Start the Week Open Thread


‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’

Remarkable what a few bombings, throat cuttings and drive-over murders can do, by fortuitous mischance, for the Muslim community, which of course condemns utterly the terror attacks…but still, eh, why not reap the benefits as the red carpet is laid out with everyone bending over backwards not to ‘offend’ them and to make sure they have every opportunity to exploit the appeasement?  The terrorists are not Muslims, they pervert a great religion which is a religion of peace…and yet we are told that if Muslims are not appeased they will become radicalised and become terrorists…and yet…the terrorists are not Muslim?

Niall Fergusson in the Sunday Times….

We let Lenin rise, millions died.  Now it’s Islamism.

The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.

I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.

Just another day on the BBC, just another programme about Muslims, just another day when we are supposed to learn how wonderful and ‘just like us’ Muslims are.  A sleight of hand, so to speak, because of course the problem is with Islamism the ideology and those who observe its strict and oppressive tenets rigorously and completely…..Islamism being totally at odds with Western, Christian, democratic, liberal society.

The programme brings us Mehreen Baig whom you may remember from ‘Muslims like us’, a programme that failed utterly in its intended purpose to act as a vehicle for pro-Muslim propaganda…instead it confirmed everything we ever thought about Islam and what goes on in the Muslim community.  Notable was that Baig fell under the spell of the infamous Islamist in the programme and was always making googly eyes at him….despite his fanaticism and her supposed liberal attitude.  What we saw was that ‘liberal’ Muslims were Muslim first and that it didn’t take much for them to start attacking Britain and British history.  We also saw that the liberal Muslims soon caved in to the radicals giving up any argument and retreating into silence.  The programme was a perfect microcosm of what happens in the real community as determined, intimidatory conservative Muslims enforce strict observance of the ideology upon everyone…non-Muslims as well it seems judging by the BBC’s appeasement….and of course the Trojan Horse plot.

Still, a bit of balance with ‘Fascists like us’  on the BBC next week….making the case that Fascists are misunderstood, marginalised and disenfranchised and really should be allowed to practice their ideology freely without condemnation or abuse.  No?

List the bias here…..




Cabbages and gangmasters


The BBC is up to its usual tricks as it disparages and patronizes British people whilst talking of the wonders of the hard working Slav…or is that slave?

In this video the BBC stages a scenario engineered purely to show British workers in a bad light whilst telling us how vital and hard working foreign workers are.  What we get is a bunch of ‘soft’ office worker types, mostly women, who clearly don’t do manual labour and know they are there for a day and that their living, thus their lives, do not depend on them picking a great deal of cabbages.  They have never done this work before and clearly have no experience of the work, how to do it or what the tricks of the trade are, nor are they used to the conditions…extremely wet, cold and muddy here.

The BBC has set them up in a race against European migrant workers in what is obviously a completely unfair comparison…the EU workers are not only probably used to manual labour and bad working conditions at home but also, having done the job here, know the ropes and how to do it quickly and efficiently.  On top of that their pay and livelihood depends on them picking as much as possible unlike the Brits who are here for the day and have no need to work hard.  The EU workers have no choice, the Brits are playing at it for the cameras.

The BBC gets what it wants….the Brits saying it’s terribly hard work and they wouldn’t like to do it, and we really need the EU workers to come here.

The BBC takes no account that Brits receive generous benefits payments and have absolutely no incentive to live on a farm in portacabins far from home with a load of strangers, work in fields in all weather conditions earning the minimum wage….maybe more on a good day.  Even if they could earn more in the fields the calculation would be is it worth the hassle and discomfort?  The answer is obviously no.   The BBC answer….keep paying the benefits and import massive numbers of foreign workers instead.

The BBC also forgets conveniently that farmers have told it that they would start automating things much more if the supply of workers dropped off…thus increasing productivity…and proving that the importation of an endless supply cheap labour keeps wages low and keeps productivity low….in factories as well as in the fields.

When the Tories say they want to make work pay and to get people off benefits the BBC continually attacks them and indeed is aghast at the ‘tone’ of the conversation…and yet the BBC itself is quite happy to label British workers as feckless, workshy and lazy people when it wants to pump out pro-EU propaganda.

Trite nonsense from the BBC.   Shameless propagnda.



