The BBC has an agenda that is highly evident when it comes to reporting anything to do with race or indeed religion, one religion in particular of course.
When white people are filmed being racially abusive to non-whites on public transport the BBC will rapidly broadcast the videos with profound expressions of shocked sensibilities. You see no such videos ffrom the BBC of black people abusing whites. When a white police officer shoots a black man in America the BBC’s default position is that the shooting was a result of racial prejudice. The BBC will trawl the archives for anything remotely similar, or even not similar at all. A black man dies of cancer or in a road accident and the deaths are all gathered together, conflated along with the shootings to create the narrative that somehow black lives are worth less than white ones and that all black deaths are somehow a result of racism whether overt or hidden….victims of a society that doesn’t care about them.
Yesterday we posted a look at the BBC’s latest such effort that was a very long piece of race baiting from the BBC designed to do what we’ve just stated, to merge together all black deaths of any cause into one bloated, censorious accusation against American Society, the white bit of society that is.
It is a typical piece of race hustling that we’ve come to expect from the racism industry and unfortunately from the ‘impartial’ BBC as well. Institutions we are told can be racist, systems can be racist, even buildings can apparently be racist not meeting the specific needs of the black citizens, whatever those specific needs might be, and of course if they can’t find anything current to complain about there is always the legacy of history from which all black people are obviously suffering, whether they know it or not, and let’s not forget the innate racism of white people who, even if they never display any signs of racism, can never throw off the prejudices so natural to their race and indeed not being racist is a sure sign of being racist in its condesending patronising display of white supremacy…..the neo-colonialism of the do-gooder still ‘helping out’, civilising, the black man.
Amongst all of the BBC’s vast number of highly emotive reports about police killing black people in the US are there any that mention white people being killed in a similar manner by police? Because it’s bound to be happening…and indeed here’s one such killing that the BBC seems to have somehow missed….
The Independent reports the controversy…..
Zachary Hammond death: Shooting of unarmed white teenager by police officer sparks debate over ‘lack of outrage’ in America
The Guardian reports it…..
Zachary Hammond autopsy challenges police account of fatal shooting
The BBC hasn’t shown the slightest interest in a white man, unarmed, killed, shot in the back, by police in America.
If he’d been black his death might have merited some interest, considerable interest, and a whole narrative of police brutality and of a racist America spun and hung off of it.
The Independent reports…’The Hammond family’s lawyer has said it is because it was a “white on white” killing. Eric Bland told the newspaper: “It’s sad but I think the reason is, unfortunately, the media and our government officials have treated the death of an unarmed white teenager differently than they would have if this were a death of an unarmed black teen. “The hypocrisy that has been shown toward this is really disconcerting. The issue should never be ‘what is the colour of the victim?’ “The issue should be: ‘why was an unarmed teen gunned down in a situation where deadly force was not even justified?”’
Something for the BBC to consider before it once again exploits black deaths for its own, what is, racist, anti-white, agenda…..
“The issue should never be ‘what is the colour of the victim? The issue should be: ‘why was an unarmed teen gunned down in a situation where deadly force was not even justified?”’
The BBC’s reporting on these issues is entirely worthless without the context of how many white people are also killed by police in America in similar circumstances. Without that statistic it is impossible to judge whether there is any link between race and the police’s actions. That doesn’t stop the BBC from making wild and dangerous accusations that ramp up the anger and ill-will not just towards the police but towards white people. So much for the BBC ‘maintaining civil society and citizenship’. It seems more intent on inciting riots and race wars.
Perhaps once the BBC wakes up they will make a film about the young white man’s killing just as they are doing for the death of a black man, one who was armed and presumably willing to use the weapon against somebody…
Actors Wanted For Drama Doc For BBC
This is a really interesting 60 minute drama doc for BBC 1 about the incident that started the riots in 2011.
29-year-old Tottenham resident, was shot and killed by police in Tottenham, North London, England, on 4 August 2011. The Metropolitan Police stated that officers were attempting to arrest Duggan on suspicion of planning an attack, and that he was in possession of a handgun. Mark Duggan was not the notorious gunman the press have portrayed him to be; neither was he, as his family readily accept, “an angel”. In this film we will try to find the man behind the gangster stereotype and understand the challenges he faced as a young black man from Tottenham’s Broadwater Farm Estate, an area which has lived in a state of semi permanent siege since the murder of PC Keith Blakelock in 1985.
The BBC trying to paint Duggan as a victim of the police regardless of the verdict of the inquiry into his death andfailing that are clearly trying to persuade us that Duggan was a victim of society, not responsible for his own actions, forced into them by a racist and uncaring white majority society. Such deaths never occur in Jamaica then?
Why is the BBC so obsessed with US police ‘brutality’, white police that is, when other police forces around the world are so much worse…this video claims that Jamaican police are the most violent in the world killing hundreds of people every year in a population that is one hundredth that of America? Why hardly a glimmer of interest from the BBC?