British Values Not Valued By The British Broadcasting Corporation


The BBC undermining British values and culture in misplaced deference to “multiculturalism” and the implacable rise of Islamic radicalism.  A connection?


From the Telegraph:

Everyone now recognises the global importance of soft power. The World Service and the TV news output could be useful in the struggle against Islamic extremism. Internationally, the BBC still enjoys a high reputation. Although that may owe more to past glories than to the current output, it could be helpful. In the UK, the BBC should have a role in disseminating British values among recent immigrants. But there is a difficulty, which could prove fatal. Does the BBC believe in British values?

There are strong grounds for arguing that those who complain about political bias are aiming at the wrong target. The BBC does not deliberately set out to assist the Labour Party to win elections. But it is infected by a metropolitan, politically correct groupthink, in which two assumptions are never questioned. The first is cultural relativism. The second, that British history provides grounds for shame, not pride.


In 2008, a group of British former generals, senior diplomats, and intelligence services officers wrote a widely publicized essay that claimed multiculturalism was undermining national security. They stated:

The United Kingdom presents itself as a target, as a fragmenting, post-Christian society, increasingly divided about interpretations of its history, about its national aims, its values and in its political identity. That fragmentation is worsened by the firm self-image of those elements within it who refuse to integrate. This is a problem worsened by the lack of leadership from the majority which in misplaced deference to “multiculturalism” failed to lay down the line to immigrant communities, thus undercutting those within them trying to fight extremism. The country’s lack of self-confidence is in stark contrast to the implacability of its Islamist terrorist enemy, within and without.


Open Thread Friday


The BBC never changes….never misses a chance to put the boot in….here’s a minor classic of the genre…

Everything Everything: ‘Our album is a horror bible’

Ebola, missing airplanes, beheadings, the rise of UKIP.

They’re not the usual topics for a top 40 chart act, but that’s exactly what alt-pop band Everything Everything have been writing about over the past year.

“After we’d finished the record, I read the lyrics back and I realised I’d written a horror bible,” says frontman Jonathan Higgs.


UKIP classed in the same category as ebola, mass murder by aircrash and beheadings.   The BBC couldn’t wait to mention that!

Just one minor example of the drip drip effect of the BBC machine polluting the discourse…I’m sure you’ve noticed more….

A Senseless Tragedy



The Today programme (09:50) altered its running order and slotted in a clip of Jon Stewart talking about the murder of 9 black people in church by a white man.

Stewart told us that there was a ‘disparity of response’ towards this attack and an unwillingness to acknowledge that this was a terrorist attack.

Is that true?  This is how the BBC, which is scrupulous in reporting terror attacks accurately, back in the motherland reported the murders….


Charleston in shock over youngest ever gunman….Victim or Terrorist?

A Charleston youth in South Carolina is believed to be the youngest ever racially motivated mass killer after reportedly shooting nine churchgoers in an unprovoked massacre.

Dylann Roof, 21, a lone white male, took part in a prayer meeting at the church before opening fire upon the other people there.

His family said they were “devastated” at the news.

They say he was groomed. That makes him, in their eyes, a victim, rather than a criminal or terrorist.

A statement issued by Roof’s family said: “Dylann was a loving, kind, caring and affable young man.

“He never harboured any ill will against anybody nor did he ever exhibit any violent, extreme or radical views of any kind.

“Dylan’s tender years and naivety were it seems however exploited by persons unknown who, hiding behind the anonymity of the world wide web, targeted and befriended Dylann and engaged in a process of deliberate and calculated grooming of him.

“Whilst there it appears that Dylann fell under the spell of individuals who continued to prey on his innocence and vulnerability to the point where if the press reports are accurate he was ordered to carry out this dreadful attack by so-called white supremacist handlers and leaders too cowardly to do their own dirty work.

“We are all naturally utterly devastated and heartbroken by the unspeakable tragedy that now appears to have befallen our family.”

A spokeman from CageUSA, Jeb Schickelgruber, stated that he had met Roof many times over two years and had engaged in email discussions with him.  Schickelgruber said that Roof had been under constant pressure from the FBI and other security agencies to act as an informant for them and was increasingly desperate to escape the harassment.

He stated that “You might be surprised to know that the Dylann that I knew was extremely kind, extremely gentle, extremely soft spoken, was the most humble young person that I knew…he was a beautiful person.’