Copulism….’F**k the People’


We’ve all heard of ‘Populism’, the word used to describe, demean and malign, those ‘deplorables’ who dare to vote for anything that the highy educated, clever, articulate, rational and sensible beings that waft along the corridors of the BBC deem unacceptable and beyond the pale.

Populism is of course merely another word for democracy.  The BBC et al dismiss it as exploitative politicians with evil intent conning people to vote for them with simple, crowd-pleasing promises and solutions to complex problems.  Hmmm…wouldn’t that just about describe every election where the cry of ‘more money’ is the answer to everything…indeed the very same answer that you can hear the BBC itself promoting everyday, every hour, on the airwaves as it calls for ‘more money’ for the NHS or schools or housing or police or social services or for cancer treatment or mental health etc etc etc?

Populism is just democracy.  We know the BBC doesn’t really like democracy so I suppose it has to cover up that dislike by using another word to express its hatred for the People and their uneducated, feral desires.

There is another word of course that describes the likes of the BBC and its fellow travellers who like to lord it over the rest of us…‘Copulism’.

In essence it means ‘F**k the People’.  Might suggest that is precisely what is going on now with the attempts to betray those who voted for Brexit and even those who didn’t, for the confusion, uncertainty and instability being sown by the mutineers and saboteurs, the Copulists, and the prevention of a single, strong narrative and negotiating position undermines the British position and hands the EU the whip-hand…and should we get a very bad deal and May backpeddles on her ‘No deal’ alternative due to pressure from the Remainder Copulists then the EU will have us over a barrel and we will be forced to accept extremely disadvantageous terms that are worse than we now have….we certainly will lose the rebate and our voting powers will be restricted.  In other words if we try to remain it will be a disaster worse than whatever Remain paint Brexit as….not in anyone’s interests, Remain or Leave.

The BBC and the Remainders have chosen the economy as their battle ground despite Brexit having little to do with economics.  It plays a part but is not the main issue by far….it’s about sovereignty, control, immigration, infrastructure, culture and living in a place that you can call home where you are not a stranger in your own land.  Day in day out we hear the BBC pump out their own negative ‘impact assessments’ [who needs the governments?] of the supposed Brexit effect on the economy….job losses, downturn in production, businesses fleeing abroad, lack of investment, inflation #duetobrexit, a plague of cancer, aircraft dropping out of the skies, no more holidays abroad, food rotting at the docks, a starving nation, swarms of terrorists and criminals, an NHS collapsing due to no more Polish nurses, no country wanting to trade with us etc etc etc.  None of it true.

It seems that both for the BBC and Phillip Hammond it is a few fatcat businessmen who get to decide what Brexit means and the people who voted in the referendum get disregarded, not to mentioned abused and mocked, in their wake.

The BBC warns us that Brexit is a ‘populist’ spasm that people have been fooled into voting for by ‘fascist’ politicians like Farage who offer simple solutions but this quote from German journalist, Thore Hansen, demonstrates the devious double-think the BBC et al have to employ to believe their own nonsense…

‘If democracy bends so deeply to the economy that people think they no longer have any influence on institutions, and even see their interests as being betrayed, then the populists and fascists will have an easy ride.’

Interesting how he can get two contrasting thoughts and express them as the same thing…the people are betrayed by the elite and people who then come along and point this out and offer the people what they want, as in any democracy, this is ‘populism’ exploited by ‘Fascists’.

An elite oppressing and arrogantly ruling over the masses is bad but ‘populist’ solutions are also bad as anyone who promotes them is a fascist….this is just Hansen, as with the BBC, creating his own definitions to suit his own ideas and values about ‘populism’.  He equates Turkey’s Islamic dictatorship with Brexit and says ‘Donald Trump’s populist rhetoric…revives memories of the darkest times’.  So BBC.

Hansen berates the West for ‘a trend towards political apathy and passivity’.  What?  Brexit, Trump, Corbyn, AFD, Austria, Germany’s failed election?  In contrast the problem, the BBC tells us, is that there is too much political activity and people wanting to have their say and vote…voices the BBC doesn’t want you to hear….unless they are Corbynistas abusng JRM perhaps.

