

In the last post I suggested that the BBC’s liberal, politically correct attitudes were partly responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism across Europe and elsewhere…the same could of course be said for the rise of UKIP as Tim Montgomerie explains:


The Ten Creators of UKIP

Illiberal liberals. I support gay marriage (shamefully, I was resistant to homosexual equality but now have the zeal of a convert) but, but, but I don’t think most traditionalists are homophobes. I think smart immigration benefits Britain but net immigration of 200,000 per year has never been endorsed by Britain’s voters. It’s too much. Have you seen house prices? I want British firms to have to invest in British workers and not always take the easy way out in employing people from abroad. However else are we going to cap the welfare bill for the working age population? Too many self-styled liberals don’t face up to these tough questions. They’re too busy shouting “bigot”, “racist” and “inadequate” at UKIP’s supporters. They still are. Too many right-of-centre commentators still want Cameron to declare war on UKIP voters and to deny that issues like immigration matter. They accuse UKIP voters of being hateful when, in reality, it is they who are hateful of UKIP voters and UKIP voters’ concerns.


UKIP is on a roll because the political parties and the likes of the BBC refuse to tackle immigration and Europe…..and in fact do all they can to talk up the benefits whilst burying the bad news.

Even now we have the same people, Cameron for instance, coming on to the airwaves telling us the problem is that the voters are ignorant…‘We must make an effort to get the public to understand our policies and the benefits of immigration and being in Europe.’

People who have concerns about immigration and Europe are portrayed as  ignorant, stupid, uneducated or prejudiced.

It’s the same old mantra that the BBC has been trotting out for years.

The BBC deny or try to explain away experiences such as these people have:

‘Will you be voting Labour?’ I [A Labour MP] asked. ‘No chance,’ came the reply. ‘It’s because of you lot that I’m earning less than I was ten years ago. Eastern Europeans have screwed us. We’re voting UKIP.’

Later that day I was speaking to a nurse who told me she was taking on another job as a cleaner so she could pay for extra lessons for her son. He was falling behind in English at school, she said, because the teachers spent all their time with Polish children who couldn’t speak English. She too was going to vote UKIP. 

Politics has become less like a conversation with people, and more an exercise in talking at them.



The only answer is to shut the borders to mass immigration and return to a trading relationship with Europe.

Can’t see that narrative getting through the editorial meetings at the BBC.



The BBC’s Role In Inciting Anti-Semitism


Who are the worst anti-Semites in Europe according to the statistics?

Muslims and the Left.

Not who’d you’d expect if you listen to the BBC’s everyday coverage from which you’d think it was the ‘Far Right’ which was about to sweep to power and set up concentration camps once more across Europe.


The BBC admits:

Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ say Europe’s Jews


Jews are once again being driven from Europe:

The survey found 29% of those surveyed had considered emigrating because of concerns about safety, with particularly high figures recorded in Hungary (48%), France (46%) and Belgium (40%).

Nearly half the Jews in france consider leaving…isn’t that extraordinary?

No mention of places like Malmo though.


From the Telegraph:

Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes

“I never thought I would see this hatred again in my lifetime, not in Sweden anyway,” Mrs Popinski told The Sunday Telegraph.

“This new hatred comes from Muslim immigrants. The Jewish people are afraid now.”

Malmo’s Jews, however, do not just point the finger at bigoted Muslims and their fellow racists in the country’s Neo-Nazi fringe. They also accuse Ilmar Reepalu, the Left-wing mayor who has been in power for 15 years, of failing to protect them.



The BBC explains who carries out the anti-Semitic attacks:
Perpetrators of the most serious incidents were described as “being perceived as someone with Muslim extremist views, 27%, left-wing political views, 22%, or with right-wing views, 19%”.

Respondents said the most frequent comments made by non-Jewish people in the UK were: “Israelis behave ‘like Nazis’ towards the Palestinians” and “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own purposes” (both 35%).


Muslims, the Right and the Left….the Left are usually left out of the equation by the BBC.

But note also the link to Israel…..of course that is a convenient cover for many to excuse their anti-semitism…..but who is it that generates that animosity towards Israel, its demonisation and the subsequent attacks on Jews around the world?

Organisations like the BBC.