Roof suffered from the “suffocating domestic policies aimed at turning a person into an informant but which prevent a person from fulfilling their basic life needs would have left a lasting impression on Dylann. He desperately wanted to use the system to change his situation, but the system ultimately rejected him.”

He further said the government has created a “narrative of injustice” where Southern Whites are persecuted and demonised and inevitably “felt like outsiders.” He called for a radical overhaul of the system.

Our reporter in the US, Mark Mardell, tells us that ‘The alleged murderer was clearly a white conservative, but there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his ideology or that he had political or racial motives.

Still, searching for patterns and for answers is part of what it is to be human. I loathe cliche, but perhaps, for once, this is a “senseless tragedy”, devoid of deeper meaning.’

Governor Nikki Hayley described Roof as a “typical young man” and said there had been no signs he had been radicalised.

The city’s mayor Joseph Riley, a family friend of the Roofs, said: “It is disturbing to see how relaxed he looks in the photographs allegedly taken just prior to his attack.

“He looks at peace. It’s like he’s ready to go and meet his maker. This is a clear indication of just how successful the evil white supremacist groomers have been in poisoning and brainwashing Dylann and kids like him.”

Mark Mardell analyses the background to the killing and asks what could drive a young American youth to do such an appalling act?

“I have spent the past four weeks in the US meeting current and former white supremacist goup members, the Klu Klux Klan’s leader and the controversial comedian Jon Stewart for a BBC Three documentary.

The film explores the politics and complexities around race, identity and religion and what it means to be white and blue collar in an ever more multicultural America, through the experiences of young white southeners.

I met young people who say they are rejected by the country of their birth, the USA, because of their Southern white identity; one woman told me: “It’s like being rejected by your mother.”

Here in Charleston itself  I met a group of young people who say the stigmatisation and discrimination against Whites rightwingers has left them angry.

Away from the suburbs, I met two white conservative professional women living middle-class lives.

One says nobody at work knows she is a Redneck girl.

She only wears her bikini top and cutoff denim shorts after work and at weekends because she says she would be unemployable if she wore them at work.

She is a secret Redneck. She told me she is not the only one.

Anti-racist groups in America say it’s visible rightwing white women who are bearing the brunt of a rise in discrimnation and verbal and physical attacks against conservatives.

Since the the Dylann Roof shooting there has been a 70% rise in recorded  attacks against rightwing individuals and ‘Redneck’ bars.

Among the conservatives I met, the most common emotions I encountered were deep hurt and resentment. Some have the sense that they are being asked to prove their loyalty to a country and a system that only wants to tolerate them as the last vestiges of a dying breed.

After the Charleston attack, we were led to believe “Je Suis Emanuel” had united a country.

In America however, I found a country struggling to create an environment where all its citizens can belong and flourish.

Ultimately many may say that White Rednecks are the real victims of this attack.”







Aiding The Enemy


Toby Young was on 5Live  (13:20) the other day talking about Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn and telling us of his very far left credentials, he rattled off the identifiers….support for Hamas and Hezbollah, a Stop The War fanatic, someone who wants to hand the Falklands to the Argies….and let’s not forget an end to austerity.

I thought hang on….that’s pretty much a run down of much of what the BBC supports.

John Humphrys has said we should surrender the Falklands, or is that the Islas Malvinas?, to the Junta…

‘So the time has come for Britain to negotiate. A deal should be struck which establishes Argentinian sovereignty over the islands while allowing the islanders to remain British and which perhaps shares the spoils of oil exploration.’

….as did Peter Allen…

Peter Allen relates to Nicky Campbell how when as a young journalist he asked Mrs Thatcher this about the Falklands War:

‘Why are you bothering to fight this war when you  know perfectly well that you will have  to give them back to the Argentinians eventually.‘


and today we have a reminder of what Maggie thought of the BBC’s deadly coverage of the Falklands War…

Margaret Thatcher thought the BBC “assisted the enemy” during the Falklands War by broadcasting “the next likely steps” in the campaign before they took place, documents published for the first time on Friday will disclose.

The former prime minister wrote that she was “very angry” at some of the corporation’s coverage, which she thought placed more value on reporting the latest developments than on “the safety of our forces”.

“My concern was always the safety of our forces. Theirs was news.”


The BBC has long been a propagandist for the terrorist group Hamas, making strenuous efforts to turn Israel, not the terrorists, into a pariah state.  Here Yolande Knell gives us a good example of how the BBC tries to rework Hamas’ reputation and that of the Muslim Brotherhood….Can Hamas hold back Islamic State in Gaza?

