Been following the BBC coverage of the Coalition vote on the 1% cap on Welfare? What do you reckon, fair and balanced? I was on the BBC earlier today (BBC Brum) and the issue I was asked to debate was rather than have cuts to Welfare, why not just TAX THE RICH that little bit more? LOL  I was up against some Labour Councillor who naturally advocated this sort of spiteful class war so beloved of BBC types.


I’m sure you may have noticed this but it is still worth pointing out,as this B-BBC does!

“It’s taken two weeks, but the BBC website has finally gotten around to reporting the Met Office’s press release of 24th December that the so-called Climate Model has been revised (see Why so long? Because the new model suggests that any temperature rise will be less than expected, based on new computer calculations. It couldn’t very well do anything else – pretty much all sources agree that there has been no warming for about 15 years now and that “natural variability” (no, really?) may be the cause. Climate forecasting may be about as scientific as astrology, but even the “scientists” have to face the Inconvenient Truth occasionally. But just imagine if the new model had forecast that warming was higher than expected? Can you imagine the BBC response then? It would have immediately been the lead article on their website; you know the sort of thing: “Global Warming out of control, more taxes and EU/UN involvement needed now!”


A Biased BBC reader sent this!

The BBC is carrying a fawning article about Arthur Wharton – see Most people will never have heard of him, but he was apparently the first black professional footballer. He was, by many accounts, an interesting character and his story may well be deserving of a wider audience (he was also a preacher). But look how the BBC describes him: “one of the greatest ever British athletes”. Was he?

He was actually born in Ghana and of mixed background rather than being black. The BBC further tells us that he “played in goal for Darlington, Newcastle United, Sheffield United and Rotherham Town and other famous old clubs like Preston North End”. Indeed he did, but in a football career lasting 17 years he only made a total of 16 appearances, of which just 2 were with Preston North End. He did not play internationally. Nor did he win any trophies or awards.

An interesting historical anomaly, yes. But hardly a black Victorian Stanley Matthews or Bobby Charlton, much less one of the “greatest ever British athletes”. Except to the racialisers of the BBC, of course.”


Anyone catch the BBC’s coverage of this major story?

“Interior Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday that 1,193 vehicles were burned overnight around the country.  Clashes between police and offenders in the New Year’s Eve took place in the Muslim majority districts in the city of Strasbourg and Mulhouse.  About seven police officers were attacked New Years eve night. Around 1,200 cars were burned by rioting Muslims on the New Year’s Eve in France, where the mass burning cars in the national holidays are kind of tradition among Muslim residents of the disadvantaged suburbs of immigrants. In recent years, the celebration of the New Year and the Bastille Day (July 14) in France is often marked by mass burning cars as well. On the night of January 1, 2010, there were 1,137 thousand cars burned on the night of January 1, 2009 – 1,147 thousand were burned.”

With all those world class journalists eagerly seeking out news, it is curious that these riots just across the Channel seemed to fall below radar? I wonder WHY?


I see that the BBC’s print version – The Guardian – has been happy enough to take the money from the Argentinian government and run an Open Letter advertisement from Argentinian President Kirchner claiming sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. When the BBC reports that “British Newspapers” have carried  the ad …they should clarify that it was LEFT WING British Newspaper – (Graniard and Indie) …that were happy enough to take the blood money.  With the BBC and Guardian ideologically aligned, BBC must be gutted they could not take advertising.


I was intrigued by this BBC headine this morning.  “Iain Duncan Smith calls benefit rises unfair..”.  Cute. IDS did not say that benefit rises were “unfair” but he pointed out that the RATE of increase under Labour was unfair. Big difference and to be fair to the BBC they do go on to point this out in the article below albeit whilst giving Labour lots of space to insist benefits had not risen enough BUT many people grab their new from headlines and in this instance it is at best sloppily constructed or at worst maliciously contrived.