Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the BBC default mode is to assume it is “far right” – obviously years of Islamic terrorism has caused them a few problems in this regard but they keep on trying. This morning, on Today, we were breathlessly informed that one of the Boston bombers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, “had right wing extremist literature” in his possession.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev subscribed to publications espousing white supremacy and government conspiracy theories. He also had reading material on mass killings. Until now the Tsarnaev brothers were widely perceived as just self-styled radical jihadists.

Bingo! BBC doing its best to undo the simple fact that both these two men were driven by a hatred of America and a love of Islam.


Over here in Northern Ireland, the BBC has been pushing the World Police and Fire Games. Heard of them? No? Me neither until the Stormont Executive got hold of the idea that hosting such a strange event would be a wizard wheeze. Met with almost universal indifference over here, the BBC has been doing its best to hype the event, going so far as to give us recorded highlights of the Opening ceremony which take place last evening. But perhaps MOST sickening was how the BBC zoomed in on IRA godfather Martin McGuinness as he gave a welcoming speech to the competitors. You will remember how MANY Police officers the IRA slaughtered and maimed. All of this is casually forgotten and the BBC plays its designated role as the sanitiser in chief for a political process that places terrorist godfathers as the smiling face of Northern Ireland. Oh, and the BBC does not seem to want to ask why NO national flags can be carried at this event. Heaven forbid mcGuinness should see a Union Flag about the place.


With several shoots of green indicating that the UK economy may be on the recovery, the BBC has had to find new ways to dampen any positivity people might have so today they have been pushing a survey that claims that half of UK adults are struggling to keep up with bills and debt repayments and this number has worsened since….2006. One assumes that the recession created by Labour might have had something to do with this and that the financial situation for some individuals post economic recession would be more precarious. This is no news served up as a gloom and doom and is simply the BBC trying to help the ludicrous Miliband/Balls agenda.


We know that the BBC has issues with Islam and that is a prime source for Islamophilia. However when the world’s most prominent Islamic scholar calls for jihad to be waged in Egypt, one would have thought all those world class journalists that we pay for MIGHT have found the story. It seems they missed it. How convenient. I suppose they are too busy hunting down Islamphobes?

“Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi—one of the most influential Islamic clerics in the world, author of over 100 books on Muslim doctrine, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood—has just posted a new video where he calls on all the Muslims of the world to come and wage jihad with their lives in Egypt on behalf of “what’s right”—that is, the return to power of the Muslim Brotherhood.

He called on everyone and anyone—the “sons of Al Azhar,” businessmen, journalists—and from all around the world, specifically mentioning Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Senegal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan.

Qaradawi called on them to be shuhada, “martyrs” who sacrifice their lives in the course of the jihad.”


I have to agree with Grant Shapps just for a change!

The BBC’s coverage of the Government’s welfare reforms has sought to paint them as ‘Armageddon’ for the nation, a senior minister said yesterday. Tory Party chairman Grant Shapps accused BBC bosses of letting their ‘personal views take hold’, covering the Coalition’s attempts to rein in the welfare bill as though the world were ending. He spoke out amid a row over the way the BBC Trust censured respected presenter John Humphrys for a programme exposing the truth about the bloated welfare state.

The Trust condemned the TV show as a breach of its impartiality rules after it discussed the ‘dependency culture’ in Mr Humphrys’ home city of Cardiff, where he found some claimants prefer life on benefits to working.  But Mr Shapps said BBC officials should have ‘applauded’ the Today anchorman and condemned other coverage by the BBC as biased against the Government.

Where Shapps gets it wrong, however, is when he goes to say that “The BBC is not a newspaper and needs to remember it’s a state broadcaster who should be providing an objective analysis of events”

And that’s the issue. WHY do we need “a state broadcaster” in the first place? Why does the BBC have to parasite off our taxes by forcing us to pay for it? The BBC cannot be objective or impartial, none of us can. So let us all be honest, accept the BBC is biased and will remain so, and deny it the entirely anachronistic right to take our cash to fund its bias. Yes?