There is a massive rise in anti-Semitism across Europe and part of the blame for that can be laid at the door of the BBC and its blatantly biased, pro-Palestinian coverage of the conflict in the Middle East.

Of course there are many left wing politicians whose words and actions add to the atmosphere of anti-Semitism such as George Galloway and Ken Livingstone…but it’s not just that…it is the political atmosphere created by the likes of the BBC who attempt to control the ‘narrative’ where to criticise Muslims is a hate crime but Israelis and Jews are fair game…..

From Haaretz:

The Clear and Present Danger

Most crucially and discouragingly, the current political climate in Sweden is a key enabler for the rise of anti-Semitic attacks. This is Swedish Jewry’s real clear and present danger; a fatal combination of political correctness, self-righteousness and obliviousness, as leading politicians and opinion makers participate in or blatantly ignore the correlation between a disproportionate demonization of Israel that frequently crosses the line into anti-Semitism. This has created a climate where it is acceptable and encouraged to support calls for Israel’s destruction, deliberately ignoring the effect such support has as a vehicle for the rise in Swedish anti-Semitism.’



Here’s a complaint about the BBC…from 2002:

BBC accused of anti-Semitism

The BBC is largely responsible for the growth of anti-Semitism in Britain, a journalist on the Jerusalem Post has alleged.

An “unchallenged diatribe” of opposition to Israel’s policies – which paints the Middle East as a “monochromatic, single-dimensional comic cut-out” – has become part of BBC corporate culture, he claims.

“Wittingly or not, I am convinced the BBC has become the principal agent for reinfecting British society with the virus of anti-Semitism,” Douglas Davis, the London correspondent of the Jerusalem Post, writes in this week’s Spectator.

The radicals of the 60s are now in positions of political power, Davis claims, and are making policy decisions based on “post-colonial guilt”, fuelled by the BBC.

A BBC spokeswoman said: “The BBC’s reporting about the Middle East is impartial, scrupulously fair, accurate and balanced.”


And remember this when the BBC managed to avoid using ‘anti-Semitic’ in reference to a Muslim peer:

The BBC recently reported the story of the Labour [Muslim]  Lord who was suspended for claiming that Jews were responsible for his imprisonment after driving offences. 

The Labour peer was jailed for sending a text message shortly before his car was involved in a fatal crash. He later said that Jewish owners of “newspapers and TV channels” had put pressure on the court.

Many queried the BBC’s reporting of the incident at the time. In fact, the odd headline, “Labour peer Lord Ahmed suspended after ‘Jewish claims'” is still currently live. Instead of using “anti-Semitism”, the Beeb opted for “Jewish claims”, making the story seem like there were claims by Jewish people leading to Lord Ahmed’s suspension.



As long as the Balen Report remains hidden away from accusing eyes the BBC cannot be trusted.

Why hide a report that was completed in response to Israeli concerns about the BBC’s coverage?

The report was not an internal one, commissioned purely as a check on their systems and their  editorial checks and balances….it was not for reasons of ‘art, literature or journalism‘….it was done to confirm or negate claims of anti-Israeli bias and therefore should be made public.  Not to publish it must lead to a belief that the BBC are hiding some unsavoury facts about their journalism on Israel.



Christian Jew Dog



The Sunday Times reports:


‘Christians Offer Safe Houses To Muslim Converts’


Now why the hell would they need to do that in secular, democratic Britain where Muslims are tolerant and live by the guiding light of the Religion of Peace?

Apparently it is necessary to offer such sanctuary as Muslim converts to Christianity face ostracism and violent reprisals.

The penalty for them is at best to be cut off from their families, at worst they face death.’


Death?  In Britain?   When Christian churchs have visists from the police for saying non-Christians will go to hell how does a religion that preaches death, literally death, get imported into this coutnry and its text sold in bookshops up and down the country and preached in schools and religious establishments, often paid for by a foreign power?

Where is the outrage from the BBC…a BBC which religiously exposes the death penalty regime in the US?


The Telegraph reports:

I renounced Islam, so my family think I should die


Not in  the Sudan or Somalia…here in the UK.

Apostasy is not just something that scandalises people in far off lands. Harriet Alexander hears the story of a British woman whose life was turned upside down when she left Islam – echoing the plight of Meriam Ibrahim, who awaits a death sentence in Sudan for the same “crime”

If Amal Farah were not living in Britain, she believes she might well be dead.

