Dresden…. according to the BBC the rise of Pegida can be attributed to the raid on Dresden. The German fear of foreigners stems from this raid and its consequences.
But apparently bombing Dresden is acceptable for this German feminist anti-Pegida campaigner if it means clearing the city of Pegida…
I imagine many at the BBC would agree…ironic, as they now declare bombing Dresden to rid germany of the Nazis was a war crime.
“There is very little talk of Dresden as an integral part of the Nazis’ war machine, a railway hub to the Eastern front.” Sebastian Borger
The white middle class lefties that roam the corridors of the BBC have a double burden to carry around with them being tinged by Marxist and Trotskyite tendencies and horribly scarred with the stigmata of being ‘white’. They scour the world for worthy causes for which they can blame the West and masochistically then grovel and abase themselves as they proffer up earnest apologies for the sins of their forebears who knew not what they did.
The Second World War is a sore trial for them as it was a war against their mortal enemies, the evils of Fascism and the Far Right, a war in which confusingly their beloved Soviet Union was in partnership with their other enemy of conscience, the Capitalist West.
How can they apologise for ridding the world of the evil of the Nazi regime, done in conjunction with their ideological Motherland, the Soviet Union, and still attack the equally evil Capitalist West for having done so?
They had to find away to apologise for the wickedness of the West without also condemning the Heros of the Revolution.
Dresden. Dresden was their solution.
Dresden the ‘war crime’, an action worse than anything the Nazis carried out according to the BBC.
Seems others had the same idea…
The civilian deaths at Dresden would be used by two political machines as propaganda. First, the Nazi Propaganda Ministry would attempt to use this to stir public resentment against the Allied invaders. Then during the Cold War, Soviet propaganda would describe this bombing as western cruelty, alienating the East Germans with the British and Americans.
The BBC carrying on the good work of the Nazi and Communist propagandists then.
Ironically the bombing of Dresden, as well as an attempt to crush German morale and end the war early, was also part of a plan to help the Heros of the Revolution advance ….as the BBC in 1945 tells us....
British and US bombers have dropped hundreds of thousands of explosives on the German city of Dresden.
The city is reported to be a vital command centre for the German defence against Soviet forces approaching from the east.
Dresden is regarded by the Allies as the centre of its rail network linking eastern and southern Germany with Berlin, Prague and Vienna.
Last night, the RAF also hit oil plants at Nuremberg, Bonn and Dortmund.
Fighter Command Spitfires also pinpointed V weapons sites in the Netherlands that have launched hundreds of flying bombs against England in the last year.
It should be remembered that Dresden was not the only targeted city….many others had similar attacks upon them but resulted in far fewer caualties. Dresden had so many casualties because…
Although Dresden did not see particularly more attacks when compared to other German cities, the ideal weather conditions and the common usage of wooden structure made the destruction more widespread. The lack of anti-aircraft fire also contributed to the higher level of destruction, as Germany did not defend her with anti-aircraft guns as Dresden was far from Allied bomber bases, at least earlier in the war.
Here is the effect that the raid on Hamburg had on the Germans in 1943…
Such raids had a massive effect on morale and on the German war production capacity….they suggest that six more such raids could have ended Germany’s armaments production.
It is all very well sitting in your TV studio looking back on history and selectively choosing the narrative you want to portray now in order to suit your own agenda…in the middle of a protracted and enormously violent war things are more black and white and decisions have to be made on the basis that not to make them might mean you are literally wiped out.
It wasn’t a case of clever rhetoric, philosophical intellectualising or moral relativism, they were fighting for their survival….the survival of a whole culture, a society, a political and social construct that had been nurtured over centuries and much blood spent defending it.
Once again that is under threat as we see Islamic terrorism and the Islamist ideology stalking Europe…and once again the apologists are out in force.
As with Dresden and the men who flew the raids into Germany, it is those who would defend Europe’s heritage, and future as a secular, democratic, free society, that are in the ‘liberal’s’ sights rather than the terrorists and their ideology that would destroy it.
“Don’t forget that Auschwitz was liberated just about two weeks before the bombing of Dresden, And the pictures that emerged from Auschwitz were far more shocking than those of a destroyed Dresden.”
Anmd once again Jews are being hounded and killed across Europe.
Another irony is this ‘BBC’ report by a German journalist, ….
In fact, a lot of British efforts devoted to the post-War reconciliation were focused on Dresden.
By singling out the undoubtedly very beautiful Eastern city as a symbol for many, often more damaged, places in Germany, they unwittingly followed in the footsteps of Joseph Goebbels.
In the last months of the war, Hitler’s propaganda minister talked up the “Allied war crime” to inspire an even more dogged defence of the Fatherland against the invading troops, particularly from Soviet Russia.
“Nazi propaganda celebrated its last success,” says the military historian Rolf-Dieter Muller – not least with an unscrupulous manipulation of casualty figures.
While police experts in Dresden concluded the most likely number of deaths to be 25,000, Goebbels increased that horrendous figure tenfold.
The Communist rulers of East Germany perpetuated the myth, as did well-meaning British observers who chose Dresden as the symbol of the horrors of aerial war and a centre for post-War reconciliation.
Thus the already well-established exceptionalism of Dresdeners was reinforced by outsiders.
The War casualties, macabre though it may seem, have become a totemic figure, and no expert opinion will sway the hardcore from the perceived special place of their town.
There is very little talk of Dresden as an integral part of the Nazis’ war machine, a railway hub to the Eastern front.