Had to laugh at this!

The BBC will negotiate “tougher” contracts with new managers in future to avoid a repeat of the fiasco over George Entwistle’s £450,000 pay-off when he quit as director-general, Lord Patten has said.

Oh really? Meanwhile…

The appointment of a former Labour cabinet minister to a senior BBC job on a salary of almost £300,000 a year last night re-ignited concerns over the corporation’s links with the Left. James Purnell, who served as both Culture and Work and Pensions Secretary under Gordon Brown, has been handed the job as the corporation’s strategy chief.

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I had the misfortune to listen to BBC Radio 4 “Saturday Live” this morning, presented by Rev Richard Coles and Sian Williams.  The special guest was Billy Bragg, yeah, I know. He was introduced as an intrepid fighter against “fascism” and the entire tone of the interview as simpering sycophancy. Bragg moaned about the fact that too many posh boys were in the charts these days and he proclaimed that you just had to look at  Mumford and Sons “to know” their background. You just have to look at Comrade Billy to see the giant chips he has on both shoulders. Bragg articulates a hard left meme that resonates easily at the BBC…. his cliched anachronistic left wingism fits in perfectly with the State Broadcaster. Here is his bedsit in the frontline in ..erm..west Dorset. Power to the people!




The BBC pursues any Israeli weakness or fault with a vengeance that belies bias; Here is BBC Watch picking up the details…

On February 14th – just one day after a report about a group of racist fans from the Beitar Jerusalem football club (one of two produced until then by the BBC) had finally given up the place it had held on the Middle East page of the BBC News website for six whole days – two more articles on the same subject were instated on that same page.


Anyone else catch Mark Mardell’s gushing coverage of Obama’s State of the Union speech? You would need a heart of stone not to laugh at Mardell’s sycophancy towards President Narcissus and his equal desire to blame those wicked gun-loving Republicans for not lying down and doing the will of their master in the White House.  As ever, the BBC go with Obama’s windy rhetoric and choose not to examine the substance of the issue. Obama came to power boasting of “fixing” the economy, he has waffled some more about this last night and it swallowed by Mardell.


Anyone else noticed that the left wing “think tank” aka advocacy group The Resolution Foundation is never off the BBC? I caught one of their propagandists on Today this morning being given a free ride without an opponent. I debated one of them a few weeks ago and the bit that irritates is the way the BBC presents their Press Releases as fact. Naturally, the Resolution Foundation is firmly opposed to the Coalition and in essence is just Labour with another face. Wish the BBC would introduce their items by saying “and now here is the claim from the left wing think tank the Resolution Foundation….” That would be fair. They don’t and THAT is both unfair and indicative of a lurking bias that is not that far from the surface.


Interesting observation here from our friends at BBC Watch;

On February 6th, the BBC ran a report entitled “Hezbollah hits out after Bulgaria bus bomb report” in which it devoted considerable space to the denials of involvement coming from the organisation’s deputy leader. However, even after the announcement by the Bulgarian officials and despite the fact that five civilian holiday-makers and a Bulgarian bus driver were killed and around 30 people injured  in what was obviously a terror attack, the BBC still insists upon using the word ‘militants’ in all the above reports from February 5

militants 4

It’s not a surprise though – the BBC does not think Hezbollah are terrorists. Just like they did not really believe the IRA were terrorists. Through the BBC prism, the only real terrorists are the likes of US marines or British soldiers,







I happened to catch an item on the Today programme this morning concerning the ongoing violence in Tunisia. The essential argument out across by BBC reporter Wyre Davies was the “conservative Islamists” are endangering the joyous hard won fruit of the “Arab Spring” and provoking the righteous anger of “liberal Islamists” who have taken to the streets to protest following the death of “leftist secular politician Chokri Belaid”.  It strikes me that the BBC deals with the menace of Islamism by dividing into good Islam (liberal) and bad Islam (Conservative) We get the same wordplay in Iran. At every opportunity the BBC brands the word Conservative to things which it knows most people dislike. Almost as IF there was an agenda in play….