Something about bears and woods…

“The BBC gives too much weight to pro-immigration voices and ‘almost totally ignores’ the negative social impact of multiculturalism, a new study has claimed.

The corporation suffers from left wing ‘groupthink’ that prevents its journalists from challenging institutional bias and results in pro-immigration ‘propaganda’, according to the research published yesterday.

It was also accused of ‘downplaying’ violence by Islamists while being happy to criticise Christianity and report on the activities of other violent extremists.

Spot on. The BBC has disgusted me in recent days as it does EVERYTHING possible to downplay the Woolwich Jihad. It has gone along with the “lone wolf’ theory, it has suggested that Islam is REALLY the true victim here, it has implied that the hostage taking in Sutton Prison was non-Islam related, it has implied that the Parisian stabling was also non-Islam related.


I actually appeared on the Nicky Campbell hosted “The Big Questions” a few months ago and have to say I found the host to be pleasant and fair minded in his dealing with me. However, I have received a stream of complaints from Biased BBC readers and others concerning yesterday’s edition of the programme. Did you see it? I watched it myself and was horrified at the lack of balance in the audience debating the big question “Have British Muslims gone far enough in condemning extremists.” Essentially, the debate was conducted between Muslims which is truly remarkable given that they make up less than 5% of UK population but more like 100% of the debating benches in this programme.  There was NO voice there to posit the view that Islam may well be incompatible with modern western democracies and that British muslims need to accept UK laws and pledge loyalty to the British state. Instead there was a lot of the usual flannel about “British foreign policy” virtually forcing poor innocent muslim boys to go out and…chop up British soldiers on the streets of London. The balance in the programme was askew.


Guest post by Graeme Thompson (who comments as ‘hippiepooter’)

How do we combat Jihad?

We recognise it for the Act of Treason that it is.  We recognise that the global counter-terrorist war we have (half) been engaged in is a war against the Jihad being waged against us.  Whether Jihad is prosecuted against us by violence or by the black propaganda of internal enemy organisations like Cageprisoners, we deal with Treason accordingly, we deal with captured enemy accordingly.

Any Muslim who says the West is waging a war against Islam is committing Treason.  Any non-Muslim who says the West is waging war against Islam is committing Treason.  It is enemy black propaganda.  At time of war, aiding and abetting the enemy should lead to immediate incarceration.  We should have military tribunals to deal with these incarcerations according to the rules of war.  We need to have our own Guantanamo’s.  Not just for our domestic jihadists, but for those on the Marxist left and the Jew haters who make common cause with Jihad.  After 12 years of being at war, it is time we got up to speed on what being at war means.

Unlike Melanie Phillips whom I hugely admire, I have a lot of time for the Prime Minister’s diplomatic hypocrisy over Islam in the wake of the Woolwich Jihad atrocity.  There are a lot of British Muslims who practice their religion through the prism of the common humanity that binds us all.  The last thing any decent human being wants to see is a violent backlash against innocent British Muslims at the hands of opportunist racists like the EDL.  President George W Bush did of course set this great example of restraint and tolerance in the wake of 9/11.

However, too much diplomatic hypocrisy leaves us vulnerable.  We encourage the enemy to think we are utterly stupid, we encourage ourselves to be utterly stupid.

One still marvels that most of the country thinks that when waging a counter-terrorist war there is something wrong with having TPOWs (Terrorist Prisoners of War) in Guantanamo or wheresoever.

Who has been at the forefront of fomenting this suicidal idiocy?  The BBC.

The anti-western narrative of its predominantly left wing news and current affairs coverage of the Afghan and Iraq wars has played directly into the hands of jihad propaganda.

Possibly, the best example of the BBC’s complicity with the enemy, is that brainchild of former Guantanamo inmates Moazzem Begg and Binyam Mohamed, Cageprisoners.  It could not be more patently obvious that Cageprisoners is a Jihadi propaganda organisation.  The best argument in favour of Guantanamo is that Jihadists want to close it down.  Moazzem Begg and Binyam Mohamed should be in a British Guantanamo yesterday.  BBC journalists like Steve Evans and Angela Saini who do their propaganda work for them should enjoy a nice friendly chat with officers from MI5 on the meaning of Treason, and be left in no doubt that the next time they commit it they’ll be in a jail cell within 24 hours.

That’s how wars are fought.  If we don’t fight this war we’re in, we’re going to lose it.

Had we heeded Churchill’s warnings about Hitler we could have avoided WWII, let’s hope we heed his warnings about Islam before we end up in WWIII.


Listen up, folks, a few words from the management!

Biased-BBC was created as a forum to highlight and discuss BBC bias. That is the sole focus. Anyone seeking to post any thought in their head can start their own blog. You have a right to your opinion, but you have no right to force association with it on others, nor do you have a right to call for violence on this blog.

While anger about a given situation or issue is understandable, calls for violence are beyond the pale, and have no place on a blog with a specific purpose, as this one has. Furthermore, nobody has a right not to be criticized. If you don’t like being told your comment is out of line, go elsewhere. The internet is a vast space, plenty of room for you to say whatever your like out there.

