Paris has the Eiffel Tower, we have the Matthew Parris, a tower of Piffel.
Matthew Parris, the wettest of wet Tories, the great mouldering tower of Piffel that he is, doesn’t like criticism….his critics, all rightwing fanatics….a bilious, bigoted, resentful underworld of fomenting Fascism given voice by the affable Nigel Farage….
Reading the comments on my Ukip columns, I finally understand the Nazis
It’s these voters’ opinions about their fellow countrymen, about foreigners, about immigrants, about Muslims, about MPs (all MPs), about the rich, about London, about culture, about business people, and about anyone of a liberal disposition, that have offered me the dismaying glimpse I describe. It’s a dark, bilious and resentful world down there among the readers’ posts.
I am coming miserably to the conclusion that a kind of collective mental illness can whip large numbers of people into a Gadarene rush — and reason is helpless in its path.
So no, these people aren’t Nazis and I’m sure never will be. But I have begun to understand the mass psychosis we call populism and, rather late in my life, almost to despair.
Remarkably, considering the title of his piece, he disengenuously claims he isn’t calling UKIP Nazis…..but, and there is always a but…they are really.
But I’ve had recently a glimpse into the psyche of populism in our era and country; and this has helped me understand how things might have felt in another.
That ‘other country’ of course being Nazi Germany.
Parris is conveniently offering us a ‘glimpse into the psyche of the liberal mindset’ as exhibited so well by those employed by the BBC…Parris so often being one of those.
The hatred of ‘populism’, which is a bit inconvenient in a democracy where the voice of the People is sacrosanct, the lofty condescension where someone of such superior intellect and morality has to ‘understand’ the mindset of the lower, inferior, less intellectually able classes…dismissed as ‘mentally ill’ by Parris, and the BBC’s so often aired narrative along the lines of its ‘Warning from history‘, a narrative that gratuitously links UKIP to the ‘Far Right’ and Nazism.
Must be a full moon again in Parris’ Piffel Towers.
Here’s a little backup for Parris from a soul mate, Giles Fraser, as he retweets this…
and oh look who said it originally…Michael Rosen, that voice of sanity and reason…..
Michael Rosen, BBC Radio presenter First tweet on Margaret Thatcher’s passing:
Parents, be careful when explaining to your children tonight who Thatcher was. Horror stories often best left till the morning. — Michael Rosen (@MichaelRosenYes) April 8, 2013