Hansen could as well be a BBC journo, closeted inside the bubble, looking out into the world but not understanding, not wanting to understand, and reporting events and issues in a way that just doesn’t reflect that reality.   Witness the BBC’s surprise that Trump could string together words and ideas in coherent sentences and wasn’t the foam flecked demented fascist that they protray him as as he spoke to Piers Morgan and gave a SOTU speech that was approved of by 75% of viewers.  If they’d been paying attention to his previous interviews and speeches they’d have known that but they didn’t…either from sheer ignorance or deliberate, wilful ignorance and a decision to paint him in an entirely negative way in their reports….as they do with Brexit of course.

Populism the problem?  No, it’s Copulism…the elite screwing the people.








Leave or Go


The BBC is only now allowing us to know that the real problem with the Brexit negotiations and the establishment of a single, strong, compelling and assertive policy for Brexit is the stay-behind Remainders in the Cabinet who do all they can to disrupt and sabotage the negotiations.  The BBC narrative had always been about ‘disruptive’ Leavers, Boris in particular, who was targeted viciously by the BBC for every comment he made.  Boris would write something in the newsapers about the direction he thought Brexit should take and this was a ‘stab in the back’, a ‘betrayal’, for May and the Government.  Remainers like Hammond and Rudd could do the same and be praised for their interventions…apparently bringing common sense and a dose of reality to the issues.  Never mind that they were actually trying to hijack Brexit and to water down, if not totally thwart it, by trying to soften the terms of Brexit to such an extent that it was Brexit in name only, BINO, or maybe more appropriately Beano.  The BBC barely mentioned these interventions and certainly didn’t protray them as betrayals and attempts to overturn Government policy, as they were, and as they did with Boris.  Just a week ago when Hammond insisted we were heading for a minimalist Brexit whilst May was away in Davos the BBC still refused to acknowledge that he was doing anything controversial or disruptive.

Remember Government policy was…

Theresa May’s first government was committed to a hard Brexit, meaning one that prioritised sovereignty at the expense of close economic ties. She said that she would exclude the European Court of Justice (ECJ) from post-Brexit Britain; she implied that she wanted the number of EU immigrants to fall significantly; and she argued for Britain to leave both the customs union and the single market.

How much of that exists now in reality as the siren voices for single market membership by the backdoor, remaining in the Custom’s Union, staying under the ECJ and allowing the flood of immigrants to continue by other means gain the ascendancy?

Only now as loud noises about May’s leadership are being heard does the BBC start to give us any inkling that Hammond and fellow travellers are the ‘opposition’ and are deliberately seeking to soften Brexit.  The BBC obviously thinks May is on her way out at any moment and is positioning Hammond as the leader-in-waiting who will come to the Remainers’ rescue.  Charles Grant notes May is Brexit’s best hope…and hence why the BBC wants to encourage the narrative that she is wounded beyond recovery and everyone is out to get her….and she must go…a narrative they have pushed for over a year…

May persists in saying that nothing needs to change. Many eurosceptic Conservative MPs are backing her as their best hope of achieving the hard Brexit they desire.

Guido tells us that the FT ran a story about secret attempts to keep us in the EU’s clutches…

“Theresa May’s Brexit advisers” are “secretly considering” keeping us in a customs union with the EU has got members of the European Research Group of Tory MPs kicking off.

The BBC ignores that corroborating evidence that backs the thrust of JRM’s claims and it is now trying to damp down JRM’s rather unsurprising and credible accusations that Hammond is leading a campaign to undermine Brexit and that the Treasury is concocting misleading assessments that are entirely, and overly, negative about Brexit.  Look at this BBC report, it is designed purely to trash JRM’s claims and to back Hammond and Charles Grant, Grant being a man who has let slip the truth about Hammond and the Treasury.

In the Commons on Thursday, Mr Rees-Mogg asked Brexit minister Steve Baker to confirm whether he had heard that officials were deliberately trying to influence policy in favour of staying in the EU customs union.

He attributed the remarks to Charles Grant, the head of the Centre for European Reform.

On Friday, Mr Baker apologised to MPs for saying Mr Rees-Mogg’s account of the remarks was “essentially correct”.

Mr Grant had denied making them and an audio recording emerged where he did not say what was attributed to him.

Trouble is the recording did essentially back the thrust of JRM’s claims and Grant’s own words in several articles made clear that he did think the Treasury and ‘officials’ were seeking to water down Brexit and shape it in their interests.  The BBC makes no attempt to examine what he said and no attempt to assess whether the reality matches JRM’s claims…to do so would of course undermine the BBC’s narrative about an entirely blameless and neutral Hammond and Civil Service.