For the 33-year-old financial manager had carried out an act so heinous, her family felt she deserved to die.

Her crime? She had renounced her Islamic faith – “and within my community, that’s a capital offence,” she said. “They believe you deserve to die.”

In the eyes of the deeply-conservative Somali community in Leicester, of which her family was part, renouncing Islam was an act potentially punishable by death.

“It became more threatening. My mother felt incredibly guilty – she was also very, very angry.

“She blamed herself for the exposure to corrupt Western ways, and said: ‘I knew it was wrong to bring you here. It was like putting you in the sea and asking you not to taste salt.’”

Mrs Farah has not spoken to her relatives since 2005.



Dr Alan Sked (he who makes unfounded claims against Farage…and says UKIP is islamophobic) revealed, in a discussion about the differences between Islam and democracy (but Sked somehow isn’t islamophobic for raising that issue whilst UKIP are!) that when an audience of 100 Muslims were asked should apostates die they all replied that they should be killed.

Sked went on to tell us how wonderful Islam you get the head in sand attitude that those in the ‘Establishment’ and academia have….indeed even Mrs farah above proclaims that the problem isn’t Islam….‘She is adamant that it is not a problem with Islam, but rather one of intolerant societies.’

Islam is those ‘societies’.

It is here in the UK:

I could never have imagined, nine years on, that the Taliban
would be claiming to have ‘won the war’ in Afghanistan. Or, much worse, that our
politicians and Muslim ‘leaders’ here would allow their twisted ideology to
spread across Britain. Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools,
playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms
and universities.


DC Alden in a previous post has spotted a BBC interview on this subject…I haven’t heard it but can only guess from previous experience how it went….Muslims are free to leave their religion, there is no compulsion in Islam, Islam is the religion of peace, tolerance and forgiveness, and that any Muslims who make such threats are not real Muslims but extremists perverting the real Islam.


Anyone heard the full thing?  Let us know how close I am.

There is absolutely no doubt the BBC will try to play this down…happy to make a mention of it in ‘far off fields’ but closer to home the Muslim community must be protected from themselves and their religious tendencies…if you get my meaning….the truth mustn’t be revealed to the non-Muslims about the ideology that expands and grows in influence everyday around them.


This is one requirement placed on the BBC by its charter:

“The BBC exists to serve the public interest” and that its main object is the promotion of the following Public Purposes:

  • sustaining citizenship and civil society


How it interprets that is up to the BBC it seems..and they have decided that it is in the public interest, in order to sustain a ‘civil society’ to airbrush out certain problems that are existent and increasing in this country.

So in effect what they are doing is the very opposite of what they think they are doing…sweeping things under the carpet, keeping a lid on a pressure cooker just puts off the difficult questions that need to be asked….and makes the solution all the more difficult.




Girl Power!




Gotta laugh at the do-gooding worriers of the BBC.

Honouring ‘International Women’s Day’ we get this from the BBC:


Dolly + Beyonce + Miley = Girl Power!

First broadcast:
Friday 07 March 2014

Fearne creates a Girl Power Playlist in honour of International Women’s Day, including tracks from the likes of Beyonce, Miley, Adele and even some Dolly Parton!!!


And there was this:

Girl Power: Going for Gold

Image for Young British Olympic weightlifting hopefuls



I imagine Google could keep on churning out the links for quite some time…however it’s all got to stop…you know…all this ‘Girl’ nonsense….so derogative and insulting…belittles and demeans wimmin:


BBC in censorship row after the word ‘girl’ is cut from documentary

The BBC has been caught up in another censorship row after the broadcaster cut the word “girl” from a programme about the Commonwealth Games over fears it could cause offence.

Mark Beaumont, the presenter, was being filmed grappling with a judo champion, and after he was sent crashing to the floor he said: “I am not sure I can live that down – being beaten by a 19-year-old girl.”

When the half-hour episode of The Queen’s Baton Relay was originally aired in April on the BBC News channel, the 31-year-old’s remark was broadcast in full.

However, the word “girl” was edited out of a repeat of the programme, leading the Corporation facing claims it had been overly politically correct and sanctimonious.

A BBC spokeswoman said the unedited version of the documentary was broadcast soon after being filmed because the baton’s tour was treated as a news event.

