Yesterday saw the SNP unveil its vision for an Independent Scotland. Now, leaving aside whether one sees this as an act of sublime delusionalism, the question I have for you is how did you think the BBC covered it? I listened to Jim Naughtie wax elegant on the document itself, apparently the sheer number of pages made him think the tome was weighty. In my view, the BBC coverage was pretty much pro SNP, although it is interesting to see that the SNP would remove the BBC from Scotland in the event of them gaining Independence. Sadly of course Salmond would replace with an even more fervently Statist broadcaster! Thoughts on their coverage then?


I noted the BBC provided Stella Creasey with an easy run on the Today programme at 7.10am to launch Labour’s soundbite attack on the Coalition’s attempt to cap “payday” loans.  All the more remarkable is how her clear indication that Labour wants to “control” markets goes unchallenged by the BBC. What could be more natural after all? It’s amazing how the BBC is so aligned with labour each time the Coalition tries to do anything – ensuring that the UK public get to hear the smug hypocrisy from Miliband’s muppets.


Well then, after months of private talks, Obama and the seven dwarfs cut a deal with the Mullahs. It’s been fascinating listening to the BBC cover this with Israel (and even Saudi) being instantly positioned as the bad guys because they think this has been a terrible deal. The BBC have idolised Obama for years – he’s their new JFK – and so they are very cute to use all types of language that implies it is somehow unreasonable to take issue with the outcome of the Kerry-led negotiation, even when the Iranian Foreign Minister instantly goes on TV to declare that Iran can almost instantly reverse the deal if it chooses to do so. I heard Jeremy Bowen on the Today programme talk about this “potentially momentous” deal with little regard to the central fact that the Mullahs have played Obama just like Russia played Obama, just liked Assad played Obama, just like the Muslim Brotherhood played Obama. The hamfisted approach taken by the Obama regime to foreign policy matters is given a pass by the comrades at the BBC and I suppose if in doing so they can beat up a little further on Israel then that is a double win?


I was listening to an item on the Today programme this morning around 6.4oam. It concerns Obama’s request that NO more sanctions are directed the way of Iran whilst John Kerry and co are trying to cut a deal with the Mullahs. The reporter (with an Irish accent?) was plainly anti-Israel and she actually said that Obama’s legacy was as a President who ENDED wars. Syria? Libya? Afghanistan? Netanyahu was presented as intransigent and US jewish people seeking to influence opinion were presented as unhelpful lobbyists! Just a little Israel hatred to start the day… I can’t share the link to it as there is none but perhaps others heard this contemptible item?


Yesterday, the BBC gave huge prominence to a “suggestion” by the Attorney General of Northern Ireland that there should be no prosecutions of any terrorists pre “Good Friday Agreement” It has been almost universally rejected but the interesting aspect is the enthusiasm the BBC had for this immoral idea – an idea which Irish Republicans think may have legs. Today, the BBC via Panorama tonight, suggests that…gasp …British soldiers killed “unarmed civilians” aka IRA terrorists.

What sickens me most about all this is that the BBC  – via our license tax – are helping drive the IRA meme that all sides were as bad as each other and so a general amnesty is the way forward. The sheer immorality of this seems to fly high over BBC heads as they contrive to manipulate public opinion.


There is no doubt in my mind that without the wilful assistance of the BBC, Miliband and Labour would not be as far ahead in the polls as they are. Naturally this may change but the BBC is remarkably accommodating to allowing Labour to set the daily political agenda and then reinforce it by parroting the crafted Labour soundbites …be it “Plan B” (now discarded) “Bedroom Tax” (no such thing) and more recently “Cost of living crisis”. Today sees an effort to add “childcare crunch” to the vocabulary and BBC trails the ramblings of Comrade Ed here. The BBC is working hard to return Labour to power in 2015 and the person who carries greatest culpability for this is …Cameron. He had a chance to really challenge the BBC and start a process of utter destruction of this malignant beast in our digital midst but he flunked it. And should Miliband stride into Downing Street in 2015, as the champagne corks at the BBC, he should reflect on his failure.