Well then, who would have thought that the BBC would have found a new icon to worship after the death of Mandela, and who would have thought it was a London “gangsta”? BBC coverage has been extensive and very pro Duggan, and the comrades also seem disappointed there has not been a riot! Thoughts?


Aw, bless ’em. The BBC must have been so upset by the revelations from former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates indicating that Obama did not have faith in the merit of the administration’s strategy, despite his decision to order a “surge” in troops to the region, that it is buried in the main news portal today! See if you can find it; Hint, it’s below a Schumacher story….


The BBC have covered the story of the little Afghan girl who was detained wearing a suicide vest in southern Afghanistan, I happened to catch BBC Today early this morning, before 7am. John Humphrys introduced the item by asking the BBC correspondent IF this story could really be true. It’s as if he couldn’t believe how wicked these dark age savages really are and preferred to imply this was black propaganda deployed by the Afghan Government.

BBC: Laughable Bias Against George Osborne’s Proposed Cuts…

Biased BBC contributor Daniel Pycock writes

“If you thought the BBC were pushing the “too far, too fast” line last time, just wait for more of their output regarding George Osborne’s planned cuts between 2014-16. Take a look at this most recent article:

I count thirty four sentences in total, of which seven contain what Osborne actually said. There are another seven ‘neutral’ sentences dedicated to paraphrasing the government’s position. This means that there are another twenty sentences with which to flood the article with criticisms from: Trade Unions (loony left), the Labour Party (left), the Liberal Democrats (left) and the BBC’s own Nick Robinson (nominally a wet conservative).

Ed Balls got four sentence-paragraphs of criticism in there – more than I can remember any Shadow Conservative Chancellor getting (especially with comparable poll ratings). Nick Robinson basically rebuts everything that Osborne suggests, and only Robert Peston (in a side-box) provides some sort of supportive comment.

Now, I’m no massive fan of George Osborne (I do not support ring-fencing DfID, Health, or among other things, the perpetuation of our pensions ponzi-scheme); but I think that, given the alternatives offered, he is at least advancing a semi-respectable position regarding the national finances. See if you get that impression or not from the BBC…”


Hi folks!  Sorry for lack of posting but my home internet died on Saturday and had to wait until now to update! My apologies! Did you perchance catch Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Questions” with Comrade Owen Jones and the rest of the usual rent-a-lefty brigade? Grim stuff! Anyway over to you!!