She added: “They had more time to edit it the second time. Mark didn’t mean to cause offence. But the word ‘girl’ was taken out just in case it did.”



Surely then the whole piece should have been expunged from the record…why should he feel that he couldn’t live it down…being beaten by a girl?  Surely we are all equal now and the BBC should recognise that girls…women…are just as capable on the mat as men…boys…no…men.

The broadcasting of his comment “I am not sure I can live that down – being beaten by a 19-year-old girl”, even without the ‘girl’,  just perpetuates the sexist stereotypical attitudes that prevail in sport and society as a whole that women are worth less than men and aren’t as capable.

The BBC’s attitude is trivial and demeaning, whether or not women are called girls or babe is a superficial matter when the greater issue is that a man feels he should always beat a female.  The BBC obviously has no issue with that stereotype and take it for granted that a man should be embarrassed to be beaten by a female.

Appalling sexism by the BBC.







Snapshots From Inside The Bubble



Just a few confirmations of the usual casual bias or lazy thinking from within the Bubble.


Nicky Campbell on Friday declared that it was quite unfair of the Press to publish those photos of Miliband munching on a not very Kosher bacon sarny:

However…Miliband was on the stump looking for that photo opportunity to present himself as a man-of-the-people….he made a mess of it and showed bad judgement…so fair game.

Would Campbell have said it was unfair coverage if the PR stunt had come off and the Press had reported what a superb way with a bacon sandwich Miliband had…his statesmanlike consumption of it a shining example of his man-of-the -people credentials?

In contrast Campbell made absolutely no mention of the blitz on Farage by just about every single paper and broadcaster.



On From Our Own Correspondent the ever reliable source of bias or notably daft comments (remember Fort Hood) Mark Mardell told us that in the UK the words ‘Liberal democrat‘ describes a party and are not an insult.  Really?  He’s been out of the country too long.


Later Peter Oborne on a ‘Week in Westminster’ looked at UKIP….quite balanced (from Oborne not the politicians)  even though he is a cheerleader for UKIP….but what was of interest was a final word (24 mins) from Stephen Glover from the Mail who panned the BBC’s coverage of UKIP during the election run up….the Media class are just as out of kilter with the public as the politicians are…and yet the BBC itself does not look at this question preferring to talk only of the politicians lack of connection to the ‘country’.


Following on from that what of John Humphrys’ interview with Osborne on Saturday? (08:36)

Humphry’s sole narrative was ‘Will the Tories do a deal with UKIP?’

A fair question and the answer is rather strange…the Tories did a deal with the far left lentil munchers but won’t do a deal with the natural allies politically and philosophically of the big C Conservatives.

The real question of course is if they aren’t going to do a deal with UKIP how are they going to attract those voters who like UKIP’s policies on immigration and Europe.

From what Osborne said you could infer that he was going to ignore those voters and rely on people just not wanting Miliband in power…his election plan is to basically say if you vote UKIP you’ll get Miliband…but we’re not changing our policies on immigration and Europe.

So despite his slogan, ‘Listen, Respond, Deliver‘, he’s not going to do any of those things…but of course nor are Labour.

But Humphrys didn’t ask the question…Humphrys concentrated on the solution being the deal with UKIP…but if no deal….what policy changes will the Tories introduce to win those UKIP voters?….that surely is the big central question that needs answering but Humphrys didn’t notice the inference that Osborne & Co are going to ignore UKIP voters







Is it just me or is the new iPlayer a complete shambolic mess?

The old one wasn’t perfect by anymeans, clunky but usable, but the new one is abysmal, confusing and hard to navigate and find anything…browsing wasn’t a delight before, now it’s just a lucky dip or a grind through the hidden listings…almost as if they didn’t want you to find things to watch.

Pretty certain it won’t grow on me.

Hope they have some money left in the kitty for a revamp of the revamp.






Why does UKIP not attract so many voters in London?


The BBC tells us:

Crowds outside Whitgift Shopping Centre in Croydon chanted and waved posters whilst waiting for UKIP leader Nigel Farage on May 20, 2014 in Croydon, England.


