Have a read of this if you will!

“So is the BBC in crisis? The consensus seems to be, not yet – though it soon may well be. Steven Barnett predicts a gathering tide of anti-BBCism from Tory politicians and newspapers in the runup to the charter renewal. He writes: “If Britain wants to sustain a cultural institution which is still trusted and enjoyed by the vast majority of its own citizens while being praised and admired throughout the world, we must have the political will to make the resources available.” In other words, an inflation-linked licence fee must be restored (and wisely spent). That, rather than the history of the sexual predators it once employed, will be the BBC’s make or break.”


To be clear, I am not a member of ANY political party and am cynical about the lot of them. However it is perfectly obvious that the BBC has done its best today to try and undermine UKIP! It started the day pondering if their election posters are “racist” and now the intrepid Nick Robinson has had a go at Farage because he employs his German wife. I suggest that between now and European election day we will see MUCH more of this as the BBC does what it can do undermine the one political party that wants out of the EU. One wonders why….


Have to laugh at the way in which the BBC instantly turns on one of its more usual favourites, the pro EU CBI, the nano-second it take a view they oppose. In Scotland, the CBI has chosen to oppose Scotland leaving the UK and this has caused those quangos who belong to the Scottish Government and who are also members of the CBI, to resign from the BBC. Listen to the hard time the CBI D-G is given by Evan Davies at at 1.14mins into the programme today.


Wonder what you reckon to the interview that took place just after 7.34am on Today programme this morning? It relates into the investigation into those schools in Birmingham and the rampant Islamification that took place within them. The BBC, being fair and impartial, sought the views of Labour MP Khalid Mahmoud. And only Khalid Mahmoud. Guess what – Khalid thinks the investigation is confused. I wonder why Khalid never thought to raise the issue during those years it was happening – he was oblivious of it all this time but now he is suddenly an expert. Listen to John Humphyrs seek to excuse the proselytising of Wahhabism and do all he can to mock the notion of any plot.



God forbid a British Prime Minister should assert that this country has a clear CHRISTIAN heritage. The BBC were always going to jump all over this as Alan has already referenced. I caught Peter Tatchell being given free rein to attack Cameron and more importantly attack the idea that Britain is still at least nominally ‘Christian’. Isn’t this the same Peter Tatchell who is on record for urging that the age of consent be lowered to 14? Yes, I can see why the Comrades at the BBC turned to this fine upstanding person to diss over the Christians, esp at Easter. Of course, when ISLAM gets a hold, Tatchell, Dame Tuscany and the other secular zealots that write to the DT may find their options rather more limited. Christianity is an easy target and the BBC never miss a chance to rubbish it. I’m not saying any religion is above media critique but when I look at Islam, and how the BBC treat if with SUCH simpering reverence, it surely shows a massive double standard.