Grant admits in the recording two things…that Remain MPs will stymie Brexit by trying to keep us in the Custom’s Union and that the Treasury is working along those lines…

It is not certain we’ll leave the Customs Union for two reasons.

“Firstly I’m not sure there’s a majority in Parliament for that. The Labour Party is now in favour of staying in a customs union with the EU, you just need a fairly small number of Tory rebels and we stay in the Customs Union.

“Secondly, the Treasury is determined to stay in the Customs Union. In private, Treasury officials say that we know we’re going to stay in it during the transition and hope that when we’re in the transition, people will understand that the economic costs of leaving are rather high.

Not sure how the BBC can claim Grant does not say that.

Note he also says…

And there is [sic] unpublished papers sitting in the Treasury that certain people are trying to get hold of under FOI requests showing that the economic costs of leaving the Single Market and Customs Union are greater than the benefits of doing trade deals with any other country in the world.”

No coincidence we get the leaked Treasury documents a few days ago that made doom-laden claims about the economy under Brexit…based upon an assessment of what the economy would look like in 15 years…LOL.  They can’t get it right for months never mind years.

In July last year the Guardian told us the Treasury was forcing the issue towards a Brexit designed to please and enrich the Fatcats of Business…

Growing Treasury influence [is] helping force ministers to choose between prioritising economic interests or sovereignty…Internally, the influence of Treasury mandarins is said to be the decisive factor in sweeping away the pretence of a “cake and eat it” option.

Grant in the same article is quoted saying…

“The coalition of forces pushing for a softer Brexit is considerable,” Grant said. “The Treasury, long an advocate of retaining close economic ties to the EU, is newly emboldened.”

Pretty clear…the Treasury is looking for a Brexit that completely ignores the referendum result and the ‘Will of the People’.

Here he is in his own article…

Britain prepares for a softer Brexit

Just a handful of pro-EU Conservative MPs could defeat the government, if they joined forces with the opposition, most of which wants a softer Brexit.

The coalition of forces pushing for a softer Brexit is considerable. Business lobbies note that they have more access to senior figures in the government than they did before the election, and they are exploiting that opportunity to push for a rethink. The Treasury, long an advocate of retaining close economic ties to the EU, is newly emboldened. Before the election, Chancellor Philip Hammond was expecting the sack, but the weakness of the prime minister means that he is now unsackable, and he is making a strong case for a business-friendly Brexit.

Access to EU labour is probably the number one concern of businesses in the UK; the Treasury, representing their views, may well win much of the argument.

Indeed here’s the Guardian admitting Hammond is lobbying for Big Business…hilariously telling us ‘The people want a sensible Brexit’…as if he is concerned at all what ‘the people’ think…..

Chancellor welcomes business leaders’ call for indefinite delay to leaving single market as Liam Fox appears to challenge his stance

Note this though, and contrast it with the rhetoric today about the single market and custom’s union…

He said he did not believe it would be “legally or politically possible” to remain in the single market or customs union after Brexit – as that would limit the UK’s ability to control immigration or make trade deals.

How times change…Hammond is now trying to steer us into accepting both by whatever devious means he can invent to keep us in them, Brexit by name only.

It is astounding that both the BBC and Labour are onboard for this hijacking of Brexit by Big Business.  They have campaigned relentlessly against Big Business and Capitalism and yet put all that aside when it comes to the EU and staying in.  Suddenly the interests of Big Business come first, the people, the environment and the anti-commercialism, anti-Capitalism ‘Occupy’ narrative, get shelved as they clearly now think staying in the EU is the greater good and that everything else can be sacrificed for that.