Neil Hamilton said London was “difficult territory” for UKIP because it was so “cosmopolitan”. Earlier it was put to the party’s communities spokesman, Suzanne Evans, on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the party had some difficulty appealing to Londoners because they tended to be “cultural, educated, and young” – reportedly a direct quote from one of her fellow UKIP spokesmen. The party was “increasingly” attracting such people, she replied – but not yet in London. After much criticism of her role in these exchanges, Ms Evans said she was emphatically “NOT saying non-Londoners [are] ‘thick'”. But there is no point denying that most research and polls suggest the party has significant support among older voters – a demographic group that is both growing in size and remains more likely to vote.


Curiously whilst the piece is titled ‘Demography’ there is no mention of immigration…..London being merely ‘cosmopolitan’ as Neil Hamilton describes it…the BBC ventures no thoughts on what that might actually mean.

And note the photograph….the BBC have managed to find a photo with not a single obviously ‘ethnic’ face in it.


What is going on in London is precisely the effect that Labour intended to engineer across the whole country eventually….a land ‘ethnically cleansed’ of the native Brit and now populated by those with no loyalty or relationship with the historic land and its people and whose votes will swing elections.

Importing millions of Europeans was no ‘mistake’….one reason for doing so was that any future referendum on our relationship with Europe could hinge on a few votes…therefore importing people who come from ‘europe’ and have an affinity for it and who in all likelihood would vote to stay closely tied to Europe is an obvious strategy.


This BBC report might give a clue as to the reality of that suggestion:

Elections 2014: Poles seeking to get their voices heard

May’s local and European elections will see record numbers of Poles going to the ballot box in the UK. With up to half a million votes up for grabs, is it time British politicians took them seriously?

Lucas Szlek came to the UK from Poland as a 16-year-old with his parents in 2001. Having spent most of his adult life in Britain, he is standing as a Labour council candidate in Southampton.

“I think voting in the democratic election is part of integrating with British society,” he says.

“I believe lots of Polish people share the same principles as the British people and I think part of integration with a society is to contribute to the further decision making in Britain for everyone.”

Research by Polish City Club and Ipsos Mori suggests 72% of Polish people currently in the UK intend to stay. Is Mr Szlek pointing to a future where greater Polish representation will be a natural element of Britain’s political scene?

Daniel Kawczynski, for now Britain’s only MP of Polish origin, hopes so. “I do see Parliament changing and evolving… to properly reflect the changing nature of British society,” he says.

The 2011 census showed there are more than 600,000 Poles in the UK, and all EU citizens have the right to vote in both local and EU elections.

“These elections definitely will be those elections that Poles participate in, in the largest numbers, I think, throughout the last 10 years,” says Mr Byczynski.

Not least because the issues affect them.

“We cannot talk about relations with the EU and ignore the voice of the main immigrant group,”” he says.

But before it is assumed this means votes in the bag for the pro-EU campaign, the research by Polish City Club and Ipsos Mori paints a more complicated picture.

They found that half of Poles in the UK were intending to vote, but 50% of those were yet to decide who for.

“If the parties canvass their votes, they will receive support – even from a minority group called the Polish friends of UKIP,” Roger Casale, chairman of New Europeans, says about the Polish community.

“Very few politicians seem to have understood this. Yet the number and the concentration of Polish expat votes will change the outcome of elections in many marginal seats.

“Some Polish candidates have enough support to win even as independents.”



Surely Some Mistake…Socialists Are Nasty?


The Daily Mail reports:

Why Britain bombed Germany with copies of the Beveridge report: Dream of a welfare state ‘helped bring down Hitler’

  • RAF crews dropped copies of the Beveridge Report on occupied Europe
  • The report was seen as a psychological weapon to undermine morale
  • Senior Nazis thought Britain had accepted the theory of ‘national socialism’


British airman dropped copies of the plan for a post-war welfare state on Nazi German to demoralise the population in an audacious propaganda exercise.

Copies of the 1942 Beveridge Report were translated into German and flown by RAF bombers to Berlin and jettisoned over the city.

A new book by authors John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldrige uncovers the secret war-time story of how the RAF dropped leaflets instead of bombs.

According to the book, Nazi officials decided that they would not give any publicity to the Beveridge Report, even though one suggested ‘our enemies are taking over national socialist ideas’.


‘Our national socialits ideas’?  But we’re always told that the Nazis, the National Socialists, weren’t socialists.  They were obviously deluding themselves then.


