It’s funny the little differences that can occur between the BBC’s web based version of a story and their radio coverage. On the web, the BBC proclaims that the House of Commons Committees on Arms Export Controls is questioning the validity of  arms  export licences to to countries with “questionable” human rights. These include China, Iran and Saudi. But on the TODAY Programme, they managed to also thrown on ISRAEL. Seems to me that those working on Today have an issue with Israel, since on no basis can it be said to have “questionable” human rights issues.


We already know how the BBC lavishes praise on the shrew Labour MP Margaret Hodge in her role as Chairman (sic) of the Public Accounts Committee. So when the Duchy of Cornwall representative William Bye was invited to appear before this Labour dominated Star Chamber, one could be sure that the BBC would fall in behind Labour is suggesting that the Duchy of Cornwall is dodging tax. There was an item on Today this morning before 7am on the topic and it was clear the BBC (Along with Labour) wanted to imply that Prince Charles is a tax dodger.  The Guardian – the BBC in print – gives you a taste here of what the Comrades discussed this morning.


A B-BBC readers talks about the Immigration stats as creatively reported on 5Live recently…
“This item on Radio 5Live at about 0800 ‘ish attracted my attention mid-shave this morning (13th of July). Amidst the standard  BBC deprecation of the repatriation and ‘overhang’ problems (much of which I agree with, to be honest) who should appear but Keith Best. His brief is to oppose repatriation on the grounds of the dangers of torture of the returnees, should the repatriation process become successful. Again, difficult to be in support of torture but hard also to support a blanket acceptance of anyone who pleads fear of torture as a reason to come here and to stay.
My point is this; who in the BBC’s news team asked Keith Best to comment in this item (throughout the morning), in spite of his platform having nothing to do with the details of, or the stats for, the failure of our immigration policy. Someone at the BBC decided to invest the item with his views and their emotional narrative – as an editorial decision.



B_BBC contributor Alex sent this contribution
“Below is the link concerning the guilty verdict regarding the two British boys who were viciously and sadistically gunned down by a black gangster in Florida, 2011. Now, comparing this report with the BBC’s hysterical story today regarding the not guilty verdict of George Zimmerman is quite shocking for its selective use of language. For the white victims, in 2011, the BBC was very lean in its terminology concerning the words race and’unarmed’. However, the BBC seemed to make ‘value judgements’ aplenty for the Zimmermann case, today.
Lastly, if I remember correctly, the guilty verdict for the black man who viciously gunned down the two white lads didn’t even make anything like the headline news for the Zimmerman case; is that because it didn’t fit the black victimhood narrative?”



It’s a recurring BBC theme – the alleged cruelty of the IDF. I was reading this nonsense on the BBC today.

The Israeli army has been accused of illegally detaining a five-year-old Palestinian boy for throwing stones in the West Bank town of Hebron. Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said the child should not have been detained because the age of criminal responsibility in Israel was 12. Video showed the boy taken into an army jeep accompanied by a Palestinian man.

It’s only when you get past this diatribe that you read the IDF explanation that this young boy was not arrested, he was not detained, he was simply returned  to his parents. So this is a non story but the BBC gratefully take up the theme since it helps blacken the reputation of the IDF.

The BBC loves B”Teselem as they provide a stream of anti-Israel stories that the State Broadcaster can they take and utilise. B”Tselem is always presented as an impartial human rights group. The BBC chooses not to question the motivations of this group but you might want to have a look at this ..by way of balance.