Weekened Open Thread


A salacious and very dodgy dossier on Trump produced by a man who was ‘desperate’ to stop him being elected and paid for by the Democrats was pretty much accepted as ‘fact’ by the BBC that had to be unproved rather than proved.  A massive and extremely damaging exposure of US intelligence material by Snowden , who was quite likely a Russian spy and not a whistle-blower, was championed by the BBC as a necessary leak that revealed the extent of US surveillance of communications rather than the treacherous and dangerous betrayal that it really was especially considering we already knew that the US could ‘hoover up’ just about every communication by phone or on the internet at will…so Snowden’s ‘revelation’ was nothing new there but damagingly also revealed US intelligence techniques and exposed its agents to likely capture and possible death.  Contrast how the BBC treated the leaked emails from the Democrats and Clinton, the BBC, not at all interested in their content, instead preferred to concentrate on who leaked them and to try and link the leak to the Russians and by association Trump.  The BBC did all it could to dismiss the emails as irrelevant and to undermine their importance.  A similar tactic is being employed with the ‘memo’ that is said to show the FBI’s actions were politicised and in concert with the Democrats.  The BBC is doing all it can to discredit the memo and adopts an entirely negative and critical tone towards it giving more space and credibility to the Democrat/FBI voices that try to cast doubt upon it than on examining the truth.

All very telling about how the BBC sees the world and what highly partisan messages it wants to brainwash its audience into believing.

Anymore BBC bias…list it all here…


Must be a full moon

The completely barking, lying and two-faced Anna Soubry was given plenty of airtime by the BBC to blame legitimate newsaper reports of her behaviour for alleged death threats…..

Ex-Tory minister Anna Soubry says her office has received 13 death threats since a newspaper front page named her as one of 15 “Brexit mutineers”.

The pro-EU Remain supporter said the police took the threats seriously and had passed two cases to prosecutors.

She said she had been “really quite frightened” and blamed the threats on Wednesday’s Daily Telegraph front page.

The paper’s editor defended what he called “the legitimate actions and language of a free press”.

Ms Soubry had previously described the headline as a “blatant piece of bullying”.

She added: “If the Telegraph had not printed that headline those death threats would not have come through – that is a fact.”


The article also pointed out that Ms Soubry had described her inclusion in the front page as a “badge of honour”.


Today we have BBC radio silence as Soubry launches her own assault on Brexiteers calling them mentally unstable.  She doesn’t like being called a ‘mutineer’, which she is as she tries to overturn Brexit in defiance of government policy and British democracy, but was happy yesterday to call Brexiteers ‘wreckers’…and of course she wasn’t shy about abusing Leave voters whom she labelled racists, stupid, uneducated and bigoted.

The Mail reports her latest outburst:

Fury as Remainer Anna Soubry says Brexiteers have mental health issues

Anna Soubry last night provoked fury after she suggested that Brexit-supporting Tory MPs have mental health issues.

The diehard Remainer launched a scathing attack on her ‘hard Brexiteer’ colleagues, saying they would ‘destroy’ the party and the Prime Minister to get the deal with Brussels they want.

The former minister claimed that 35 of her fellow Tories had been ‘banging on about Europe’ for decades in a way that was ‘not particularly good for their mental health’.

She said: ‘This madness has to stop. Now if we were in the middle of the summer I might say that it was an over-exposure to a hot sun that seems to have caused a collective outbreak in the Government of a form of madness.

‘Their inability to grasp Brexit and do the right thing frankly is now at a point where, as I say, it has got to stop.’

Last night a Brexit-supporting Tory MP said: ‘Anna Soubry is regarded by the parliamentary party, to a man and woman, as completely barking, so it is rich that she would say that.’


Soubry played the victim card and the BBC gave her a shoulder to cry on,  now when she uses exactly the same type of language and tone that she complained about the BBC is silent.





Tommy Knockers

Tommy Robinson was on Newsnight apparently giving them both barrels.  I haven’t seen it yet but in the meantime here’s his reaction on Twitter to being blamed for the Finsbury Park terror attack:


Just watched the Newsnight inquisition….shameless and dangerous attempt to blame the terror attack on Robinson.

Wark quotes part of a tweet without the context and makes it appear Robinson wants a ‘day of rage’ after Manchester.  Robinson nails her for her lie and she tries to dodge replying by changing the subject.

She claims she is not blaming Robinson for the attack but goes on…‘All I am saying’….that the tweets are hate speech and are responsible for the attack…she then makes an astounding accusation ‘You encouraged him to take action [ie terror]..this is about the rise of right-wing [not Far-Right?] terror…your comments were a contributory factor‘.

Might suggest Wark could well find herself in court for that massive and dangerous lie…already Robinson has received many death threats and a family in a house he previously occupied is under police protection….due to the lies of the media.