The Nazis were socialists, Labour are socialists….might explain why Labour were so keen to fling open the borders and let half of Europe march in here….success at last!


Might also explain this……

Michael Gove’s wife Sarah Vine: ‘I thought of sending our kids to Italy to get away from hatred’

The wife of education secretary Michael Gove told an audience how she has considered sending her children to live in Italy to shield them from the “hate” directed towards their father in the UK.

“There are a lot of people who really, really hate Michael who send emails saying, ‘I hope you die’,” she said.


Her conclusion:

“I used to believe that socialists were nice but misguided. Now I know that they are not nice at all. They are very vicious and aggressive people who do really horrible things.”



But who might have contributed to that atmosphere of hate directed at Gove and his family?

Could it possibly be the BBC?  Listen to ‘The Now Show’ any week and you might hear Gove compared to Hitler or some such….or HIGNFY….no slouches in mocking the Gove.


Curious though how quiet the BBC is about this story…can’t find any mention of the hate directed at the Goves by those nasty socialists.






Power Politics



Different take on events from the BBC and the Telegraph….curious the BBC not keen to report someone saying Europe’s wind and solar energy drive is a shambles…..

This is what the BBC tells us Alexey Miller from Gazprom said about the latest Russian gas deal with China:

Alexei Miller, Chief Executive of Gazprom said the new deal was “the biggest contract in the entire history of the USSR and Gazprom – over 1 trillion cubic metres of gas will be supplied during a whole contractual period.”



This from the Telegraph:

Russia’s gas king taunts crumbling Europe over China pipeline coup

Gazprom’s chairman has describing Europe’s energy shortage as “scary” and ridiculed the EU’s push for wind and solar power as a shambles

Alexey Miller, chairman of the state giant Gazprom, said Russia’s $400bn deal this week to supply gas to China for 30 years is a black moment for Europe and will change the geo-strategic balance in the world. “The global competition for Russian gas resources started yesterday. Let there be no mistake about that. We have untapped the Asian market and this is going to have an impact on European gas prices.”

Describing Europe’s energy shortage as “scary”, he ridiculed the EU’s push for wind and solar power as a shambles, and said its LNG venture had gone nowhere with capacity use collapsing to 22pc. “Europe has lost the competition global for LNG, and in a single day it has just lost the competition for the world’s pipeline gas as well,” he said.

Trust in Me



As we know, Jasmine Lawrence, a channel editor at BBC News, decided to reveal her disdain for UKIP voters and her deep knowledge of UKIP policies by Tweeting this:

“#WhyImVotingUkip – to stand up for white, middle class, middle aged men w sexist/racist views, totally under represented in politics today.”


The irony?  A woman who presumably, judging by her tweet, has a pious self regard for her own ‘humanity’ and feel for the ‘other’ tweets something that is racist, classist, sexist and ageist….the beauty of it is that she of course doesn’t even understand that and goes merrily on her way thinking how wonderfully right-on and righteous she is.

One reason she may believe that of course is that she lives in the BBC ‘bubble’ where nearly everyone thinks along those lines.

Newsnight just typifies that attitude…who is the latest ‘hire’ (if only occasional)...June Saprong…non-white, female and left wing…ticking nearly all the right boxes..if only she’d also been Mooslamic, lesbian and a single mother and she might have got a full time job at the Beeb.

Apparently, a little known fact, there are no mirrors in any of the BBC premises….no one knows that they are white…it would be too traumatic for them to realise it.


Lawrence’s views are not a lot different to what Nicky Campbell and others expressed today (08:39) claiming that the profile of UKIP voters was ethnically white, uneducated, old…’Essex man’ apparently…..or another description from later in the day….‘White, working class and disaffected’.

The tone is one of dismissal as if such people shouldn’t really have a voice, being white they must be racist, being working class they must be thick and being disaffected?…well they’re just not adapting to change…they’re dinosaurs….but is that profile true anyway?  I doubt it somehow….According to YouGov, 13 per cent of those intending to vote Ukip at the European elections are aged 18 to 24 — two percentage points more than for the Green party.


