It’s fun watching the bank held up by Labour as the modern template for ethical and efficient banking – The Co-Op- described as “ungovernable” by its departing CEO. It’s also a tricky one for the comrades at the BBC who are usually so KEEN to get stuck into the “banksters” The default mode seems to be report this as best they can but just ignore the VERY close links between this corrupt and failed Bank and Labour.


I was sorry to read of the death of RMT Trade Unionist Bob Crowe. He was only 52.  That said, I am a little surprised to see the BBC run this as the LEAD story on their news portal all day. Isn’t this a little over the top? What say you? There is also a deference in their coverage of his untimely death which was noticeably absent when Margaret Thatcher died. Perhaps Mr Crowe was more their kind of guy?


Murder is wrong and the tragedy that afflicted the Lawrence family when their son Stephen was brutally killed cannot be underestimated. BUT it strikes me that the leftist media in general, and the BBC in particular, has elevated this to a level that is disproportionate to many other equally vile murders, such as that which happened t0 15 year old Kriss Donald. It does however enable them to advance their “institutional racism” meme and throw in the “institutional corruption” angle for extra points.  I wonder how you view their coverage of this latest twist to the Lawrence saga?