French weatherman taken off air after questioning climate change




The Guardian reports……

A French TV weatherman has been taken off air after writing a book in which he questions climate change. Philippe Verdier, a familiar face on the state-run France 2 channel, said he had been told not to return to work for the foreseeable future.

“I received a letter asking me not to come,” Verdier told RTL radio this week. “I don’t know any more than that, I don’t know how long it will last. It’s all to do with my book.”

Verdier had taken time off to undertake a publicity tour for his book – entitled Climat Investigation – but had been expecting to return to work.

“It’s France Télévisions’ decision, I’m not on holiday,” he said.

In the book, Verdier throws doubt on the findings of leading climate scientists and political leaders, saying they have “taken the world hostage”. It is timed to coincide with France’s hosting of a major UN climate summit in December.

We are told that….

France Télévision’s said its rules “prevent anyone using their professional status … to push forward their personal opinions”.

That never stopped Roger Harrabin.  Then again as an english graduate I suppose he might not be classed as a ‘professional’ when it comes to climate change science.

And it is curious that the BBC, as far as I can tell, made no mention of this very significant story…from Christopher Booker in the Telegraph….

Judges plan to outlaw climate change ‘denial’

We might think that a semi-secret, international conference of top judges, held in the highest courtroom in Britain, to propose that it should be made illegal for anyone to question the scientific evidence for man-made global warming, was odd enough to be worthy of front-page coverage….But only a series of startling posts by a sharp-eyed Canadian blogger, Donna Laframboise (on Nofrakkingconsensus), have alerted us to what a bizarre event this judicial gathering turned out to be (the organisers even refused to give her the names of those who attended). 

The fact that it could be seriously proposed in the highest courtroom in the land that the law should now be used to suppress any further debate on what has become one of the most contentious issues in the history of science (greeted with applause from the distinguished legal audience) speaks volumes about the curious psychological state to which the great global warming scare has reduced so many of the prominent figures who today exercise power and influence over the life of our Western societies.

Curious that the BBC would censor that when they are so often keen to bring us news of what judges and lawyers think on subjects close to the BBC’s heart…Migrant crisis: UK response criticised by senior former judges.

Curious the BBC would censor news that judges would seek to silence free speech on climate change when the BBC along with the Guardian et al are at the forefront of protest journalism when it comes to the government trying to close down certain debates.


A dose of reality?


Katya Adler, so often just another of the BBC’s pro-immigration cheerleaders, has come up against the uncomfortable truth, and decided to print it…

The arrival of so many asylum seekers in one go will impact Germany’s economy, its society and its politics.

And she can’t do the usual BBC thing of dismissing this as the concern of a few far right neo-Nazis…

It didn’t much look like a protest.

Lots of casually dressed, smiley very middle-class Germans – some with children, others with dogs, chatting animatedly in beautiful parkland on the outskirts of Hamburg on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

But this was indeed a protest group, putting together a petition in an attempt to stop a new refugee centre being built on the green.

Adler though can’t help but slip in a bit of the usual ‘reassurances’…

People here were keen to emphasise that they were not anti-immigrant.

To be clear: most Germans don’t question a duty to help those fleeing war or human rights abuses…

And there’s the claim so often denied but known to be the truth, and admitted by the migrants themselves more often than not, about why the migrants flock to countries like Sweden, Germany and the UK…benefits….

“We have to get the balance right,” said Lorenz Caffier, CDU Interior Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

“The German constitution demands that we look after refugees but the benefits we give them are too generous.

“Frankly, I’m amazed at any migrant who doesn’t choose to come to Germany. Our benefit system acts like a travel agency. We must put the wellbeing of our own people first.”

German newspapers are full of reports about the benefits refugees receive compared to German citizens on welfare, leading, in some quarters, to a sense of injustice.

There’s also a more widespread worry about strains on the national health and education systems.

‘Just a bunch of racists’ is the usual response to such talk in the UK.

