Problems with the site earlier prevented me posting this but I thought I would share anyway. I was listening to the TODAY programme this morning, just before 7am, and they were doing all they can to push the notion that the Typhoon that has caused so much destruction in the Philippines was “somehow” linked to global warming.  They had political hustler Justin Forsyth from Save the Children on asserting that whilst he had no proof global warming had caused this particular event people “knew” there was a connection. A bit like people “know” there is a connection between earning £163,000 and being CEO of Save the Children? As ever the BBC never miss an opportunity to advance their dismal global warming meme….



To my mind, the BBC have taken a perverse delight in the conviction of a UK Marine for killing a Taliban terrorist. Their airwaves have been full of the pious passing judgement on the actions of this soldier and yet, as we draw closer to Remembrance Sunday, part of me remembers that war IS hell, it IS savage and brutal, and many many British soldiers showed no mercy to the Nazis when they fought for our freedom.

It sickens me to witness the MSM in general, and the BBC in particular, pretend that the Queensbury Rules exist in the theatre of war. We send our lions into battle and then deny them the right to kill before they are killed. Naturally, BBC pacifism runs deep and no time deeper than the approach to Remembrance Sunday, The Taliban do not fight in uniform, they are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions, they show no mercy to our soldiers and yet they must be delighted to see the loathing of our military that those like the BBC exude at every opportunity.


A Biased BBC reader notes…

“Reporting on the grilling of the three intelligence chiefs before a Parliamentary Committee these were the newsworthy headlines reported under that heading immediately after, on three web sites:”

BBC’s top headline: 

Web inventor criticises spy agencies

Sky News headline:

Leaks by the US whistleblower Edward Snowden have played into the hands of terrorists, say Britain’s spy chiefs.

ITV’s top headline

Spy chiefs believe Snowden leaks caused damage…

No bias whatsoever, right?


You have to hand it to the BBC, they are determined to push the global warming meme even when it is..erm, cooling!

The levels of gases in the atmosphere that drive global warming increased to a record high in 2012. According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), atmospheric CO2 grew more rapidly last year than its average rise over the past decade. Concentrations of methane and nitrous oxide also broke previous records  Thanks to carbon dioxide and these other gases, the WMO says the warming effect on our climate has increased by almost a third since 1990.

Let’s stop at the first line and weigh up the sort of contrary scientific opinion the BBC does not like to find safe for. Why does the BBC feel such a compunction to continually present scientific OPINION as scientific FACT?




Ah, will the BBC ever get over the death of ol’ Yasser – that Jew hating terrorist loving piece of Palestinian slime?  …sorry, I meant that much loved and sadly missed Leader of the most oppressed people ever. I mean when BBC reporter Barbara Plett openly wept at his funeral, those were our tears she expressed, right?

Anyhoo….the issue of Arafat’s death has been a tad tricky for the BBC.  The fact that he died from Aids — or so his doctor said — seemed unsatisfactory for the comrades so far better to fantasise on those conspiracy tales that those evil Jooos had poisoned him with polonium.


You have to admire the way the BBC can take an issue and spin it to suit the trenchant anti-Coalition narrative that lies at the heart of all it has done since 2010. Take the story of that for ‘cor blimey” Brit Mohammed al Mohammed.

Somalian-born (natch!) Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed is believed to have evaded police observation by disguising himself as a woman in Islamic dress. The 27-year-old went to pray at a mosque in West London on Friday and has not been seen since, Scotland Yard announced last night.

So we have a suspected Jihadist going to a MOSQUE and then evading police scrutiny by dressing up in a Burqa. BBC not interested in why this Somalian terrorist was going to a Mosque and what that may say about what is preached within its confines. BBC not interested in whether the Burqa should be banned from the public square when it is used for such evasion. BBC not interested in why Mr Mohamed is even IN the UK.  No —- the BIG issue for the BBC is the efficacy of the TPims put in place by the Coalition. So, another Somalian poses a threat to the UK population and the BBC turns its guns on Theresa May.