Picture the scene. France under President Hollande goes against the will of the gay community and rules out the prospect of”gay marriage”. A gay man, distraught at this news, goes to the altar at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris and shoots himself, in despair. Can you IMAGINE the BBC take on that? Right, now compare with how they deal with this.


As we all know, the BBC deploys the finest journalists that our money can buy to bring us the news that really counts. So, isn’t odd this missed this?

Swedish police arrested eight people after riots in Husby spread to other Stockholm suburbs last night as young people set fire to cars and schools and vandalized property. About 30 cars burned overnight in suburbs including Husby, Jakobsberg, Norsborg and Vaarberg, Kjell Lindgren, a spokesman for the Swedish Police, said by phone today. In Husby, a school and the Husby Gaard cultural center were set on fire while rubbish bins burned across Stockholm’s western and southern suburbs. A school was also set alight in the Skaerholmen suburb, and a police station and buildings in central Jakobsberg were vandalized

Ah, “young people” aka “youths” aka Muslims! You would think intrepid BBC journalists would be beating a path to Stockholm but apparently not. Maybe they are busy pushing the necessity of the gay marriage to preclude such enterprising thoughts? Allahu Akhbar, chums.


Those pesky Jews. BBC Watch exposes some historical revisionism from the State Broadcaster. First the facts….

“In 1862 the population of Jerusalem numbered some 17,800 people, with the majority (eight thousand) being Jews. Two years prior to that date the first Jewish neighbourhood outside the Old City walls – Mishkenot Sha’ananim – had been built by Sir Moses Montefiore. Inside theOld City itself, restoration work on the Hurva Synagogue was in its advanced stages and the quarter boasted additional synagogues, schools and hospitals. The Mount of Olives had by that time been a Jewish burial ground for 3,000 years. ”

However, a listener to John McCarthy’s programme on Jerusalem from the series “In a Prince’s Footsteps” which was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on May 8th (available here for a limited period of time) would have no idea that any Jews lived in the city at all when Prince Albert visited it in 1862 – or indeed before or after that date.

McCarthy is just one more in a long line of BBC talking heads who seems to choke at the idea of recognising Jerusalem as Jewish. Remarkable really. But surely it is time for McCarthy to correct himself?



Interesting report from the BBC here on the dead Boston bomb suspect Tsarnaev.

Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev already held extreme views when he visited Russia, Islamists in Dagestan have told US media. Tsarnaev’s cousin Magomed Kartashov, a local Islamist leader, reportedly spent hours trying to dissuade him from becoming a militant Russian anti-terrorist police have interrogated Mr Kartashov, who is in custody over an unrelated offense.

So, he was an avowed jihadist, a militant Islamist who favoured violence. Plus ca change. But if you read on into the BBC report you then come across this…again from Kartashov.

“Don’t understand me wrong, but Sept. 11 led many Americans to convert to Islam. It’s another question that people died there, sure.

Huh? Those pesky Americans, dying by the 100o in NYC and all so many could convert to …erm…Islam? The BBC seems unable to accept that Americans were the innocent VICTIMS on 9/11, that militant Islam was the aggressor, and so it likes to run these kind of below the headline story that somehow implies that America is always to blame.


Hi Folks! Am back from my sojourn down under and finally been able to log in here. It was nice to get a break from the Ministry of Truth for three weeks and I have to say I found Australian news coverage on their “SKY” channel to be pretty decent (Better then Sky here for sure). Also wanted to thank Alan for keeping the posts coming and trust this finds you all well!