Robinson finishes by pointing out that it was the BBC drama about Rochdale that actually ‘radicalised’ Osborne and he suggests Wark should get in the producer of that programme and ask him if he is responsible for the terror attack.  Good point.  Good luck with that.



Et Tu BBC?


‘The decision to censor shows that our establishment is more threatened by satire, clarity and truth than by young men willing to kill, rape and pillage in the name of Islam’, wrote Mimsy, adding that ‘it was ultimately an act of national cowardice dressed up as health-and-safety rhetoric’.

The problem with Darren Osborne, his urge to kill Muslims, was that he was ‘fed by a diet of on-line Far-Right extremism.’   Or so the BBC has just told us on its news bulletin on 5 Live.  Something missing from that BBC story isn’t there?  What could that be?  Ah yes….Osborne’s partner said he became ‘radicalised’ after watching the BBC programme about 1,400 white girls being abused by Muslims, then he begn watching material on-line [but is that material ‘Far-Right’…it is mostly Tommy Robinson and a story from Infowars about Muslims celebrating the Manchester attack]….the BBC even grudgingly admitted it’s own role in its own report….

He had become “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the incident after watching BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal, Ms Andrews had said.

The Telegraph’s headline…

Finsbury Park terror trial: Darren Osborne turned into ‘ticking time bomb’ after watching BBC drama, court hears

The Guardian….

Court hears Darren Osborne’s anger was fuelled by BBC drama and rightwing propaganda


Today the BBC website does mention the link to the BBC but in an analysis by Dominic Casciani we get a very loaded narrative shaped to pile the real blame onto Tommy Robinson.  There is also a sly attempt to paint all types of terrorism as a result of mental health problems …

Mental health problems are increasingly being recognised by counter-terrorism experts as key factors in radicalisation.

…thus, ironically, trying to disassociate Islamic terror with Islam whilst at the same time trying to blame the so-called ‘Far-Right’, ie Tommy Robinson, for Osborne’s radicalisation….a few tweets from Tommy Robinson radicalised Osborne but years of doctrination into Islamic beliefs and values have no role in terror attacks?  This of course also misses out the real trigger which was the very real rape and abuse of 1,400 girls by Muslim men….and subsequent terror attacks by Islamists…

The BBC asked Mr Robinson whether his words had inflamed tensions and contributed to Osborne’s state of mind.

The sly attempt to blame the Far-Right, and not the BBC or the various ctions by Muslims, whilst trying to make out Islam as unblameworthy is continued…

His partner told police how he had become “obsessed” with the drama which aired the month before the attack. Commander Dean Haydon, the head of counter-terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, says that this drama was the “catalyst”.

Osborne began accusing Muslims of being rapists or paedophiles – and the couple argued as he had never previously been openly racist or hostile to Muslims.

These arguments appear to fit one of the most important warning signs of a potential terrorist: he developed a “them and us” view of the world.

Might he not actually be justified in thinking that Islam creates a ‘them and us’ scenario and it is not just an invention of his own mind reinforced by online material?  Witness the Trojan Horse plot and indeed what is being said today. 

“Ofsted inspectors are increasingly brought into contact with those who want to actively pervert the purpose of education.

“Under the pretext of religious belief, they use education institutions, legal and illegal, to narrow young people’s horizons, to isolate and segregate, and in the worst cases to indoctrinate impressionable minds with extremist ideology.

“Freedom of belief in the private sphere is paramount, but in our schools it is our responsibility to tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law.”

The BBC goes on to suggest the idea of a ‘them and us’ culture is an invention created by the ‘Far-Right’ online…

He joined Twitter and hunted for anything to justify what he was now thinking. And this, says Commander Haydon, was the second crucial stage in Osborne’s journey.

“He accessed this material and was using it to self-radicalise,” said Commander Haydon. “Online played a major role in what happened. We have legislation in place that deals with [terrorist] propaganda. But some of the material that’s online is unpleasant but does not cross the boundary into crime.”

Ahh…now we’re getting to the very problematic stuff and the real target…what Tommy Robinson publishes is legal but, in the Police’s mind [and the BBC’s] ‘unpleasant’….such as this presumably….

“What Salman Abedi did is not the beginning and it won’t be the end. There is a nation within a nation forming just beneath the surface of the UK. It is a nation built on hatred, on violence and on Islam.”

