Christianity sidelined or hidden away whilst Islam is celebrated, rapes and abuse by Muslims swept under the carpet, judges allowed to serve on extremist sharia courts, never mind the relentless attacks on the media and government to blackmail them into toeing the Muslim line, or the bombs and terror attacks that push Muslim interests to the fore and are exploited to the full by the Muslim community who of course deplore such violence but suggest that it wouldn’t happen if only Muslims were allowed to do what they want to do and that British foreign and domestic policy be changed to be more ‘Muslim friendly’.
Just who is besieging who?
Maybe Churchill had it right…
What is this plight to which Europe has been reduced?
The vast quivering mass of tormented, bewildered human beings
Who wait in their cities and their homes
And scan the dark horizons for the approach of some new form of tyranny or terror
With the sullen silence of despair.
But for the Great Republic across the Atlantic Ocean saving
Europe from ruin and enslavement
The Dark Ages would have returned in their cruelty and squalor. They may still return.
The salvation of the common people in Europe from war and servitude
Must be established on solid foundations,
And must be created by the readiness of
All men and women to die rather than to submit to tyranny.
Let Europe arise.
‘Europe’ should certainly stand up for its own values, beliefs and culture and not allow aggressive, intolerant demanding immigrants intent on imposing their own ideology upon Europe to subvert society.
In a speech to the House of Commons on November 5, 1919, Winston Churchill said: “…Lenin was sent into Russia … in the same way that you might send a vial containing a culture of typhoid or of cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy. No sooner did Lenin arrive than he began beckoning a finger here and a finger there to obscure persons in sheltered retreats in New York, Glasgow, in Berne, and other countries, and he gathered together the leading spirits of a formidable sect, the most formidable sect in the world … With these spirits around him he set to work with demoniacal ability to tear to pieces every institution on which the Russian State depended.”
Any similarity to what Saudi Arabia does with its money and preachers?
The BBC prefers not to mention that if at all possible when otherwise producing selectively scathing reports about Saudi Arabia, the brave John Ware aside.
Hilariously, 10 days after the mass attacks across Europe and endless eyewitness and police statements, the BBC says…
Even now, no-one – and that includes the police – really knows what happened.
But of course…
“The police should think now about what they do to help us,” Michelle continued. “This is not a situation that’s normal in Germany or the Western world.”
But she worries. “It would be wrong to blame refugees,” she tells me. “They need our help.”
Well yeah…no one has a clue what happened…except those hundreds of eye witnesses who state quite clearly that mobs of ‘Arab and North African looking men’ attacked women in Cologne…and across Europe.
Cologne Police said that 379 offences were committed on that night, of which 150 were sexual assaults.
“Those in focus of criminal police investigations are mostly people from North African countries,” police said in a statement. “The majority of them are asylum-seekers and people who are in Germany illegally.”
The BBC prefers a different narrative and reports that several arrests were made and that among them were some asylum seekers…others were ‘Germans’…and one American…..but just which Germans? Were they German German or naturalised immigrant German? The BBC is very coy about that as it tries to downplay or cover up the fact that the vast, vast majority of attackers were Muslim males.
The BBC knows it can’t really cover this up and so it tries to blame everyone other than the ‘refugees’ themselves’…and their ‘culture’.….as Sarah Khan says…
Here in the West, we need to stop burying our heads in the sand and accept that Asian, Arab and African men grow up in societies where misogyny is the cultural norm. We need to talk about it so we can change it.
Ignoring it, like the BBC did, is just condoning it. If we are allowing people to come in, we must also make sure that we are not blinded by some truths which are hard to swallow.
It is a betrayal of the truth, of the majority of decent migrants and – most of all – of women who must not see progress turned back for the sake of accommodating a medieval world view.
Here the BBC adapts the Left’s latest meme…that ISIS attacks us in Europe in order to create division and hatred between Muslims and everyone else [Have to say Muslims seem to be doing a good job at alienating everybody else without help from ISIS]…and therefore we must not allow ourselves to react in a negative fashion against Muslims in response to the attacks…we need to do everything we can to make Muslims feel at home in Europe…including ‘more Islam’…er…exactly what ISIS [and the MCB] wants.
Some analysts have suggested that IS has encouraged a link between refugees and terrorism in order to foster hostility to refugees in Europe, although it is not known if the latest attack was carried out in co-ordination with the IS leadership in Iraq and Syria.
So thousands of ‘refugees’ across Europe are then affiliated to ISIS? The BBC slipped up there….destroying their own carefully created line that it is inconceivable that there are any terrorists hiding amongst the refugees.
