You have to smile at the BBC’s continued adoration of Obama. President Narcissus and his aide Kerry have been utterly ouflanked by Putin and Assad in recent days and yet the BBC is doing all it can to suggest that Obama and Putin are on the same page. Obama cheerleaders like Mardell have struggled to keep their hero’s halo gleaming but his tortuous efforts to win over Congress to military action seem to causing Mardell some anxiety. Perhaps the biggest irony of all is that if Obama does still launch his missile strike, the primary benefactors will be the Al Queda “rebels”. Given today’s date, 9/11, one wonders if even the BBC see the irony in THAT?


Morning all. I’m broken hearted to read that political giant Sarah Teather is to stand down and was pleased to hear BBC Today run a glowing political obituary for the hamster faced one. It appears one of her “proudest” moments was getting a “British” constituent out of Guantanamo Bay. She will be missed…!! Anyhow, here is a brand new and one time OPEN THREAD for you all to enjoy. Now off you go ..detail the bias!


When all is gloom and your left wing soul is weary, you can rely upon Harriet Harman to sent out some upbeat insubstantial drivel and the BBC to treat it as if it were the wisdom of Solomon. Yesterday, Hattie was pointing out that Miliband had nothing to apologise for over the utter debacle of Falkirk. That was a gem given that Miliband and those who advise him were bang to rights following the “investigation” into the allegation of Unison fixing the by-election selection process. Today, Hattie is off to tell the gathering of her paymasters in Bournemouth that “Labour is on their side”. Well, of COURSE Labour is “on their side” since Labour is a fully owned subsidiary of the Trade Unions, and Miliband is where he is because of the votes from the Union barons. As time goes on, and Miliband is exposed as a dithering lightweight, this is tough one for the BBC. It reminds me of Michael Foot days. You KNOW the BBC are backing Labour but you know that the own goals being scored by Miliband may yet end up giving us a Conservative led coalition again in 2015.




You would need a heart of stone NOT to chuckle at this;

Lord Patten faced demands to quit or be sacked last night as civil war tore through the BBC. The chairman of the BBC Trust was given an ultimatum after being accused of ‘fundamentally misleading’ Parliament over the scandal of excessive pay-offs to Corporation fat cats. But the defiant former Conservative Party chairman said he had ‘no concerns’ about the allegations made by former director general Mark Thompson.

What fun watching them tear themselves apart. It’s not just Patten that needs to go though – it is the entire rotten corrupt smug self indulgent empire of the BBC.

John McCain -the BBC’s much loved Republican

It’s almost touching to watch how the BBC does all it can to present Sen John McCain as the standard bearer for the GOP. McCain, the guy who likes to play poker on his phone during important debates on Syria, the guy who thinks those who chant Allahu Akhbar are no different to those who attend Church and give thanks to God, is very much the hero of the hour for the BBC as Obama uses him to try and manipulate GOP opinion. It is remarkable to watch the BBC slant its coverage to put Obama in the best light possible with the teensy weensy detail that 91% of Americans oppose military action conveniently passed over. Can you imagine the OUTCRY from the BBC during the Bush years had 91% of the public opposed HIS military policy?