What is a squabble between two fanatical Islamist groups is portrayed as ‘moderate’ Hamas defending itself from extremist ISIS elements in Gaza…..we are still  fed the old lie about a moderate Muslim Brotherhood…So far, Hamas, which has its ideological roots in the more moderate Muslim Brotherhood, has been largely able to contain them.

Here’s news for you Yolande…the Muslim Brotherhood is the intellectual and spiritual home of Al Qaeda and therefore of ISIS, as well as Hamas.  AQ and ISIS are putting Muslim Brotherhood beliefs into action.

The Muslim Brotherhood is not ‘moderate’.

As always with BBC reports about Gaza there is the obligatory mention of this...Last year’s 50-day conflict killed some 2,200 Palestinians, mainly civilians, according to the UN, and 73 on the Israeli side, mostly soldiers. The BBC shoehorns in the casualty figures whatever the story is.   Israel is of course to blame for the rise of ISIS in Gaza…Some observers see Israel’s approach as potentially playing into the Salafists’ hands.


As for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan…well it’s back to John Humphrys again I suppose…as a starting point.

The BBC plays a dangerous game.   It’s all too often British troops who pay the price for that.








Invisible In A Burka



Every other news outlet is running this story about a bomb scare which closed off much of Watford…


But there is one glaring exception…the BBC.  Why?

The BBC is however bringing us..

Ramadan 2015: What do I need to know?


My Ramadan: How will I cope as a working mother?


I am guessing that that secret little chat Harding had with Muslim activists is paying off…for Muslims…..the BBC is hiding the ‘bad news’ that ‘demonises’ Muslims and is printing the lovely fluffy stuff that other religions aren’t so privileged to have broadcast on their behalf……but then of course they don’t have an army of  ‘disenfranchised’ youths who become radicalised and threaten to do unpleasant things if we don’t do what they want us to do.

There’s a lesson in there somewhere for any religion that really wants to get on in Britain.





Open Thread….Mid-Weekish


If you are not yet on your way to Syria having been demonised, marginalised and disenfranchised by a BBC which has failed to ‘engage’ with you, you’ve still got time to have your say on the Biased BBC Open Thread….perhaps a much better option than taking out your frustrations by going on an anti-Liberal jihad, cutting off people’s heads, crucifying people, slaughtering non-believers and enslaving women…..though it seems to work as an excuse if you’re a ‘radical’ Muslim….the BBC is all too keen to make excuses for mass murder if it’s done by the right person.

The BBC At War With The British Public

Talha Asmal

One God, One Faith, One Mosque



The BBC gets it wrong again and again.  Instead of reporting the news it takes a ‘line’ and presents us wth a story that is pre-packaged in such a way that we are supposed to absorb the ‘message’ the BBC wishes to impart…and it nearly always has a ‘message’.

The BBC’s own prejudices, beliefs and values colour everything it does and this means it gets things spectacularly, and dangerously, wrong.

For the past 5 years it got the political ‘mood’ of the country entirely wrong, believing that the election was going to be decided upon a very particular set of criteria…ones remarkably similar to those put forward by Labour as their election message.

Here’s Harriet Harman in a recent interview with the Independent in which she lays out why Labour lost…

Even people who supported Labour at last month’s election were privately relieved afterwards that the party did not win power, Harriet Harman has admitted.

In a candid interview with The Independent, Labour’s interim leader admitted the widespread doubts about the party’s leadership and economic credibility cost it dearly.  She said Labour’s much-trumpeted 6m conversations with voters counted for little because the party had the “wrong message.” 

Many people felt Labour was not talking to them because it raised issues such as zero hours contracts, the living wage and food banks,  she said. 

Ms Harman believes  a common problem all over Britain was  that voters felt the party “doesn’t talk about me”. Labour was seen as supporting “people on benefits” but not those who “work hard.” She said: “It doesn’t matter how many leaflets you deliver if the message is not right.”

“People were not massively enthusiastic about the Conservatives or David Cameron but they settled for the devil they knew.”

On Ed Miliband and Labour’s economic credibility: “The two combined together.  People tend to like a leader they feel is economically competent.”

So ‘Many people felt Labour was not talking to them because it raised issues such as zero hours contracts, the living wage and food banks’……all subjects that the BBC bombarded us with relentlessly….in other words the BBC wasn’t ‘talking to the voters’ , it wasn’t giving us the news, it was preaching a message, Labour’s message….one Labour itself now disowns.