However for some at the BBC, those predisposed to flights of fancy and self-delusion in their reporting [usually involving Israel], that is not the real answer…Hugh Sykes [H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased? and DB] continues to report as if high on something and babbles it is all a right-wing conspiracy…..
This is all very strange. Arabs and North Africans attacking German women in several cities, not just Cologne, is like a gift to PEGIDA and people like Tommy Robinson.
And there are conspiracy theories in the air that the New Year’s Eve attackers were encouraged to make sexual approaches to German women, told that it was the normal thing to do on New Year’s Eve.
If true, they may have fallen into a well-laid trap.
Sykes is not worried about the women and victims one jot, he is just concerned as to how it may effect the public’s acceptance of immigration…the BBC narrative….Sykes of course forgets the sad litany of sexual attacks within the refugee centres that the BBC has managed to avoid reporting for some reason, and the rape culture that has long existed in Sweden and Norway….since they let in the immigrants.
Is Sykes related to Sir Mark Sykes of the Sykes-Picot agreement which the BBC’s journalists seem to have such a poor grasp of? Is Sykes feeling guilt for the supposed sins of his forebears and tries to make amends by destroying all borders including those across Europe? Or is he related to comedian Eric Sykes?…only for the comic genius to jump a generation and miss old Hugh out altogether…oh he comes up with some laughable stuff but he ain’t funny, not one bit.
Sykes, like all BBC journos, thinks that to counter the arguments about controlling immigration all you have to do is to suppress the bad news and promote the line that immigration and everything immigrants do is good.
Only a simpleton – or, more commonly, person driven by instinct and emotion – thinks you can counter the uncompromising prejudice of “all immigrants are bad” with the uncompromising prejudice of “all immigrants are good”.
Sounds like our Hugh….but what else does the Guardian say? Is this Guardian little joke, from the same person above, the source of Hugh’s ‘flight of fancy’?…..
Short of going full conspiracy-theory, and suggesting a) that rightwing German men have slapped on the fake tan in a fiendish effort to engineer a revolt against German immigration policy; or b) that rightwing German men have slapped on the fake tan and dresses, then made it all up, to the same end, there appear to be few uncomplicated ways to blame the right for all this.
Hugh, you are a dishonest nobber, to be blunt.
The BBC as a whole is equally daft….trying to divert attention from the real crimes towards ‘future crimes’ as it warns us again and again of the supposed threat of the Far Right on the march…..whilst of course playing up the fears of the asylum seekers and migrant community….fear generated it has to be said as a result of their own actions usually…..
Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.
“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
The “anti-Islamisation” Pegida movement and the right-wing AfD have said the attacks were a consequence of large-scale migration.
But Cologne’s mayor said there was no reason to believe those behind the attacks were refugees.
And more….like the use of the word ‘seized’…as if they don’t have a legitimate point to make….
Right-wing groups, headed by the anti-Islam Pegida movement, gathered after reports emerged of a wave of sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve.
Anti-immigration campaigners have seized on the Cologne incident as an example of what they see as the failure of the country’s asylum policy. The prominence of the far-right Pegida movement was fading. It is now using the attacks as a propaganda tool.
[Critics have seized on all this as evidence that Angela Merkel’s open-door refugee policy has put German citizens at risk. ]
On the other side of what is a widening chasm, established Islamic groups here have expressed fears that the actions of a few may jeopardise the future of many.
Officials have warned that anti-immigrant groups have been trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred.
Some suggested Germany’s media had been hesitant to report on the attacks for fear of stirring far-right sentiment, after the arrival of more than a million migrants and refugees in the past year.
The BBC has had no choice but to report on events in Cologne…however it is downplaying those and avoiding mention of similar attacks right across Europe….many apparently organised.
The BBC has decided that once again the important thing is to shore up the argument in favour of mass immigration and has clearly come to the conclusion that mass sexual assaults, including rape, and other serious crime should be covered up in order to do that.
Those liberal, progressive BBC journalists have sat down in editorial meetings and worked out a deliberate strategy to protect rapists, sex abusers, violent gangs of criminals whilst their victims are blamed or forgotten.
The BBC is blatantly lying about what went on across Europe on New Years Day.
In parts of social media the idea of a “lying press” has taken root. [Wonder how that happened?]
The question for Germany is not just how to protect women without curtailing their lives but how to restore trust with ordinary Germans that they are being told the truth.
It is a question that resonates across Europe. It is hard to think of a series of events so likely to feed the narrative of Europe’s anti-establishment and populist parties that an elite is misleading the people.
