Here is a little advice for Barbara Plett and all those others at the BBC who casually use Palestinian propaganda language;

“It’s not “Occupied Palestinian land” – but in fact, part of the historic Jewish homeland, Judea from where the very name “Jew” originates (and was recognised as the Jewish homeland internationally under the League of Nations Mandate, Balfour Declaration, San Remo Treaty, etc.). The “West Bank” was illegally occupied by Jordan from 1948-67, and that Arab country’s illegal annexation was not recognised internationally by any other countries (except Pakistan & Britain).

During those 19 years when Jordan had occupied the West Bank, neither did Britain, nor the United Nations, nor even the PLO charter of 1965 (which had specifically excluded it until post-1967) call for that land to be made into  an Arab “Palestinian” state, perhaps because of the knowledge that Jordan made up 80% of the original Palestine Mandate which Britain, under the Balfour Declaration had promised to return to the Jewish people, then reneged and illegally turned over to the Saudi Hashemite family to rule, made “Juden-rein” and to this day Jordan prohibits Jews from owning any property there.

The Armistice lines of 1948 were never “borders” but ceasefire lines. Israel captured (or more correctly recaptured) the land in a defensive war in 1967.

According to the rules of war, international law and the Jewish historical connection to the land, Israel has every right to own that land. But don’t expect to hear this truth from the BBC, with its pro-Arab / anti-Israel agenda. At the very least, rather than using the term “occupied”, the BBC should use the more correct & neutral term: “disputed” land.

Actually, on this final point, I recall doing an interview with the BBC and I specifically picked up on their use of  the pejorative term  “occupied”. I told them this was an inappropriate term, and implied bias, that the land was not “occupied” but rather “disputed” and to be fair they backed off. Seems to me that the BBC has to be continually challenged to stop it reverting to their default Pali-talk!

Hat-tip to BBC WATCH!



Mark Mardell continues to perform as Obama’s little helper! I listened to him the other morning describe the “stunts” of the Republicans in Congress vis a viz the fiscal cliff.  Now once again he may well be right (and I am a trenchant critic of the wretched Boehner) BUT I have yet to hear him describe anything that Obama does as a “stunt”..which is remarkable given he does little else! Mardell fails to be neutral on a consistent basis and he follows in a tradition of BBC correspondents who go to the States and instantly cheer lead for the Democrats.


Anyone catch Rowan Williams thought for the Day this morning on BBC Today? Appalling liberal stuff from the Druid on the evils of Americans standing up for the 2nd amendment. At one point he seemed to suggest that gun culture in the UK is down to adults not showing “da yoof” enough respect. Now I fully accept the right of Williams to posit his opinion but why is there no one ever on TFTD in favour of the right to bear arms? Why is this always a left wing bully pulpit? The balance is not there.