The BBC told us that Miliband was leading the political narrative, that he had caught the zeitgeist, the popular concerns that would sweep him to power, and yet they weren’t the real concerns of the people, the people weren’t at all interested in the narrative that the BBC was peddling….they wanted to know why and how Labour crashed the economy and why they thought they could be trusted to run it again….the BBC comprehensively failed to bring Labour to book on its economic record and it was left to a few QT audience members in Leeds to do the BBC journalist’s work for them….A couple of minutes of intense scrutiny by joe public that destroyed 5 years of pro-Labour work by the BBC…though it now claims that this was a triumph for the BBC, claiming the credit for one of the major events of the election.

The BBC also allowed its prejudices to shape its coverage of all things Muslim. They rushed to tell us that all the evidence pointed to the Boston bombs being the work of white supremacists, and Mark Mardell tried to dismiss an Islamist terrorist attack at Fort Hood as a a “senseless tragedy”, devoid of deeper meaning.’….in other words absolutely nothing to do with Islam and the killer’s well known devout beliefs.

Of course on a larger scale the lies told about the Iraq Dossier by the BBC led not only to David Kelly’s death but a narrative about the legality of the war that has fed into the radicalisation of Muslims and subsequent years of terrorist threats and the growth of ISIS.

It’s still at it, downplaying the threat from Muslim activism and even defending and promoting it.  Here’s Mark Easton telling us that perhaps we should accept that Muslims should be allowed to take over schools and turn them into centres of Islamic propaganda…Trojan horse’ scandal – extreme or diverse?

Here he is again, telling us that perhaps Muslim extremists are heroes along the lines of Nelson Mandela and Ghandi or even Churchill…..Should we value extremism?

And here’s the BBC spinning away about the latest Muslim bomber….IS recruits: Victims or criminals?

The BBC got the narrative spectacularly worng on 7/7 when 52 people were killed and over 700 injured by Muslim bombers and the BBC tried to present the bombers, those ‘young British Muslims’ as the BBC preferred to call them, as victims of British society…the usual claims of them being disenfranchised, marginalised and discriminated against.  The BBC rapidly had to change its tune as it realised that the British public weren’t buying that as people lay dead and dying and yet today the BBC have reverted to type and are back to spinning their narrative of Muslim murderers as the real victims…

Dominic Casciani, home affairs correspondent

Talha Asmal’s family say he was groomed. That makes him, in their eyes, a teenage victim, rather than a criminal or terrorist.

Ten years ago, the UK had the same debate about suicide bombers from Yorkshire who killed 52 people in London in the 7/7 attacks.

Now I think I can safely say there was no debate about the 7/7 Muslim murderers being victims…if there was one it was one held solely within the confines of the rarified atmosphere of the BBC Bubble.  This is pure propaganda by the BBC that is designed to feed into the latest narrative we are being force fed about the 17 year old Muslim who joined ISIS and became a suicide bomber….he of course is a victim himself…did I ever hear the BBC even mention the real victims who died in the bomb attack?  No.

The BBC’s narrative on Islam and the ‘radicalisation’ of Muslims is completely worthless and dangerous…excusing and glorifying terror and failing, deliberately, to nail the reasons for that ‘radicalisation’…..the essential fact that all these terrorists are Muslim and driven by their religion to do the things they do in that religion’s name…to defend Muslims and Muslim countries against the Kufar.

Not being honest about the real motivations behind the rise of the Jihadis means you have zero chance of tackling it, one way or another.

Here is a classic example of the BBC ‘looking the other way’ as it is fed a line by the Islamist Baroness Warsi on the Today programme yesterday(from 08:10) who declares that the solution to radicalisation is to let extremist groups, those defined by government as ‘beyond the pale’, put their agendas in place….by not talking to them the government is not talking to the Muslim community….the government has ‘disengaged’ with the Muslim community….

“Let’s first of all be very clear about finding the evidence base of what are the drivers to radicalisation. It may make for uncomfortable reading but it is only when we start to have that honest conversation that we unpick what is now becoming a generational challenge…

Sadly over the last six or seven years there has been a policy of disengagement with British Muslim communities. It is incredibly odd and incredibly worrying that over time more and more individuals, more and more organisations are considered by the government to be beyond the pale and therefore not to be engaged with … Unfortunately the coalition government carried on that policy. It is now time to end that policy of disengagement and start speaking to the British Muslim communities”

The BBC completely ignored the implications of what she was saying….that the extremists and their views should become ‘acceptable’ and even more worrying that these organisations are in fact representative of the Muslim community as a whole….in other words they are not ‘extremists’ or people who pervert the religion, and far from being ‘outside’ the community they are the voice of it.

