I was sorry to read of the death of Seamus Heaney but am no fan of his work. The BBC went into a paroxysm of activity, with Andrew Marr telling us this morning Heaney had been our greatest living writer! Talk about hyperbole. I have endured a stream of abuse from alleged Heaney fans for simply suggesting that IN MY OPINION, Heaney was dire. But that’s beside the point. What irritated me was the BBC 10 News on Friday evening repeatedly stated that Heaney was born in “County Derry”. There is NO such place. He was born in County Londonderry, the only name for that county. Why did the BBC feel the need to repeat Irish Republican slang? Can’t they be bothered to actually research what they say?


It’s funny, really. Obama is looking so far out of his depth on Syria that it is posing a problem for some of his BBC fan club. So, cue the bugle and send for Mark Mardell. Here’s Mark with the entirely neutral headline “Obama’s canny, democratic move”.  Canny in the sense that Obama is desperate to ensure he doesn’t take sole responsibility for doing that which he has argued for. When Cameron went to the Commons, the BBC portrayed it as weakness. When Obama scuttles to Congress, the BBC portray it as strength,


Because these fill up with hundreds of comments every day! I tuned in to the BBC Radio 4 at 6.30am this morning. They DO seem so sympathetic to “the opposition” in Syria and Morsi’s supporters in Egypt, don’t they? Muslim Brotherhood propaganda is breathlessly repeated and how often are we informed that Morsi was “democratically elected”? The situation in Syria is certainly complex but the BBC seems to have aligned with “the rebels without probing too deeply as to who they are and what they want. Anyway, I’m off for the day so detail the bias YOU see here…


The BBC can still surprise me. I was driving home from work and had the PM programme on. It covered the rather bizarre story that Bradley Manning has issued a statement saying that “he” is now a she and wants to be called Chelsea henceforth. What amazed me was that Eddie Mairs instantly started calling this man a she … and called her Chelsea. Is this how it works then? If I send the BBC a statement saying I am extra-terrestrial does that mean that they will accept I am one without question? I know the BBC loves this kind of transgender nonsense but I really am amazed that they are calling this man a women when he is still plainly a man? It’s not exactly bias but it is odd.


I am sure that you, like me, have been gripped by a sense of suspense as to the fate of the ‘Irish” family  “caught up in a stand-off at a Cairo mosque” as the BBC poetically puts out. Here these fine upstanding Irish citizens are;



Now then, the BBC tell us that they were caught up but they choose not to tell us WHY they were in Cairo and what EXACTLY they were doing there. Fortunately, Mark Humphyrs does ask the questions the BBC shies away from and the answer is clear; They were there to support the Islamofascists in the Muslim Brotherhood. You can see the video clips and it is obvious that the BBC, along with the Irish media, chose not to probe too deeply into this story lest we get the mpression that they were anything other than innocent bystanders.