The blog owners are ultimately legally responsible for comments. Nobody has a right to post comments expressing controversial opinions and not expect to experience any consequences. We must all consider the consequences of our speech, and how it affects others. Additionally, there have been instances where someone has taken specific, over-the-top comments and tried to use them as evidence with the intent of causing trouble for owners and authors in their personal and professional lives. Again, the purpose of this blog is not simply to express right-wing opinion, or political or ideological opinions of any kind, on their own, in a vacuum. This blog is meant to be a forum to highlight, discuss, and expose political and ideological bias at the BBC, rants about Islam and other bogeymen serve no purpose other than to provide fodder for our critics, enabling them to avoid addressing issues of BBC bias and focus on personal attacks to discredit the blog, and to distract us from our original purpose. Granted, nearly all complaints about BBC bias will be from a rightward perspective, and some topics will inevitably lead to, hopefully reasonable discussions about issues and policies and the related bigger picture. However, it must be seen in that context for it to be effective. This doesn’t mean all opinions are wrong – it means only that this is not the place for general expression of those opinions without them being somehow part of the ongoing discussion of bias at the BBC.

If you’re not interested in discussing and detailing bias in the BBC’s output, and are interested primarily in expressing why you dislike a religion or political party or ethnic group, this is not the blog for you.

We understand, of course, that events drive much of the discussion, which is perfectly reasonable. But it can get out of hand, and mar the quality of the surrounding discussion. There is also too much overheated speech in debates amongst commenters, which often devolves into personal attacks, and actual discussion of the original issue is then abandoned. Thread after thread gets hijacked. This also serves as a distraction from the purpose of the blog, as critics can then cite a laundry list of personal points over and over again, instead of having to debate the issues at hand. We have many long-time readers who come here to consider discussions of biased BBC broadcasting, and get tired of having to scroll past a stream of unrelated schoolyard shouting matches. We must always consider readers’ needs as well as our own. In fact, the former just might be more important if we’re to resume being effective critics of the BBC. If one of the usual suspects chimes in with an insult, we should take the high road and not give it back. That’s the only way to disarm the tu quoque argument they usually give. Again, if this displeases, there are other places on the internet for you to enjoy yourself.

Going forward,  seriously offensive comments will be removed. We don’t have the resources of the BBC and so cannot be all-vigilant and omnipresent, which means that comments may slip through the cracks and be left up for some time. This is not an indication of condoning. People are welcome to flag up calls for violence or other extreme comments that stay up for more than 24 hours. In those cases, deletion becomes problematic since any nested replies will have to go at the same time.

On occasion, one of the blog owners may insert an editorial remark into a troublesome comment, in the hopes of encouraging the commenter to try a different approach. We’re all guilty of overreacting at times, and it’s not meant to be personal. We must think of the blog as a whole, and our ultimate purpose. In that sense, we should consider the common goal here, rather than ideological fracturing. The blog has at times encouraged and empowered individuals to write complaints to the BBC which have actually had positive effects. That’s the benefit of the kind of community, crowd-sourcing approach that has always been one of this blog’s greatest strengths, and long may it continue. Hopefully, any gentle criticisms will be taken in that light.

This blog thrives when its readers participate in pointing out where the BBC got something wrong, engages in discussion about topics raised, and giving constructive criticism on how to improve. Much of the best content of this blog comes from you, our readers and your comments, and we all learn from each other. But the ultimate goal must be the same if we are to succeed.

Hope you will accept the above as we seek to keep the blog alive and kicking…


Well done BBC, it only took you FOUR hours to move the decapitation of a British soldier on the streets of Woolwich by Islamic jihadists ABOVE the shooting of an Islamic Jihadist in Florida.  Nauseating. I’m out of the UK at the moment so can see the BBC world pages running order and it has only just changed. Still, at least they are no longer claiming it may have been a car accident,


Yes, it’s a popular meme with the BBC these days and a great excuse for Auntie to bash any recalcitrant “swivel eyed conservative loons” and I took part on a debate on the topic yesterday on the BBC Nolan Show. In summary my opposition to gay marriage is that I believe legalising it will restrict the liberty of those who may feel otherwise (such as most UK Churches) and that once enshrined in law they will face the same bullying despotism as we already witness in Canada, or indeed Denmark. Nolan was not seemingly interested in this approach to the issue and instead pursued a few Christian callers on what he considered theological grounds.  The main protagonists  were me (against) a lesbian (in favour) and a gay man (in favour). Ever get the feeling the debate is being skewed against you? Nolan’s attack line was to mock the Christian callers, ignore me, and side with the ever so reasonable gay people. As a follow up, BBC Northern Ireland had a special programme on “the issue” last night. It was presented by a woman who took a pro gay marriage line. What a shocker, never seen that one coming!


Comrade Miliband is rushing into declaring war on Google, as the BBC breathlessly reports here.  In a sense, Red Ed is only following in the wake of Cameron, Osborne and Clegg, who all queuing up to bash any corporation that dares take advantage of the tax code complexity put in place by…erm..politicians! Anyway, my point is not the blatant posturing of the political class on this issue (that’s just a given in my book and the BBC is not to blame for that) but rather the way in which the BBC plays this story. You have to get to the very last sentence of the article before poor old Google are allowed a comment to defend their impugned integrity. Same with Apple yesterday, the BBC basically have decided these corporations are all “evil” (copyright Saint Margaret Hodge) and so it’s really about punishing them for the temerity of seeking to protect their evil profits from rapacious Governments.