Is the BBC going to start to reflect the genuine concerns of people in the UK about immigration and admit that those concerns are based upon very real problems that mass immigration causes or will this type of report be a flash in the pan, a one off, that does nothing to change the tidal wave of pro-immigrant sentiment that floods out of the BBC?

Perhaps Adler was unnerved by reports of journalists coming under attack for spreading lies and smearing anyone who speaks up about immigration…..

In earlier days, Pegida members often derided the media as the “lying press,” but those calls, increasingly, are being supplanted by actual physical attacks on journalists. Two weeks ago, Pegida supporters attacked journalists with MDR and the Dresdner Neuesten Nachrichten newspaper, with one reporter getting punched in the face. Officials at MDR, which is the public broadcaster for Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt, have reported insults, vandalism and physical attacks by Pegida supporters at all of their state studios and say the number of incidents is growing, particularly in Saxony. The “growing aggressiveness” toward its employees, officials say, is a “new experience.”






BBC rigs its submission to Charter Review



From the Mail:

BBC ‘ignored public’s views on its future and instead used paid-for-study to represent the views of the population’

The BBC Trust side-lined the views of the public from its official report on the future of the Corporation – despite lecturing everyone else that the public’s voice should be ‘heard loud and clear’.

It also skewed the results of a survey, even after telling MPs that any decisions about the future of the broadcaster should be based on ‘evidence’ rather than any preconceptions.

Rona Fairhead, chairman of the Trust, spent the summer arguing that the BBC’s future should not be dictated by ‘prejudice’.

Instead, she argued, it should be decided by the public who pay for the broadcaster, and based on firm ‘evidence’.

‘This should all happen through a proper debate in which the public’s voice is heard loud and clear. The BBC’s future is simply too important to be settled behind closed doors.’

However, it would seem that the Trust failed to listen to its own advice.

Around 40,000 people then responded to the Trust’s questionnaire about the BBC, in the belief that the governing body would then pass their views on to the Government.

But the Trust decided not to include the survey results in its official report on the future of the BBC, and relied on a much smaller, paid-for study to represent the views of the public instead.

Last night, people who filled in the survey were outraged that they took the time and effort to set down their views, only to have them dismissed in the Trust’s official report.

Caroline Levesque Bartlett, who runs a campaign to ban the licence fee, said: ‘I find it really irritating…we are allowed to share our view only once every ten years, and the BBC Trust rigs. What a sham.’ A BBC Trust source admitted that the results of the public questionnaire were not properly included in the official document, and hinted that it may have run out of time to do the analysis it wanted.

She added that some of the broad findings were ‘reflected’ in the report, and that the full analysis would be published at a later date – after the deadline for submissions to the Government’s Green Paper on the future of the BBC has already passed.

Rats in a sack



It’s getting nasty as the blame game starts…….

Scotland Yard accuses the BBC of hampering its investigations into historical child sexual abuse

Scotland Yard has accused the BBC of undermining its investigation into historical child sex abuse, claiming that the corporation’s actions risked deterring victims from coming forward.

Scotland Yard said that the BBC’s actions “could compromise the evidential chain should a case ever proceed to court”.

In a strongly worded statement it cited the example of Jimmy Savile, who was propelled to stardom by the corporation, to illustrate the dangers if potential witnesses are deterred from coming forward. Savile went unchallenged for years despite rumours of him abusing underage girls.

“Hundreds of people never came forward in part because they feared the consequences of making allegations against a powerful public figure,” said the statement.

“We are worried that this programme and other recent reporting will deter victims and witnesses from coming forward in future.”

Scotland Yard has insisted that the BBC’s handling of the investigation threatens to hamper its own criminal inquiries. .

A spokesman for the Met said: “We trust that the BBC has given due consideration to the impact of its reporting on ‘Nick’ and how it fulfils its responsibility to a witness making allegations of a sensitive and personal nature which were broadcast to millions of people.”


