One of the things that strikes me about the BBC coverage of the Egyptian unrest is its reluctance to report the sheer savagery of the Muslim Brotherhood supporters or “Pro Morsi” to use the BBC preferred euphemism. When it comes to appalling videos like this and threatening incidents like this, the world class BBC journalists seem to have fallen asleep.  Their entire meme has been thrown into chaos and they seem to struggle to keep up with the story. Perhaps images like this unsettle them – on the wrong side of history yet again, BBC?



The story so far. Red Ed has problems with Red Len, so what to do? How about sending Harriet Harman onto the Marr programme on a Sunday morning so she can waffle her way through the Labour talking bite agenda? The BBC does gently point out that Unite is backing candidates in 41 other constituencies, but Harriet was allowed to claim that the problem is restricted to Falkirk and that Ed is showing his strength by dealing with the issue … in an article in The Observer.  Pure farce, of course, but the BBC seems keen to present Ed as a herculean figure, confronting the evil Union barons! You have to love their instinctive bias towards the left


Today is the 8th Anniversary of 7/7, the day the Jihad came to visit London and take 52 innocent lives. I note the BBC has nothing up to mark this sad anniversary. I suppose it is too busy marking Ramadan to consider such? The US media always marks 9/11, but our State Broadcaster has other priorities….


Great to see the BBC telling us how Islam is changing soccer. This article gushingly proclaims “Premier League: How Muslims are changing English football culture”

Children playing football in the parks of Newcastle have even been spotted falling to their knees as if in prayer themselves after scoring a goal. They may not completely understand what it means, but it’s a sign that Muslim practices are becoming a more familiar part of popular British culture. 

Watch The Muslim Premier League on BBC1 on Sunday, 7 July at 12:20 BST or catch it again on Monday 8 July at 23:35 BST.

Essential viewing? Allahu Akhbar.


Poor Jeremy Bowen. He was hit by shotgun pellets as he provided us with his particular brand of impartial reporting from Cairo.



The Middle East editor was photographed with a bandage around his head and blood on his face. He tweeted after the attack: “Thanks for the messages. I’ve been hit by a couple of shotgun pellets. Am fine and heading out.”

Now, I wish no harm to anyone, and am genuinely sorry that Bowen was hurt, but the BBC continues to struggle with the idea that “the people” reject the brand of Islamism represented by the Muslim Brotherhood.  I’m not really sure what value Bowen’s presence in Cairo contributes to our understanding; his long years of biased reporting have undermined any merit in what he provides.  The BBC, and Bowen, have been to the fore in their fawning admiration for the “Arab Spring”, disregarding any pretence of impartiality in the process. It might be better for his health if Jeremy stayed at home.


Poor BBC. The Falkirk debacle presents them with a problem. On the one hand, we all know that Miliband is in situ thanks to the votes of the Unions, but on the other hand, BBCt have to pretend that big brave Ed will stand up to Red Len and, as the BBC analyst puts it … ” is trying to turn the row into something defining and positive.” Really? In what way? I also note that Angela Eagle was allowed to pontificate in front of the BBC cameras. No tricky questions about how much UNITE have handed over to her constituency association, for example.