Of course it’s not just a ‘narrative’, an imaginary portrayal of events…it’s the inconvenient truth…one that may eventually blow Europe, as a political union, apart as people see they are indeed being lied to on just about everything.
Your daughters, your wives next? Lord Hall Hall, Mark Easton, Evan Davis, Hugh Sykes and all those BBC journalists who grandstand about immigration and ‘it’s the right thing to do’ owe one very big apology to the women of Europe whom they have put at risk with their relentless and nonsensical cheerleading of mass immigration and open borders.
Cologne need not have happened. Sweden, Austria, France, Finland, Norway, and England need not have happened.
But they did, and Lord Hall Hall’s BBC is one of the major sources of the propaganda that has been used to promote the uncontrolled immigration policies and done so much to cover up the tremendous cultural, social and criminal damage that has resulted.
Terrorism, rape, social and cultural sabotage, cultural blackmail and British people cowed by a legal system that means they are afraid to live their lives in their own country without approval from the immigrants.
Hall and his assembly of low grade Goebbels have a lot to answer for. One day maybe they will.
Nick Robinson, the man who was thought a likely candidate to make a good PR monkey for the Labour Party, [perhaps Laura Kuenssberg wasn’t available] and who wrote to his BBC colleagues to tell them to lay off Corbyn [as if they were ‘laying on’ him to start with] gave his local MP, one Jeremy Corbyn, a lovely little interview this morning on the Today show…nothing too hard or too controversial for a Monday morning…in fact when Jeremy asked Robinson to lay off he did…several times. Must be nice to control what an interviewer asks you.
This was the same Robinson who later said the Tories were ‘slashing’ local government spending. Now ‘slashing’ is a highly loaded term and comes at the issue only from one side…the Left’s. This approach says only one thing…that there is no reason for these reductions in spending, it’s just a political decision. Robinson doesn’t indicate that there are very good reasons for these reductions….due to Labour’s reckless gamble with the light touch, risk based regulation of the banks and its massive borrowing and spending spree.
I wonder why the man who knows Corbyn so well, who was alarmed at any hint of anti-Corbyn reporting, who has Corbyn as his MP, who was thought a good candidate to be a Labour spinner, would take that stance?
Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
Socrates was put to death for impiety and immorality in teaching denial of god. Jesus put to death for being a blasphemer. Solzhenitsyn jailed in the Siberian gulags for questioning the party line.
To open a discussion in the world about something which deeply concerns everyone, and of which it was previously ignorant, to prove to it that it is mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow-creatures. That the messengers of these ideas should be martyred, that their reward should be to be dealt with as the vilest of criminals is a deplorable error and misfortune.
The British State has run a campaign to silence Tommy Robinson and to discredit the EDL whilst at the same time working closely with Muslim extremists and ‘conservative’ organisations.
We have reported on this site that the government sent out letters to Muslim organisations laying out their strategy for dealing with the EDL, the same government that imprisoned Robinson in order to take him off the streets and to silence him, the same government that paid the noxious Hope Not Hate left wing propaganda site to produce anti-EDL propaganda…and the BBC of course which no doubt was in close contact with the government and shaped its reporting to be in line with government policy on the EDL…who can forget Sarah Montague declaring that the EDL had ‘polluted’ the public’s mind about Islam or Andrew Neil’s hatchet job on Tommy Robinson…done at the instigation of the Islamist Mehdi Hasan.
The BBC has no problem with any of this. The same BBC that campaigned so vigorously to free a self-admitted terrorist and extremist from Guantanamo Bay…and who is now freely touring the country promoting the Islamist’s narrative.
Robinson is in essence a political prisoner….once again the British State has sought to silence him by taking court action against him. Douglas Murray in the Spectator spells out the State inflicted troubles that Tommy Robinson suffers…and the BBC doesn’t care one jot…if however he was a Muslim that would be a different story..one that would be on every BBC ‘front page’ demanding justice.
Tommy Robinson, campaigning against violent Islamists, is an ‘enemy of the British State’ and yet those extremists and terrorists are themselves free to travel the UK inciting hatred and violence.
A quote from Lieutenant Colonel Balfour, 1779, during the War of Independence…‘How strange must our system of politicks appear in future ages, when it appears, that while we were carrying on offensive wars in all quarters of the globe with vast fleets and armies, that an enemy rode triumphant in our own harbours.’
The Labour Party’s newly-appointed Director of Communications Seumas Milne has been asking the Political Editor of BBC News Laura Kuenssberg for advice on how to do his job.