I’m guessing the police and the BBC won’t be teaming up again to raid a celebrity’s house on spurious, flimsy and unsubstantiated charges.





May Day


Theresa May said some sensible, measured and balanced things about immigration. The world went mad.  And the BBC gave the world a helping hand.

John Pienaar and Co told us that May used a tough tone, a hard, uncompromising message, she was deliberately setting out to polarise opinion.  Really?  Wasn’t she just saying the absolute truth about uncontrolled mass immigration, a truth that most people in this country understand?  The BBC might like to characterise that as a ‘hard message’ and ‘polarising’ but that is the BBC deliberately trying to paint May’s opinion as extreme, on the fringes and not supported by the mainstream.  Five Live told us that May once called the Tory Party the ‘nasty party’…and you know what?  She risks turning that label upon herself…says the BBC.  At least we know how the BBC views any open and honest debate about immigration….if you dare to say you want controls on it you’re basically a Fascist or as near as makes no odds.

Pienaar selected a wide range of opinion on May’s speech…or rather we heard of the ‘backlash’ from certain interested parties….the Institute of Directors, fervently pro-immigration, the Telegraph’s Kirkup. again fervently, if not rabid and dementedly pro-immigration as his frenzied attack on May illustrates, and of course not forgetting those immigration charities and NGOs (oddly the BBC’s complaints guru, Fraser Steel, is director of a company that helps immigrants).  Anyone not in favour of uncontrolled immigration?  Ermmm…no.   No inkling that the vast majority of the Public think that migration should be controlled?

So that’ll be the IOD whose members are more than happy to sack British workers and replace them with cheap migrants, who indeed are more than happy to sack British workers, pack the factories up and ship them to Poland or China or India…that’ll be the IOD members who haven’t bothered to go to the effort, expense and time to train British workers preferring instead to rob other countries of their trained workers.  I don’t think I’ll be taking any lessons on ethics from the IOD whose sole concern is the bottom line.

Strange we didn’t hear the same wild accusations for the same speech from Labour’s Andy Burnham not even a week ago….

EU migration hits low paid – Andy Burnham

Free movement of workers in the EU has made life tougher for low paid workers in the UK, Andy Burnham has said.  He was making a pitch to win back Labour voters from UKIP in his first big speech as shadow home secretary.  He said it was “not true” that free movement had benefited everybody as Labour had claimed in the past.

Mr Burnham said in his speech that Labour had not “faced up” to some of the impacts of EU migration and consequently appeared “out of touch……To win back the voters we lost to UKIP, I want to reframe the debate about immigration and the way Labour approaches it”.

“For too long, we have argued that free movement across Europe benefits everyone and affects all areas equally. That’s just not true.

“In places, a free market in labour benefits private companies more than people and communities. Labour hasn’t faced up to that and that’s why we look out of touch.”

“The truth is that free movement on the current rules is widening inequality. It has built the economic power of the big cities and that is good. But it has made life harder for people in our poorest communities, where wages have been undercut and job security lost.


Curious Pienaar didn’t reference Burnham’s speech especially in relation to the IOD as Burnham spells out who benefits the most from cheap, imported labour……..’a free market in labour benefits private companies more than people and communities.’

Note he also states that this cheap labour undermines British wages and jobs lost….two things May also pointed out and yet the Telegraph’s Kirkup savages her for…and not Burnham.

Pienaar has been highlighting the extremely negative reactions to May’s speech without any balancing pro-comments, or none that I heard…..though at least Tony Livesey on 5 Live (16:14) took the IOD to task and pretty well discredited their stance…accusing them of using the same inflammatory language the IOD accuses May of using.  Livesey also raised the point that even immigrants are concerned about immigration.  I well remember a Polish builder complaining that the next wave of East Europeans who came to the UK were undercutting him…after he had undercut the natives.

