Always interesting and instructive what the BBC deems newsworthy and what it deems to be worthwhile covering up.
Here are three perfect illustrations of this from recent times showing how the BBC covers up information that is damaging to its favoured races, religions, groups and ideologies.
The first is in fact a double hit, two for one for the BBC (a BBC still taking money from the EU to peddle EU propaganda in one form or another) as its reluctance to report this covers up issues around the EU and the horrifying prospect of Brexit and immigration. From the Telegraph:
David Cameron has been accused of a “migration cover-up” after it emerged that more than a million migrants who have come to the UK in recent years are unaccounted for.
Ministers have failed to release data which experts believe could show the true number of EU migrants coming to the UK, claiming that it would be “unhelpful” to Mr Cameron’s current renegotiation with Brussels ahead of the in-out referendum.
Has the BBC been doing a relentless and rigorous investigation of this obvious bit of pro-EU cover-up by Cameron? No. No surprise there. Why rock the boat and upset the applecart?
Second example of the BBC’s covering up of unwelcome news is the very unwelcome report from the High Level Military Group that looked into Israel’s actions in Gaza. The BBC are always chomping at the bit to put into headlines any condemnation of Israel from the likes of the UN (a very corrupt organisation) and Amnesty International…not so quick to report expert opinion like this that puts a case for Israel. It’s conclusions…from Harry’s Place:
We are under no doubt that Israel did not want this conflict and sought actively to avoid it, pursuing avenues of de-escalation in every phase of the conflict. Israel’s extensive civil defence measures played a significant part in allowing its political and military leaders the strategic space to be deliberate in expanding military operations in each phase only once avenues to avoid escalation were exhausted. Ultimately, Israel had no choice but to defend its citizens from the rocket assault launched by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups and the threat posed by the cross-border assault tunnels.
Hamas not only indiscriminately targeted Israeli civilians throughout the conflict with extensive rocket fire, but wilfully sought to draw the IDF into a prepared stronghold amid Gaza’s civilian population. It is important to note that Hamas actively sought the death of its own civilians as an advantageous reinforcement of its strategic concept aimed at the erosion of Israel’s legitimacy .
We further note that in reviewing commentary from the United Nations Human Rights Council, a number of NGOs such as Amnesty International, and sections of the media commentary on the 2014 Gaza Conflict, there are stark, unwarranted condemnations of the IDF’s conduct that do not accord with our own examination. We believe that where ideological motivation can be discounted, the principal reason for this disparity is the absence of the appropriate military and legal expertise and judgement in much of this commentary.
Further, it is alarming to see these institutions and organisations in certain instances accord equal weight to the actions and assertions of a terrorist organisation and a democratic state.
Note the HLMG criticises those reporting or commenting for being either ideologically motivated to attack Israel or lacking expertise and judgement. Both accusations can be levelled at the BBC for its abysmal, one-sided reporting of that war.
Third example of the BBC cover up is the usual pandering to Muslim sensibilites and the BBC’s narrative that says if we tell the truth about Islam and Muslims then the non-Muslim population will not welcome Muslims into their country or community….and that is so unfair not to mention xenophobic and racist..attacking Islam without reason or foundation, just baseless, animal hatred.
The government released a report on the Muslim Brotherhood, Jeremy Bowen’s non-violent, moderate Islamists. The BBC reported it but it didn’t mention crucial facts that would make clear what is going on in Muslim communities in the UK and raise alarming questions about that.
Nowhere in the BBC report will you find mention of who it is in the UK that the Muslim Brotherhood is closely tied to in the ‘moderate’ Muslim community. No where does the BBC mention the close ties to the Muslim Council of Britain which is the major and most representative organisation of British Muslims, nor the Muslim Association of Britain (also closely tied to the SNP who recruited MAB members, regardless of their reputation and own words, to be SMPs in order to win the Muslim vote).
‘In the 1990s the Muslim Brotherhood and their associates established public facing and apparently national organisations in the UK to promote their views. None were openly identified with the Muslim Brotherhood and membership of the Muslim Brotherhood remained (and still remains) a secret. But for some years the Muslim Brotherhood shaped the new Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), dominated the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) and played an important role in establishing and then running the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB). MAB became politically active, notably in connection with Palestine and Iraq, and promoted candidates in national and local elections. The MCB sought and obtained a dialogue with Government.’
The Muslim Brotherhood is a Muslim supremacist group that gave rise to Al Qaeda and Hamas, its aim is a global Islamic caliphate…and one of the BBC’s favourite Muslim talking heads, Tariq Ramadan, is a member (though he hates to admit it as it damages his credentials as a moderate ‘reformer’…despite his whole family being closely tied to the organisation).
Why would the BBC not like to openly admit links between such an organisation and ‘respected’ British Muslim groups that are highly representative of UK Muslims?
Here is the BBC desperately trying to avoid association with ‘moderate’, everyday Muslims…note it is just extremists or ‘individuals’ (ie trying to say there isn’t widespread support in the UK for their narrative) whom the BBC makes the link to…
Some groups proscribed under terrorism laws in the UK adopted the Brotherhood’s core thinking about a global Muslim identity into their own ideologies.