Milne asked Kuenssberg, who is the most senior political journalist at the BBC for advice on everything from the upcoming by-election in Oldham to broading Jeremy Corbyn’s appeal with the public.
Kuenssberg obliged Milne with answers for over an hour, telling him what she would do if she were him.
Kuenssberg didn’t hold back as they discussed trouble that Momentum, the grassroots organisation that supports Corbyn, is having finding broader support among the public. “If you want to communicate with a nation you have to actually do it. You can’t just call everybody b*******,” she sternly informed Milne.
Not sure why a dyed-in-the-hairshirt Red would go to the BBC for advise on how to sell his tragi-comedy boss to the British Public…or maybe I am.
In a blog post for the BBC’s Journalism Academy – which has since been deleted – the output editor for the programme, Andrew Alexander, explained how Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg had “sealed the deal” for Mr Doughty to exclusively break his resignation live on air.
The hard left are squealing ‘fix’ and ‘bias’ and that the BBC arranged it to…
“maximise the political impact” of his resignation by doing it on television directly before PMQs.
Well probably not…to maximise the BBC’s scoop rating perhaps but not the political impact…this is the BBC that in most respects supports most of Corbyn’s policies from terrorism to arms sales to immigration and Europe, not to mention the economy and welfare.
This wasn’t bias just good old fashioned, ruthless, journalistic one-upmanship. Sky and ITV would have died for such a resignation on their screens.
One thing though…why did the BBC delete the post admitting that this was an arranged deal? Where’s the openness and accountability in that? Just the usual BBC hiding its dodgy dealings.
But there is bias at the BBC…how often have we complained about anti-Tory and especially anti-UKIP bias in the BBC’s comedy programmes? The comedy value of UKIP is apparently endless but there is no such thing as a balancing stream of anti-Labour comedy….however should you wish to tell a Labour joke apparently that has to be balanced with an anti-Cameron joke…
Barry Humphries revealed this week that he was told he could not do a planned Corbyn joke on a BBC comedy show — unless he also did one about David Cameron.
The BBC is the biggest joke of all. Not even my middle class, middle aged mum watches it very much if at all…and if the BBC have lost even the likes of her what hope do they have?
Wonder why with all that’s going on across Europe just now the BBC seeks to hide this story away….yet another ‘refugee’ turns out to be an ISIS supporter….this just wasn’t supposed to happen…it was supposed to be completely laughable that there was any suggestion that ISIS members would smuggle themselves into Europe in order to attack us….wasn’t it?
Islamic State obtained tens of thousands of blank passports in Syrian, Libyan and Iraqi towns since 2014, according to Western intelligence agencies.
The Welt am Sonntag paper cited intelligence officials in its report Sunday on Islamic State selling “real fake documents” to raise money. The terrorist organization is offering passports for between $1,000 and $1,500 on the black market.
In addition to the blank passports, Islamic State seized machinery for the production of passports and personal identity papers.
Security officials are concerned that jihadists will use the passports to disguise themselves as refugees and infiltrate Europe, the paper reported.
Fabrice Leggeri, the head of the EU’s border security agency Frontex, told Welt am Sonntag, “The large influx of people who are traveling to Europe unchecked represents a security risk.”
Even at least one Guardianista admits...‘ it’s silly to pretend that the word “refugee” is synonymous with the word “saint” anyway.’
About time the BBC did as well…about time the BBC admitted that the vast, vast majority of migrants are Muslim males and not the women and children the BBC loads its news reports with in order to sway us emotionally.
Migration of millions of young males with no loyalty or attachment to Europe, and a medieval ideology, has serious consequences for the future of European civilisation, society and culture…not good ones. The BBC prefers to brush such concerns aside in its rush to import as many foreigners as possible into Europe so as to destroy the supposed ‘white Christian dominance’ in the world.
The BBC has been relentlessly attacking Saudi Arabia for some time now whilst, as always, telling us what a wonderful, enlightened and moderate state Iran is…or would be if it weren’t for the Great Satan which sets out to surround poor little Iran with enemies necessitating an Iranian hardline response.
Any thought that perhaps the BBC’s take on Saudi Arabia is coloured by its security correspondent’s grudge against the Saudis?
When the Arab Spring protests erupted in 2011, Iran, which had crushed its own democratic protest movement two years earlier, claimed the credit for sparking reformist movements across the Arab world.