I can’t say I heard the BBC making such a fuss about Burnham’s speech, certainly not in the tone they use to describe May’s (Livesey aside). Pienaar has always leant towards Labour, Miliband could do no wrong and walked on water, Labour policies were always well thought out and workable whilst Tory ones were usually dismissed as far fetched and unworkable.  If I relied on Pienaar for the news I’d think May was striding around the stage in jack boots and a tiny moustache….Max Mosley’s dream come true?







The BBC…Still in denial about Savile and all that?


Tonight Panorama broadcasts this: The VIP Paedophile Ring: What’s the Truth?

What’s the truth?  Good question.  Will Panorama provide the answer?…We know that the BBC grandees have been panicking about this Panorama programme lest it bring into question the BBC’s own reporting of ‘Nick’ and his allegations….and judging by this trailing article for the programme by Ceri Thomas I have my doubts….search for ‘BBC’ and you’ll get one reference in the article….‘They included places where Savile had done dreadful things – the BBC and the NHS’.

So things happened at the BBC but that’s just geography?

Thomas doesn’t seem to want the BBC to get any of the blame, at least in this article…that goes to the police, the Press and the politicians….those ‘Big Institutions’….hmmm…doen’t he mean big institutions like the BBC as well?

What we’ve found while we’ve been making this Panorama is a concern that all those big institutions – the police, press and politicians – are so determined to atone for the sins of the past that they’re in danger of inventing whole new categories of mistakes. The motivation may be good, but the outcome can be awful.

And look at this….Thomas claims the police have been spreading highly damaging allegations as they are…..

….giving up on even-handed, evidence-based policing at enormous cost to the reputations of people who’ve been accused – people like Harvey Proctor, Leon Brittan, Sir Edward Heath. How much responsibility do the police bear for smoke-damage when they light the most enormous fire?

Oh and the politicians?  …Why didn’t they catch old Savile out?…..

They’d been far too cosy with the media and the police – the same police who’d failed to collar Jimmy Savile.

And the Press…..

And then there’s the press…….miserably incompetent at investigating Jimmy Savile’s crimes.

And check this out….the wild west of the internet is blamed for lynching politicians without evidence…

And so, parts of the media – particularly the online, alternative media – raced down that road, publishing wild stories without pausing to check if they were true. A lot of things have been published that should never have been.

Hang on right there…..wasn’t it the BBC that hung Lord McAlpine out to dry on utterly false allegations?

Laughably Thomas ends on this….

[Are the allegations true?] A better answer might be to say that the real problem would be if the police, politicians and the press have decided that it doesn’t matter either way.

If the priority for those institutions has become patching up their battered reputations, then victims of abuse could be vulnerable again – pawns in the game – and the reputations of the accused would be acceptable collateral damage.

The police, press and politicans guarding their reputations?  Maybe…but this is all about the BBC really… can Thomas manage to write an article that in essence revolves around Savile and the BBC’s reaction to that, their reaction, or lack of, as he was committing the abuse and in the fallout afterwards when it came into the open (I won’t say ‘discovered’ because the BBC knew about it long before it was common knowledge) and the BBC ducked for cover.

For the BBC this has always been about guarding their reputation not about the truth, protecting themselves much as they, and those ‘big institutions’ protected the abusers in Rotherham and Rochdale, covering up for them in order for the pretence of ‘social cohesion’ in a wonderfully diverse and yet magically integrated society to be kept up…never mind the hundreds and hundreds of young, white girls that were sacrificed on that PC altar.

Perhaps the actual programme mentions the BBC’s role in all this.  If so why not in this article that seems to be deliberately and very carefully worded to avoid any blame going to the BBC?





Start the week open thread


Time for a fresh open thread……a Tory conference in full swing, mass Muslim immigration, a war in the Middle East with the Turks and Russians curiously bombing everyone except the one target they should be hitting…the Islamic State, Europe in turmoil and Peston’s hair….the BBC newsroom must be working full-steam ahead, all hands to the pumps, to keep up with all that and shape it into a narrative that pleases the left-wing sensibilities….