“Individuals closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK have supported suicide bombing and other attacks in Israel by Hamas… which describes itself as the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Oh hang on a quick mention of possible links to groups that ‘claim to represent’ Muslims in the UK…
Mr Cameron said the Brotherhood had influenced groups in the UK which claimed to represent ordinary Muslim communities in talks with government.
Like that ‘influenced’…kind of covers up the fact that the MAB and MCB are MB creations…and what of that ‘claim to represent’? They do represent….the MCB is widely recognised as the goto group for comment on Muslim affairs….the BBC itself has it on speed dial if it wants a guaranteed condemnation of government security policies….either the MCB or that Trojan Ass Baroness Warsi.
Curiouisly there is no comment from the MCB in this article. Odd that. No?
Wait, there’s more…I said I’d show three examples of the BBc covering up unwelcome news but here’s another (and there’s another as well but it deserves a separate post).
The BBC refuses to criticise Islam, and thereby believers of the religion in the UK, in order to ‘maintain a civil society and cohesion’. on the other hand it does criticise Islam, or as it calls it ‘an extreme, strict, intolerant, version of islam’…is there more than one Islam? Who knew?
For this purpose Saudi Arabia is the whipping boy, the lighting rod for ‘acceptable’ criticism of ‘intolerant’ islam…no coincidence that Saudi Arabia is allied to the ‘orrible West and buys lots of its weapons from us….the BBC doesn’t like that….its friends in Iran don’t either.
The BBC attacks Saudi Arabia for its intolerant version of Islam in an article that strangely tries to distance Saudi Arabia from ISIS but fails to mention the more important funding links between Saudia and the UK (amongst many, many other countries that Saudi spends lots of money in to buy influence and new recruits to Islam).
How can the BBC possibly miss out such a relevant and important fact about Saudi funding for Mosques, Madrassas, Islamic cultural and information centres and UK universities as well as of course buying up the High and Mighty of this land with mega deals and sporting buy outs?
The BBC’s friend of the Islamists of the MCB which tried to hijack British schools, Phil Mackie, spent a long time not so long ago praising Birmingham’s Green Lane Mosque for its anti-extremist messages and yet it is a mosque with a history of extremism and was at the centre of the C4 ‘Undercover Mosque’ exposé…from Harry’s Place in 2010…
This is a hardcore Wahhabi institution that is much reviled in the local community and known for bringing in hardline Wahhabi clerics in order to preach intolerance and hate.
From the Qulliam Foundation in 2009:
A major Birmingham institution, the Green Lane Mosque (headquarters of the national Markaz Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith organization) will host two extreme Wahhabi clerics who bolster al-Qaeda narratives by advocating:
• Taking up arms against the ‘enemies of Islam’ in order to spread Wahhabi Islam
• ‘Preparing all the weapons we can’ and raising the ‘banner of jihad’
• Forcibly implementing their understanding of Shari’ah as state law
They have also said that:
• Islam is under attack from enemies, among the worst of whom are Jews
• Non-Muslim nations want to destroy Islam
• The Jews have ‘smeared creation and defaced mankind’
• The Jews were responsible for initiating both world wars and ending the Ottoman Empire (or Caliphate)
From Shariawatch:
Whether visiting speakers to Green Lane Mosque criticise Al-Qaeda or otherwise does not however settle the matter; extremist Wahhabi Islam is routinely preached at the mosque. On its own website Green Lane Mosque boasts that it has “excellent contacts with illustrious Scholars throughout the world, especially with Saudi Arabia.”
Well that’s four examples, five if you count the next post, of the BBC covering up serious issues surrounding Islam in the UK…and EU immigration is part of that discussion as millions of Muslims invade Europe under the guise of refugees and economic immigrants but bringing with them the ancient beliefs and attitudes that will tear Europe apart.
Lord Hall Hall’s immigration extremist BBC is happy to appease the jihadi extremists in order for a ‘peaceful life’….a peaceful life that may not last very long. The BBC’s ideologically motivated gerrymandering of the news will bring exactly what it seeks to avoid…only many times worse.
According to Western intelligence services, Islamic State militants had probably procured tens of thousands of real passports after taking control of local authorities in parts of Syria, Iraq and Libya.
They may also have seized machines used to produce identity documents.
The newspaper said, without specifying its sources, that Islamic State was doing a brisk trade in the passports, which sell for between £700 and £1,000 on the black market.
The BBC has played a very large part in that serious security risk as it did its utmost to cheerlead for mass, uncontrolled immigration but also, unforgiveably, sought to downplay and deny the entry of terrorists to Europe amongst those immigrants. We saw what happened in Paris where terrorists who had been to Syria brought their war back with them to Europe. The BBC played its part in that.
As Dan Hodges says, there are serious issues that need to be honestly and diligently examined and not brushd under the carpet in order not to upset the very people who are either carrying out the terrorism or do in fact support such acts….
The BBC is wrong. Many Muslims have sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo killings. Far too many.