Campbell was asking if a vote for UKIP was merely a ‘protest vote’….To characterise the UKIP vote simply as a nihilistic ‘protest vote’ is to dismiss the voter’s reasoning and beliefs. It also conveniently dismisses UKIP’s policies saying people aren’t voting for UKIP’s policies on immigration or Europe, they’re merely voting against the encumbent government….but why would they be so disaffected if not for rational policy matters?

Campbell claimed that if it was a protest vote it must be one against the public school Etonian types…‘a bunch of Lord snootys‘ as he quoted from the charming Salmond… other words the Tories alone.

One objection to that is of course that Labour, and the LibDems, are just as much of the ‘elite’, many of them are millionaires, and have just as much disdain for the Great Unwashed and their wishes as the Tory grandees do….the other objection to that line is that it is complete tosh.

The reason Labour lost out to UKIP yesterday was, not because they wear nice suits, eat at fancy restaurants and all have PPE’s from Oxbridge, but because they abandoned the working man, importing cheap labour to undercut their wages, handing over their houses to immigrants and failing to train them for the jobs out there….Labour just hasn’t woken up to that fact, still being in denial about their own immigration policies…not helped by the BBC which asks them if it was a mistake to open the borders in 2004….problem with that question?  It wasn’t a ‘mistake’ it was a deliberate policy done in full knowledge of the consequences.  So the BBC’s approach still masks the truth….Labour’s guilt and why the Public disdains them as much as the Tories…or LibDems.

Campbell’s line that it is purely a protest a vote against the Tory ‘toffs’, that it is a vote against out of touch politicians isolated by their wealth and privilege, again masks that truth.

It also conveniently masks the other player in the game…the ‘Kingmaker’ if you like…the BBC….other Media producers are working to the same agenda but it is the publicly funded BBC with a legally binding charter to be impartial, that has a stranglehold on the politics of this country….or rather over the mainstream parties..and thus over policy, if not over what the electorate thinks depsite its best efforts to manage the message we get.

The BBC are just as guilty as the politicians in dismissing the Public concern about immigration and Europe….how often were we told by a BBC journalist that ‘immigration and Europe just aren’t issues of major concern with the Public’.

That changed today….we’re now being told by the BBC that ‘One thing that came through is that immigration is a major issue.’

Who’d of thought?

How long will that last?  Not long.

Already Labour are spinning against the vote…Ed Balls telling us that it was a protest vote and that there will be no change in their policy towards Europe and a referendum….carry on regardless.

I couldn’t tell you what Cameron said because as soon as he started talking and the platitudes tumbled out my eyes glazed over…of course there is a clear message from the vote…lessons must be learnt… in me…..

Two weeks from now the weaselly equivocations will be tripping off their tongues….yes immigration is a concern but you know what….and Europe? Well, of course we must get back some of our powers but Europe’s so important to us….and a referendum…I’ve promised you that…and you shall have it….an in/in referendum…trust in me…..


People who voted UKIP aren’t voting against toffs and old Etonians…they’re actively voting for policies they want to see implemented….policies that the BBC has campaigned against for years…and admits itself that it hasn’t covered either subject with due diligence and balance.

The reason all Parties have similar lines on immigration and Europe is because the ‘Kingmaker’ has forced it upon them… particularly upon the Tories who, under Cameron’s slippery control, changed their policies so as not to appear the ‘nasty party’ of legend…..step out of line and you’re a racist or a backward little englander.

The BBC naturally are not keen to admit their part in the Downfall of the political elite….nor of its attempt to demonise UKIP.

One thing we haven’t haven’t heard on the BBC today in relation to this is a single word said about the Media’s blitz against UKIP over the last two weeks….and yet it was massive and of huge import….to ignore it and sweep it under the carpet is highly dishonest of the BBC.

We had a political party working in concert with a newspaper to spread smears about UKIP, a radio interviewer spreading malicious gossip as fact, many newspapers that supported UKIP’s world view suddenly turned and began labelling such views as racist joining forces with those who naturally oppose UKIP already, and of course many, many examples of the BBC’s black arts aimed at subverting the UKIP message.

You might have thought that would be one of the telling narratives of these elections…..the determination of all parties and just about every branch of the Media to unite against the common enemy…the ‘enemy’ that in all likelihood is more in touch with the views of the majority of the Public than any other party or group….the politicians and the Media against the people.

Guess that’s not a narrative that the BBC cares to air….especially as it is the BBC that is driving the bandwagon.