Might have thought that was worth a raised eyebrow or two.

So BBC,  what are the drivers of radicalisation?  Could it possibly be a religion that absolutely obliges its adherents to fight in the name of its God to defend Muslim lands and Muslim lives could it?

Simple really if you were being honest.  Why do Muslims think they are victims and under attack in need of defence?…because the BBC and its ilk tell them they are……Until the BBC admits to itself that it is pushing a false and dangerous narrative that Muslims are victims of British society and that Western foreign policy is anti-Muslim there is little point in any politician trying to counter that narrative…..that’s of course if the politicians actually want to stick their heads up above the parapet and tell some uncomfortable truths that they can for now comfortably ignore as long as the BBC doesn’t challenge their appeasement….which of course it doesn’t…it has its own brand of Muslim appeasement.

Here’s some advice to Muslims from one of the BBC’s favourite, ‘beyond the pale’, Islamist groups, MPACUK…

The Obligation of Jihad

“Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,” Quran Chapter 4: The Women, verse 95

A high rank, forgiveness and mercy are gifted from our beloved for those who are the Mujahideen. Those that struggle and strive to protect the religion, that protect the honour of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that protect our brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity are gifted with these amazing favours!

Are we aware of the consequences of not partaking in this strive and struggle to protect the Ummah? By forsaking ourselves of the duty of Jihad we risk the wrath of God, we expose Islam to harm and defeat at the hands of its enemies. Islam is one of the largest, if not the largest religion in the world yet simultaneously we are the most persecuted people on earth– how can this be so when it is this very religion that endorses the protection of human life as a rooted principle? The answer is simple; when Muslims abandon the obligation of Jihad, preferring a life of ease, concentrating on worldly gains and pleasure we face degradation, ridicule, enslavement, humiliation and consequently all our affairs are corrupted.

Those who do not observe Jihad are indeed committing a grave sin because there is much harm that emanates into society when it is abandoned. Those that neglect Jihad will be disobeying something God has commanded us all to partake in; they have not aided in protecting the Religion of God, they have not defended the Book of God, its messages and His law, they have not helped the Ummah against the enemy who wants to destroy them.

If any of us find our hearts at this stage; as a matter of urgency we must change for not only are we exposing ourselves to humiliation and harm in this life, but also in the Hereafter; for the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He who dies without having fought in the way of Allah or without having felt it to be his duty, will die having a trait of hypocrisy”








Open Thread…..Monday


We all know that any suggestion that there is a streak of bias coursing through the BBC’s corridors is ludicrous, or so says the BBC’s top newshound, James Harding.  However, should you happen to come across any vestigial bias lurking in the darkest corners of the BBC please feel free to list it here so that the BBC can immediately rectify the unfortunate lapse in standards…..a new open thread….

Self-Serving Or What?


The BBC has launched a fevered campaign against any interference in its business and has brought out the big guns to fend off its ‘enemies’ as it calls them.

One of those is David Dimbleby who has not only been given room in the Radio Times to grace us with his views on how important the BBC is to us all but has also been sent into battle on our screens as well with this very self-serving piece of propaganda from the BBC…

The BBC at War, Presented by Jonathan Dimbleby

An enthralling series exploring how the BBC fought not only Hitler but also the British government to become the institution it is today. Hailed and derided in equal measure, the BBC in 1939 had yet to seal its reputation. With the advent of war, the corporation found itself thrust into a battle against the Nazis and the machinations of the British government.

Jonathan Dimbleby uncovers the compelling story of how the BBC went into battle – against Hitler and Whitehall’s ministers – and its part in the social revolution the war provoked.

Jonathan Dimbleby reveals how the BBC prepared for the first broadcast war and fought off government attempts to control it.

I think you get the idea…the BBC not only fought the Nazis (LOL), but fought off the British government as well.

That’ll be the BBC that banned Churchill from the airwaves in the run up to the war in case he upset Herr Hitler.

