I can’t believe the BBC are STILL droning on about David Miliband as he leaves the UK to spend more time with his ego. I think it may be a topic for Any Questions this week. A Reader posted this and I think it fairly well sums up BBC coverage.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard but there has been a massive news story in the UK just recently. A man left his job in politics to go to another job which isn’t in politics, working for an organisation that very few people had ever heard of before this man went to work for them. If you haven’t heard the news the Communications and PR representatives of the New Labour Party have been covering the story in some depth. It’s so important it warrants more than 10  er ‘news stories’ on their website!
David Miliband to step down as MP
Nick Robinson  – Is that it for David Miliband?
Nick Robinson – David Miliband quitting Parliament
March D’Arcy – Farewell, David Miliband
Miliband joins list of political ‘nearly men’
David Miliband ‘feared being distraction’ for Labour
In full: David Miliband letter of resignation as MP
David Miliband: Reaction to MP’s decision to quit
David Miliband: Peter Mandelson predicts political comeback
Ed Miliband sorry to see brother David resign as MP
Ed Miliband: Keen to recruit brother if he becomes PM
David Miliband ‘never waiting for his brother to fail’
Jack Straw: ‘Sorry to see David Miliband go’
David Miliband: Career in politics



The BBC seem to be having a dry run for the inevitable passing of Nelson Mandela. Now then, whilst this is much to admire about some aspects of the former South African President I do trust that they will not sanitise his terrorist past, his admiration for thugs like Mugabe and Gadaffi, and his expressed dislike of the United States. Then again……maybe the BBC see those things as further virtues?




There’s been a lot of talk about the overly aggressive and personal questioning of Boris Johnson by Eddie Mair on the Marr show the other day. To be honest, I see no problem in presenters having a go at the political class – so long as the venom is spread equally! And by the same token, I see no reason why the political class can also not have a go at the indiscretions of political presenters – Andrew Marr being a case in point. I wonder how the BBC would feel if her serial adultery was brought up, live on air?





Margaret Hodge must love the BBC, she gets consistent favourable PR even when she comes out with predictable dreary Labour propaganda.

The government will need to react quickly if a benefit cut for social housing tenants leads to rises in rent arrears and homelessness, MPs say. Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chair Margaret Hodge said it could have a “severe impact” on low-income families. Estimates supplied to the BBC by some of the largest housing associations suggest many tenants are not currently planning to move home to avoid the cut. The government said better use had to be made of social housing stock.

Does Hodge speak for all those on this committee? Do the Conservative and Lib Dem members  of the PAC support her criticism of Coalition Policy? Is she simply posturing and using this soapbox to trot out her own bias which the BBC then presents as the agreed view of the PAC? Thoughts?





And another little gem from the BBC this morning at 7.09am. At a time when the eurocrats have shot themselves in the foot with their demanded bank heist of savers deposits in Cypriot banks, the BBC’s Chris Morris was in Italy, in Rome. He was talking to the Chief Executive of an Italian bank who was assuring the world that Italy’s banks were as sound as an….erm..Euro! Morris then SUGGESTED that perhaps the solution to the banking crisis was…yes, more Europe to which the Italian agreed.  Nice bit of totally biased pro EU propaganda there, folks.



You have to smile at the way in which the BBC moves to get the first strike in ANYTIME that Cameron starts to act in the national interest. There was this item on Today that made me laugh at the sheer inherent anti Conservative BIAS of it. God forbid we seek to place the interests of British people ahead of those of immigrants;

Speaking on the Today programme Jonathan Portes, director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, who has produced work for the migration advisory committee of the UK Border Agency, told presenter James Naughtie that “people outside the UK are significantly less likely than British nationals, or people born here, to claim benefits.”  “People who come here from within the EU make a substantial net contribution to the public finances… they pay in far more than they take out,” he added.

Hey, let’s get more Romanians and Bulgarians, those hard working salt of the earth types that also add to the multicultural gaiety of the nation.





I thought this was a rather good point sent my way by Rodney Atkinson;

I am must say I have always been incensed by the presumed right of the comic and BBC classes to insult everyone else and deny the insulted the right of equal – or indeed any – reply. I note that the new PRESS Royal Charter allows this, by making prominent or front page apologies (depending on the prominence of the original insult or error) but the BBC which reaches many millions of viewers and listeners is not required by its Royal Charter to make apologies of equal prominence.  Perhaps MPs should consider such a change – before this “two thirds of both houses” nonsense comes in.

Good idea?