Well Robinson was right about more attacks and his ‘nation within a nation’ is just what Trevor Phillips has told us, amongst many others, about parallel societies forming inside Britain.  From the Telegraph….

British Muslims becoming a nation within a nation, Trevor Phillips warns

“Muslims who have separatist views about how they want to live in Britain are far more likely to support terrorism than those who do not”

The BBC goes on…

And it’s that legal material that’s in question in this case. The killer looked at content from the far-right group, Britain First, but appeared more attracted to Tommy Robinson who had previously founded and headed the English Defence League.

Mr Robinson is now an alt-right commentator who describes himself as a journalist and Osborne subscribed to his group email list.

On 22 May, Osborne received one of the emails that warned of an Islamic “nation within a nation” forming in the UK.

Osborne left a rambling letter in his van.

He appeared to refer to a deeply controversial Iran-backed march in London, which had been his original target, again a topic that had exercised Mr Robinson.

Two days before Osborne’s attack, Mr Robinson tweeted a newspaper headline referring to whether people should “look back in anger” over the Manchester bombing.

Robinson of course was not alone in being concerned about an Iranian backed march in London, the BBC even decribes it here as ‘deeply controversial’, and how is it that it is Robinson who is being attacked for quoting from a newspaper article that says we should not be angry about Manchester?   Maybe it was the BBC’s outhouse publication, the Guardian’s, headline….

Don’t Look Back in Anger becomes symbol of Manchester’s spirit

Robinson suggests we should be angry [by now Osborne has already hired the van he use in the attack…so relevance of this tweet used to blame Robinson for the attack?]…

A tweet by Tommy Robinson – “Anger? When a Muslim bombed our kids we were told not to look back in anger?” – is viewed.

A tweet by Tommy Robinson – “Where was the day of rage after the terrorist attacks. All I saw was lighting candles” – is viewed on an iPad.

The BBC links the tweet to the attack….

Robinson was actually comparing the Left’s reaction to Grenfell when it demanded a ‘day of rage’ and after Manchester when no ‘day of rage’ was called for despite the deliberate mass murder of children.

But here’s Brendan O’Neil in Spiked saying we should be angry……

After Manchester: it’s time for anger

As part of the post-terror narrative, our emotions are closely policed. Some emotions are celebrated, others demonised. Empathy – good. Grief – good. Sharing your sadness online – great. But hatred? Anger? Fury? These are bad. They are inferior forms of feeling, apparently, and must be discouraged. Because if we green-light anger about terrorism, then people will launch pogroms against Muslims, they say, or even attack Sikhs or the local Hindu-owned cornershop, because that’s how stupid and hateful we apparently are. But there is a strong justification for hate right now. Certainly for anger. For rage, in fact. Twenty-two of our fellow citizens were killed at a pop concert. I hate that, I hate the person who did it, I hate those who will apologise for it, and I hate the ideology that underpins such barbarism. I want to destroy that ideology.

Stop and think about how strange it is, how perverse it is, that more than 20 of our citizens have been butchered and we are basically saying: ‘Everyone calm down. Love is the answer.’ Where’s the rage? If the massacre of children and their parents on a fun night out doesn’t make you feel rage, nothing will. The terrorist has defeated you. You are dead already.

What we have is a narrative that glosses over the BBC’s role in this but directs the blame in the main to Tommy Robinson for tweets that are merely reflecting what other mainstream media and figures say as well as facts on the ground.  The police and the BBC want to suppress such facts and silence the likes of Robinson by saying it is his narrative that is to blame for the attack when clearly the blame lies elsewhere….what was Osborne angry about?  Muslim attacks in Britain.  The BBC’s programme about Rochdale was perfectly justified if years too late and of course can’t be ‘blamed’ for the attack…the point is the BBC are diverting ‘blame’ onto Robinson for his comments on Islamist behaviour and sidelining the fact that it was their programme that kicked off the ‘radicalisation’.  The BBC is hypocritically saying Robinson shouldn’t be allowed to make those comments but the BBC should be able to make programmes about issues such as Rochdale [lol…when forced to].


The timeline….

May 16, 17, 18
Three episodes of the BBC drama Three Girls are aired.

May 22
Manchester terror attack.

Some 22 people die after Salman Abedi detonates a bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena.

June 14
Early hours – Grenfell Tower fire. Some 71 people die in the London tower block blaze.

