Did you read that the BBC has been accused of yielding to political pressure since the last election and allowing a right-wing bias to emerge in its journalism? Now WHO would say something like that? Yes, that’s right – an academic!

The serious criticism by a distinguished media professor suggests that the BBC has compromised its impartiality by depending too heavily on sources from business, the media, law and order and politics. By contrast, ITV and Channel 4 make much greater use of sources from academia, medicine, science and non-governmental organisations. Professor Justin Lewis, Dean of Research at Cardiff University and an experienced analyst of the BBC’s output, suggested that the BBC Trust had “played down” the findings, which were presented to the governing body last year. In an essay to be published next month, Professor Lewis states: “The available evidence on the BBC centre of gravity does not suggest a leftist tilt. On the contrary, its dependence on certain dominant institutions notably in the business world and the national print media – would appear to push it the other way.”

Makes you wonder how far to the left Professor Lewis tilts?


I see the BBC faithfully reports the foot stomping by Alex Salmond after he has been told that IF Scotland leaves the UK, it leaves the £ zone. It’s interesting to watch the BBC coverage on this. They seem to be sympathetic to the SNP delusions – Salmond and Sturgeon do get an easy ride in most BBC interviews – but on the other hand an Independent Scotland would be bad for Labour so mixed emotions I guess. Thoughts?


The BBC appears to have overlooked what the MET OFFICE told us the weather was going to be like but for your information here is what they said…


Confidence in the forecast for precipitation across the UK over the next three months is relatively low. For the December-January-February period as a whole there is a slight signal for below-average precipitation. The probability that UK precipitation for December-January-February will fall into the driest of our five categories is around 25% and the probability that it will fall into the wettest category is around 15% (the 1981-2010 probability for each of these categories is 20%).

Perhaps the BBC could investigate why the Met Office is allowed to pontificate on “climate change” when by its own words it has NO IDEA as to what our weather will do?


A few days back, the Government produced figures which suggested that most people in employment have seen at least a modest INCREASE in their living standards over the past year, as inflation falls and wages rise. The BBC was not happy about this at the time since it directly contradicts the Labour narrative about “cost of living crisis” and I recall them bringing on an economist to challenge what the Coalition was suggesting. This morning, they give blazing headlines to a claim by the The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) that average UK living standards have fallen “dramatically” since the recession and will not reach pre-crisis levels by the next election. The IFS is just another front for Labour left wing philosophy and have been moaning for years now that austerity doesn’t work. They got that wrong but when they say what the BBC wants they get an east rid