Dimbleby explains why the programme was necessary…

“For me, regardless of what the BBC becomes, [The BBC at War] was a reminder of how the BBC became a globally and nationally trusted institution. It was in the back of my mind, not the foreground. I thought it was a very good story to tell.”

The trouble is if you have read any personal history of the war, or read the Mass Observation reports, you will know that the BBC was far from trusted and respected, not by the Public and not by the troops….all too often seen to be siding with the Nazis (no change there then) and more concerned with getting a scoop or a story than in security which put the troops in danger…again no change there….Snowden/Iraq/Afghanistan.

This programme is blatantly a piece of pro-BBC propaganda not unlike those war time propaganda films that showed plucky little Britain battling against the Nazi horde…only this time its the plucky little BBC against those nasty Tories and the ‘powerful vested interests’ that want to turn Britain into a cultural desert….or rather that’s what we’re supposed to infer from the BBC’s not so subtle nudge…..a ‘warning from history’ the BBC might like to call it.

With this programme Dimbleby ironically shows why the BBC can’t be trusted and should be reined in.



Infamy, Infamy, They’ve All Got It In For The BBC!






The Luvvies are all out in force as they see the end is nigh for their easy life troughing aboard the BBC gravy train.

We’ve had BBC top brass manning the barricades with Hall and Harding telling us what a brilliant job they do, now we’ve got the Grunts coming out to join the frontline in the battle against the dark forces of evil that are arrayed against the BBC, that New Hope for the world.

Hall must be calling in a few favours and dusting off the address book in order to get the troops to answer the call to arms to save the BBC from the terrible Tories and their allies in the right wing Press.

Everyman and his dog are making some noise, including David Dimbleby.  Apparently the whole news and entertainment industry will collapse without the BBC propping it up…not only that but the nation, nay, the world, will be a poorer place without it and its preaching.

The Writer’s Union, WGGB,  has signed up for the cause, as has the NUJ and BECTU amongst other Media unions…..all lobbying hard to keep the licence fee going and their share of it coming their way.  Even Hollywood has taken Aunties’ shilling.

I particularly liked this from a template protest letter that union members were instructed to bombard Parliament with….

BECTU is campaigning for a strong, independent and properly-funded BBC so it can carry out its duties as a public service broadcaster; protect quality journalism and programming, the World Service and the important cultural role it plays.

A functioning democracy depends upon its citizens hearing a range of arguments and having equal access to information and opinions in order to participate. The BBC plays a major role in presenting balanced, impartial news coverage which does not depend on the personal prejudices and foibles of media moguls or commercial pressure to appease shareholders.


A functioning democracy does indeed depend upon its citizens being properly informed and able to hear a range of arguments…unfortunately they don’t get that from the BBC….what they get is a very left wing slant on the news and deliberate attempts to downplay or hide relevant facts that would, if broadcast or published, completely alter the narrative that the BBC is actually feeding the Public.

And it is amusing that the creative types need a template letter, shouldn’t they be just the people to come up with something unique, inspiring and gamechanging?

The Guardian reports that ‘Jonathan Dimbleby warns of ‘powerful vested interests’ attacking BBC licence fee’

Broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby has hit out at the BBC’s “enemies” and warned against cuts to the licence fee….“the nation would lose massively if the BBC were to face any kind of demise”.

“I believe that while there are powerful vested interests who would like to see the BBC denied a licence fee, without a licence fee the BBC could not do what it does.”

“The BBC has enemies, it has powerful enemies. It has powerful enemies in the press and powerful enemies in Westminster – some for ideological reasons, some for straight commercial reasons.”


Curious how anyone who criticises the BBC or thinks it may need reforming in any way is classed as an ‘enemy’ of the BBC.

Does Dimbleby think that the BBC is sacred, too sacred to mention at all….perhaps like Charlie Hebdo he’d like to see Murdoch and his ilk machine gunned for having the temerity to challenge the might and majesty of the BBC.

The licence fee is totally iniquitous….why should you have to pay for a service that you may not use at all?  OK, you could make a case for a ‘national broadcaster’ but why should anyone have to pay for the BBC if they only want to watch Sky?

BBC funding should come out of general taxation with the added benefit that the less well off will pay less and the rich more.  The other benefit is that the BBC will stop hounding people, mostly the poorest in society, for their money….often with menaces.

Will that mean that the BBC is dependent on the largesse of politicians?  They already are….hence the mobilisation of the ‘Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ brigade to defend the licence against the predations of the Conservative Party and Fox News.