‘The far right is here. In our midst. And we see it not. Or worse still, we care not.’
Colonel Mike Dewar told us today on Nicky Campbell’s show that we tiptoe around the causes of radicalisation..we need a counter narrative, an alternative approach…he said the murder of Lee Rigby was a ‘stark warning’ that we needed to start countering the rhetoric and propaganda that radicalises these people….ie that foriegn policy is targeting Muslims.
Dame Pauline Neville-Jones later said something similar saying the task we face is changing the mindset…but we need the help of Muslims to do that.
Judging by the Muslim commentators that the BBC adopts that is going to be an uphill struggle as they all fervently believe in the ‘barbaric foreign policy’ narrative and forcefully promote that when they can.
We are told that acts such as the brutal murder of Lee Rigby are ‘retaliation’ for British foreign policy…Muslims, and Ken Livingstone, are on the BBC day in day out repeating that mantra…the BBC says nothing at best, at worst it agrees in some shape or form….Victoria Derbyshire today saying that the war in Iraq was meant to protect us from terror…and now look…and that violence is worse in Iraq….we did that she implies…well, no we didn’t….Muslims did that…the very same Muslims that walk around our streets attacking and killing a soldier.
Does the BBC not understand the irony of that, the paradox?…..Two British Muslims kill a soldier because of the violence in Iraq…the violence being perpetrated by these Muslim’s fellow travellers who work to the same ideology and agenda as they do.
Such an approach legitimises these terrorist acts….the BBC might not agree with them…but it ‘understands’…the War was ‘illegal’ and thousands of innocent Muslims suffered as a consequence….therefore…..more radicalisation and violence….not the way we at the BBC would protest but we understand your anger.
Here’s another puzzle….
The now infamous Jake Wallis Simons has another post on his blog:
The far-Right EDL is using Twitter and Facebook to exploit the Woolwich terrorist attack
So the EDL are taking over the world by using Twitter and Facebook? Dangerous stuff!
Has he nothing to say about the myriad of extremist or radical Muslims filling the Television studios, the radio broadcastsa nd the pages of newspapers and magazines?
The BBC has given plenty of airtime to MPACUK spokesperson Asghar Bukhari who appeared on BBC NEWS 24 tonight at 9:30PM speaking about the Woolwich attack….MPACUK being well known as a radical group.
Bukhari previously stated that ‘Britain is a scary place for Muslims.’
This is what MPACUK’s Facebook page says about Muslims who apologise for acts of terror:
This is the sad state of affairs we Muslims are in.
All day yesterday I hear Muslims apologising and condemning this act as if it was the most abhorrent act ever committed on British soil, and “we are sorry because yes it is our fault that a man reacted to tyrannical oppression”
Yet these same Muslims don’t even bat an eye lid when these same soldiers kill our kids in our people’s homeland.
They are only cowards worried about their own reputation and image. “Oh no brother this is really bad for ‘the dawah’, we must publicly condemn these acts, Islam means peace”
But here Bukhari is on the BBC spinning a different line:
Woolwich attack: Muslim groups ‘not tackling’ radicalisation
Presumably Muslim groups are not tackling extremism because they don’t want to be labelled ‘‘traitors‘ by his website.
Just what is it that is radicalising all these young Muslims then? Could it be something like this on the frontpage of MPACUK’s blog?:
The Obligation of Jihad

“Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,”
Quran Chapter 4: The Women, verse 95.
Those who do not observe Jihad are indeed committing a grave sin because there is much harm that emanates into society when it is abandoned. Those that neglect Jihad will be disobeying something God has commanded us all to partake in; they have not aided in protecting the Religion of God, they have not defended the Book of God, its messages and His law, they have not helped the Ummah against the enemy who wants to destroy them.
If any of us find our hearts at this stage; as a matter of urgency we must change for not only are we exposing ourselves to humiliation and harm in this life, but also in the Hereafter; for the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He who dies without having fought in the way of Allah or without having felt it to be his duty, will die having a trait of hypocrisy”
So pretty clear where they’re coming from…you’d have thought…the BBC like MPACUK though..regular guests on their programmes.
As is Mohammed Ansar who appeared on Nicky Campbells’ show today and is known by BBC Watch…….
BBC R4 guest promotes Qaradawi as a source of “nuanced understanding”
and by Harry’s Place.
You can find him on Twitter where after the Killing of Lee Rigby he started his act:
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 18h The Woolwich Killing and my call for peace, unity and tolerance. http://youtu.be/N7YoqvU816s
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 1h I discuss with @NickyAACampbell on @bbc5live earlier today on how we need a calm and measured response to #Woolwich:
However the love and tolerance , and the calm and measured response, doesn’t extend very far….
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 21 May The next Tory-UKIP shiny toy to ratchet-up the right, far right and paranoid swivel-eyed xenophobes: aka their base.
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 20 May @yorkierosie Just fear not enough to avert the bastard Tory-UKIP-EDL love child in 2015. Complacency here, a cardinal sin.
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 20 May With the far right openly recruiting for UKIP, everyone should be fearing the Tory-UKIP-EDL bastard love child in 2015. #WakeUp
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 19h The political climate has fomented xenophobia and hysteria about Muslims. It has made the tinder dry. All evil needs is one spark.
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 21h The powder is dry. That this should become a spark is not an inevitability, however too many believe this is an attack by #Islam. It is not.
He loves his conspiracy theories:
A. Smith @360CNN 22 May #Falseflag attacks blamed on Egypt by Israel exposed as Israeli/USA sponsored mercenarys trained to fight in Syria http://is.gd/OBEvsR Retweeted by Mohammed Ansar
Except that was completely untrue, no mention of Israel or US in original story…..
Sinai: Foreign Militiamen Trained to Join Fight in Syria
The US is a favourite topic for denouncement:
Mohammed Ansar @MoAnsar 21 May Oliver Stone series. Tonight covers how British and US intelligence services destroyed mosques in Iran whilst fomenting civil insurrection.
And he loves those who love the anti-American rebels:
George Galloway @georgegalloway 19 May Long live memory of Ho Chi Minh born this day 1890. Great leader of heroic Vietnam, victorious over French &American imperialism. Presente retweeted by Mohammed Ansar
Whilst Ansar is horrified at criticism of Muslims and ‘conspiracy theories’ about the dangers of Islam he isn’t slow in laying similar charges against UKIP…claiming they are ‘Far Right’ and on the march:
The self destruction of the Liberal Democrats is the opening salvo in a dangerous power play that leaves the door open to the return of the far right to the mainstream of British politics.
No, its not sensationalist. And that is something of a sincere admission from me, as someone in the past who has been not short of a sensationalist claim. There is a reason we need to call for cool heads and calm, rational thinking at this time. Simply, it is quite possibly one of the gravest matters our generation will have to face.
There are significant questions for both UKIP and Farage. As the Lib Dem’s wither on the vine and Labour searches for its soul, UKIP continues to drag Tory policy (not unwillingly) to the right.
The last time this many key governments in Europe were on the right (or as it now turns out, having a significant far right component) it was a period of history when we were also seeing the rise of pre-holocaust Nazi anti-Semitism.
The far right is here. In our midst. And we see it not. Or worse still, we care not.
God only knows what horrors a UKIP-Tory coalition might usher in after 2015
I wonder just what it is exactly that the BBC see in Ansar that makes him such a popular interviewee for them?
Wonder what the BBC would make of Ansar if he said:
‘Islam is here. In our midst. And we see it not. Or worse still, we care not.’