Today, Iran once again has a relatively moderate, pragmatic president in the form of Hassan Rouhani, while Saudi Arabia has embarked on a new and aggressive foreign policy that has seen it bogged down in an unwinnable war in Yemen.
Interesting to know that the Iranians claim the ‘credit’ for the Arab Spring which led to Syria et al….not the BBC narrative which blames the Iraq war and the West.
What of that ‘moderate, pragmatic’ Iran and the nasty aggressive Saudi foreign policy?
That’ll be the Iran which supports Hamas in its effort to ‘wipe Israel off the map’, which has essentially annexed Lebanon, which fights to support the murderous Assad in Syria, which interferes in Iraq and supported anyone from the Taliban to Iraqi insurgents who wanted to fight British and US troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan…and is involved in stoking the rebellion of Shia populations inside Sunni ruled states.
Aggressive Saudi Arabia? Maybe it has just-cause in the name of self defence.
The BBC complains of the brutality of the Saudi regime as it executes ‘so many’ people…why, the BBC asks, do we maintain diplomatic relations with them? Why then do we maintian diplomatic relations with the US which also has the death penalty? Or indeed Iran which has executed far more people than the Saudis and with whom we have just opened diplomatic relations.
Nicky Campbell ambushed defence secretary Michael Fallon a while back talking (18th December) about extremism and ISIS. He asked if Fallon was totally against beheaders, abusers and torturers….you could see the trap a mile off and knew what was coming next…Campbell was not now talking about ISIS…and indeed when Fallon said he was naturally against such things Campbell leapt in and gleefully demanded what he was going to do about Saudi Arabia then? All very childish and student politics, as we expect from Campbell and co.
What is curious about all the BBC’s anti-Saudi Arabia rhetoric is that, apart from never having been similarly disposed to attack Iran for its murderous regime killing gays and young girls, hanging them and flogging them, the BBC fails to mention the Saudi money and ideology that floods into the UK, and the rest of the world.
The BBC admits frequently that the Saudi ‘brutality’ is guided by Islamic sharia law and yet they fail to link that to what is being brought into this country. If it is bad in Saudi Arabia which is a Muslim country how much more unacceptable is such culture and law in a secular western democracy? The BBC don’t like to ask in case some people of a certain ideology get upset….one of them might be their favourite extremist poster boy, Moazzam Begg, against whom the evidence of his extremism mounts rapidly…the Mail having done a large scale exposé of him over the last couple of days…ignored totally by the BBC of course….Fanatics’ campaign of hate on campus is revealed: Islamic zealots who backed Jihadi John are poisoning the minds of students.
The BBC’s Phil Mackie (who insisted the Trojan Horse plot was a hoax) reported from Birmingham’s Green Lane Mosque and told us of how moderate it was and how it was fighting against extremism…this was the mosque which was at the centre of C4’s Dispatches ‘Undercover Mosque’ exposé of Muslim extremism…it is also a mosque with close ties to Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism, it’s mission in life is Dawah…the spreading of Islam. The BBC is either entirely naive or dishonest in its reporting about such things….seemingly covering up the extremist nature of many in the Muslim community in the interest of community cohesion…which is a very short sighted approach as the extremists are just biding their time to take over.
‘Is not of the sects of the Shi’ah who hate and curse the Prophet’s Companions and claim them to be apostates, claim that the Qur’an has been altered, reject the authentic Sunnah and worship the Prophet’s Family, peace be upon them.’
Now as a Mosque, a Muslim mosque you might emphasise (not so funny when you know that the BBC disregards what Muslims say and invent their own intepretation of Islam to suit the BBC’s own narrative…there’s the Muslim Islam and the BBC Islam), you might think that they knew what they were talking about when they explained what they were about. Not so. The Mosque says there is great enmity between Sunni and Shia….the BBC begs to disagree as Frank Gardner, the expert, in the Times told us today (Pay-walled)….
So the conflicts between Sunni and Shia Islam has nothing to do with Islam or religion per se…it’s all about power…but power of what? It’s about which religious intepretation dominates…it’s all about religion and Islam, which version of Islam is correct….and if you get the chance to read Gardner’s piece in the Times you realise the truth of that as he admits this again and again despite his headline denying the truth of that…
In practise this has led to a sort of quais-arms race for influence, with both Iran and saudi Arabia exporting and promoting their own versions of Islam.
Why does the BBC still insist on downplaying the role of Islam in conflicts around the world…and yet at the same time admits that it plays a role just as it admits the Saudi ‘brutal’ regime is guided by Sharia law and yet refuses to make the link to the export of Saudi religious fundamentalism to the UK?
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