You have to admire the BBC. Even a HINT of some “good news” about immigration into the UK and the comrades are to the fore in pushing it down our throats. Even better if it shows the Conservatives in a bad light!

Downing Street has withheld publication of a cross-governmental report that suggests one potential impact of immigration is smaller than claimed. It suggests “displacement” – the number of UK workers unemployed as a consequence of immigration – is well below the figure used by ministers of 23 for every 100 additional immigrants. This was considered potentially incendiary, BBC Newsnight has learned.

The BBC report is full of weasel words and plays fast and loose with the concept of immigration. It is implying that the report relates to ALL immigration whilst in fact it concerns non EU immigration. So the elephant in the Immigration room gets a de facto pass. Meanwhile, when it comes to sources of NON EU immigration, Pakistan and Bangladesh feature right up there and I was curious to know what economic benefits individuals from those countries bring to the UK?


I heard the BBC give a very sympathetic hearing to this latest manipulated nonsense from the EU;

About a third of all women in the EU have experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, according to a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. That corresponds to 62 million women, the survey says. It is said to be the biggest survey conducted on the subject, and is based on interviews with 42,000 women. The report calls on EU countries to treat domestic violence as a public, not a private issue.

I wonder if the BBC comrades might explore which ..ahem..communities within this apocalyptic zone of rape and abuse contribute most towards such violence?


Wondered what your thoughts are on the BBC coverage of the Ukraine/Russia crisis? I get the distinct impression that the BBC favours those in Ukraine who are seduced by the entreaties of the EU. Lots of interviews with young Ukrainians in Kiev – a pro EU audience. I noticed that in the Commons yesterday, Conservative MP Peter Tapsell pointed out that the EU carried a degree of culpability for this situation given its endless expansionism “to the borders of Mongolia” That didn’t fly well with the BBC. Thoughts? Is it the case that like Nick Clegg, the BBC will always rally to the cause of the EUSSR?


I reckon the BBC must be getting anxious that once more their hero, Obama, is being utterly outflanked by Putin. I heard an American “expert” pundit on the Today programme just after 7.15am (Joe Klein, I think) bleating how Obama was running rings around the Russian President. He also was allowed to disparage the Republican Party when he was at it. The bias is so easy, they never even see it,


You can rely on the BBC to provide a platform to those who push the AGW agenda and the more extreme the scale of this, the greater the platform!

What are the greatest global threats to humanity? Are we on the verge of our own unexpected extinction? An international team of scientists, mathematicians and philosophers at Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute is investigating the biggest dangers. And they argue in a research paper, Existential Risk as a Global Priority, that international policymakers must pay serious attention to the reality of species-obliterating risks. Last year there were more academic papers published on snowboarding than human extinction. The Swedish-born director of the institute, Nick Bostrom, says the stakes couldn’t be higher. If we get it wrong, this could be humanity’s final century.

Incredible stuff, detached from any fact based science but dressed up in the doomsday rhetoric of the global warmers.


Interesting to see the BBC’s Mark Easton tweet the following chart which he says shows WHY the Coalition government’s promise to get net migration under 100k by 2015 is beyond its control. He has a point but he also misses a bigger point



Mark seems strangely mute on the more obvious fact that the HUGE surge in Immigration from the EU since 2003 until 2009 took place under the impervious gaze of Labour. Our problems can be directly traced to LABOUR.


Quite a concerted effort by the BBC to remove some of those “hideously white” faces that so offend bleeding liberal hearts. First this…

Match Of The Day needs to become more diverse with fewer white men on its panel of pundits, the BBC has said. Days after announcing its dramas would include more black and gay actors to reflect modern Britain, the corporation turned its sights on sports shows. Danny Cohen, the BBC’s director of television, singled out BBC1’s Saturday football highlights programme for fresh criticism. He said: ‘If we have five people on a panel show, it shouldn’t be five white men. I think the same thing of Match Of The Day. It’s a very diverse sport and it shouldn’t be like that.’

Then this…

Sol Campbell has claimed he would have been “England captain for more than 10 years” had he been born white.

Institutional racism everywhere…


Tricky one for the Dhimmis at the BBC. An act of gruesome mass terrorism, dozens dead. What to say?

Chinese officials have blamed separatists from the north-western Xinjiang region for a mass knife attack at a railway station that left 29 people dead and at least 130 wounded.

 Elsewhere..but not on the BBC.

China has blamed Islamic militants from the volatile Xinjiang province for an attack by knife-wielding “terrorists” at a railway station in Kunming city that left at least 33 people dead and 130 injured.