9.01am–10.23am – A number of Google searches for Tommy Robinson carried out on an iPad.

June 17
10.10am – Osborne rents a Citroen van from Pontyclun Van Hire in Mid Glamorgan, Wales.

1.23pm–1.30pm – More Google searches for Tommy Robinson carried out on an iPad.

A tweet by Tommy Robinson – “Anger? When a Muslim bombed our kids we were told not to look back in anger?” – is viewed.

1.37pm – Google search for ‘Jeremy Corbyn’ is carried out on an iPad.

June 18
Osborne travels to London.

June 19
12.15am – Osborne drives van into a group of Muslims tending to a man who has fallen ill.

Self-awareness…lack of


Amused to see that BBC journos are suffering at the hands of the Machine exactly what those unencumbered with huge pay packets have to suffer….being lied about and smeared…smeared as racists and nazis if you talk about controlling immigration or Islam…..

The BBC stands accused of lying and spreading smears about its most high-profile female journalists as the corporation was warned its handling of the gender pay crisis is approaching “a Greek tragedy”.

Carrie Gracie, who resigned as China editor in protest at unequal pay, accused the BBC’s most senior woman journalist of misleading her in salary negotiations and of wrongly dismissing her as a “part-time” worker.

The corporation has been “diminished and damaged” by its dishonesty over women’s pay, Gracie said, because “the BBC lives or dies by its reputation for telling the truth”.

Gracie said the atmosphere at the corporation was now “toxic”, and “it is going to get worse”.

She compared their handling of her case to Chinese state intimidation and said: “They are stumbling towards a Greek tragedy where they make happen their own worst fears.”

Have to say it is a shame that journalists such as Gracie are only concerned about lies and smears by the BBC when their pay packet comes up short and then suddenly we hear…. “the BBC lives or dies by its reputation for telling the truth”.

Where is that concern for the truth and the BBC’s reputation when talking about immigration, Islam or the EU or Trump?  All subjects and issues on which the BBC’s lack of impartiality and failure to relay the truth has serious consequences for democracy and the ‘West’ as a whole.


The Road to Hell


A lesson for the naive do-gooder activist journalists of the BBC.

Merkel allegedly flung open the borders of Germany, well the whole of Europe in reality, in order to atone for Germany’s past sins against the Jews.  It must be somewhat disconcerting therefore to realise that her actions have led to an increase in anti-Semitism in Germany as the influx of Muslim immigrants brought all their prejudices and hate with them.  The double whammy is that the flood of immigrants has given life to the Far-Right who are not only against the immigrants but also anti-Semitic.  So not only has she imported a dangerous anti-Western ideology but she has given a spurious legitimacy to the Far-Right….an extraordianry irony that in atoning for anti-Semitism she creates the very culture that breeds it.  The rise of the Far-Right is a creation of the extremist liberal do-gooder who only sees the supposed good things that will result from immigration and wants to do some virtue signalling and make sure people see him/her doing the ‘right thing’….they don’t care about the crime, the rapes, the murders, the drugs and robberies, the overcrowded schools, GP surgeries and A&E services, or the housing crisis, not forgetting the cultural wars, literally wars, now in progress….just as long as no one can call them a racist they’re happy for you to suffer all that.  The Far-Right is the liberals’ monster, its Frankenstein creature that they brought back to life with their extremist open borders policies and attempts to smash national identity, societies, cultures, values and beliefs.  The Far-Right is blowback.   As the BBC’s own Carrie Gracie says when talking about her own stuation…

“They are stumbling towards a Greek tragedy where they make happen their own worst fears.”

That applies equally here.  The BBC fears the rise of the Far-Right and yet it cheerleads for policies that predictably make that feared outcome spring to life.

An added irony is that a Far-Right activist has converted to Islam because the now liberal Christian Church no longer upholds the values that it used to…now supporting, as it does, gay marriage with priests going on LGBT marches.  The BBC must be pretty conflicted with that one…it refuses to go down the path of criticising Islam for its strongly held beliefs on homosexuality etc but would normally pour scorn upon a Christian with the same beliefs.  But now we have a Far-Right ‘bigot’ who sees in Islam the very values he says he wants to support.   Nazis and Islamists, ideological bedfellows?  Maybe the BBC will wake up to the truth one day.