I thought this was interesting;  “Kenyan officials say they are in the final stages of bringing to an end the deadly stand-off with suspected al-Shabab militants at the Westgate shopping complex in Nairobi.” Erm, not quite. Kenyan officials refer to them as terrorists but the BBC feels a need to parenthesis around the term. Also, in what way are they “suspected”???? We have dozens slaughtered, Al Shabab stating it has carried out the atrocity, yet the BBC seems unsure? Further, I heard an “expert” on the BBC inform us that is a moderate side to Al Shabab? Really?



I note that Religion of Peace enthusiasts have been so active in the past few days. Whether it was slaughtering 59 people in a shopping mall in Nairobi, or mowing down dozens of Christians leaving a church in Pakistan, or blowing to pieces other Muslims attending a funeral  in Baghdad, the ROP has not left an opportunity to slaughter. Wonder what you reckon to BBC coverage of these acts of Jihad? I noted that they used the word “attackers” to describe the al-Shabaab Jihad boys last night.


Well then, great hatchet job by the BBC on UKIP today, contrasting nicely with their slabbering sycophantic coverage of Clegg and the gang. I caught the BBC 5 live afternoon coverage…the MOST important story in the world for several hours and a great way to ensure UKIP are damaged.  Bloom may not be coming up roses for UKIP but the reaction from the MSM in general, and BBC in particular, has been gleeful.