They really don’t get it

 The people behind Radio Forth are hoping to be granted the new Scottish east coast license:

A COMMERCIAL broadcaster is promising to challenge the BBC’s “boring” and “leftish” current affairs coverage by launching a rival radio station.

Scottish Radio Holdings, which already owns a number of stations north of the Border, will apply to media regulator Ofcom this week for the new FM licence covering Edinburgh, Fife and Lothians.

It would be wonderful if we had an alternative to the Biased BBC here in Scotland. What’s extraordinary is this comment from the Beeb:

A spokesman for BBC Scotland said: “ Any suggestion that we are boring or leftish is complete rubbish.”

There again, they don’t really get it, do they? In the mind (sic) of the typical BBC operative anyone not a paid-up member of the Guardian-reading class must be some kind of deviant to the right of Genghis Khan or even George Bush.

Confessions of a racist

Yes, it’s time to own up. I have just been watching the BBC’s Reporting Scotland programme. Tonight they were covering the “fringe” parties contesting the elections for the European Parliament.

I almost fell off my chair when I heard this about the British National Party: “The BNP is no stranger to controversy or protest. It maintains that it isn’t racist, though it’s opposed to immigration, the Euro and the European Union.”

So there we have it. According to the taxpayer-funded BBC, opposition to the Euro and the EU is racist. I wonder how “neutral” the rest of their election reporting will be.

You can watch the segment here (about 16 minutes into the programme), although I think that tonight’s broadcast is only available until this time tomorrow. I have of course made a tape recording.